Wednesday, 2023-04-19

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen01:17
*** Guest9750 is now known as atmark14:32
suilhi anybody can help me with a cinder issue, when I try to start an instance? A Build of instance dbae52d0-25ed-43c8-84c1-0a44fbc64dd9 aborted: Invalid input received: Invalid image identifier or unable to access requested image. (HTTP 400) (Request-ID: req-19ef55e4-be42-4c32-a7d6-d2b6c1593733)20:02
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The Etherpad service on will be offline for the next 90 minutes for a server replacement and operating system upgrade21:57
khyr0n and is down! =(22:36

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