Saturday, 2022-02-05

*** aluria is now known as Guest183000:04
*** queria is now known as Guest185603:25
*** queria^clone is now known as queria03:25
*** queria is now known as Guest185703:30
*** queria^clone is now known as queria03:30
*** dansmith is now known as Guest186204:11
Chandan_Hello Everyone20:44
Chandan_I have installed Openstack in KVM VM20:45
Chandan_and trying to access the dashboard from a mobile device in the same internal network20:46
Chandan_I have done the port forwarding on the KVM host and when I connect to dashboard from mobile device, I get "Index of /" on my mobile device20:47
Chandan_seems like I am getting to the root directory listing but not the actual openstack dashboard20:48
Chandan_Please let me know for any pointers on this ...20:48
Chandan_My mobile device is in a different internal network20:51
Chandan_I have done the port forwarding on the KVM host such that request to it reaches the openstack host port 80(which Horizon uses)20:52

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