Monday, 2015-03-02

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eeceetwoyeas, I have been following the install guide doggedly00:00
eeceetwobut when I try to spin a vm, the vm never fully builds00:00
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Sam-I-Amso, nova net-list shows stuff?00:00
Sam-I-Amare all the services actually running, and not logging errors?00:01
eeceetwo de0e7e7a-7061-4ee7-9c66-3644de82ed9a | demo-net |
eeceetwoso here's another wrinkle00:01
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eeceetwothere are iptables rules running on the compute node00:01
Sam-I-Amof what sort?00:01
eeceetwoI'm not an Ubuntu expert so I can't tell where they come from.00:02
eeceetwoI'll paste bin them00:02
Sam-I-Amok. ubuntu usually doesnt include a firewall in the base install. however, openstack uses iptables for security groups.00:02
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eeceetwoI did a bare minimum install of Ubuntu 14 lts and it booted up with a good set of iptables rules in effect00:05
Sam-I-Amthose look fine to me00:05
eeceetwobut those rules are gone now.00:05
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eeceetworeplaced by the nova set I pasted00:05
eeceetwowhich I just realized :)00:06
Sam-I-Amwhat does 'nova service-list' on the controller say?00:06
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Sam-I-Amthe 192.169.122/24 business is just the default virt net in lvm. you can delete it if you want, but it shouldnt impact anything.00:07
Sam-I-Amerrr libvirt00:07
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eeceetwoso the virbr0 could be deleted?00:08
eeceetwohmm. could it be causing issues?00:08
Sam-I-Ami doubt thats your problem though00:08
Sam-I-Amdo instances ever time out with an error?00:08
eeceetwoI don't have the gui Horizon? running yet00:09
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Sam-I-Amdoesnt matter00:09
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Sam-I-Amyou would see a state change in 'nova list'00:09
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eeceetwo| 518563bf-9cec-43e5-be43-fb431b7c488c | demo-instance1 | BUILD  | scheduling | NOSTATE     |          |00:09
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eeceetwo| a0d98e3c-32b1-4d10-9162-84fe76959438 | myCirrosServer | BUILD  | scheduling | NOSTATE00:09
eeceetwothese have been "building" for over an hour00:10
Sam-I-Amstate is 'scheduling' tho00:10
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eeceetwothe network field is missing00:10
eeceetwoI mean, there's nothing in the network field00:10
eeceetwoit's empty00:10
eeceetwothat's what's bugging me00:11
Sam-I-Amhow did you launch the instance?00:11
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Sam-I-Amnext question is have you looked at the nova scheduler logs... or the nova compute logs (to see if its even getting that far)00:11
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Sam-I-Amif you set verbose=true in nova.conf on the compute node, and tail the log while you launch a vm, it should say stuff.00:12
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eeceetwowhat's the logfile's name?00:12
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eeceetwonova-api.log  nova-cert.log  nova-conductor.log  nova-consoleauth.log  nova-manage.log  nova-novncproxy.log  nova-scheduler.log00:13
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eeceetwoI see nothing00:15
Sam-I-Amin which logs?00:15
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eeceetwoany heh00:16
Sam-I-Amnova-compute.log on the compute node?00:16
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eeceetwonova.wsgi [-] metadata listening on
eeceetwono errors00:19
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Sam-I-Amdid you set verbose=true in nova.conf ?00:20
Sam-I-Amwell, i gotta go for a bit00:21
Sam-I-Amsomething, somewhere... is hinting at the problem.00:21
eeceetwothanks for the help00:22
Sam-I-Ami'd delete all the broken vms, then tail -f the scheduler and compute logs to see exactly what happens during boot00:22
Sam-I-Amand also make sure you see the nova-net bridge (br100 or whatever)00:22
eeceetworight on00:22
eeceetwoon the compute node00:22
eeceetwothat's missing00:23
eeceetwovirbr0 in it's place, or something00:23
Sam-I-Amits been a while since i messed with nova-net, but that should have been created when you made the network00:23
Sam-I-Amvirbr0 shouldnt affect anything00:24
Sam-I-Ammight want to see what happens in the logs when you create that network00:24
Sam-I-Am(deleting it first, of course)00:24
Sam-I-Ami gotta run for a bit, bbl00:24
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Sam-I-Ameeceetwo: figure it out?02:12
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aniketGoodmoring all..!!04:41
SamYaplegood morning aniket04:41
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aniket<SamYaple> you have an idea about nova-compute?04:44
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SamYapleaniket: I have an idea, yes.04:46
SamYapleWhat is the question?04:46
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aniket<SamYaple> I want to boot an instance from LU created by me on my packstack allinone setup04:47
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SamYapleI am not familiar with packstack aniket. If you ask your question, perhaps someone else on the channel will ba able to help you!04:48
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aniket<SamYaple> ok..thanks :) ...same question with devstack installation04:50
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DominiqueHi, is there a way to associate an IP that is not part of a floating ip pool to an instance ? Or would I have to configure it statically in this case on the vm itself?06:55
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SamYapleDominique: you cannot associate a floating ip outside of a pool07:01
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SamYapleto configure it statically would be doable. You would have to setup allowed_address_pairs with neutron07:02
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SamYaplethis wouldn't setup any routes to the instance though07:02
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DominiqueSamYaple: Well it's inside of the pool, but the start is different07:04
DominiqueSo for our nameserver I would like to use .10 and our pool starts at 12907:04
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SamYapleDominique: so it isn't inside of the pool07:06
SamYapleThe problem I believe you are going to find here is that the appropriate rules are not setup in the router namespace07:07
DominiqueI would of thought that there would be some way to do this07:07
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SamYaplewell sure, there is a way. just not an openstack way since you are trying to do something outside of openstack07:08
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SamYaplethe way you would do it would be with allowed_address_pair in neutron, and setting up a nat rule in the neutron namespace07:09
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DominiqueThanks, I'll try that07:09
SamYapleDominique: If you want a more Openstack way of doing this, you can add your entire subnet to neutron and setup reservations in that pool07:10
SamYapleThat's not as clean but it owuld allow openstack to manage all of that stuff07:10
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DominiqueSamYaple: Seems rather complex to have to add the nat rules manually on the router, I would assume also that this is not saved through reboots?08:00
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SamYapleDominique: correct on all accounts. I do not recommend proceeding down the path08:01
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DominiqueSamYaple: So really the only method that is recommended is setting reservations and adding the whole range?08:02
SamYapleDominique: for what you are asking to do, yea. I don't see a better way08:02
DominiqueOk, thanks08:03
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GreenLeafhello everyone ... i am running devstack on a rent server and i am trying now to get internet on a windows instance. devstack runs on 1 ip, and for the instance i use floating ips. but i dont know what dns-server adress i should use. i tried the adress from the devstack server, but that wont work.09:40
GreenLeafany ideas09:40
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einarr8.8.4.4 is a good dns server.09:45
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GreenLeafthe vm wont reach the internet with this dns09:49
GreenLeafi think it wont generally ... i wonder because, when i set up a ubuntu vm i could ssh into it with a floating ip09:50
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DominiqueIs there a way to pick a specific IP address from the floating ip pool to assign to a VM? Without it automatically choosing one for me.. ?09:51
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DominiqueIs there a way to pick a specific IP address from the floating ip pool to assign to a VM? Without it automatically choosing one for me.. ?10:28
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zerdaDominique, there was a patch in trunk I believe10:51
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lj06Hi, I'm following the openstack installation tutorial (, and have a problem with the 5th part (add the compute service)11:09
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lj06after having installed the nova packages, /etc/nova/nova.conf needs to be modified11:09
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lj06but I only have a nova.conf file with a [DEFAULT] secion with only 10 keys and no other section11:11
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lj06is this normal ?11:11
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lj06no one ?11:28
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Dominiquethanks zerda11:31
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GreenLeafis someone here using the hetzner servers?11:56
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lj06Hi, any one could help on a question of Nova installation ?12:41
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lj06I'm following the guide to install Juno and in the compute part, the nova.conf file seems to be incomplete12:42
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Sam-I-Amlj06: ubuntu?12:45
Sam-I-Amlj06: if so, just add the missing stuff. ubuntu's default config files are bad.12:45
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wigwam_workhello! I would like to integrate openstack cluster into our existing network. I want the instances' networking to be bridged to the physical network, I don't want openstack to take care of dhcp, routing, masquerading etc. Any ideas please?12:50
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Sam-I-Amyep, neutron with provider networks and config-drive12:51
Sam-I-Amyou wont have any self-service networking12:51
wigwam_workI would like to use nova network, as every compute node is connected to the network and I don't want all the traffic to be directed through network node12:51
Sam-I-Amneutron with provider networks does not use a network node12:52
wigwam_workok, thanks!12:52
Sam-I-Amif you've used vmware, all it does is provide vswitches12:52
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wigwam_workawsome, thanks a lot!12:52
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lj06Sam-I-Am: yes Ubuntu12:56
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lj06Sam-I-Am: ok, I'll add all of this12:57
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SamYapleSam-I-Am: youre up early13:06
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GreenLeafsomeone experienced with hetzner server and devstack?13:22
GreenLeafi dont know how to route a vm in devstack on hetzner server.13:22
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GreenLeafhow can i see what mac-adress my devstack and the instances have?14:06
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larsksYou can just use the normal 'ip addr show' command, if you are able to log into your instances.  If you're using neutron,14:09
larsks'neutron port-list' will show you mac addresses associated with fixed ips.14:09
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larsksI don't know about nova-networking.14:09
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GreenLeafi dont have neutron installed. and i am using a windows 7 instance14:15
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pbandarkGreenLeaf, may be you can try  nova  interface-list <instance ID>14:18
linuxgeek_when i run keystone user-list i get the error "ArgsAlreadyParsedError: arguments already parsed: cannot register CLI option"14:19
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linuxgeek_anyone seen this before?14:19
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linuxgeek_i checked forums and this is mostly seen while executing nova or cinder cli's14:20
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larskslinuxgeek_: I haven't seen that before.  What version of the keystone client are you using? (keystone --version)14:21
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linuxgeek_larsks, juno bits14:23
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openstack1have a quick question14:26
openstack1if I don't see services in my service catalog (keystone v2.0), will that block me from accessing the open stack services14:26
openstack1I can't access any apis, especially heat14:26
openstack1keep getting a 403 error14:26
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larsksopenstack1: first, does keystone by itself work? That is, can you 'keystone token-get' and 'keystone user-list' (as admin), etc?14:28
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niobosI'm trying to get an overview of all running instances on a particular nova instance. But my "admin" user can only see instances of the "admin" project. How can I view all instances of all tenants?14:29
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pbandarkniobos, you can try `nova list --all-tenants`14:32
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Egyptian[Home]pbandark: +1 thanks !!!!14:33
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Egyptian[Home]pbandark: umm.. would u also know how to get the mapping of instance-xxxxx to instance uuid?  :D14:34
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larsksEgyptian[Home]: if you run 'nova show' on an instance as admin, it will show you the instance-xxxx name of an instance (as well as the uuid).14:34
larsksAlso, running "virsh dumpxml" on one of the libvirt instances will show you the instance uuid.14:34
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Egyptian[Home]larsks: yes i know that trick .. also anotehr trick is to query the db somehow14:35
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Egyptian[Home]nova show - too few args14:35
larsksEgyptian[Home]: 'nova show <instance_name_or_uuid>'14:35
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Egyptian[Home]ERROR: No server with a name or ID of 'instance-00000019' exists.14:35
larsksEgyptian[Home]: "name_or_uuid"14:36
niobospbandark: that works. But it isn't documented (i.e. nova list --help doesn't list that)14:36
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larsksThe *nova* name or uuid.14:36
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larsksIf you want to go in the other direction, 'virsh dumpxml' is probably your best bet.14:36
larsksOr, as you say, inspect the database.14:36
Egyptian[Home]oh .. its the reverse .. ok .14:36
Egyptian[Home]so .. i was running virt-top and noticed an instance running with high memory and wanted to identify it .. and i only had instance number14:37
Egyptian[Home]larsks: thanks14:37
pbandarkniobos, its documented in `nova help list`14:37
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larsksEgyptian[Home]: A good command line trick: virsh dumpxml instance-0000050a | xmllint --xpath 'string(//uuid)' -14:38
niobospbandark: yes, there it is... thx again14:38
pbandarkwc  :)14:38
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niobosa different question: Can I live-migrate between two nova instances when instances are running of cinder? Or do I still need shared FS on nova, even when using Cinder?14:41
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GreenLeafpbandar: ERROR (HTTPNotImplemented): Network driver does not support this function. (HTTP 501) (Request-ID: req-7d964071-b00a-442d-af97-c651687a8e27)14:48
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GreenLeafthat didnt work for me :(14:49
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Egyptian[Home]larsks: Unknown option --xpath15:15
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larsksEgyptian[Home]: Bummer, your xmllint may be too old.15:15
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ionihello guys15:23
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ionii have couples of questions regarding hw_disk_discard=unmap15:23
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ioniif i understand correctly, if i'm using the options in nova, I have to enable discard on VMs15:24
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ionibut do i also need to enable discard on my storage as well?15:24
ionii have a storage on ext4 on which i have disks in raw format on it15:24
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Egyptian[Home]larsks: centos6 .. but thanks anyways15:38
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jeffmcndIs there a flag that can be set on an instance to disallow its deletion?15:55
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jeffmcndIs there a flag that can be set on an instance to disallow its deletion? Perhaps only allowing an admin to delete it.16:02
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visualneHello I have recently created a new tenant in a ice house cloud. I created a router, created a network, started to spin up a vm. I attached the vm to a network but the vm was unable to recieve a private ip address17:06
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visualnewhen running a tcpdump the dhcp namespace for the tenant17:06
visualneI dont see discovers hitting the ip address of the dhcp server at all17:07
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Sam-I-Amvisualne: trace the packets from the compute node17:10
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visualnedo you have a useful tcpdump filter to look inside vxlan encapsulated things17:12
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Sam-I-Amjust tcpdump -lnepi <ext int> should work fine17:12
Sam-I-Ami'd check the underlying interface first17:12
visualnewell I put the private api network on that nic as well17:13
visualneso there is all of that traffic17:13
Sam-I-Ameverything uses the same endpoint ips?17:13
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jeffmcndlarsks: Thanks!17:32
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Sam-I-AmKaZeR: yo17:49
KaZeRhey Sam-I-Am17:49
Sam-I-Amwhats up17:49
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KaZeRhaving a fresh look at this network issue. and you?17:49
Sam-I-Amwondering how that was going17:49
Sam-I-Amfinally got a break to think about it17:49
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_ale1_hi guys am using openstack with vlans -- when i create a router and assign a floating IP to a instance, it seems that the security group doesnt take any effect (icmp allowed, not ssh, but I can ssh no matter what)17:52
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_ale1_has anyone seen this and could point me at a potential gotcha ?17:52
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Sam-I-Am_ale1_: maybe your config is still telling nova to use nova instead of neutron for security groups?17:53
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_ale1_hmmm - where would that be ? i have in nova.conf security_group_api=neutron17:54
Sam-I-Am_ale1_: check security_group_api and firewall_driver in all of your nova.conf files, and firewall_driver in your ovs agent config17:54
Sam-I-Amthe firewall_driver in nova.conf should be noop17:55
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_ale1_in nova.conf: firewall_driver=nova.virt.firewall.NoopFirewallDriver17:55
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_ale1_and in neutron: ../neutron/plugin.ini:firewall_driver = neutron.agent.linux.iptables_firewall.OVSHybridIptablesFirewallDriver17:55
Sam-I-Amplugin.ini being a symlink to something?17:56
Sam-I-Amare all your nova.conf files the same?17:57
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_ale1_i'll double check - yes plugin.ini is a symlink to plugin.ini -> /etc/neutron/plugins/openvswitch/ovs_neutron_plugin.ini17:58
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Sam-I-Amso you're not using ml2?17:59
Sam-I-Amor is this redhat17:59
_ale1_it's centos/redhat18:00
_ale1_and yes i'm using ml218:00
_ale1_or at least I hope i am :)18:00
Sam-I-Ammight want to make sure its reading that file18:00
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Sam-I-Amif you followed the install guide, it makes some mods18:01
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_ale1_core_plugin = ml2 in both neutron.conf18:02
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zenpacShould "virsh list" give me some networks in a Packstack environment?18:02
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zenpacIts shows nothing.18:02
_ale1_Sam-I-Am: which doc - just so I can double-check ?18:02
Sam-I-Am_ale1_: the install guide on docs.openstack.org18:02
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zenpacAlso, in the Admin tab, networks all show up, but in the Project tab, only one shows.18:03
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Sam-I-Amzenpac: should just list the instances?18:04
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zenpacSorry.. virsh net-list shows nothing..18:04
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Sam-I-Ambecause they're not managed by libvirt?18:05
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zenpacThey are qemu instances.. Not sure why not..18:06
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zenpacIm setting up my network wrong somehow, but Im not sure how.18:09
KaZeRSam-I-Am: i have vnc access to one of the instances, as you suggested on Friday18:09
zenpacpublic network is flat.. But I can't ping anything..18:09
zenpacIfconfig doesnt show any exposed ip addressed to the VM's18:09
_ale1_Sam-I-Am: looks all correct - the link to the filename is different, the content is as expected though18:09
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Sam-I-AmKaZeR: thats good. it wasnt getting dhcp, right?18:10
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KaZeRnop. setting the private ip does not give connectivity to the router either18:10
Sam-I-AmKaZeR: did you do some tcpdump?18:10
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mnovacyuHi everyone.  I'm trying to install DevStack all-in-one onto a VM to learn the CLI.  I'm using this guide -  I'm at the step called "Run DevStack" where it tells me to configure  Then it goes on to say to edit local.conf.  Which file should I be editing and where should I be putting it?18:10
Sam-I-Am_ale1_: whats the output of 'iptables -S' on the compute node where that instance is running18:11
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KaZeRSam-I-Am: from the qrouter NS, nothing shows up in the tcpdump18:12
KaZeR(i mean nothing relevant to the tenant net )18:12
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KaZeRi do see arp traffic from the management network18:12
Sam-I-Amzenpac: none of my virsh's show networks in working environments18:12
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Sam-I-AmKaZeR: what does tcpdump on the compute node's interface below the tenant network bridge snow?18:13
_ale1_Sam-I-Am: uhmm - a lot - hang on i'll put it on paste.com18:13
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KaZeRSam-I-Am: i do see the icmp traffic from the instance : 13:14:24.731231 ARP, Ethernet (len 6), IPv4 (len 4), Request who-has tell, length 2818:14
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Sam-I-AmKaZeR: you configured the instance manually with the ip assigned by nova?18:15
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KaZeRSam-I-Am: yes exactly18:15
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Sam-I-Amwhat flags are you using with tcpdump?18:16
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KaZeRtcpdump -lnpvi p4p118:16
Sam-I-Amtry a 'e' in there... it'll show the vlan tag18:16
Sam-I-Amassuming you're using vlan tenant networks here18:17
KaZeRi am indeed18:17
Sam-I-Amalso make sure your network gear supports that tag between the compute and network nodes18:17
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zenpacSam-I-Am: ok.. I'll have to think about this.18:18
KaZeRSam-I-Am: 13:17:40.755101 fa:16:3e:2f:e7:8c > ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, ethertype 802.1Q (0x8100), length 46: vlan 111, p 0, ethertype ARP, Ethernet (len 6), IPv4 (len 4), Request who-has tell, length 2818:18
_ale1_Sam-I-Am: the host i was testing on was
Sam-I-AmKaZeR: now take a look at the equivalent tcpdump on the controller/network node. do you see those frames?18:18
KaZeRvlan 111, which is expected, and match the network gear config ( 111  VLAN0111  active    Po1, Eth1/...Eth1/32 )18:18
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Sam-I-Am_ale1_: looking18:20
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KaZeRSam-I-Am: nop, i do not see the frames on the controller/network node18:21
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Sam-I-AmKaZeR: then your switch is eating them18:21
KaZeRthanks Sam-I-Am18:21
Sam-I-Amor at least thats what i'm thinking18:21
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zenpacI must be missing some sort of connecting information  to my VM network.18:21
_ale1_thanks Sam-I-Am18:21
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Sam-I-Amzenpac: so, whats not working?18:22
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zenpacI can't get my VM's to ping even the gateway of their network.18:22
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Sam-I-Amwhat sort of deployment is this?18:22
zenpacI can't ping in, but that is not possible until I tget first problem solved..18:23
zenpacIts a packstack installation with nothing fancy.18:23
zenpacIll post18:23
Sam-I-Am_ale1_: whats 102.6?18:23
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_ale1_apparently thats dhcp18:25
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Sam-I-Amdhcp server?18:26
_ale1_neutron puts one into every subnet18:26
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_ale1_dunno why it chose 102.6 :)18:27
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Sam-I-Amso according to these rules, there should be 0 things allowed inbound to the vm on 102.518:28
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Sam-I-Amexcept dhcp, of course18:28
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_ale1_correct ... so to test that, I added a floating ip to it18:29
Sam-I-Amyou can also do it from within the namespace18:29
* _ale1_ hasnt played much with ip netns yet ...18:30
Sam-I-Amits not bad. each network generally has one qrouter and one qdhcp18:30
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Sam-I-Amyou can run any commands you like within them using ip netns exec <ns> $command18:31
Sam-I-Amlike 'ip a', ping, etc.18:31
Sam-I-Amis this the only vm that has this secgroup issue?18:31
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_ale1_nope looks all of them are not getting it properly - it must be a config issue somewhere ... :/18:33
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_ale1_i can ssh fro one vm to another even though the security group default only allows ping18:34
_ale1_as an example18:34
Sam-I-Amhow did you modify the secgroup, and how are you launching the vms?18:34
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_ale1_via the gui18:34
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Sam-I-Amso, let's talk cli18:35
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Sam-I-Am_ale1_: does any of this make sense?18:35
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_ale1_most of it is self-explanatory :)18:36
_ale1_yes i've used the cli a little before18:36
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* _ale1_ has no luck18:49
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Sam-I-Am_ale1_: hmm, gotta be something somewhere :/18:52
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_ale1_can I clear the iptables firewall rules somehow ?18:53
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_ale1_i could flush, then restart neutron-openvswitch agent ?18:53
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Sam-I-Amyou could try that18:54
Sam-I-Amnot sure if it'll re-apply the secgroups though18:54
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_ale1_hmmmm - that didnt help either :/ ... ok, will pick this up in the morning ... someone must have seen this before :)18:58
_ale1_thanks for your help Sam-I-Am18:58
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Sam-I-Ami've seen it plenty of times18:59
Sam-I-Amwhat is morning for you?18:59
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zenpacDoes this look correct for a VM's iptable entry: ?19:26
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kupo24zSam-I-Am: have a dumbish question, using the documented model on the current Neutron docs is it possible to add a public flat network without using NAT?19:55
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Sam-I-Amsure. provider networks.19:56
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KaZeRSam-I-Am: i figured out the issue. stupid one. the vlans are on the 10G link...19:59
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Sam-I-AmKaZeR: whoops :)20:00
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Sam-I-Amgotta run for a bit20:01
KaZeRnow i need to find why the floating ips are not working. probably related.20:01
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Sam-I-Amwell, connectivity has to work first... although the FIP itself lives on the controller/network node20:01
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scott9Hi, about telemetry, may i ask that how can i make openstack dashboard show memory.usage metric for nova or other meters of demand, in dashboard somewhere like "Resource Usage" where we generate report and a result table shows up. i want this table include nova memory.usage for instance20:02
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KaZeRSam-I-Am: i am sure that the fip has to be on the 1G link. so i will probably need to change the current config20:06
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arykleinis it possible that some tenant use a virtual network that could be accessible with NAT and floating IP and other tenants use my datacenter network (providers network)?20:51
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Guest74257I am a newbie and I am about to have my 3 node installataion of open stack up and running :)20:57
Guest74257I am just stuck at one command20:57
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Guest74257neutron subnet-create ext-net --name ext-subnet --allocation-pool start=,end= --disable-dhcp --gateway
Guest74257this results in invalid_value_specs21:01
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Guest74257does any one know what could be wrong21:01
Guest74257I am running this command in my controller node21:01
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Guest74257hello any takers f this q21:02
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Sam-I-AmGuest74257: howdy21:05
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Sam-I-Amthat command looks fine21:05
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Guest74257Sam-I-Am: hello21:06
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Sam-I-Amdid you do net-create before it?21:06
Guest74257Sam-I-Am: I am running on the controller node21:06
Sam-I-Amand as the admin tenant21:06
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Guest74257ya I did create net-create21:07
Sam-I-Amand it worked?21:07
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Guest74257neutron net-create ext-net --router:external True \   --provider:physical_network external --provider:network_type flat21:07
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Guest74257yes it worked21:08
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Sam-I-Amis that neutron subnet-create all as one line?21:08
visualneLets assume I am using ceph as the backend image store. Does the compute node write directly to ceph when snapshots are taken or does it upload the image to an api first and then the box where that api lives sends it off to ceph21:08
visualneis that how it works?21:08
Guest74257yes all in one line21:08
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Guest74257when I do neutron net-list I can see my ext-net21:09
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Sam-I-Amthe subnet-create command looks fine. can you try it with another network range?21:10
Guest74257Actually I currently do not have any such gateway21:10
Guest74257I just got which is my router ip21:10
Guest74257and is being used for management network21:11
Sam-I-Amcan you use that range instead?21:11
Sam-I-Amoh... hmm21:11
Guest74257as given in the guide21:11
Sam-I-Amwell, it shouldnt matter if that gateway exists, iirc.21:11
Guest74257So that means command is correct21:11
Guest74257shall I try something different21:11
Sam-I-Ami'd give it a shot. there's a potential config error somewhere, but i havent seen that particular error before.21:12
Guest74257but the error message is complaining of CIDR21:12
Sam-I-Amhow do you know its the cidr?21:12
Guest74257this is the last field21:13
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Guest74257plus CIDR uses the notation x.x.x.x/2421:13
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Sam-I-Amyeah, thats it21:15
Guest74257I did a silly mistake21:15
Guest74257it works now21:15
Guest74257missed comma between start and end21:15
Guest74257I got my subnet up and running21:16
Guest74257Sam-I-Am: Thanks a lot21:16
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Sam-I-Amhmm, i see the comma in the example you posted in here21:16
Guest74257ohhh I am sorry21:17
Guest74257somehow I was unable to copy from my ssh client21:17
Guest74257so I had manually typed it21:17
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Sam-I-Amotherwise i would have noticed21:17
Guest74257There is one last step left I hope I will have one VM spawned today21:18
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Guest74257Sam-I-Am: hello21:27
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Guest74257one question21:27
Guest74257this is regarding the subnet on the tenant network21:27
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Guest74257the guide says u can use any gateway21:27
Guest74257does this mean I can also use the gateway for my management network21:28
Guest74257which is
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Sam-I-Amwell, yes... and no.21:28
Sam-I-Amthe tenant network is completely internal to openstack21:28
Sam-I-Amit does not see any of your real networks21:28
Sam-I-Amyou're welcome to overlap, but it will make troubleshooting difficult21:28
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Guest74257okay got it21:29
Guest74257So I can use any imaginary gateway as well21:29
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Guest74257great thanks21:31
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Guest74257Sam-I-Am: Looks likemy network connectivity is not correct21:42
Guest74257the verify part is not working21:42
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Guest74257as per the guide this should be  my tenant router gateway21:43
Guest74257But how?21:43
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eeceetwoso I'm trying to follow this:
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eeceetwoand I'm seeing nova directives there21:46
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eeceetwodoes nova coexist with neutron somehow?21:46
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eeceetwodid someone cut and paste the wrong block in there?21:48
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eeceetwoe. In the [DEFAULT] section,21:48
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Guest74257actually I am in the last section of my 3 node installtion21:48
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Guest74257and its very confusing21:49
Guest74257network part is very confusing21:49
eeceetwodoes it make sense to be configuring nova_thisthat in the neutron section?21:49
Guest74257share some reference whcih u r pointing at21:50
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eeceetwoi did already21:51
eeceetwoskip down to e.21:51
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einarreeceetwo: you're thinking about section e) there? the text indicates what the lines are ment for: "In the [DEFAULT] section, configure Networking to notify Compute of network topology changes"21:52
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eeceetwoeinarr: I don't follow you.21:52
eeceetwoI'm trying to set up NEUTRON21:52
eeceetwobut that neutron page contains lines that contain "nova" in them.21:53
einarrnova and neutron needs to communicate, because neutron provides the virtual network to the nodes.21:53
eeceetwook ok21:53
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Guest74257einarr: Hello21:53
Guest74257I am at the last step of my 3 node setup21:53
eeceetwothat's what I was confused about21:53
Guest74257there is a verify step whcih is very confusing21:54
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Guest74257from where shall I cehck my connectivity21:54
Guest74257compute node or neutron node or controllernode21:54
Guest74257the tenant router gateway should occupy the lowest IP address in the floating IP address range21:55
einarrGuest74257: from somewhere on the external network.21:55
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einarrGuest74257: you've created an external network, a subnet and a router, right?21:55
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Guest74257I have created21:55
einarrthe router will be given the first address of the subnet you've created.21:55
Guest74257do you mean I shall ping from my host machine21:56
Guest74257neutron subnet-create ext-net --name ext-subnet --allocation-pool start=,end= --disable-dhcp --gateway
einarrso from any other machine on the same network, you will be able to ping it.  e.g. from that network's router to the outside world.21:56
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Guest74257the above command was used to create the subnet21:56
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Guest74257so as per this my router would have got the ip
einarryou should see that in horizon, though.21:57
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Guest74257But now to verify if everything is correcty configured21:58
Guest74257this is just an imaginary ip, gateway etc21:58
einarryou should see your external network and your internal network, and your router connected to both (provided you've made an internal network already)21:58
einarrclicking on the router (as admin) you should see it's addresses in both networks.21:58
Guest74257I have not installed horizon yet21:59
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monsthowdy #openstack22:00
monstI am curious what /tmp/openstack-vfs-* are?22:00
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einarrGuest74257: ah, well, you can use the command line neutron command as well to display the properties of the router.22:01
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Guest74257okay when I run neutron router-list22:03
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Guest74257I can see my router has got the ip
Guest74257I can see my router has got the ip
Guest74257but now how to check the connectivity22:03
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einarrping it, preferably from anything else that is on your network.22:04
Guest74257there is nothing which  I have on this22:04
einarrwhat is the that you've given as your gateway?22:04
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Guest74257einarr: I just got one gateway which is
Guest74257which is being used for management network22:06
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Guest74257as per the guide there are 3 networks required22:07
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Guest74257management, internal and external22:07
Guest74257external is only required only on neutron node22:07
einarrif you've given as the gateway to your external network, that must be an existing machine/router/something on that network that can route the traffic from your instances and out to the world.22:07
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einarryes. the external network is the network that you will use to send traffic between your instances and the rest of the world.22:08
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Guest74257So does that mean I need 3 routers one for internal one for external and one for management22:09
einarror, well, that depends whether you mean pysical or virtual routers.22:09
Guest74257My step up is on ubuntu machine which has spawned 3 VMs22:10
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Guest74257I setup 1 network adapter for conteroller , 2 for compute and 3 for neutron22:10
Guest74257I setup static ip on all the nodes22:11
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einarrok, so your neutron node is a virtual machine. then your gateway will probably be the IP of your physical machine on the network where your neutron node is running.22:11
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Guest74257my physical machine ip is
Guest74257so while creating subnet I should this as my gateway22:13
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Guest74257and what about IP range what will also have to  be changed22:13
Guest74257from 192.168.3 to to
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einarrwell, your physical machine is the only thing on that network that is able to route your traffic out towards the world, so it would probably be best to let it route the traffic to an from the instances. you don't need to, of course, if you don't need internet access from instances.22:15
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Guest74257as of now I don't need it22:15
Guest74257my intent is to spawn a VM22:16
Guest74257and ssh to it22:16
Guest74257So I hope this should not be an issue22:16
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eeceetwocorrect me if I am wrong, I probably am.22:19
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eeceetwoIf I'm setting up neutron on the controller22:19
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eeceetwodo I need to install nova and create a nova database on same controller?22:20
eeceetwoI was following the neutron page
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eeceetwoand it's talking about /etc/nova/nova.conf22:20
eeceetwowhich does not exist22:20
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eeceetwobecause I haven't been asked to install nova22:20
eeceetwoBy default, distribution packages configure Compute to use legacy networking. You must reconfigure Compute to manage networks through Networking.22:21
einarrGuest74257: you need to decide which network you treat as your "external" network. one that is reachable from your physical computer is probably wise as it is something that logically is external to the network of your nodes. it is a bit complicated to explain because there are so many options to choose from.22:21
eeceetwoBut I never installed legacy networking while following the doc.22:21
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eeceetwoI guess I'm supposed to install nova-compute  . . .22:25
Guest74257okay I think I am getting a hang of it22:25
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nosleep77hi there, i'm trying to list flavors using curl api call as stated on this page
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nosleep77I am getting this
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SamYaplenosleep77: I belive you need to tweak your url to http://controller:8774/v2/v2.0/admin/flavors23:03
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SamYapleit is properly returning you a list you would need to iterate over, but its been a while since I messed with the nova api23:03
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SamYapleyou can use the <tenant_id> instead of the tenant_name (admin) and it will return like you expect23:04
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nosleep77is the token supposed to be so big23:05
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SamYaplenosleep77: you are using pki, so yes23:06
SamYapleyou can switch to UUID and it is much smaller23:06
nosleep77SamYaple: that worked. thank you23:06
nosleep77SamYaple: how can I switchÉ23:06
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SamYapleits part of the keystone configuration23:06
nosleep77oh ok i`ll take a look at it.. thanks for your help!23:07
SamYapleit should be fairly seemless, you might need to restart your services23:07
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Sam-I-AmKaZeR: yo23:31
KaZeRhey Sam-I-Am23:31
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Sam-I-Ameeceetwo: hi23:32
Sam-I-AmKaZeR: any luck?23:32
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KaZeRSam-I-Am: getting closer, but still have an issue with my mappings23:32
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KaZeRtrying to wrap my head around how i'm supposed to do it23:33
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Sam-I-Amwhats the new architecture?23:33
Sam-I-Amext-net on 1 gig, tenants on 10 gig?23:33
KaZeRyep. looks like i should only need to replace br-vlan501 with a bridge mapped to the 1G link..23:33
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KaZeRbut it does not work yet :)23:34
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Sam-I-Amyeah, or we can try making ovs tag ext-nets23:34
Sam-I-Amin which case you'd have br-ex and br-tenant (or something)23:34
Sam-I-Amyour mapping would be external:br-ex,tenant:br-tenant. br-ex would have a port on the 1 gig intf, and br-tenant would have a port on the 10 gig (assuming bare interfaces)23:35
Sam-I-Amyou'd only need both mappings on the box handling both ext-nets and tenant nets23:35
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Sam-I-Amthe compute nodes (assuming you dont need provider nets) would only have one mapping for br-tenant23:35
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kupo24zSam-I-Am: I configured /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini and added flat_networks = external/bridge_mappings = external:br-ex and was able to bind ext-net as a flat interface on my instance then noticed outbound/inbound traffic goes directly to the compute node, does this sorta solve what DVR was put in place to do?23:38
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Sam-I-Amkupo24z: so you have br-ex on your compute nodes too?23:39
kupo24zwell, all nodes have the same vlan/ovs config23:39
Sam-I-Amthats provider networks23:39
Sam-I-Amin this case, your network infra provides at least routing/switching services.23:39
Sam-I-Amyou can still use dhcp within neutron23:40
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Sam-I-Ammetadata (iirc) works best with config-drive23:40
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egonwe ONLY use config-drive23:40
kupo24zI noticed since i wasnt able to reach i had to add a private network on eth1 to reach cloud-init metadata23:40
Sam-I-Amits like dvr in that you dont have a network node, but you lose support for true cloud networking (self-service)23:40
Sam-I-Amyou can do that, or there's other ways around it23:41
Sam-I-Ammost people with provider nets seem to use config-drive23:41
kupo24zthats why RS uses config drive?23:41
Sam-I-Amergo, egon :)23:41
Sam-I-Amprobably because the ips are managed in a larger ipam23:41
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Sam-I-AmRS still has tenant-managed networks23:42
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Sam-I-Amdnsmasq probably doesn't scale to 100000000 VMs lol23:42
kupo24zThought they diddnt use NAT'ed private<-> public on their setup hm23:42
Sam-I-Amthey dont23:42
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kupo24zisnt the only way for that setup flat networks?23:43
Sam-I-Amtenant networks don't nat. they're purely private.23:43
Sam-I-Amif you want to nat them, you build a routerbox of some sort23:43
Sam-I-Amnope, you can use flat or vlan23:43
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KaZeRSam-I-Am: i wrote a quick script that generates this : to help me understand what i'm missing. can you please help me fill the missing parts ?23:45
kupo24zThere any way to retain self-service networking but have the public addresses visible at the instance OS level?23:45
Sam-I-Amkupo24z: self-service as in tenants creating/deleting networks with their own ip ranges?23:46
Sam-I-Amnot without some sort of additional munging23:46
Sam-I-Amthe problem is... how does the rest of your network know what addresses people are using.23:46
Sam-I-Amplus the question of duplication23:47
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Sam-I-Amso you pretty much have to nat23:47
kupo24zunless those networks are 100% private to the tenant, then its fine?23:47
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Sam-I-Amyou can have provider nets, and also enable tenant-only networks23:47
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kupo24zeg provider eth0, vxlan eth1?23:48
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KaZeRSam-I-Am: same graph for the lab : seems to be quite close...23:48
Sam-I-AmKaZeR: the first one is pretty close23:48
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kupo24zId imagine you would lose the ability to pick your public addresses from a pool with that setup, instances would get whatever is given to them in their fixed ip23:49
Sam-I-Amkupo24z: second one seems to make sense too23:49
Sam-I-Amkupo24z: yeah. thats how rackspace does it, more or less.23:49
kupo24zsecond one?23:50
Sam-I-Amerrr, KaZeR23:50
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kupo24zId imagine they would have to, or use a ton of network nodes23:50
Sam-I-Amkupo24z: you can technically change your tenant/privnet ips to anything you want, but rackspace loses track of them and will gladly reset them if you add/remove a network23:50
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kupo24ztheir pirvnet different from their 'servicenet network'?23:51
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Sam-I-Amkupo24z: by default, you get a pub net, and a service net. beyond that, you can add your own private nets.23:52
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Sam-I-Amyou dont even really need pub and service. my labs all run as cloud boxes with purely tenant networks. i have another instance that handles routing/nat for them.23:52
kupo24zThey allow you to create instances with no public and default snat your VM traffic?23:52
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Sam-I-Amthere's no snat23:52
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Sam-I-Amonly pubnet routes anywhere23:53
kupo24zI cant think of a way they would allow you to have a pool of public addresses since that is a floating ip thing23:53
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KaZeRSam-I-Am: the diagram you sent me shows phy-br-ex as a patch, not an interface. using ovs-vsctl ( or something else ) how can you differentiate a patch from a port ?23:54
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Sam-I-AmKaZeR: it'll say "type: patch" ... or nothing for regular ports.23:55
Sam-I-Ampatch is typically inter-ovs switch links23:55
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KaZeR        Port phy-br-ex23:55
KaZeR            Interface phy-br-ex23:55
Sam-I-Ampatches also have a peer23:55
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Sam-I-Amthey're all called ports in the header section23:56
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KaZeRmmm i don't see it. should i use different arguments ?
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Sam-I-AmKaZeR: interesting. what version of ovs is this?23:58
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Sam-I-Amthats mine23:59

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