Tuesday, 2024-02-20

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen02:50
*** dmellado74522 is now known as dmellado745211:06
*** dmellado74522 is now known as dmellado745212:00
crohmannCould someone kindly help me understand why openstack cli does respond with "Floating ip pool operations are only available for Compute v2 network." when asking for "floating ip pool list"?16:01
crohmannThe error msg originates from https://github.com/openstack/python-openstackclient/blob/2eea916b35fd6f01947dce168c50c314ed9072db/openstackclient/network/v2/floating_ip_pool.py which has not been touched in a long time.16:01
fricklercrohmann: answered in #openstack-neutron, please don't ask in multiple channels at the same time16:02
zambahi! i want to bridge a physical layer 2 network into one of my instances, how can i do this?16:08
crohmannfrickler: Thanks. I actually wanted to take it back in #openstack-neutron if I could. After posting I thought it was more of a "support" question for now.20:43

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