Wednesday, 2024-11-20

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen02:27
*** __ministry is now known as Guest24304:26
*** __ministry is now known as Guest25306:54
KvisleI am quite deep in troubleshooting an issue with neutron-vpnaas (the OVN variant) and I wonder if it's a bug or not.  The mechanism that is looking for VPN Agents that are down are never identifying the agents.  When troubleshooting the python-code itself, I have understood that it will not list any OVN-based agents when it calls the core plugin (get_agents()).  Is this a bug, or a08:14
Kvisleconfiguration issue?  Am I missing some glue somewhere?08:14
fricklerKvisle: I would have redirected you to the neutron channel but then I saw that you already asked there, too. in general please avoid asking the same question on multiple channels08:45
Kvislefrickler: sorry -- I reconsidered after I asked the question here that I was probably a level too deep for the general support channel.  It wasn't my intention to broadcast.08:48

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