Tuesday, 2023-07-25

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen02:05
elvsp1nHi! Anybody knows (by any change) how to create a CAA recordset using openstack cli on designate?12:03
elvsp1ntried the following12:04
elvsp1nrecordset create us-east.os.neosllc.org. us-east.os.neosllc.org. --type CAA --record 'letsencrypt.org'12:04
elvsp1n'letsencrypt.org' is not a 'CAA' Record12:04
elvsp1nwithout luck12:04
johnsomopenstack recordset create us-east.os.neosllc.org. us-east.os.neosllc.org. --type CAA --record '0 issuewild letsencrypt.org' was the answer from the DNS channel14:25

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