Tuesday, 2023-06-20

*** auniyal0 is now known as auniyal07:45
*** Continuity__ is now known as Continuity11:24
ContinuityHey all. Had an interesting problem this morning, which I still cant get to the bottom of.11:25
Continuitycold migration of an instance with an attached PCIe passthrough A100 GFX card.11:25
Continuitymigration looks to work correctly, the instance comes up on the new node, but was not accessible via its floating ip.11:26
Continuitydecided to give it a hard reboot11:26
Continuityafter the hard reboot, the instance endede up in an error state with the following stack trace in nova-compute.11:26
Continuityits a key erorr and something to do with the passthrough pci11:29
Continuityanyone seen or come across something similar?11:29

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