Wednesday, 2014-04-02

redondoshmm I'm getting "linux kernel too old to load a ram disk"00:00
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thesanchezDoes each compute instance needs its own router?00:51
thesanchezneutron router that is00:51
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thesanchezI can’t get my second compute node to talk to the network (non external) and it can’t ping the other hosts00:53
thesanchezbut I can see the ARP request on the controller/first node00:53
thesanchezand vice versa00:53
Sam-I-Amdoes its l2 agent show up in neutron agent-list ?00:54
thesanchez| id                                   | agent_type         | host | alive | admin_state_up |00:54
thesanchez| 15a25636-c0d9-4db6-a055-bd09853185c6 | Open vSwitch agent | osc1 | :-)   | True           |00:54
thesanchez| 3ee0bf01-6f37-491e-80c0-788429decd57 | L3 agent           | osn2 | :-)   | True           |00:54
thesanchez| 42705c8e-a6d0-4191-a0a1-2ef676ab70e1 | DHCP agent         | osc1 | :-)   | True           |00:54
thesanchez| 8463ecf9-a229-4167-a819-f11c0325b253 | L3 agent           | osc1 | :-)   | True           |00:54
thesanchez| 9276c0a3-7e88-4509-bfcb-79216ab56eaa | DHCP agent         | osn2 | :-)   | True           |00:54
thesanchez| d729bcf1-16d0-4af5-a40e-4627b1267d69 | Open vSwitch agent | osn2 | :-)   | True           |00:54
thesanchezno - haha00:54
Diablo-D3pastebin next time dude00:54
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Sam-I-Amwell, gotta figure out why00:56
Sam-I-Amprobably a config error on the compute node00:56
mischiefHTTPInternalServerError (HTTP 500)00:56
* mischief shakes his fist at glance image-create00:56
thesanchezok, I’m a bit confused then, is ML2 supposed to be a alternative to say openvswitch?00:57
thesanchezmischief: what does the glance logs say00:57
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thesanchezdo you have debugging turned on?00:58
Sam-I-Amthesanchez: so... ovs or ml2 plug-in, there's an ovs agent in either case that handles l200:58
larsksthesanchez: ML2 is a modular layer 2 architecture that includes modules that provide the same functionality as the legacy openvswitch and linuxbridge plugins.00:58
larsks...but unlike the legacy environment, you can make use of multiple plugins.00:58
mischiefi restarted it and it says 2014-04-01 17:58:02.000 21733 WARNING keystoneclient.middleware.auth_token [-] Configuring auth_uri to point to the public identity endpoint is required; clients may not be able to authenticate against an admin endpoint00:58
Sam-I-Ammischief: where are you reading how to do this?00:58
larsksthesanchez: Have you seen this summit presentation?
thesanchezmischief: you need to configure glance to talk to keystone00:59
thesanchezfor authentication00:59
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thesanchezyour best bet mischief is to follow one of the guides on like openstack from start to finish00:59
thesanchezon a clean setup01:00
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thesanchezlarsks: i haven’t, i’m going to now though! :)01:00
Sam-I-Ammischief: what are you reading for your installation guide?01:00*01:00
mischiefi executed openstack-deploy all-in-one :-)01:00
mischief(without the :-) )01:00
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thesanchezman ML2 is awesome!01:06
mischiefi think i just need some coffee.01:06
Sam-I-Amthesanchez: i'm writing the installation guide for it now01:07
thesanchezok awesome01:07
thesanchezim following this:
Sam-I-Amoh, that hides the "magic" using scripts :)01:07
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Sam-I-Ami'm working on the manual installation guide at docs.openstack.org01:07
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mischiefSam-I-Am: here's something01:09
mischiefwhy is there nothing under item 4. Configure the Image Service to use the Identity Service for authentication. ?01:09
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Sam-I-Ambleh, the debian stuff is horrible01:11
Sam-I-Amits supposed to configure the glance stuff in keystone for you01:11
Sam-I-Amdisable debconf and use the ubuntu instructions :)01:11
mischiefi already used openstack-deploy all-in-one though :P01:12
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Sam-I-Amhmm thats not a debian thing01:13
Sam-I-Ami dont know what that is01:13
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mischiefit was from the openstack havana repos.01:13
mischiefthe gplhost ones.01:14
mischiefzigo may know more?01:14
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mischiefSam-I-Am: this is the content of the script01:16
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mischief would be /usr/share/openstack-deploy/preseed-lib01:17
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mischiefok thesanchez i put [keystone_authtoken] in my glance paste files01:34
mischiefthere's still a 500 error01:35
thesanchezwith the appropriate parameters?01:35
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mischiefi did it just like the page you linked ssaid to01:36
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mischiefthe last message in glance registry.log is "2014-04-01 18:37:51.854 24055 INFO glance.db.sqlalchemy.api [3c67fb32-ff41-4a41-8df3-6e429f733e64 3fda9a7f11d24899b5c37383d4e3aab7 ede35d004fb8413bbc171e1a4e8d37d6] not auto-creating glance registry DB"01:38
mischiefmaybe the db is not there01:38
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mischiefit's there01:40
mischiefi have a glancedb in mysql01:40
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thesanchezare there any tables inside of it01:43
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mischiefthere are no tables01:44
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thesancheztry glance-manage db_sybnc01:48
thesanchezthat should set it uip01:48
mischiefit's going :-D01:49
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thesanchezok, im about to leave take a look at
thesanchezim assuming the scripts you ran take care of the user setup01:50
thesanchezbut if you get stuck i would do  afresh install of your OS and follow that guide form start to finish01:50
thesanchezthat’s what I did on cent and man it was sooo much easier01:50
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thesanchezthan trying to troubleshoot every configuration issue along the way01:50
mischiefthanks for the handholding01:51
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mischiefyey it works01:52
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mischiefcan i neutron subnet-create without using CIDR?02:47
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Sam-I-Ammischief: explain?02:51
mischiefi have a /29 only02:51
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mischiefmy openstack host occupies the first ip02:51
mischiefand i want the rest to be used as floating ips for openstack02:51
mischiefbut i cannot just give the cidr because the first ip is used by the openstack host itself02:52
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Sam-I-Amuse the cidr and specify start/end IP addresses02:52
mischief says to provide EXTERNAL_INTERFACE_CIDR ?02:52
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mischiefah ok02:52
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mischiefso in EXTERNAL_INTERFACE_CIDR i would just give ?02:52
Sam-I-Ammischief: this is a LOT better...
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mischiefi am on havana though not trunk02:54
Sam-I-Amneutron hasnt changed02:54
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Sam-I-Amrather, the commands to make networks havent changed02:54
Sam-I-Amand the stuff in havana is rather... bleh02:55
mischiefthe link you sent says "neutron net-create ext-net --shared --router:external=True" instead of "neutron net-create ext-net -- --router:external=True SPECIAL_OPTIONS"02:55
Sam-I-Amyeah, i know02:56
Sam-I-Ami wrote that stuff02:56
Sam-I-Ammade a lot of improvements02:56
mischiefi already executed "neutron net-create  ext-net -- --router:external=True SPECIAL_OPTIONS"02:56
mischief(without SPECIAL_OPTIONS)02:56
mischiefare you saying i should delete that and redo it with --shared..?02:57
Sam-I-Amits ok if you dont02:57
Sam-I-Amthe key here is doing the external stuff as the admin tenant and the other stuff as the demo tenant02:57
Sam-I-Amand kind of understanding whats going on from that diagram02:57
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mischiefyea, tricky to wrap my head around02:59
mischiefi just want a vm to come up with an external ip :<02:59
Sam-I-Amwell, it wont come up with one... you add it via floating ip02:59
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mischiefi see the ext-net in the openstack-dashboard ui under Launch Instance -> Networking tab03:00
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mischiefSam-I-Am: this guide says i should be able to ping the lowest address in the range given to ext-net03:20
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mischiefi cannot03:20
Sam-I-Amdo you have a network node?03:20
Sam-I-Amor whatever is running the l3 agent03:20
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mischiefSam-I-Am: yes03:22
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mischiefagent-list shows a L3 Agent and DHCP Agent03:22
Sam-I-Amand they're happy?03:22
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Sam-I-Amon the network node, if you run 'ip netns' you should see some things03:23
Sam-I-Amlike qrouter*03:23
mischiefip netns returns no output03:23
mischiefall of my services are on one computer currently03:23
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Sam-I-Amthere's a problem03:24
Sam-I-Amif those commands actually worked, you should see a namespace pop up03:24
mischiefmay i pm some neutron command output?03:25
Sam-I-Amwithin that namespace would be the lowest IP in that range you specified03:25
Sam-I-Ammischief: pastebin03:25
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mischiefSam-I-Am: did you receive my pm?03:27
Sam-I-Amyou seem to be missing L2 agents03:27
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mischiefcrap. locked myself out.03:39
Diablo-D3happens to the best of us03:40
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mischiefovs-vsctl add-port br-ex eth0 locked me out. the guide says that one should have a seperate interface for your ssh session, but i do not03:41
mischieffortunately i have ipmi access03:41
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Sam-I-Amyep. it'll do that03:43
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sldyeah....we should maybe document that you should be connected over a separate interface, since that is a known issue with ovs.03:43
Sam-I-Amsld: its in the install guide03:43
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sldi hope! lol :)03:43
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sldovs is why drac is my best friend. hehe03:44
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mischiefi don't have a different nic at my disposal03:45
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mischiefi can do the config over my ipmi console, if the access will be restored after finishing the setup03:45
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mischiefso confuse04:03
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mischiefnot ok :-D04:15
Sam-I-Ambox didnt come back up?04:15
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mischiefwell no04:16
mischiefmy neutron seems totally broke04:16
mischieftrying to do neutro net-list results in "Connection to neutron failed: Maximum attempts reached"04:16
Sam-I-Amso neutron-server isnt running04:16
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mischiefah right04:17
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mischief'Multiple plugins for service %s were configured', 'L3_ROUTER_NAT'04:19
Sam-I-Amthats interesting04:19
mischiefi am just doing what has told me to04:19
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Sam-I-Amthat does imply you're using a multi-node setup04:21
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Sam-I-Amis this a manual install or some packaged system like packstack?04:21
mischiefit was openstack-deploy04:21
mischiefi think at this point i should take the earlier suggestion of deleting it all and start from scratch, and set everything up by hand04:22
mischiefbut the openstack documentation does not necessarily seem geared toward a single-server setup..04:22
Sam-I-Amits... not. however, only the neutron stuff really takes some thought to squish into a single node04:23
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mischiefdo you think its feasible to un-fuck my current installation?04:24
Sam-I-Amprobably. it all uses the same config.04:24
Sam-I-Amsounded like you were close until the ovs thing04:25
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mischiefyea :)04:25
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mischiefbut now i can't ssh, and have to use the ipmi console, making it a lot more difficult04:26
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Sam-I-Amwhat distro is this?04:27
mischiefdebian 704:27
Sam-I-Amhmm. so i think you have to edit your /etc/network/interfaces to put the IP address that used to be on eth0 on to br-ex04:28
mischiefi did that by hand04:28
mischiefeth0 now has no ip and br-ext has the ip which eth0 previously had04:28
mischiefhm, might help if i had a default route04:29
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mischiefyey that was it04:30
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mischiefSam-I-Am: i really appreciate the hand-holding. words cannot explain how much :)04:30
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Sam-I-Amno problem04:31
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mischiefare openvswitch bridge interfaces distinct from bridges made with brctl?04:40
mischiefis it persistent? do i need to put br-ext and br-int in /etc/network/interfaces?04:41
Sam-I-Amnot br-int04:41
Sam-I-Amjust br-ex since its your key to outside access04:41
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Sam-I-Amassuming debian beings up OVS before the phys interfaces04:42
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mischiefok, i think i got /etc/network/interfaces all done.04:48
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mischiefSam-I-Am: now neutron-server is still busted. -> 2014-04-01 21:50:58.516 7380 CRITICAL neutron [-] (u'Multiple plugins for service %s were configured', 'L3_ROUTER_NAT')04:53
mischief2014-04-01 21:50:58.516 7380 CRITICAL neutron [-] (u'Multiple plugins for service %s were configured', 'L3_ROUTER_NAT')04:54
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Sam-I-Amnot sure whats up there04:55
Sam-I-Amprobably a config issue somewhere04:55
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mischiefi figured as much but i can't see any duplicate drivers/plugins whatnot in any neutron config04:55
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Sam-I-Ammight be something in the db04:57
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Sam-I-Amhowever, its late here and i need to locate my bed04:57
mischiefok o/04:57
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Sam-I-Amnot sure what time zone you're in04:58
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Sam-I-Amoh, thats not bad04:58
mischiefwell PDT, since we are in DST now04:58
Sam-I-Ami'm just one over04:58
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Sam-I-Ami'm around most days05:00
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thesanchez_is it possible to add a neutron interface to a existing instance?05:13
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mischiefi rebooted and br-ext didnt get an ip05:18
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mischiefwhat am i supposed to make of that05:44
mischief is my /etc/neutron/plugins/openvswitch/ovs_neutron_plugin.ini05:45
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mischiefovs_network_bindings table is empty06:17
mischiefmaybe thats why i have this completely undecipherable error in my log06:17
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thesanchez_i upgraded to ML2 and now my qrouter is missing and my router interface is down06:43
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inc0_hello, how to debug instance which has "building" status for too long? Is there any way to find out what exactly stage of build its on?06:52
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mischiefi can't use the vnc console because openstack-dashboard is on https, but tries to load vnc over http07:21
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Thumper650Hi all - trying. I know Openstack/Neutron can speak to VMware visa NSX, but I was wondering - is it possible to have Neutron handle networking for NON-NSX VMware environments? If so, what should I be looking at?08:15
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CahuHi, `neutron net-list` complains about "ERROR: Malformed request body: Cannot understand JSON"08:23
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Cahuusing the --debug -v options, the request doesn't show anything odd in the request08:23
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Cahuhowever, the reply gives some strange thing with a part that is not ascii at all08:24
Cahuany idea where that could come from?08:24
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CahuI have a similar problem with novaclient: the reply's body seems malformed too08:25
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AGPXHi, I have created a subnet as follow: "neutron subnet-create public_net --name public_net_subnet --enable_dhcp=False --allocation-pool start=,end= --gateway=". Now I need to extended the pool. There's anyway to change the end IP?08:28
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mischiefAGPX: maybe subnet-update08:30
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mischiefjust a guess08:30
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AGPXmischief: thanks, I'm going to try it...08:32
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AGPXneutron subnet-update 18d257e0-7cb6-466b-a3c7-b4bccb4c1744 --allocation-pool start=,end=
AGPXUnrecognized attribute(s) 'allocation_pool'08:39
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sldiirc, you can't update the allocation pool.08:39
sldyou can update things like nameservers though.08:40
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AGPXOk, I'm going to update the database directly08:43
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AGPXaaargh it doesn't works08:50
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AGPXI have updated the ipallocationpools table08:50
AGPXbut seems that the update isn't visible (from dashboard)08:50
AGPXmaybe I have to restart the neutron service...08:51
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thesanchez_should ip netns list a qrouter on every compute node or just the network node?08:53
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AGPXno luck :(08:54
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troya_Hi All09:11
troya_is posible to install openstack havana on single machine ?09:11
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troya_any reference how to do it ?09:13
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troya_mischief: where is it ?09:18
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AGPXok, I have created another pool with: nova-manage floating create --pool=nova --ip_range=
AGPXbut I can't see it in the dashboard.09:30
AGPXOnly the previous one is showed when I try to allocate an IP. What I miss?09:31
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AGPXMmhh... probably I have to associate the pool to the subnet. Is this possible?09:32
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sldDoes anyone happen to know if the qvo/qvb/qbr/tap interfaces are named anything that can correspond to an instance?  ..such as part of a UUID?  I can track things between lsof output, etc, to see what instance goes to what interfaces but just wondering if there is any direct correlation anywhere.09:53
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troyais possible to setup neutron too on single node with all of openstack component ?10:01
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AGPXohh I have done it.10:35
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AGPXnote for other users: If you want to update the allocation pool, you have to change the 'ipallocationpools' and the 'ipavailabilityranges' of the 'ovs_neutron' database. If the 'ipavailabilityranges' doesn't show the requested pool, you have to release at least one floating IP from that pool (because when no IP are available from a pool, such record is deleted). That is.10:41
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AGPX(discovered by looking at the nova api sources)10:42
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djoreillysld: you can do "neutron port-list --device_id=$INSTANCE_UUID"11:04
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djoreillysld: the interface names are made using the first 11 chars of the port id11:05
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sldright on... thanks :)11:09
sldso it *can* be tied to instances. hehe11:09
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djoreillysld: the = here is used for filtering. When nova calls neutron to create the port, it sets the device_id to the instance id11:18
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slddjoreilly: gotcha.  thanks.  :)11:21
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masterkorphow much trouble it is to rename a vm with nova ?12:39
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tomixxx5hi, iam looking for a virtual machine image with ubuntu 12.04.4 lts and java jdk 1.8.0 installed, does anyone have a link?12:39
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mischiefis it just me or do some of the config files seem a bit.. redundant12:42
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sldmasterkorp: not at all.. just run 'nova rename <server> <new name>'12:43
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* sld yawns.12:55
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Sam-I-Amwhere's my coffee???12:55
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mischiefSam-I-Am: good morning :P12:58
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tomixxx5i have hot coffee :-)12:59
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Sam-I-Ammischief: did you sleep?13:00
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mischiefstartup life bro13:01
mischiefi'll sleep when i'm dead13:01
Sam-I-Ammaybe this is why i dont want to work at a startup... heh13:01
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mischiefSam-I-Am: i'm just about back where we left off13:02
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mischief(fixing up neutron)13:02
mischiefexcept now i have ubuntu 14.04 instead of debian 713:02
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Sam-I-Amdo the havana packages work on 14.04?13:02
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mischiefso far keystone and glance and nova are running13:03
mischiefthere was a small hangup with the encoding of tables in mysql13:03
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Sam-I-Amthat's covered in the install guide13:04
Sam-I-Amthe other docs need to pick it up too13:04
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mischiefis there any good way around running openstack dashboard on https but the vnc proxy is on http?13:05
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mischiefin that case, the browser (chrome) will refuse to load the non-https resource13:06
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Sam-I-Ami'm not sure13:06
Sam-I-Ami wonder if this is something new13:06
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Tim_Hee guys13:34
Tim_i was wondering if anyone could help me out13:34
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InfitialisHello I'm trying something, I've got a puppet setup Openstack environment. After trying to set up an instance with Cirros I get the error state all the time.13:35
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InfitialisWhen I look at the logging I can see "no valid host was found" and tap device could not be initialised13:36
InfitialisCould someone please help me debug this problem13:36
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cody-somervilleInfitialis: What  does nova host-list show? (Please pastebin results at
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Infitialiscody-somerville: I've got this output
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mischiefi got a instance stuck in deleting state :c13:45
cody-somervillemischief: You should take a look in /var/log/nova/scheduler.log and /var/log/nova/nova-compute.log and /var/log/libvirt/libvirtd.log13:46
Sam-I-Ammischief: thats often a side-effect of a network problem. anything in the nova-compute logs? you might want to set "verbose = true" in all of your service config files13:46
mischiefum no there isn't really anything in the logs but i dont have debug on13:47
mischiefi had glance misconfigured when i had brought it up13:47
cody-somervilleAlso make sure you have bridge-utils installed on your compute host13:47
mischiefi dont really have networking up yet13:47
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Sam-I-Amcant launch without networking13:49
Sam-I-Amusually rpc will hang somewhere13:49
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mnaserSam-I-Am: not usually, but it will hang :)13:50
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mnaserprobably before the compute host even starts provisioning because it requests to allocate network first, afaik13:50
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Infitialiscody-somerville: doesn't seem to contain anything interesting or does it?13:50
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cody-somervilleYou might have to turn on debug logging.13:51
Infitialiscody-somerville: me?13:51
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mischiefhow can i delete it?13:51
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Sam-I-Amsometimes there's no easy way13:56
Sam-I-Amit'll be deletable once you fix networking13:56
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Sam-I-Amyou sort of got things into a bad state14:03
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Infitialisdoes anyone else know what could cause the problem of no valid host was found?14:06
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Sam-I-Amdoes 'nova service-list' show your compute node(s) ?14:08
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mischieffor me, no :)14:10
InfitialisSam-I-Am: mine does14:10
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Sam-I-Amcheck the nova logs?14:11
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InfitialisSam-I-Am: The only warning I could find was the one about tap in scheduler.log , it was tap device could not be initialized14:14
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Sam-I-Amsounds like a networking problem14:16
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InfitialislibvirtError: internal error Process exited while reading console log output: char device redirected to /dev/pts/0\nqemu-kvm: -netdev tap,ifname=tap77d7089d-b7,script=,id=hostnet0: Device 'tap' could not be initialized\n\n"]14:16
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InfitialisSam-I-Am: like what? :(14:17
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Sam-I-Amwhat networking are you using?14:18
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InfitialisSam-I-Am: openvswitch14:20
tomixxx5hi, how can i upload a file as cloud administrator to one of my virtual machines?14:20
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Tim_use wget on your vm14:21
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tomixxx5Tim_: ah ty, sounds simple14:22
mnasertomixxx5: depending on the driver, you may have the ability to inject files on server boo14:22
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Sam-I-AmInfitialis: what does neutron agent-list say?14:22
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tomixxx5Tim_: how do i wget the filesystem of my hypervisor from a VM? i have a file on a hypervisor and i want to upload this file to a virtual machine14:26
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mischiefSam-I-Am: i got neutron running now14:29
mischiefno nets or routers or subnets are made yet, but i still get "Error: You are not allowed to terminate instance: first" when trying to terminate 'first'14:29
mischiefperhaps i should reboot at some point14:29
InfitialisSam-I-Am: this is the output I get
Tim_you need an ftp server with the file on it14:30
Tim_or a web server14:30
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tomixxx5alternatively, they should be able to access the internet14:31
Sam-I-AmInfitialis: well, the "xxx" under alive is a problem14:31
Sam-I-Ami also dont see any L3 agent14:31
Sam-I-Amand... you probably dont need openvswitch running on the controller node14:31
Tim_you could try secure copy as well tomixxx14:32
Tim_might easier14:32
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tomixxx5Tim_: more abstract, i have the following to solve:  i want to upload a java program to my vm and the vm should run this program. so, first, i have to install java on the vm but i cannot use e.g "apt-get install java"14:33
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tomixxx5Tim_: so, i guess it is recommended that VMs has access to inet14:34
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mnasertomixxx5: yes, or setup a local mirror.. this is more of an operational issue than an openstack however14:34
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InfitialisSam-I-Am: okay so the DHCP agent is alive but starting the L3 Agent doesn't seem to add it14:34
mnaserinternet access to VMs is pretty useful.. also, to make this faster, get java and your app installed, shutdown the server and image it, then you can boot that right away14:35
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Tim_yes tomixxx that is recommended indeed14:35
Tim_makes it much easier in my opinion14:36
tomixxx5mnaser: thats my goal, iam following a guide to prepare image:
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Sam-I-AmInfitialis: config option in l3 agent config file?14:36
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mischiefokay.. everything is in place14:36
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mnasertomixxx5: my recommendation is to build upon the existing ubuntu cloud images14:37
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badamsfor image creation, i've found the disk-image-builder to be super easy and efficient14:37
badamsfrom the tripleo project i think14:37
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mischiefbtw i got my image from
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mischiefunsure if its the best, i haven't gotten networking to work yet, but that's my fault..14:38
badams if anyone is wondering14:38
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Pryanwhen rc1 ?14:39
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tomixxx5is it ok to call "sudo reboot" within a VM?14:39
tomixxx5i mean does the VM reboot then?14:39
InfitialisSam-I-Am: what do you mean? which config file?14:39
mnaseryes, that's okay, it'll reboot14:40
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tomixxx5mnaser: ty, was quite fast reboot, however (cirros image)14:40
tomixxx5was able to login immediately after logout14:40
mnaseryeah, the openstack reboot command (nova reboot <uuid>) can do the same14:40
Sam-I-AmInfitialis: there's an l3_agent.ini iirc14:40
mnaserand you can do nova reboot --hard <uuid> for a hard reboot as well14:40
InfitialisSam-I-Am: Do you want me to export the config file into a pastebin?14:41
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Sam-I-Amdid you configure anything in it?14:42
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InfitialisSam-I-Am: no the whole setup of the nodes is done by puppet open source14:44
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Infitialiseverything is commented in the config.ini14:45
Sam-I-Amwhat 'distro' of openstack is this?14:45
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Sam-I-Ammight be something that happened during the install14:45
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InfitialisCentos 6.514:45
Infitialisand I was wrong, not everything is commented.14:46
Sam-I-Amwell, is it packstack/rdo or something?14:46
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xparanoikhas anyone here had sucess installing the openstack havana on FreeBSD 10.0-RELEASE ?14:46
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xparanoikdocumentation on-line has debian and ubuntu( which blows my mind) and maybe something else, but i didn't see UNIX based OSes in there14:47
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yimmyxparanoik: out of curiosty, why does it blow your mind?14:48
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Sam-I-Amxparanoik: openstack is very particular to linux14:49
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xparanoikit's personal, i've used debian since I was a kid, to mee ubuntu lost it's focus. maybe the server version is good.14:49
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xparanoikSam-I-Am due to the package dependencies perhaps?14:49
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InfitialisSam-I-Am: I think its puppetlabs-grizzly14:51
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xparanoikyimmy probably not being fair here, but I see ubuntu as a cheap attempt to copy microsoft windows. if you compare the first releases  which were great, to the latest, which are full of crap, then you might agree with me14:51
xparanoikbut it's just my personal opinion14:52
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yimmyxparanoik: it's all good, was just curious. We use 12.04 exclusively here but we start with the minimal install.14:52
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Sam-I-Amxparanoik: ubuntu server != ubuntu desktop14:53
xparanoikyeah, that's the way to go14:53
xparanoiki alwauys use net-install with SSH only14:53
xparanoikand add the rest by hand14:53
jrwrenxparanoik: That has not been my experience.14:53
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yimmyanyone use mirantis?14:53
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xparanoiki am thinking why use ubuntu-server if Debian 7.4 has been developed for over years14:54
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yimmyThe fuel stuff looks like a quick way to get up and running but not sure I'll be able to convince the c-levels about the price.14:54
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Sam-I-Amxparanoik: debian support for openstack is... not great14:54
jrwrenxparanoik: yes, and why not use it?14:54
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Sam-I-Amubuntu and rhel-derivatives get the most attention14:55
xparanoikit's a spinoff of debian, their desktop version gave me a bad image of the project, that's all14:55
xparanoikwhat's so good about ubuntu-server?14:55
mischiefSam-I-Am: so i fixed neutron14:55
Sam-I-Ami've used debian for at least 15 years, but would highly recommend ubuntu for openstack14:55
Sam-I-Ammischief: wooo?14:55
mischiefnow when making an instance as non-admin tenant, it's stuck in Spawning state14:55
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xparanoikhere's where I would need help14:55
mischiefthe one that was stuck before got cleaned up after a reboot14:55
xparanoiki just started installing openstack on Debian 7.4014:56
mischiefshould i fire up the debug levels14:56
xparanoikshould I blow it all to hell and install ubuntu-server ?14:56
mischiefxparanoik: i had terrible luck in debian14:56
fedgoathint, use ubuntu or its gonna break and work like shit14:56
mnaserxparanoik: rate your level of knowledge in openstack14:56
Sam-I-Ammischief: did you create your ext net as admin, and the other stuff as the 'demo' user/tenant?14:56
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xparanoikjeez. since when ubuntu became the go-to distro for new projects14:56
mischiefext-net is admin's, and demo-net is as demo user14:57
mischiefxparanoik: since long time14:57
mnaserxparanoik: you're welcome to use Debian if you have the knowledge and capacity to do so :)14:57
mnaserno one's stopping you14:57
xparanoiki been with Debian since 200014:57
xparanoiki was just afraid to move to ubuntu14:57
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xparanoiki am not talking sh** about Ubuntu14:57
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xparanoikjust don't understand how it could be a better base for openstack14:57
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Sam-I-Amubuntu is basically debian when you install the server version14:57
fedgoatall the devs are using it...been awhile...server edition is ok, but desktop is quite the bloated rather do a stage 1 install of gentoo myself14:57
mnaserimho, stay productive and just setup openstack on ubuntu14:58
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mischiefi wasted like 3 days trying to do openstack on ubuntu14:58
xparanoikand by ubuntu you mean ubuntu-server right ?14:58
mnaseryes, ubuntu-server14:58
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xparanoikwhat difficulties did you guys find? package dependencies?14:58
mnaserxparanoik: lack of documentation?14:58
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mnaserlack of userbase that runs it on Debian?14:58
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wasmumseeing 50% decrease in performance with SSL implementation on keystone through a proxy.  Does anyone have metrics with and without SSL on the front side of keystone?14:59
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xparanoikso ubuntu-server is on version 12 correct?14:59
mnaserwasmum: we have nginx running SSL for us and we don't have any problems14:59
xparanoikjust gotta make sure i burn the right engine14:59
mnaserxparanoik: i'd recommend using 12.04 LTS14:59
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xparanoikand in terms of partitioning, do you guys leave one HD for the system and get the rest on NFS/NAS if necessary?15:00
mnaserthe ubuntu install docs are *very* good at detailing how to get your installation up15:00
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wasmummnaser: nginx with an upstream?15:00
mnaserwasmum: correct15:00
mischiefthe plot thickens15:00
mischiefVirtual Interface creation failed15:00
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wasmumthoughts on apach with mod_wsgi?15:00
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mnasercannot speak for that, we didn't try it.15:01
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mnasermischief: check the nova-compute.log file .. preferebly turn up verbose=True and debug=True15:01
mnaserand look at the exception being raised there15:01
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xparanoiki got Cloudstack running on Debian last month, so i feel like I can do anything now. lmao15:01
xparanoikformatted everything, went to CentOs and in 30min  i was up and running15:02
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xparanoikProjects shouldn't be bound to a distro, otherwise there is no freedom of implementation in non-homogenous deployments15:02
xparanoikbut those are just my 2 cents15:02
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jrwrenxparanoik: same question asked differently: what is not good about ubuntu-server?   A: nothing :)15:03
Sam-I-Amthey're not bound to distros... but some distros support them better than others15:03
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wasmummnaser: whats behind your proxy - auth via keystone, are you using swift, nova?15:03
xparanoikSam-I-Am so the ubuntu community just wrote better docs ?15:03
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Sam-I-Amxparanoik: more people using/testing it = better docs15:03
Sam-I-Amxparanoik: i'm writing them now :)15:03
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mischiefthese things need pretty-printers15:03
xparanoiknice, thank you!15:03
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mnaserwasmum: keystone is being nginx and we haven't seen the need to bring nova-api behind nginx (yet)15:03
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wasmumcluster size?  proxy count?  are you running keystone and proxy on same device?15:04
xparanoik i guess ubuntu has gotten more traction lately and I missed the train15:04
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Sam-I-Amcanonical is involved with openstack15:04
Sam-I-Amthat has something to do with it15:04
Sam-I-Amalso read: money15:05
mnaserwasmum: actually, we don't use swift, only nova.. for this setup, it's mostly the large numbers of tenants (public cloud) which required that15:05
mnaserso auth gets hit for almost every request15:05
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xparanoiki just got a bad image of Ubuntu desktop once they put so much noob stuff in it15:05
xparanoikit's like a windows based off of linux15:05
mnasermischief: i'm not too familiar with neutron/etc .. AgentError: Error during following call to agent: ['ovs-vsctl', '--timeout=120', 'del-port', 'br-int', u'qvo268b6791-31']15:06
xparanoikand mistakenly assumed ubuntu-server was equally crap15:06
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mnaserlooks like it wasn't able to delete the port off the integration bridge within the timelimit... can't tell you why, you'd have to look in your setup15:06
InfitialisSam-I-Am: I installed it with puppetlabs-grizzly15:06
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mischiefnow this stupid 'you are now allowed to terminate..' again15:07
jrwrenxparanoik: huge mistake.15:07
jrwrenxparanoik: great things started in ubuntu and filtered to debian. is cloud-init in debian?15:08
xparanoiki appreciate you guys being kind enough to enlighten me15:08
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mnaserjrwren: is proper openstack support in debian? :p15:08
mischiefthat doesn't look good15:08
mischief2014-04-02 08:08:40.410 23413 CRITICAL neutron [req-93d7b9a0-dbf3-4150-93ec-b330349b83a1 None] 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'rpartition'15:08
mnaseris the even better question to raise15:08
fedgoat"is there proper openstack support at all"?15:09
Sam-I-Ammischief: wish i could help more now, but i'm writing the docs for installing ML2 on icehouse15:09
mnasermischief: you're going to have to trace that back and figure out where that error is being raised... might be a bug or a misconfiguration at your site15:09
Sam-I-Amfedgoat: plenty15:09
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Sam-I-Ami have to get these docs done by the release date15:09
Sam-I-Amso... hacka hacka15:09
jrwreni see no cloud-init in debian. so how would debian start in a cloud?15:09
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fedgoatha docs arent support.   I asked for proper vlan configurations ages ago in Folsom and they still aren't in the docs.   Has the double VID tagging problem even been resolved yet, or do I still need to use GRE tunnels15:10
jrwrenoh, nevermind, cloud-init is there.15:10
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xparanoikjrwren it does on the AMI ec2 image of Debian15:10
xparanoikthey implemented it somehow15:10
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Sam-I-Amfedgoat: those were too separate thoughts. there are companies out there offering support for openstack. like mirantis.15:10
fedgoatyea we've got a few guys going through Mirantis training right now.   RedHat would be the other coming..15:11
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mnaserwith openstack, it's half docs and half "what does my gut say on this"15:11
Sam-I-Amrackspace also offers support15:11
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mnaserbecause there's no straight way of doing things, imho.15:11
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fedgoatI used to work at thanks15:12
mischiefhuh, training for openstack15:12
mischiefmight have to look into that15:12
Sam-I-Amfedgoat: seems to be a leading openstack company15:12
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fedgoatyea, i just hope the mirantis training isnt some b.s. geared toward their automation suite and Fuel trying to hook you into their support..i need my guys to know openstack15:13
fedgoatSam-I-Am  have yous een Rackspaces stock lately?15:13
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Sam-I-Amthe mirantis 'boot camp' training focuses on the gooey insides of openstack15:13
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Sam-I-Amfedgoat: nope, but i've given up on stock and stockholders.15:13
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jrwrenDoesn't Piston do training?15:13
Sam-I-Amthere's a handful of companies out there15:14
Sam-I-Ammostly startups15:14
fedgoatI've been working with Openstack for quite awhile, this is going to be my first go for a deployment at EMC...They can't seem to wrap their head around the fact that they can't run storage and compute on the same compute nodes in an enterprise level deployment15:14
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fedgoatTrying to explain SOA to these guys is like bashing my head against a wall15:14
Sam-I-Amfedgoat: yeah, its called swift :)15:14
fedgoatfor block storage15:14
fedgoatright...but it won't scale15:14
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fedgoatwer'e talking a large deployment here15:15
fedgoatnot some basement deployment15:15
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fedgoat92 node 3 separate regions15:15
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fedgoatthe last thing i would do is put nova and ceph on the same nodes  or in this case ioscale15:16
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tomixxx5i have rebooted one of my hypervisor, now i cannot connect to VMs anymore. i have also addes some iptable rules before rebooting.15:16
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tomixxx5in general, is ist allowed to reboot a hypervisor?15:17
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xparanoikthanks everyone15:20
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jrwrenxparanoik: good luck. ask if you run into any ubuntu/debian differences.15:22
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mischiefi've still no idea what this means15:31
tomixxx5yeah, f*** it seems i have destroyed my cloud at all15:31
mischiefits being spammed in the log every second :s15:31
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tomixxx5tried some iptable rules to connect VMs to inet, after reboot of hypervisor nothing is working anymore, i cant even delete added iptable rules oO15:32
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tomixxx5if i reboot controller, do i have to reboot hypervisors too?15:33
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mnasertomixxx5: nope, but check if all services on compute node are running15:35
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tomixxx5mnaser: it seems, not even on the controller all services are running after reboot controller. ccannot login into dashboard15:36
tomixxx5is there a command to restart all openstack services?15:36
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mnaseri don't remember if there is to be honest15:36
mnaserthere maybe nova-all or something, but i cant remember.15:37
tomixxx5might this work: ?15:37
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mnaserpossibly.. i don't know your exact env but that should work15:38
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mischiefyou know it's bad when you just hope rebooting fixes the problem15:50
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tomixxx5mischief: yes, i know15:51
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mischiefi just did the same thing :p15:52
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jokke_reboot is almost never a solution :P15:53
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mischiefwell the logs are next to useless :/15:53
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tomixxx5jokke_: problem is, with reboot, devstack cloud does not run automatically. they use "screens"15:56
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mischiefalright figured out that one15:59
mischief/etc/init/neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent.conf had the path tp ml2 config instead of openvswitch config..15:59
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tomixxx5mischief: well done15:59
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tomixxx5i go home now, my issue makes me too sad :/ tomorrow i will fix, hopefully my reboot issue - dont know, VMs does not have i-net at all. makes me much more sad.16:00
tomixxx5cu guys16:00
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jokke_tomixxx5: yup16:01
jokke_bye ... I'm heading home as well16:01
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Pryanwhen rc1 ?16:11
Pryanin ubuntu 12.04 =16:11
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mischiefok, so the vm is now stuck in Spawning state16:17
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mischiefbut i put debug=True for nova.conf, and nova-compute.log has no errors16:17
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mischiefthe only thing is but.. ?16:18
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mischiefmy number of instances keeps going up even though i delete them16:27
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shufflebotTheres no #openstack-security irc channel :/16:45
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mischiefwhat do you do when debug=True isn't verbose enough :316:47
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mischiefwoo, fixed the disk creation problem16:55
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mischiefnow.. just "[Error: Error during following call to agent: ['ovs-vsctl', '--timeout=120', 'del-port', 'br-int', u'qvo40d53987-7e']]."16:56
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mischiefthere is definitely some kind of bug here17:17
mischiefi keep creating and destroying instances to test17:17
mischiefbut the instance count, ram usage etc dont go down17:17
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mischiefmy non-admin user says 7/10 instances used but none actually exist...17:18
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Sam-I-Ammischief: ugh, wish i could help more :/17:19
Sam-I-Ambut i have to bang these patches out17:19
mischiefi understand17:19
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Sam-I-Ampre-release is rough17:20
Sam-I-Amusually i'm in here all the time17:20
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mischiefwhen's icehouse out?17:20
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mischiefhopefully it will fix some of this stuff >:(17:20
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Sam-I-Ami dont think your problems are bugs17:22
Sam-I-Ami think they are config issues17:22
Sam-I-Ami know havana works fine17:22
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Sam-I-Amapril 17th i think17:22
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larsksSam-I-Am: Does the source for the Openstack operations guide live in git://
larsks(opts guide:
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Sam-I-Amlarsks: its operations-guide17:44
Sam-I-Amkind of by itself17:44
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larsksSam-I-Am: Ah, got it.  Does it have its own project in lp17:46
larsks? Or do bugs get filed against openstack-manuals?17:46
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vik123i want to change openstack logo in dashboard . i replaced logo.png to another image with same name as shown here
vik123i am using devstack17:48
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vik123but it dosent change17:48
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Sam-I-Amlarsks: i think it goes under manuals17:50
larsksSam-I-Am: noted, thanks.17:50
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vik123can anyone help me with it ?17:51
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LucianoHello, I have a bit of a noob question here about ceilometer alarms. Is this the correct place to ask?18:35
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mischiefwhat tracks the resource allocation used by a tenant?18:37
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patarrhello all. I'm just curious if anyone would like to offer some advice/info on your experiences with I/O intensive applications running on virtualized environments.18:39
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larsksLuciano: Yes, this is a fine place for openstack related questions.18:55
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larsksmischief: which resources?  cinder tracks volume resources, nova tracks compute (memory/cpu/keypairs/metadata) resources, neutron tracks network resources...18:58
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mischieflarsks: well there is a problem19:01
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mischiefi have a non-admin tentant/user i am using to test my installation (all on one physical machine). i make a vm, it fails to go up, and then i destroy it, and the ui still thinks i have those resources19:02
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larsksmischief: By "destroy" you mean you run "nova delete"?19:03
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mischiefit thinks i am using 9/10 of my instace quota, when no vms actually exist19:03
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mischieflarsks: i am using horizon.. i dont know how to check tenant quotas with the cli.19:03
larsksmischief: So, by "destroy" you mean "click the terminate button in Horizon"?19:04
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larsksmischief: Just a sec, going to go poke at my dashboard.  Are you running Havana?19:06
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mischiefi am using the repos from ubuntu 14.04. i believe it is havana...19:06
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larsksmischief: I had to reload the "overview" page, but it was eventually correct.19:07
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mischiefmine has stayed this way through several reboots19:08
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mischiefso i can only assume these stats are in the db and not being updated incorrectly19:08
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mischiefit could be something to do with the fact that the instances never come up successfully; they always end in error19:09
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larsksYou said that your instances "fail to go up"; are you able to successfully boot anything?19:09
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mischiefnope :)19:09
larsksHmm.  I would not worry about quotas, then, because as you say there could be an underlying issue affecting both problems.19:09
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mischiefred herring, yea. sorry.19:09
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tomixxx6does anyone know how i get the table view when i entered the screen of a devstack deployment?19:20
tomixxx6i mean figure 2 :
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mischieflarsks: any clue what's up with this?19:21
gaudI notice there is a plugins for cisco nexus hardware, but why there isn't plugin for cisco catalyst..?19:22
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larsksgaud: Maybe Cisco hasn't written one?19:22
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mischiefthere's also..
afaranhatomixxx6: Go to the devstack folder than run rejoin-stack.sh19:22
mischief(i have supermin)19:22
afaranhapress ctrl A19:22
afaranhathen "19:22
tomixxx6afaranha: yeah, if executed this but iam always in a service screen19:23
tomixxx6i can not browse back to that summary table19:23
gaudlarsks, but I find it odd that there is no driver..  I mean, catalyst is quite popular device.19:23
larsksmischief: You can ignore that second DEBUG message.  That's just nova-compute probing the disk to see if it has partitions or not.19:23
tomixxx6-if, +i have19:23
larsksmischief: As to the first error -- seems like a disconnect somewhere? It's trying to delete an interface that doesn't exist.19:23
afaranhahmm.... is you are in a service screen you can do this again and it'll work19:23
tomixxx6afaranha: no, it does not work19:24
mischieflarsks: obviously it's wrong, but no indication of why it occurs19:24
tomixxx6afaranha: i don't get out of this screen. if i do rejoin, iam in the same service screen again19:24
larsksmischief: What action were you performing when the error cropped up?19:24
afaranhaHere works fine, sorry, don't know whats the problem =/19:25
tomixxx6afaranha: ok19:25
mischieflarsks: making an instance via horizon, but it happens with 'nova boot' too19:25
afaranhais the service working?19:25
tomixxx6afaranha: no, some service are not working after reboot, i have to start them manually......19:25
afaranhatomixxx6:  ah, wait19:25
larsksmischief: I forget, is this an all-in-one system?19:25
mischiefi put the instace with one interface that's in a private subnet that belongs to a non-admin tenant19:25
mischieflarsks: i set it up by hand, but all of the services are on the same physical computer19:26
afaranhawhen you first enter the service screen how did you exit? Ctrl C?19:26
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tomixxx6afaranha: yes, i believe19:26
larsksmischief: Does anything crop up in /var/log/neutron/*.log at the same time?19:26
mischiefit's full of crap so it's hard to weed it out19:26
afaranhaso, ./unstack and ./stack again, you cannot do this, if you do you'll lose the screen19:26
afaranhato exit a screen you HAVE to press Ctrl A and then D19:27
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tomixxx6if i do ./unstack and ./stack the deployment is gone? everything is created from scratch?19:27
afaranhayes, it will start everything again, the DB will reset also19:28
tomixxx6ok, and i have to execute ./unstack and ./stack again on all physcial nodes?19:28
afaranhasorry, you DO ctrl c to kill the service, but to exit the screen you HAVE TO use Ctrl A + D19:29
tomixxx6afaranha: can i not simply restart the service?19:29
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mischieflarsks: that's the problem, with so much debugging, nothing stands out19:29
mischieflike, maybe the interface-not-existing problem is because something else broke the vm and the interface got deleted19:30
tomixxx6afaranha: as described here:
mischiefand later neutron tried to deleted it again19:30
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afaranhatomixxx6: You can, but since you lose the screen, you cannot to this anymore (Although I never tested it, but I almost sure you lose the screen)19:31
larsksmischief: Sometimes turning *off* debug logging makes problems easier to spot.  But I don't have any idea what's causing this one.19:31
tomixxx6afaranha: ah, ok i have destroyed the screen, not the service, now i have got it..19:31
mischieflarsks: i can paste the whole traceback from nova-compute.log if it helps... nothing correlates in neutron log19:31
tomixxx6afaranha: ty19:31
larsksmischief: I'm happy to take a look at it, althought I don't expect I'll spot anything.19:31
afaranhanot sure, but since it's not working anymore I THINK you killed it19:32
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afaranhayou're welcome19:32
tomixxx6afaranha: dont know, i can tab through existing screens19:33
tomixxx6but i cannot leave them19:33
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tomixxx6but i guess ./unstack, ./stack is better, because i have also a non-working hypervisor because i have tried to deploy some iptables rules on it...19:35
larsksmischief: I don't see anything new there, really.  Sorry.19:35
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mischief;_; this sucks19:36
afaranhaWhat did you do? 1 - after ./stack you ran ./rejoin-stack19:36
afaranha2- you pressed ctrl A + " and worked, and after choosing a service you can't do ctrl a + " anymore?19:36
mischiefi've been | | this close to getting openstack working 3 times now, each time it's the networking that fucks me19:36
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tomixxx6afaranha: after ctrl + a + "", i have selected the 0 - shell i guess, i wanted to stop and restart every service. so i press 0, then i killed the service with Strg+C i thoguht this will kill service19:38
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baffleExcept for HP, wich apparently have some magic code, does anyone really have domains working properly?19:38
afaranhaYes, this stop the service, but I don't know why you are unable to select a service anymore :/19:39
tomixxx6mischief: yeah, i know what you man, man19:39
tomixxx6-man, +mean19:39
tomixxx6my main problem is that VMs has no internet access19:39
mischiefand now my quota is exceeded even though i have no instances :-D19:39
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tomixxx6mischief: quota? i have my own private cloud infrastrucute, iam cloud administrator too19:42
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mischiefi set up a test user and tenant19:42
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mischiefand.. their quota is full, even though i destroy the instances i made19:43
tomixxx6ah ok19:43
tomixxx6devstack deployment?19:43
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tomixxx6afaranha: i guess i can  select services, but i cannot jump to that table19:47
tomixxx6to the summary table19:47
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tomixxx6but i have also some troubles with one hypervisor on which i tried some iptable rules and did some rebooting, so i guess its better to unstack/stack19:47
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afaranhathis is really strange. I only know how to switch between services by the summary table19:48
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tomixxx6you might have a look on it. miight give you teamviewer access with temp password19:48
mischiefi gues i can just edit the nova quota_usages table19:48
mischiefseems kinda bad to do that ._.'19:48
afaranhaunstack/stack is really time wasting, after discover how to stop just one service my life got better19:48
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tomixxx6yeah thats right... but i dont know what needs less time: find a solution to get screen working or simply reinstall. i tend to reinstall19:49
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mischief this is the only error i see now...20:21
mischiefah no, there's still the ovs-vsctl trying to delete a non-existant interface, but that could be a red herring20:21
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mnaserthat probabl yhas to do with what the issue is20:22
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mischiefwhy would nova fail to bring up an instance because neutron failed to delete an interface?20:23
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mischiefi think it's the other way around, but i can't find what it is20:23
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mischiefinstace up -> ???? bad happens -> delete it all -> neutron trying to delete the interface and it's already gone20:23
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mischiefmy typing is very poor right now :|20:24
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mischiefmaybe i should try not-ovs20:27
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baffleDoes nova support domain-scoped tokens and v3 auth properly? Anyone have a working configuration for this?20:34
baffleI.e. how does your nova service-user look? What domain/tenant are they in? What roles? :)20:35
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mischief2014-04-02 13:42:42.928 6276 ERROR neutron.plugins.openvswitch.agent.ovs_neutron_agent [req-b0a7af4c-9898-4cb8-9bdd-e6ea67e5c912 None] No tunnel_type specified, cannot create tunnels20:43
mischiefbut tunnel_type = gre in /etc/neutron/plugins/openvswitch/ovs_neutron_plugin.ini20:43
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Sam-I-Ammischief: is it under the right place in that file?21:02
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mischiefSam-I-Am: i had to put tunnel_types = gre in [agent]21:09
mischiefnow i hit this bug21:09
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mischiefhaha still no dice21:11
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Sam-I-Ammischief: what ver are you running now?21:11
Sam-I-Amthat would not be a grizzly/havana issue21:11
mischiefstill whatever is in the 14.04 repo. trusty, i'm guessing21:12
Sam-I-Amahhh that would be icehouse21:12
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mischief2014-04-02 14:11:32.198 17730 DEBUG neutron.plugins.openvswitch.agent.ovs_neutron_agent [req-ea72c7bf-3f41-4eb8-96b3-e098ebf922af None] {u'tunnel_ip': u'', u'tunnel_type': None,21:13
mischiefstill None :(21:13
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Sam-I-Ami would recommend 12.04/havana21:14
Sam-I-Amnot sure how you jumped to 14.4021:14
mischiefi suppose i mistakenly thought it would be better :)21:14
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mischiefif you really think 12.04 and havana is the best bet, i will reinstall again21:16
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ryanv_mischief: Initially, I tried a more recent version of Ubuntu, also. Many headaches. 12.04 is what the docs I have seen recommend21:17
Sam-I-Am14.04 is not even released yet21:17
Sam-I-Amand neither is icehouse21:17
FunnyLookinHatAnyone here use Devstack for testing?  It seems that on 14.04 w/ the latest, it removes the ipv4 address from my FLAT_INTERFACE after being spun up...21:17
Sam-I-Amso you'll end up with bleeding edge problems somewhere21:17
mischiefit's only 2 weeks away :D21:17
FunnyLookinHatYeah 14.04 is basically final at this point  :-P21:18
Sam-I-Amits kind of bad that ubuntu AND openstack release at the same time21:18
Sam-I-Ambecause it makes writing docs before release extremely difficult21:18
FunnyLookinHatSam-I-Am, yeah but the cadence is nice  :)21:18
Sam-I-Ami couldnt get my hands on icehouse packages for 14.04 until a couple of days ago21:18
Sam-I-AmFunnyLookinHat: try writing the install manual :P21:18
FunnyLookinHatSam-I-Am, sorry  :)21:18
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mdormanlooking at:
mdormani don’t understand why in an HA set up you owuld want durable queues = false23:16
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mdormanwould you want that on, in addition to ha queues?23:16
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angdrauglooks like a typo in the doc23:22
angdraugthe comment for that line says "Use durable queues", not "disable durable queues"23:23
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mdormanthat’s what im’ thinking too23:24
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notmynameSam-I-Am: adding you to the swift authors file right now23:44
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Sam-I-Amnotmyname: what?23:46
notmynameSam-I-Am: I'm updating the authors file23:46
notmynamefor icehouse23:46
Sam-I-Amnotmyname: havent seen you in a while23:47
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