Thursday, 2024-02-22

*** travisholton0 is now known as travisholton00:41
*** mhen_ is now known as mhen02:51
zambais there any activity here at all?09:04
fricklerzamba: not too much, as you can see10:20
zambai'm struggling with getting a vlan from the "provider" side through to an instance10:37
zambait's basically something that we want to use to perform packet capture on10:37
zambaso there's really no subnet to speak about10:37
zambai have added a new network with network type: vlan; physical network: physnet1; segmentation id: 555 . and then a new port with binding normal and no port security. when i attempt to attach this to an instance, i get the following: "Network requires port_security_enabled and subnet associated in order to apply security groups."10:38
fricklerzamba: well that kind of already answers your question, doesn't it? or does this even happen if you actually don't have any security group set for your instance?10:53
frickleralso did you look at ? though I'm not sure how supported that currently still is10:54
zambai don't have a security group set11:06
fricklerzamba: that might be a bug then. are you using OVN or OVS (or LB)? can you share the output of "openstack server show" and "port show" for both the attached port and the new one, use paste.opendev.org11:15
zambaone sec11:43
zambagot it working. had to add a subnet16:16
zambawhich makes no sense, but that was enough for good 'l openstacky16:18

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