Tuesday, 2015-10-20

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jwitkoHey All,  Can anyone please help me work out a live migration issue?   The full debug error is here http://paste.openstack.org/show/476794/  -- but the basics are that its saying the compute node is not on shared storage, but it is!01:12
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larsksjwitko: what version of openstack are you running?01:18
jwitkolarsks, Kilo01:18
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jwitkoI have disabled config drive accross the board and have restarted all appropriate nova services01:18
jwitkoin the libvirt.xml of the instance I do still see the cdrom disk, but even after I do an --eject and it completes successfully, i still can not live migrate01:19
larsksOkay.  There was a bug that could result in that error...but that was well before Kilo.01:19
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Sam-I-Amis /var/lib/nova/instances on shared storage?01:21
jwitkoSam-I-Am, I'm 99% sure it is.  How can I make certain ?01:22
larsksjwitko: you can perform the same test that nova does:01:22
larskscreate a file in /var/lib/nova/instances.01:22
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larsksDo you see it on the other node?01:22
jwitkoone moment01:22
larsksAlso, simply running "df" or "mount" ought to be sufficient to confirm.01:23
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jwitkoNo!  so they're not linking that directory to the shared storage!01:23
jwitkoi'm using NetApp as my cinder backend01:23
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jwitkoand all VMs, from what I can tell, have their block storage on the netapp01:23
Sam-I-Amthis is not a cinder thing01:24
jwitkomy instances are created from volume snap-shots01:24
jwitkoSam-I-Am, I see... Can you provide any guidance ?  :)01:24
Sam-I-Amiirc, you cant live migrate cinder-backed volumes because you can't mount a block device in more than one place at once01:24
Sam-I-Amer, cinder-backed vms01:24
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Sam-I-Amat least this is last i thought about it... larsks may have more input01:25
larsksSam-I-Am: Not right now. I've only made basic use of cinder and can't comment authoritatively...but I think you are correct.01:26
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jwitkowell fuck01:27
jwitkoif I went with NFS over iSCSI would this have not been an issue?01:27
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Sam-I-Amjwitko: i think thats the path you need to research tho... can you live migrate iscsi block storage (boot volume or otherwise)01:27
jwitkoSam-I-Am, Trying to google it now but coming up a bit short01:28
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Sam-I-Amif you want to test just live migration, boot a regular instance without cirros... and if you have /var/lib/nova/instances shared among compute nodes (which can be any backend) it should work01:29
Sam-I-Amwithout cinder01:29
Sam-I-Amstupid c words01:29
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jwitkoSam-I-Am, if I use the option "migrate block storage" when live migrating01:31
jwitkoit works without issue01:31
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jwitkoactually... it reports success... but i have yet see it migrate01:33
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jwitkodoing a block migration produces the following error01:35
jwitko2015-10-19 21:34:02.549 7724 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.dispatcher [req-ed64754b-ffb0-4529-8231-87cfe16ac03c 99903c87e9ab4bb3b29bc51b0943330c 7f43cc16e3714f1c84e525455ddb7495 - - -] Exception during message handling: Live migration of instances with config drives is not supported in libvirt unless libvirt instance path and drive data is shared across compute nodes.01:35
jwitkobut config drives are disabled!01:35
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Sam-I-Amdid you figure out if /var/lib/nova/instances is shared?01:38
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jwitkoSam-I-Am, its definitely not01:39
Sam-I-Amyou need to remedy that01:39
jwitkoits just a regular directory on compute nodes01:39
Sam-I-Amthen it'll work... plus that 'migrate block storage' option01:40
jwitkoSam-I-Am, So thats very confusing to me.  All of my VMs are stored on the SAN... isn't the entire purpose of having the SAN so that live migration can happen ?01:40
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jwitkoor is this an issue with the meta-data that is stored on the compute node?01:40
Sam-I-Am^ this01:40
Sam-I-Ambasically, all the libvirt bits01:41
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jwitkoAny ideas on how I can fix this ?01:41
jwitkois this going to completely ruin all running instances?01:41
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Sam-I-Amnot necessarily01:41
Sam-I-Amis anything critical?01:41
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jwitkothere are things in production01:42
jwitkobut if I can do one compute node at a time, it should be do-able01:42
Sam-I-Amyou'll need to evacuate vms from a host, mount the shared file system there, then move some back... in not-live mode.01:43
Sam-I-Ambut hopefully your app is cloudy and doesnt notice things dropping off :)01:43
jwitkomy app is not cloudy, its crappy01:43
jwitko10yr old code01:43
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Sam-I-Amlive migration is a thing from conventional vmware days01:43
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Sam-I-Amdoes your app have more than 1 of the same thing running?01:44
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jwitkoSam-I-Am,  yes.01:44
jwitkoSo I can fix a compute host with nothing on it and spin up an instance there01:44
jwitkoand then bring one down01:44
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Sam-I-Amthats how you do this01:44
jwitkobut in general will this process work?01:44
Sam-I-Ammake an nfs share on your netapp box, mount it to 1 compute node with nothing running, not-live-migrate or boot an instance there01:45
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Sam-I-Ammaybe move a few things there01:45
jwitko1) shutdown all VMs running on a server.   2)  move the /var/lib/nova/instances directory somewhere else   3)  create a mounted shared directory in its place  4) move the contents of the original directory back to the new shared dir  5)  boot instances?01:45
Sam-I-Amthen clear out another host, mount the fs there01:45
jwitkothe app doesn't really lend itself to just spinning up a new instance.  it has persistent connections that interrupt user experience if shut down prematurely01:46
jwitkowould my above method work just as well?01:46
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Sam-I-Amyou could potentially move the directory, but not while libvirt is running, could get messy. other option is temporarily mount the shared fs on /mnt/blah, stop instances, copy libvirt stuff over, then remount it in the correct place01:46
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jwitkoSam-I-Am, is there a way I can configure this in OSAD for future compute nodes?  and to make it work on non-active compute nodes using OSAD?01:48
Sam-I-Amthis is all at the system level, so just make sure each host has a shared fs for libvirt01:48
Sam-I-Amosad doesnt know about host configuration01:49
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jwitkobut its in the nova dir?01:49
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Sam-I-Amyeah thats it01:51
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jidarAnybody seen this before? Resource CREATE failed: OverQuotaClient: resources.TenantPort.resources.TenantPort: Quota exceeded for resources: ['port']02:06
jidartrying to update a deployment with more compute hosts02:06
Sam-I-Amsounds like you hit some sort of default quota?02:06
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jidaryea, just trying to figure out where it comes from02:07
jidarlike would that be part of the heat template I wonder02:07
Sam-I-Amit could be02:07
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jidarweird, If I'm tracking this down properly it would be some IP range, looking at my setup everything has basically an entire /2402:14
jidarand I've got uhh, 11 hosts02:14
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jidardoesn't seem right02:14
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clouddigis there any way to get details about a subnet using the python-openstackclient?03:17
clouddigOr do I have to install the neutron client03:17
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bildzon Ubuntu 15.04 with kilo, how can I get horizon to let me add networks with a vlan tag?03:20
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Sam-I-Amclouddig: the openstack client is sort of meh for neutron03:30
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bildzhey Sam-I-Am03:32
bildzim reading up on the networking portion03:32
bildzwas able to sort out the issues with the briding03:32
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clouddigSam-I-Am: thanks03:35
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bildzwhere can I specify a vlan id for the virtual router interface?03:45
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Sam-I-Ambildz: vlan ids are specified when you create networks03:51
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bildzSam-I-Am: in Horizon?03:53
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Sam-I-Ami think its the same there. i just use the cli stuff.03:54
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bildzI'd like to juse use the cli as well03:54
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tyagiprince2010hey need help with token authentication using pki provider in keystone.06:57
tyagiprince2010please help06:57
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SessoDo I need anything more that this to limit read and write? I still get over 80MB/s     | extra_specs                | {"quota:disk_read_bytes_sec": "10485760", "quota:disk_write_bytes_sec": "10485760"}07:56
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snecklifterHi, can you still set upgrade_levels to Juno after upgrading controllers to Kilo?12:23
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larskssnecklifter: that is pretty much the only reason you would *want* to set upgrade_levels (to enable compatability between your Kilo controller and any Juno compute nodes).12:50
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snecklifterlarsks, thanks, i was advised to do this prior to upgrading controller or compute but neglected to do so12:51
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larskssnecklifter: so yes, you can safely do it post-upgrade, and then restart all your nova services.12:52
snecklifterlarsks, ok, thanks12:52
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Bo7aHey folks. I have a strange problem. I spun up 4 instances on the same router. They are all reachable by floating IP from any other machine. But when I try to use their internal IPs each instance can only ssh to one other instance. eg: 1 can ssh to 4 but not to 2 and 3. 2 can ssh to 1 but not 3 or 4.13:25
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georgem1Bo7a:are instance 1 and 4 running on the same compute node?13:33
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Bo7ageorgem1, Sorry. I got yanked into a meeting. I will check now.13:45
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Bo7ageorgem1, the ones that can communicate are on the same compute nodes13:49
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georgem1Bo7a: then you should look at connectivity between your compute nodes (GRE tunnels, VLANs, iptables, etc)14:13
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Bo7aI will ask the network guys to do that. I am just a lowly sysadmin :p Thanks georgem1.14:14
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zenpacHas anyone gotten Ceph(Hammer) and OpenStack(Juno) integrated? We're having problems getting ours going..14:21
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zenpacWe used http://docs.ceph.com/docs/hammer/rbd/rbd-openstack/?highlight=openstack , but manual create of cinder volumes seems to fail.14:21
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SamYaplezenpac: yes, all working14:23
SamYaplezenpac: whats cinder-volume complaining about?14:24
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zenpacSamYaple: Not sure, I can't seem to find anything yet in the logs.. I'll re-look.....14:24
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zenpacSamYaple:  http://paste.debian.net/317132/14:29
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SamYaplezenpac: you may need to turn on debug. I would always recommend running with it on14:30
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zenpacOk..  Where is the information in Openstack that says: Ceph is at XYZ Monitors?14:32
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zenpacI don't remember setting that.14:32
zenpacOr seeing it in the docs.14:32
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SamYaplezenpac: thats in /etc/ceph/ceph.conf14:32
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zenpacDoes the Cluster Network for Ceph have to be on that of OpenStack?14:39
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zenpacOurs is not.14:40
zenpacPublic Nets can talk.14:40
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zenpacQcow2 images not supported.14:42
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baker_yes - they need to talk14:44
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baker_you'll need the storage network on both your compute and controller nodes14:45
baker_but not the storage replication14:45
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baker_btw - OpenStack will still be able to boot qcow2 images that are hosted in Ceph, it will just download them and convert them first14:46
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baker_making for a slower boot time14:47
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zenpacbaker_:  What is meant by "but not the storage replication" ?14:48
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baker_dangit, not sure why I keep doing that.  Oh well.14:49
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baker_The ceph reference architecture has 3 networks14:49
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baker_Public, Storage, and Storage Replication14:50
zenpacbaker_:  We just have 2..14:51
baker_or at least that's what we call them. looking for the reference architecture now14:51
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baker_that will work14:51
baker_just not optimal14:51
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SamYaplezenpac: you just need to make sure the compute and api nodes can talk to ceph14:53
SamYaplezenpac: if you want a seperate network for replication traffic, that would be useful but not required14:53
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SamYapleyoull want to throttle your replication though14:53
zenpacOk.. So they CAN communicate via the Public network, but they are not on same Storage net...14:54
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zenpacStorage net = cluster_network in this context.14:55
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zenpacSamYaple: Sounds like i need to remap my Storage network to that of the backend network for OpenStack.14:56
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SamYaplezenpac: you should be alright without changing anything14:57
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SamYaplezenpac: if /etc/ceph/ceph.conf has your public network addresses and the compute nodes also have public network addresses youll be fine14:57
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baker_good point @SamYaple14:58
zenpacOk. This is for a test system, its not for production..14:58
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zenpacWe just want to try to get it working for diagnostics at this point.14:59
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zenpacIs there any Neutron involvement?15:08
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SamYaplethank god15:09
zenpacDoes neutron need the /etc/ceph/ceph* ?15:09
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zenpacok.. ....15:09
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zenpacIn ceph , shoujld I be doing "rbd list" to see my OpenStack volumes?15:10
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SamYapleyou can15:11
SamYapleyoull have to do something like `rbd -p images ls`15:11
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zenpacNone found... ok.15:13
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SamYaplethere are multiple pools15:14
SamYaplecinder, nova, glance15:15
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zenpacYes, checked all.. Using nameing convention of Ceph: http://docs.ceph.com/docs/hammer/rbd/rbd-openstack/?highlight=openstack15:17
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zenpacTrying with a raw image now.15:25
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zenpacSomething worked..15:31
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zenpacCreated image in OpenStack, and the image was created in Ceph..15:33
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zenpacin the images pool.. Status is Error in openstack though.15:33
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zenpacBut at least that is working.15:33
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v1k0d3nhey all. this is a repeat question, and i'm sorry...i lost my notes on it. i updated my RDO openstack deployment and am getting the django delete cookies issue (after about an hour i have to continually delete cookies). does someone have the fix/link handy?16:10
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v1k0d3nthis time i will document internally :) google searching are bringing up too broad of results. i know i needed to modify a file somewhere...sadly, i guess that got over-written in my upgrade.16:11
zenpacWe are missing 'disk_cachemodes="network=writeback" ' in nova.conf16:12
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SamYaplezenpac: that wont break anything16:13
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zenpachttp://docs.ceph.com/docs/master/rbd/rbd-openstack/#configure-openstack-to-use-ceph was being referenced.16:14
zenpacSamYaple: Ok.. thanks..16:14
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jidarSam-I-Am: I think it was a neutron quota --port16:17
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v1k0d3nis this the same article that fixes the horizon issue i'm talking about? https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=121889416:19
openstackbugzilla.redhat.com bug 1218894 in python-django-openstack-auth "Horizon: Re login failed after timeout" [High,On_qa] - Assigned to mrunge16:19
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zenpacIs there some way to test my authentication setup in Openstack against Ceph?16:39
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SamYaplezenpac: yea you can auth with the different user keys16:50
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SamYapleif that works (you can list images or something) auth is working16:51
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zenpacFor some reason my manual creation of Volume is giving error. I am able to create an image with the raw image, but it didn't create the volume in Ceph.16:53
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zenpacSo I have 3 objects in my Ceph:pool:vms:17:01
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zenpachttp://paste.debian.net/317157/  whose numbers correspond to the ID of the Instance in Openstack.17:01
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zenpacBut Openstack states the Volume of that instance is "None"17:02
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RageLtManI'm seeing a "Object PUT returning 503 for [503, 503]" on every large image upload through Horizon17:24
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RageLtManGoogle says this likely means swift services arent authenticating, but swift list and swift stat work17:24
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bradamscan anyone tell me if it's possible to have nova store instances in two different directories, like glance?17:26
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SamYapleRageLtMan: how long does the upload tage?17:27
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SamYaplelog enough for the token to expire?17:27
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RageLtManSamYaple, seconds17:30
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SamYapleRageLtMan: and you can do the same put correctly from the command line?17:31
RageLtMani dont quite understand what the services are doing, but far as i can tell, swift seems to try and handle the download process then push the data in to glance. Looks like some auth in that process is getting screwed up (my wild guess here..)17:31
RageLtManwhat do you mean?17:32
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RageLtMani haven't figured out the CURL api yet17:32
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SamYaplewait i dont follow youre trying to upload to swift or glance?17:32
RageLtManI'm trying to add images to horizon, i guess thats swift17:33
SamYapleswifti s object storage17:33
SamYapleare you trying to add images to glance to boot instances from?17:33
RageLtManthrough horizon, and the errors land in swift.17:33
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SamYapleis your glance backed by swift?17:33
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RageLtManthat part i dont understand, this is a fuel deployment, and they dont really seem to be willing to explain what they did in IRC17:34
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RageLtManthinking of just going to maas17:34
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RageLtMani'm very confused about the storage wiring here17:34
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SamYaplei dont know how to help you here17:35
RageLtManHow does someon determine what the storage topology is in terms of service relations17:35
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SamYaplelook at teh config files17:35
SamYapleprobably the easiest17:35
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RageLtManRight, except i have no clue what to look for as i dont have a working openstack, just a set of broken fuel deployments :).17:35
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RageLtManThanks for trying though :)17:36
SamYapleif you can post your glance config ill look over it17:36
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RageLtManthank you :) http://pastebin.com/j1rN0ZtV17:39
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RageLtManGlance and Swift seem to me a bit redundant17:39
RageLtMannot sure why there's an image service when there's an object store and images are not more than objects17:40
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SamYapleRageLtMan: that isn't quite correct17:40
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SamYapleglance does more than store objects17:40
RageLtManPlease enlighten me, my gaps in knowlege here are driving me mad17:40
SamYapleit olso has image metadata and other things17:40
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RageLtManwouldn't that be image object + MD object?17:41
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SamYaplewould openstack just be a bunch of bash scripts and dsh?17:41
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RageLtManso far it kinda feels that way to me :)17:42
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RageLtManComing from a standard IT background with XenServer, VMWare, and CloudStack, OpenStack looks very ad-hoc and confusing.17:43
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SamYapleits not _not_ those things :)17:43
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RageLtManThere seem to be competing services and cross-service configuration looks to be the achilles heel. I was under the impression that Mirantis and such had packaged turn-key deployments to learn and test on17:43
Bo7aDoes anyone have some good reading for ssh problems between instances on different compute nodes? I had our networking team check switches, vlans, etc, but I still can't ssh on internal IPs between some instances on different compute nodes17:44
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Bo7athe floating IPs, however, all work17:44
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SamYapleRageLtMan: if all you care about is testing on openstack, Kolla works pretty solid for deploying. its an official OpenStack "big tent" project17:45
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RageLtManSamYaple: are there labs/training materials that incoming engineers can go through?17:45
SamYapleRageLtMan: but what you are experincing is a result of splintering services17:45
SamYapleorignally cinder/glance/neutron all used to be nova17:45
RageLtManI was trying to test with Fuel because a client showed interest and wanted a corporate backed deployment, but at this point they look worse than a home-rolled chef build17:45
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RageLtManOh? Define that17:46
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SamYaplehaving not used Fuel I cannot comment17:46
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SamYaplewell having not set it up17:46
RageLtManI am looking to actually USE the openstack in our DC, with th purpose of learning and understanding the system as well as hosting our own resources in it17:46
RageLtManAny thoughts on what's going on with glance-api?17:46
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SamYapleso you have configured glance backed by swift17:48
SamYapleso glance is returning the 50317:48
SamYaplenot sure why17:48
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SamYapleyou need to look at the logs17:48
SamYapleit could be a problem with swift17:48
RageLtManthat explains why glance cant upload a local file17:48
SamYapleor not17:48
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RageLtManAny ips on how i can better expose glance behavior, commands or configurations to use to skyline the backend failure a bit? Anything specific to look for in logs?17:49
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SamYaplethere should be a big ole stack trace in the log for your17:50
SamYapleits hard to miss17:50
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visbitssomething in the liberty release is preventing my neutron from loading the ml2 plugin, symlink is still good but it loads the openvswitch_agent.ini instead18:03
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bradamscan anyone tell me if it's possible to have nova store instances in two different directories, like glance?18:15
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SamYaplevisbits: are you sure you have your configuration correct for the plugin type?18:16
visbitsfound it18:16
visbitsits a packaging bug18:16
SamYaplevisbits: the init script?18:16
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visbitsbut a OVS direct path18:16
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SamYaplebradams: i dont know of a way, but the question is how would you distiguish between them?18:17
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SamYaplebradams: with glance you have different stores18:17
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bradamsSamYaple: i'm not sure what you mean exactly by "distinguish between them"18:18
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bradamsi use a file backend for glance, and have two directories for storing images and snapshots18:18
SamYaplebradams: you literally just want two folders?18:18
SamYaplewhats the use-case there (im curious)18:19
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bradamsran out of space on our compute node (small set up) and have space on a SAN18:19
SamYapleyea sorry I am not aware of any18:20
SamYaplesince libvirt reaches for those files directly, i doubt there is one18:20
SamYapleglance can walk a few directories i suppose18:20
bradamsyeah thanks anyway18:20
bradamsthe only option i see is full migration18:20
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SamYapleyea thats hwat ive always had to do18:21
bradamswhich i can't really do18:21
SamYaplei did check, but i cant see any options to allow this18:21
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bradamscool, just thought i'd check here too18:21
SamYapleif you want to get fancy you could throw an overlay on it :)18:21
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urthmoverfor a new installation ...also new to openstack...which base OS should I choose?  I intend on putting it on 3 nodes18:29
Bo7aBring on the distro war. *gets popcorn*18:30
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urthmoverheh :)18:30
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Bo7aI have it installed on ubuntu and a centos lab.18:30
Bo7athe ubuntu installation went more smoothly for me, but I am a debian guy.18:30
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urthmoverI'm comfortable on cent and debian....but hate debian less of the time18:31
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urthmoverthen Bo7a .... have you found that documentation and other things that you've implemented to be reasonable on dibian/ubuntu?  or does much of it lean toward RHEL/cent?18:32
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Bo7ai found them very usable for deb/buntu18:33
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urthmoverhmm Bo7a well then I'll htrow it up on there for this pilot.18:33
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urthmoverBo7a: Are you running multiple compute nodes?18:34
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Bo7a12 atm18:34
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urthmoverBo7a: ok cool18:34
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Bo7aif yuo want to migrate specific instancs to specific nodes make sure yu have some shared storage planned18:35
Bo7aI'm running into a hellish time because we only have the shared storage attached to _some_ nodes18:35
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urthmoverBo7a: I'm inside a vmware environment with no direct access to the storage...for NFS/iscsi etc.18:36
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urthmoverBo7a: so would you suggest that I create a separate server with alot of disks....that I then share out...I DO want to move instances between compute nodes18:37
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urthmovershare out = present to the openstack install as a storage location....sorry for the lack of names on the different aspects of openstack18:38
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Sam-I-Amvisibilityspots: moo?18:48
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UICTamalehey all19:19
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UICTamaleCurious if there's a documented or 'best practice' way to reset all states in an openstack install to "What's actually running on our hypvervisors"19:20
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UICTamaleAll signs point to our controller and their dbs being 'cooked'19:20
UICTamalenot sure how we should move forward - but we don't want to have to scrap all ~120 of our VMs19:20
Sam-I-AmUICTamale: no redundancy/backups ?19:21
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UICTamalethe db is healthily sync'd between our two masters19:21
UICTamalebut corrupt19:22
UICTamalebackups are too old to be useful19:22
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UICTamaleour controller keeps throwing errors like:  'The server has either erred or is incapable of performing the requested operation.'19:22
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Sam-I-Amanything in the logs?19:23
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Sam-I-Amis verbose or debug mode on wherever nova-api runs?19:25
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UICTamalenot sure, let me enable19:26
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UICTamalemight've found something - keystone auth failure19:28
Sam-I-Amyeah, i was going to say19:28
UICTamale(we tried upgrading from juno to kilo and all hell broke loose)19:28
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Sam-I-Amthat error often points to other things19:29
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zenpacDoes this indicate anythhing about the volumes having problems: http://paste.debian.net/317182/ ?19:32
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UICTamaleis it possible the upgrade screwed up our service tenant19:38
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Sam-I-Amit could have screwed up anything19:39
Sam-I-Ami dont know how you upgraded19:39
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Sam-I-Amgenerally an upgrade doesn't impact things like service tenants, endpoints, etc.19:39
Sam-I-Ambut it can screw up things in your config file19:40
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UICTamalehttps://chriscowley.me.uk/blog/2015/08/11/upgrade-openstack-from-juno-to-kilo/  is closer to what we followed19:40
UICTamalebut we're on ubuntu19:40
Sam-I-Amis keystone itself working?19:40
UICTamaleall signs are pointing to no19:40
UICTamalewhat's a good way to check19:40
Sam-I-Amin juno, you had keystone running, but according to this doc, it stuffs apache in front of keystone19:41
Sam-I-Amwhat owns ports 5000 and 35357 right now?19:41
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UICTamaleyeah apache is listening to 500019:42
cucumber_does anybody have installed Liberty/RDO?19:42
Sam-I-Amand 35357?19:42
UICTamaleand 3535719:42
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cucumber_I tried to use testing repos, but no luck19:43
Sam-I-Amcucumber_: nope, its not really official yet19:43
Sam-I-Ami think release packages are due next week19:43
cucumber_http://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7-liberty/current-passed-ci/delorean.repo and http://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7-liberty/delorean-deps.repo19:43
Sam-I-Ambut there's no liberty packages for fedora anymore19:43
cucumber_yes, but I wanted to install at least the testing version...19:43
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cucumber_when I try to install it gives me a ERROR 404 :(19:44
Sam-I-Amcucumber_: http://buildlogs.centos.org/centos/7/cloud/openstack-liberty/19:44
Sam-I-Amtry those19:44
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Sam-I-Amthey cant figure out where to put packages it seems19:44
larskscucumber_: for questions about delorean/rdo/etc, #rdo is also a good place to ask...19:44
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cucumber_larsks,  ok, sorry19:44
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cucumber_btw, what is delorian?19:45
cucumber_besides the back to the future car?19:45
larsksdelorian is a collection of packages that are built regularly from openstack trunk (i.e., the head of the various openstack repositories)19:45
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cucumber_larsks, ok, thank you... I'll ask in #rdo19:46
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ifurso... keepalived, really guys?19:46
* larsks cannot tell if that was a question.19:46
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ifuri genuinely would liek to know why, but yeah...19:47
SamYaplewhats wrong with keepalived?19:47
ifurits deprecated by corosync19:47
larsksifur: also, not exactly an openstack project...19:47
SamYaplei wouldnt say deprecated...19:47
larsksBut it certainly has it's warts...as does everything else :).19:47
ifureveryone else would im afraid :)19:48
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larsksifur: well, that's not true, either.  There are a lot of people using keepalived rather than a corosync based solution.19:48
larsksI'm not saying either is better, but it's hardly deprecated.19:48
SamYaplei dont particually like corosync to be honest19:48
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Sam-I-Amthere's only one place keepalived really applies to openstack, and thats l3ha using vrrp19:48
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ifurlarsks: so i was rethorical earlier, but now you are doing the same...19:49
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larsksifur: Huh?19:49
ifurkeepalived is depreacted, nobody should be using it -- there are plenty of rants around explaining why19:49
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zenpacCan packstack be used to install Kilo on multi-host?19:49
ifurthe fact that a lot of people do use it, including openstack doesnt actually argue anything different19:50
larsksifur: I'm sure.  Anyway, next topic...19:50
* larsks gets coffee.19:50
SamYapleflame on!19:50
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ifurlarsks: interesting that comercial openstack solutions have keeplived stripped out and replaced with corosync tho, isnt it? :)19:55
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ifurSamYaple: now you can flame on -- while i lean because im tood old for this :)19:55
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UICTamaleso, turned up the logging on keystone, and we see some questionably useful stuff about auth but we still see the same error in the apache logs without any additional info... "Recoverable error: The server has either erred or is incapable of performing the requested operation. (HTTP 500) "19:55
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UICTamalethis is when we try to make a new instance, FYI19:56
UICTamaleno errors though19:56
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SamYapleUICTamale: are you saying keystone logs have 500 errors? or thats what nova returns?19:58
UICTamalethe apache logs show a 50019:58
UICTamaleI think I finally found a useful error in nova.api.opentack19:58
UICTamaleI'll pastebin it19:58
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SamYapleUICTamale: oh yea ive seen that20:01
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UICTamaleomg we're all so exited right now20:01
SamYaplebad version of requests library i think...20:01
openstackUICTamale: Error: "!!" is not a valid command.20:01
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SamYaplewhat version of python0requests are you running?20:02
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UICTamale# pip freeze | grep requests20:02
SamYaplei think 2.8.0 is a bad version20:03
SamYaplelet me check, if you want a quick test just downgrade it real quick20:03
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UICTamalehow far back?20:03
SamYaple2.7.x was good im pretty sure20:03
SamYapleUICTamale: https://github.com/openstack/requirements/blob/master/global-requirements.txt#L18220:04
SamYapleyea 2.8.0 is blacklisted20:04
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SamYapleim not sure if 2.8.1 should also be20:04
UICTamalewe just went back to 2.7.020:04
UICTamalegonna try again20:04
SamYaplemake sure to restart teh services20:04
SamYapleactually nvm20:04
SamYaplethats calling the client20:04
SamYapleso you _should_ be ok20:05
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UICTamalewe're restarting anyway20:06
SamYapledo it20:06
SamYapleUICTamale: found the bug! https://bugs.launchpad.net/glance/+bug/147677020:07
openstackLaunchpad bug 1476770 in openstack-ansible "_translate_from_glance fails with "AttributeError: id" in grenade" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Jesse Pretorius (jesse-pretorius)20:07
UICTamalethanks man, that worked20:07
SamYapleso youre saying 2.8.1 is also affected20:08
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UICTamale2.7.0 worked though20:08
SamYaplealright ill submit a patch to block20:08
UICTamalethanks so much20:08
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UICTamalecan you block everything after 2.7.0 for now?20:08
SamYapleno they dont do that anymore20:09
SamYaplethis is why they have uppser-constraints file20:09
SamYaplehow are you installing this?20:09
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UICTamalenot sure what you mean20:10
SamYaplehow are you installing openstack20:10
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UICTamaleapt-get install nova...20:11
SamYaplehmm that shouldnt have pulled in such a new version of requests20:11
SamYapledid you pip install the openstack clients by any chance?20:11
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UICTamaleTrying to ask the rest of the team here20:12
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UICTamalewe've been pretty furiously doing things to try to fix this20:13
Sam-I-Amsometimes that causes more problems20:13
Sam-I-Ampip vs. packages can get messy20:13
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SamYapleUICTamale: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/237766/20:17
SamYapleim not sure this is the right way to go about this20:17
SamYaplepreferably i would fix the glance client20:17
SamYaplefor all i know they already have...20:17
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SamYapleodyssey4me: https://bugs.launchpad.net/glance/+bug/1476770 is that all fixed up?20:18
openstackLaunchpad bug 1476770 in openstack-ansible "_translate_from_glance fails with "AttributeError: id" in grenade" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Jesse Pretorius (jesse-pretorius)20:18
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UICTamalethanks for filing that, Sam20:18
SamYapleUICTamale: no problem. be careful though it sounds like you are mixing dependencies. that may cause you more problems down the road20:19
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SamYapleyou shouldnt be installing via pip if you installed openstack via apt20:19
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jussbSamYaple: When we started things up after apt install several deps were missing and needed to be manually installed with pip20:20
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SamYaplejussb: which version of openstack?20:20
Sam-I-Ami havent seen ubuntu packages missing deps before20:21
SamYaplei havent either20:21
SamYaplemaybe if you installed with --no-install-recommends20:21
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jussbnope, just regular apt-get install20:22
UICTamalewe didn't install any pip packages manually except one that was missed20:22
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Sam-I-Amexcept pip would also install dependencies20:22
SamYaplewell it would only install deps that were missing20:22
Sam-I-Amusually they're all stuffed in /usr/local so theoretically you could remove them20:23
SamYapleor needed to be updated due to constraints20:23
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jussbThat was our experience. Several things wouldn't start after we ran the install20:25
jussbDue to missing python deps, not configuration etc20:25
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Sam-I-Amthats unusual20:27
Sam-I-Ami've installed 100s of times with the ubuntu packages and never ran into those issues except with pre-release packages20:27
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Sam-I-Amwonder what was going on20:27
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Sam-I-Amdid you install by hand or with some sort of deployment tool?20:28
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Sam-I-Amassuming this is your problem, i'd try to eliminate the extra pip stuff... or compare what you had to install with pip with what the packages supposedly installed20:31
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Sam-I-Amj^2: does it work?20:38
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Sam-I-Amhey, do we know that guy?20:39
j^2Sam-I-Am: yep! Well everything up to where we left it off, I’m trying to create the networking stuff with vmware right now, I don’t have access to hardware to confirm confirm. I should _soon_ though20:39
Sam-I-Amj^2: cool20:39
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UICTamaleStill can't make instances - we're getting more specific errors now though:20:50
UICTamale2015-10-20 15:47:48.008 14754 TRACE nova.compute.manager [instance: 0278826c-7325-43ad-b87a-58ca72650de2] BuildAbortException: Build of instance 0278826c-7325-43ad-b87a-58ca72650de2 aborted: Failed to allocate the network(s), not rescheduling.20:50
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Sam-I-Amusingn neutron?20:51
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UICTamale'nova-network' I think20:51
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Sam-I-Amoh, then i dunno :/20:51
UICTamaleshould we be using neutron?20:51
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jussbYep, not neutron. In particular looks like it bubbled up due to some db error : http://paste.openstack.org/show/476913/20:51
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Sam-I-Amdid you upgrade the db when upgrading nova?20:53
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Sam-I-Amand restart all the things?20:53
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UICTamalerunning the migrations crashed mysql20:54
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UICTamalethat was part of the problem :[20:54
jussbyes, we ran the db sync20:54
UICTamaleso we had to upgrade mysql20:54
jussbyep :)20:54
Sam-I-Amwell, who knows whats up at this point20:54
UICTamaleyou can imagine how the feelings are on openstack for us at the moment.......20:54
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Sam-I-Ami dont think you can blame this on openstack20:55
UICTamaleBUT - things are better now than they were a few hours ago20:55
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UICTamalenah, we definitely flew too fast and loose with our upgrade20:57
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UICTamalejust want to understand how to get back to a good state20:57
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SamYapleUICTamale: i dont know that you were ever IN a good state21:04
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SamYaplethat makes it more difficult21:04
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UICTamalegood point.21:05
UICTamalethings were mostly working up until about a week ago21:06
UICTamaleon juno21:06
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SamYapleUICTamale: what is your base distro?21:09
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UICTamale14.04 lts21:10
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jwitkoSamYaple do you know if I disable a hypervisor under the "Admin --> Hypervisors --> Compute Host" tab clicking the "Disable service" button will this leave current VMs working without issue and will just disable provisioning new VMs to those hosts?21:35
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SamYaplejwitko: yea thats what it will do21:36
SamYaplejwitko: you may also not be able to do certain actions if i rememebr correctly..21:36
SamYaplelet me test that real quick21:37
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jwitkobut to confirm ,it won't impact any VM operations correct?  like whats going on 'inside' the VM?21:37
SamYaplejwitko: no disabling nova-compute doesnt even kill the service21:37
SamYapleits still alive ad talking with rabbitmq21:37
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UICTamalewould you recommend switching from rabbitmq to 0mq?21:38
SamYapleUICTamale: nope21:39
SamYaplestick with rabbitmq21:39
SamYapleas far as i know zeromq isnt even maintained anymore21:39
SamYapleif i remember the guy that wrote it said he was done with it21:39
UICTamaleyikes ok21:39
SamYaplei mean the openstack integration part21:40
SamYaplezeromq is just fine i believe21:40
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UICTamaleright I gotcha21:41
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evilroboh it's painful...  we run our own openstack clusters, and at the same time are customers of a group internally who runs one for us.  I can tell them what is wrong, and what command to run to fix it, but they won't make me an admin on it so I'm SOL.22:14
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ds_glance image-list tells me Invalid OpenStack Identity credentials someone any thoughts?22:18
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UICTamaleFound a specific error again:   Instance disappeared during build. _do_build_and_run_instance /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/compute/manager.py22:35
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jwitkohey SamYaple, still around?23:49
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jwitkoI used heat to spin up an instance via volume snapshot onto my SAN23:50
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jwitkothen I created two more volumes and attached to said instance23:50
jwitkoeverything looks great from openstacks point of view, but the volumes are not found in their reported locations on the instance23:50
jwitko/dev/vdb, /dev/vdc23:50
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SamYaplejwitko: yea those arent assured to line up23:55
jwitkoSamYaple, oh ok.. they're specified in the heat template23:55
jwitkobut that being said23:55
jwitkothere are simply no extra disks23:55
SamYaplei think xen can make sure they do but libvirt has no functionality i think23:55
SamYaplei cant recall23:55
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SamYaplecan you attach a disk by hand with volume-attach?23:55
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jwitkothe disks show as attached to the instance23:56
jwitkoi'm wondering if its because its CentOS 5.2 VM?23:56
jwitko(don't ask why I am using such an old OS please.)23:56
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