Tuesday, 2023-04-04

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen01:33
lecris[m]I've had a similar discussion in #opendev, but it's more relevant here. What would it take to ask for a project guideline along the lines:17:55
lecris[m]- deprecate `requirements.txt`, please move the metadata into `setup.cfg` or `pyproject.toml`17:55
lecris[m]- or prepare to consolidate metadata into a single pyrpoject.toml file in line with PEP621?17:55
lecris[m]I am looking at modernizing the rpm spec files to be in line with Fedora packaging guidelines, which will make package maintenance a trivial task. The ambiguity with requirements.txt makes it a bit hard to implement the guidelines17:58
lecris[m]It would help packaging immensely17:59

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