Friday, 2013-04-26

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rootardUrg, and yet another thing I have been running into ... problems with "db sync" across different nodes.00:00
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rootardeven though the software is at the same revision from the same ubuntu package... time to go run. thanks anyway00:06
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tmshey guys01:01
tmsI'm trying to do some disaster recovery01:01
tmsand when I try to reload my DB into mysql I get: ERROR 1005 (HY000) at line 2573: Can't create table 'nova.iscsi_targets' (errno: 150)01:01
tmsany idea what that's about?01:01
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tmsunfortunately there's a lot more database past that point01:02
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tmsso if I can't get it to eat this I'm not sur what I'll do O.o01:02
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tmsHey Folks, is there any easy way to rebuild an openstack controller?01:17
tmsI have it back up and running, and it sees all my compute nodes01:17
tmsbut I'm not sure how to tell it to take ownership of the VMs hosted there01:17
tmsI attempted to restore from a DB backup, but that apparently didn't do the trick01:17
tmsat least not all the way.01:17
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tmsI think the main problem is that keystone has no data01:19
tmsdespite the fact that the keystone db got restored01:19
tmsno tenants/users/etc01:20
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tmsanyone have any idea what might be up?01:23
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tmstonight is going to be a long night.01:25
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Dr{Wh0}where is the iscsi info injected into the pxe download. I see it on the kernel commad line. Need to update it or fix it as its poiinting to the wrong address.01:36
Dr{Wh0}looks like it baked it into the disk.img I am guesssing I need to rerun the maas-import-pxe-files01:38
plzhlepmehsafe to assume network topology map does not work as advertised?01:39
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tmshas anyone ever recovered from a lost controller?01:39
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plzhlepmehanyoen have network map woerking in grizzley?01:59
plzhlepmeheh whatevs, file bug01:59
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plzhlepmehwild and wacky, thing launched one instance fine, now launches instances into no state yet says "success" and no errors in the logs02:14
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plzhlepmehfI can only launch one instannce does quantum router need more ports?02:27
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annegentletms: wow sorry about that -- how about and
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tmsannegentle: managed to get things back on track02:30
tmsannegentle: the key was that I changed from 12.10 to 12.04 when trying to DR02:31
annegentletms: whew!02:31
tmsannegentle: and I don't know what's different (slight version difference in mysql?) but keystone exploded and mysql wouldn't take my db dumps02:31
tmsanngegentle: phew indeed. I will sleep soundly tonight02:31
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supakuwhat process creates the initial queues in rabbit? is it possible to re-run it?02:49
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plzhlepmehy can only run 1 instance?02:55
plzhlepmehsupaku: maybe post script from apt/rpm? reinstall rabbit?02:56
supakuplzhlepmeh: rabbit re-installed fine and is up and running, getting the openstack stuff back in it and working seems to be broke02:56
tmsannegentle: either way, thanks for getting back to me. I was worried no one ever would02:57
annegentletms: aw yeah some of us are night owls-ish02:57
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tmsI'm still at a loss as to the best way to upgrade to grizzly though02:58
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tmsthis whole thing started because I attempted to upgrade one compute node to grizzly, just to see if it would work02:58
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tmsand that broke the entire world.02:58
tmswell, not attempted, I did upgrade a compute node to grizzly02:59
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tmsannegentle: any suggestions on that front?03:05
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annegentletms: oh I don't know, sorry. I know that fifiedlt is looking into it as well as others03:06
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tmsannegentle: fair enough, I just thought you might be my savior :) no worries03:06
plzhlepmehis there some kind of multicast communication going on in multi node, i remember reading it what service uses it?03:07
annegentletms: take a look at to see if there's anything you've overlooked?03:08
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tmsannegentle: I read that over, I'm really just trying to find the most painless way of upgrading.03:12
tmsannegentle: word on the street is that ther will be some grizzly-compatible puppet modules coming soon03:12
tmsso that will ease things quite a bit03:12
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plzhlepmehare instances assigned to virtual ports on the quantum router? should they be created automatically on instance creation?03:14
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tmsdid you start out with quantum?03:17
tmsor did you experience the whole migrating from something else to quantum?03:17
tmsbecause I'm about to start the latter and I'm worrying how much it's going to hut.03:17
tmser, hurt.03:17
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plzhlepmehi started fresh03:18
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plzhlepmehIs it normal for quantum to be continuously exectuing from auth.log: Apr 25 20:28:40 network1 sudo:  quantum : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/quantum-rootwrap /etc/quantum/rootwrap.conf ovs-vsctl --timeout=2 list-ports br-int03:29
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plzhlepmehdoes anything work via multicast?03:59
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plzhlepmehDOES IT03:59
jsindyugg having a little bit of an issue04:00
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jsindyhow do I terminate an instance from command line?04:01
bitbltnova delete instance04:01
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plzhlepmehim doing a tcpdump and I see 21:05:50.283677 IP > so wth04:06
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plzhlepmeh  zippady doodah04:07
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jsindyfrom cli how do I list tenants by name04:15
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bitbltyou mean keystone tenant-list?04:15
jsindyah yes!04:15
jsindybitblt: you are a life saver!04:16
bitbltjsindy, here is a good reference site for all the CLI clients and their options:
jsindyI appreciate it04:16
bitbltyou're welcome04:17
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plzhlepmehan error occured .. LOLs04:32
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jsindygot one more thing, from virsh dumpxml i can get uuid, like 3950054f-fb3c-458f-bd49-b15fb063f6bf04:33
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jsindyI need to correlate that to an instance name. do I have check the database to get that?04:34
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bitbltnova list04:35
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hugokuohi all04:38
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hugokuois there have a installation guide for Grizzly ?05:41
prometheanfiresi, sec05:41
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prometheanfireshould probably be added to /topic05:43
prometheanfirethat's for folsom though...05:43
prometheanfireclosest avail right now methinks
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jakewarnerwas updated within the last 24 hours05:44
jakewarner(for grizzly)05:44
prometheanfireah, nice05:44
hugokuoprometheanfire, jakewarner  thanks05:44
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chrissgohi, i try to install openstack with the openstack basic install guide. i have problems with the network. in the /etc/network/interfaces from the network node, what does the $IFACE variable mean?06:32
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chrissgomust i set the $IFACE variable or why does he use the $IFACE variable?06:59
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alex88is openstack able to have floating ip depending on the host running the vm?07:12
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sgranI can't imagine that it would.  What problem would that solve?07:18
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alex88sgran: hosting providers that assign subnets to servers, not whole customer network07:25
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sgranI'd suspect you can do something like set up each host as a region/availability zone/cell/something and then assign floating ips based on that07:27
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sgranbut that gives you no resilience whatsoever07:27
sgranI'd start by looking at how hard it is to move hoster :)07:27
alex88yeah, seems alot tricky..07:27
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alex88eheh, it would be costier, not har :)07:28
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alex88sgran: any good ones you know?07:29
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sgranI've been happy with Bytemark07:48
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foexlemorning guys :), do anyone use net-gateway-xxx of quantum grizzly ? I Got 404 and can't find any doc. It seems i need to enable some extensions ?!09:11
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sheeprineHi, I've got a question about OpenStack and XCP configuration. Is there some documentations about the configuration of Quantum ?09:15
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sheeprineOr maybe someone that can help me through the process of configuring OpenStack with XCP.09:16
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ekarlsonet-gatewa what foexle ?09:35
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foexleekarlso: quantum net-gateway-create for examle :)10:49
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ekarlsofoexle: oh, new command ?10:50
ekarlsoI haven't seen that before :|10:50
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foexlegrizzly release10:50
ekarlsowhat should it do ?10:50
foexlei think create gw for internal networks10:51
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verdurinHow can I customise the operation of dnsmasq?11:21
verdurinI've set the value dnsmasq_config_file in nova.conf and this seems to be ignored11:22
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mrcloudhi I am getting this ERROR [quantum.agent.dhcp_agent] Unable to enable on my grizzly , here is the paste bin link, can anyone help me?12:25
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mrcloudhi I am getting this ERROR [quantum.agent.dhcp_agent] Unable to enable on my grizzly , here is the paste bin link, can anyone help me?12:28
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sheeprinemrcloud: what kernel are you using ?12:46
mrcloudim using ubuntu 12.04.212:48
mrcloudwhat is the best multinode install guide for grizzly?12:49
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mrcloudim also getting this now Stderr: 'sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified\nSorry, try again.\nsudo: on my quantum12:51
mrcloudi did restart network node which has quantum and now getting 2013-04-26 06:52:07    ERROR [quantum.agent.dhcp_agent] Unable to sync network state.12:52
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mrcloudwhat is the best multinode install guide for grizzly?13:04
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mrcloudwhat is the best multinode install guide for grizzly?13:09
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ArKamHi everyone13:12
ArKamI'm stuck with a problem which impact my Nova-Volume and all the stack indeed.13:14
ArKamI've a server, with the whole nova-x package install13:14
ArKamon this node13:14
ArKamI got a ISCSI Target and the initiator13:15
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ArKamhowever, the initiator is also use to retrieve volume from a distant iSCSI SAN which provide the nova-volume VG throught isci using CHAP Auth13:15
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ArKamthe problem is that I only have one initiator used to do CHAP AND nova-volume without CHAP13:16
RM_1hey, I can't create or delete (faulty) cinder volumes...need some help... all guides/throubleshoot doesn't help.13:16
ArKamso if I try a Volume-detach or any other volume operation13:16
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ArKamthe iscsiadm as a ERROR 19 issue arguing that it can't login the session... because it try to use the CHAP Auth13:17
ArKamHow can I solve this issue?13:17
zxvff_not really an openstack question13:17
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zxvff_ArKam: did you try looking at the very first result on google for "iscsiadm error 19" ?13:18
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santeHi all, Is it still possible to inject a personality file in a server using the nova client? I'm not able to find the "--file" option anymore.13:19
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RM_1besides still comes(but for all that doing troubleshoot of the docs):13:23
RM_1ISCSITargetCreateFailed: Failed to create iscsi target for volume volume-2438adf4-0d78-4219-b8e6-7e6d15fbe598.13:23
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RM_1I mean it is something on the setup, because the controller and compute node doesn't work together....perhabs a missing package or something like that. I search in the docs, but can't find an clue13:26
ArKamzxvff_: I know that, but I hope that someone already had a similar situation where he had to deal with the both target issue.13:26
ArKamsante: on grizzly?13:27
RM_1the controller has iscsitarget, cinder and tgt and the compute node only openicsi13:27
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santeArKam: yes, on Grizzly13:27
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ArKamso zxvff_, should I have to install the Nova-volume directly on my iSCSI SAN  to avoid this situation? it is a Test SAN, so I can.13:34
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ArKamsante: sorry dude, Still on essex over there :D13:34
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santeArKam: thanks anyway13:34
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ArKamsante: You're welcome13:37
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RM_1when using iscsi_helper=ietadm / ...= tgtadm? whats the different to me using ubuntu?13:37
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RM_1no one has answers to me?13:38
ArKamRM_1: You mean iscsiadm not iet13:39
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RM_1ArKam: no I don't. (look below in the cinder chapter)13:40
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ArKamRM_1: Ok, same binary, IET ISCIADM13:45
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RM_1ArKam: k13:45
ArKamRM_1: on my own, looking at the binaries, I rather choose ietadm13:46
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RM_1ArKam: ok, thx. Can you take a look at my installed packages, I posted, please?13:48
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ArKamRM_1: Link?13:56
RM_1ArKam: the controller has iscsitarget, cinder and tgt and the compute node only openicsi13:57
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ArKamRM_1: That right13:58
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RM_1ArKam: k, thx for your time....with ietadm it seems working for the moment...14:02
ArKamRM_1: No problem ;-)14:03
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RM_1Is there a way to put data from any node to the VM without internet?14:05
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ArKamRM_1: I don't get it, like the --file injection option?14:09
no0ticis there a simple way/guide to set up a test/study persistent environment on real hardware, using VMs as service nodes and integrating XCP in the equation? What I would like to do is create a VM with all the services and another VM with nova-compute to drive an XCP host. Is it possible?14:11
no0ticI tried to follow the OpenStack basic install guide, but the network chapter seems to be bugged...14:12
iartarisidoes anyone know if the default ceilometer api port changed recently from 9000 to 8777? Or what's supposed to go on 9000 otherwise?14:12
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RM_1ArKam: perhabs, I don't know the file injection option. I want to push a file from compute/controller node to one of the VMs for performance tests.14:13
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ArKamRM_1: I think that nova --file option is the better way, it will inject a file contain on a node into the instance14:16
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RM_1ArKam: that sounds perfect.14:19
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ArKamRM_1: Just let me know if it's OK14:22
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gmiany idea where can I find related documentation for the "quantum-ns-proxy" service?14:29
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ArKamstbenjam: French people spotted :D14:30
stbenjamArKam: oops, not french. was looking up a word earlier, it was in my clipboard :)14:30
stbenjamfat fingers14:30
ArKamstbenjam: So I can say you that word mean start ;-)14:31
ArKamstbenjam: No pb :D14:31
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RM_1ArKam: up to now, I always handle instances with cirros-images and xubuntu-live-images...14:31
RM_1now I need a Ubuntu-Image for the file, because it is an .deb-package...14:31
RM_1so I tried the uec-ubuntu-server-image but now it want a login/pwd? wth?14:31
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ArKamRM_1: the instance require password?14:32
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RM_1ArKam: yes14:34
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RM_1ArKam: perhabs I create the instance wrong?14:34
RM_1I only "nova boot ..." from that .img14:34
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ArKamthe --file option need to be use during the nova boot if I remember well.14:35
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RM_1ArKam: yes14:35
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RM_1ArKam: is there to do some magic when I want to "nova boot " from an uec-image like the ubuntu server? ;)14:37
RM_1apart from --file14:37
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ArKamRM_1: I don't think so, but I rather use Raw Debian on my own sorry :D14:38
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RM_1ArKam: perhabs I can try this... Debian can handle .deb package too :D :D14:40
RM_1do you have a source?14:40
RM_1to me14:41
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ArKamRM_1: of course14:43
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work_Anyone using the Fedora Grizzly packages, or know if they have their own support channel14:44
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RM_1ArKam: thx.14:46
RM_1by mention RAW do mean glance option "--format raw"...?14:46
RM_1because up to now I use qcow2.14:46
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kbringardanyone familiar with quantum enough to tell me… from all the docs I'm reading it doesn't seem like the nova add-floating-ip stuff works directly, but you have to make quantum calls to associate floating IPs14:49
kbringardis this correct?14:49
RM_1ArKam: or you mean creating bootable volume?14:49
RM_1thus far I create the image with glance and then I create an instance with nova boot14:49
RM_1not that this process is wrong14:49
ArKamRM_1: Now I mean a true linux distro for admin purpose, not an educolored one like ubuntu :D14:49
ArKamNo -w sorry -_-14:50
RM_1ArKam: haha, kk14:50
ade_bwork_, the doc on the site suggests here is the place to discuss it
ArKamkbringard: Sorry men, never used Quantum for now :D14:51
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kbringardArKam: no worries :-)14:51
RM_1kbringard: same here14:51
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kbringardI'm working on getting it setup, just figured I'd ask so I'd have an idea what to expect14:52
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RM_1ArKam: haha, ERROR: Personality file content too long (HTTP 413) (Request-ID: req-e6da14e0-ff1a-4832-ad1c-2b8fd8ef93e1) by using the "--file option"14:52
ArKamkbringard: on my side, IPFloating need to be used with Public VMs14:52
work_Thanks ade_b14:53
ArKamRM_1: You can override the quota I think14:53
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aszeszohi all, which one, KVM or Xen, is better supported by OpenStack?14:54
ArKamaszeszo: KVM14:55
RM_1ArKam: yea...there is a "flag" in nova.conf.....thx man14:55
ArKamRM_1: You're welcome /D14:55
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aszeszoArKam: interesting14:56
aszeszocan you attach volumes to KVM guests at runtime?14:56
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aszeszoI know it is possible on EC2, but Amazon is using Xen, not KVM14:57
ArKamaszeszo: yes you can14:57
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aszeszooh, cool, I didn't realize that14:58
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ArKamaszeszo: use a qcow2 volume14:58
aszeszoArKam: why is that important?14:59
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aszeszoArKam: I have almost zero experience with openstack, please excuse my silly questions ;)15:00
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aszeszothe only thing i did with it was to run devstack build script in a vm and start non-accelerated qemu guest15:01
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RM_1in case someone is interested in... it was the "quota_injected_file_content_bytes" -flag in nova.conf15:02
RM_1(for the logs :D)15:02
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RM_1ArKam: the instance with debian want a cdrom from me?!15:06
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iartarisiare endpoint urls supposed to have a path (e.g. 'v1/') or not? ceilometerclient seems to append its own path to already defined endpoint urls15:11
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e_steveHello all, keystone client question15:14
e_steveI just upgraded my keystone to grizzly, introduced identity v3 API.15:14
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e_stevewhen i calll i get 404 not found15:16
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ArKamRM_1: You got to use another instance to perform a new image or use the img version of debian on debian.org15:30
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RM_1ArKam: I still used the link you posted and added that image to glance with:15:33
RM_1"glance image-create --location --is-public true --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --name "Debian 6.0.7 netinst""15:33
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RM_1after that "nova boot ..." with the image and a flavor15:36
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ArKamRM_1: Basically, OS will not run your instance with my link indeed, because it's an ISO CD9660 which need to be boot. Indeed I never used a CDRom install iso on OS, so I may be wrong, but my guess is that you probably should make a debootstrap from another image :D15:37
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RM_1ArKam: k15:40
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e_steveHey everyone, i have a quick question.. Does anyone know why keystoneclient  v3 still uses the 'v2.0' management url? Is this a bug? I checked master branch and it was still like this..15:49
e_steveIn [30]: type(keystone)15:49
e_steveOut[30]: keystoneclient.v3.client.Client15:49
e_steveIn [31]: keystone.management_url15:49
e_steveOut[31]: u''15:49
james_liflaper87, Hi Flavio, did you see my comment on ? another reviewer is asking to restore the functional test case that you didn't like.15:50
ArKame_steve: Got a better one, why use a int url like v2.0 vx;y this is a non sense for an API15:51
e_stevewhat? v2.0 is the version of identity API for keystoneclient.v2_015:51
e_stevei dont understand what you mean15:51
james_liflaper87, please take a look at that, thanks.15:51
e_stevecalls to /v2.0/tenants works15:52
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ArKame_steve: I mean, why do we use v2.0 in the url? we should use a generic api.ServiceName.ControllerNodeName.tld instead.15:53
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e_steveArKam: Sorry i'm still not following you. I initialized keystone in the same way as was done here: is that not correct?15:55
e_stevei just dont understand why 'v2_0' is the default keystone.version for keystoneclient.v3 , or why v2_0 is included in the management_url15:55
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flaper87james_li: just saw it, let me comment there15:57
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ArKame_steve: Nervermind, it was just a simple personnal reflexion on my own, because you launch the topic ;-) I didn't really answered you :D15:57
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rerngvit_sorry, mistype.15:59
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e_stevelol ahh okay, any pointers on where to find this info? is there some #openstackdev IRC chat?16:00
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ArKame_steve: this is the Contrib channel that you're looking for :D16:01
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e_stevefigures i guess no space and underscore when its a hyphen. thanks all.16:06
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s34ndoes physical networking in grizzly still work as illustrated here? ->
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dnearykiall, Ping?16:38
kialldneary: Hiya16:38
dnearyDoes Moniker do automatic IP to domain name mapping (like hostname ip_192_168_32_2 mapping to IP for example)16:39
dnearybbias - toliet flood16:39
dnearyNever mind - kids playing a joke16:40
kiallSo, we can receive events from Nova/Quantum, and plugins can take action based on the data in the event.16:40
kiallThe stock (mostly a sample) handler does exactly that16:40
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kiallWell.. I think it uses - rather than _ but close enough ;)16:40
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dnearyOK. And there's nothing else currently in OpenStack which does that? (as in: Quantum or nova-networking doesn't do that basic use-case by default)?16:41
kiallQuantum has nothing DNS related in it AFAIK16:41
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dnearykiall, Are you Irish, by the way? Or Scottish? Or neither?16:41
kialland nova has 2 DNS things.. the nova DNS API, which is like a *really* limited version of Moniker that nobody uses16:41
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kiall(The guys who wrote it don't even use it ;))16:42
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kialland the other is the dnsmasq stuff, but that's really limited again16:42
kiallYea - I'm Irish16:42
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dnearykiall, I'm still trying to figure out why there's such an Irish connection in OpenStack - we should pitch Dublin for the next foreign OpenStack Design Summit.16:53
kiallHah - Where are you based? Dublin?16:54
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dnearyLyon, France16:54
dnearyLike most Irishmen, I moved ;-)16:54
dnearyI think RDO uses dnsmasq16:54
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kbringardcan anyone tell me how they apply the DB migrations to quantum16:55
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kbringardI'm trying to follow the instructions here:
kbringardbut I keep getting a stack trace ending with sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: Could not parse rfc1738 URL from string ''16:55
kiallkbringard: sounds like you haven't configured a database uri16:56
kiall(or it cant find the config file)16:56
kbringardthat's what I thought, but I have…16:56
kbringardquantum-db-manage --config-file /etc/quantum/quantum.conf --config-file /etc/quantum/plugins/openvswitch/ovs_quantum_plugin.ini stamp folsom16:56
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kbringardthis is the command I'm running16:56
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kbringardgrep sql_conn /etc/quantum/plugins/openvswitch/ovs_quantum_plugin.ini16:56
kbringardsql_connection = mysql://<user>:<pass>@
kbringardkiall: ^^16:57
kbringardso it's there :-/16:57
kiallIs that the same file that the migrations tool uses?16:57
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kiall(I've never installed quantum, but I know what that error means!)16:57
kbringardi have to assume so… from the readme:16:58
kbringardquantum-db-manage --config-file /path/to/quantum.conf \16:58
kbringard --config-file /path/to/plugin/config.ini stamp folsom16:58
kiallMaybe sql_conn is incorrect, or the config section etc?16:58
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kiallWhatever is happening, quantum-manage is ending up with "" as a database URL instead of "mysql://...."16:58
kbringardright, I'm digging through the code to see why it's not finding it16:58
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kbringardI just thought someone may know already and save me the time :-D16:59
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kbringardI get a different error if I only use the plugin.ini17:00
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kbringardso I'm guessing it's looking for something in the quantum.conf which isn't there17:00
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jakewarnerDoes anyone have any ideas what might cause: 'CRITICAL nova [-] need more than 0 values to unpack' ?17:10
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hewbroccatesting for kurt seifried17:15
hewbroccawhoops, wrong channel... apols...17:15
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dnearyThanks kiall!17:21
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dnearyhewbrocca, Hi there17:22
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zxvff_good notice to have thanks openstackstatus18:06
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CliMzHi guyz, i'm looking for a guide to configure a Nexenta storage with Grizzly release, any advice ? Thanks18:15
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jakewarnersemi-boob question: If you run "nova hypervisor-stats", should vcpus include possible # of overcommits or the actual real number?18:15
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ctorgerHappy Friday, everyone. I've got a question about Cinder in Grizzly. It looks like deleted snapshots are still counting against quotas. Has anyone seen this?19:10
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ctorgerI found a bug report that was resolved where the same was true of volumes. Not finding anything on snapshots.19:12
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jgriffithctorger: up until recently we weren't doing quotas on snapshots19:13
jgriffithctorger: so there's no equivalent bug for snapshots19:13
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ctorgerjgriffith: Assuming I should I open one?19:15
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jgriffithctorger: it shouldn't exist in Grizzly19:16
jgriffithctorger: but I didn't scroll back to your conversation to see if you produced the issue or not19:17
terjeis there a way to list compute nodes in a cluster?19:17
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ctorgerjgriffith: We had a quota of 1 TB. We tested 3 snapshots of a 300GB volume and were unable to create more snapshots due to the quota. We deleted all of the snapshots, but remain unable to create more.19:17
ctorgerjgriffith: ERROR: VolumeSizeExceedsAvailableQuota: Requested volume or snapshot exceeds allowed Gigabytes quota19:18
jgriffithctorger: hurumph....19:18
jgriffithctorger: sounds like a bug, but real quick can you pastebin your cinder.conf file?19:18
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jgriffithctorger: I'm assuming you're running Grizzly19:19
ctorgerjgriffith: Yes. Doing so now. Let us scrub it and we'll get it up there.19:19
jgriffithctorger: thanks19:19
ctorgerjgriffith: Actually, thank you for the help.19:19
terjenova-manage doesn't seem to do that..19:20
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jgriffithterje: I believe it's something like: 'nova service-list'19:21
smokes2345hey guys19:21
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jgriffithterje: that should give you nodes and their status19:21
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terjejgriffith: So, I found that .. but19:22
smokes2345i'm trying to setup a devstack instance with XCP as the hypervisor, but when I run, it creates domU with a bad interfaces file so that ubuntu installer won't progress past configuring network19:22
terjeI don't see my 'compute' nodes listed there.19:22
terjeoh, maybe that's the issue.19:22
jgriffithterje: ;)19:22
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terjethanks. :)19:22
jgriffithterje: sure.. check your endpoint settings via keystone19:23
* terje smacks forehead19:23
smokes2345anybody have any ideas how i can get around it?19:23
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jgriffithctorger: hmm... no custom settings aroudn quotas :(19:24
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jgriffithctorger: so much for the easy solution19:24
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ctorgerjgriffith: Time to file a bug?19:25
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jgriffithctorger: believe so19:25
jgriffithctorger: sorry, hoped I'd have a solution19:26
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smokes2345and apparently the error occurs regardless of what's in the template19:26
ctorgerjgriffith: No worries. We're raising quotas as a workaround, but as we get closer to going full production with Grizzly (we really needed Heat), we'll look to finding a real solution.19:27
jgriffithctorger: I'm curious if the fix didn't get backported to grizzly19:28
jgriffithctorger: I actually worked on that bug, that's why I was skeptical :)19:28
ctorgerjgriffith: Exactly what we were thinking. I guess I could pull up that bug report and do a diff.19:29
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jgriffithctorger: sure, I'll do it later as well.  If you file the bug I'll try to get it handled next week19:29
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ctorgerjgriffith: It's not in our Grizzly build from EPEL, so it must not have been merged. I'll include that in the bug report.19:31
ctorgerjgriffith: Actually it looks like the changes are there, but not in At least from a 30 second look.19:32
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jgriffithctorger: Yeah, I think I know what might have happened.19:32
smokes2345Since eth0 isn't included in the template, i'm assuming that's the internal xapi-dedicated interface. and since the problem occurs regardless of the template i would assume it is the configuration of eth0 that is the problem19:33
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jgriffithctorger: one other thing that would be helpful if you can...19:34
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jgriffithctorger: check out the database entry for, cinder:quota_usages19:35
ctorgerjgriffith: Checking...19:35
jgriffithctorger: if you can't/don't, no biggy, I'll check it when I load up Grizzly stable19:35
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ctorgerjgriffith: Co-worker is doing it right now. :-)19:36
elisa87hi are you aware of the FOSS for women this summer? How can I find a mentor? actually I know her IRC ID : jpich19:36
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ctorgerjgriffith: Both snapshots and GB used are not accurate with what the cinder tool shows.19:37
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jgriffithctorger: you mean the settings don't match up?19:38
jgriffithso that table only gives use/reserved19:38
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jgriffithuse --> used19:39
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ctorgerjgriffith: Listing from cinder tool shows no snapshots and only 300 GB in use. The DB shows 7 snapshots in place and 1500 GB used.19:39
jgriffithctorger: cool.. bug!19:39
jgriffithctorger: thanks!19:39
jgriffithctorger: I know where/how to fix it I think19:39
ctorgerjgriffith: Glad to help out. By the way, does this go under Nova in the bug tracker? No Cinder group, it appears. (Thought that had been broken out in Grizzly)19:40
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jgriffithctorger: oh... cinder19:42
ctorgerDoes that change things? The bug report I posted earlier that was fixed in Folsem was for Cinder. That patch does not appear to be present in Grizzly.19:44
jgriffithctorger: just go ahead and file a bug against Cinder, I'll sort out the rest and ask follow ups later if needed :)19:45
ctorgerjgriffith: Sorry if I'm missing something, but I don't see a Cinder tracker listed here:
ctorgerjgriffith:'s right here -
ctorgerjgriffith: *grin*19:47
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jgriffithctorger: :)19:48
smokes2345is there somewhere else I need to go for devstack support?19:49
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ctorgerjgriffith: Bug is filed (1173365). Thanks again for the help. Let us know if you need further info or testing.19:52
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smokes2345can you hear me now?19:54
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jgriffithctorger: awesome, thanks for all the detail19:56
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smokes2345no? nothing? ok, thanks20:12
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shrihey everyone!!20:41
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rootardtms: did you ever recover your cloud?21:58
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tmsrootard: yup, figured it out22:09
tmsrootard: for whatever crazy reason the sqldump of the database that I took on 12.10 wouldn't go back into 12.04 (ubuntu)22:09
tmsthey had a slightly different mysql version22:09
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tmswhich I could have looked into, but in the interest of my sanity i just reinstalled to 12.04 and it ate the db just fine22:09
tmsrootard: that being said I am still struggling with the necessity of upgrading to grizzly in a sane manner22:10
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rootardtms: good to know. I wonder what the mysql differences were between the two.22:30
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rootardI've been having issues with my MySQL database but I'm running mysql from Debian packages.22:30
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tmsrootard: not positive, but I'll let you know23:01
tmsrootard: I'm going to do some far more extensive DR and upgrade testing next week23:01
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rootardtms: sounds prudent. Good luck :)23:03
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tmsrootard: thanks :) I'll probably need it23:07
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rootardugh, nova-manage db sync, why do you hate me?23:41
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