Sunday, 2013-04-21

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elithrarHas anyone resolved conflicts between Nova API and Cinder trying to run on the same port?
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ekarlsokoolhead17: ping04:14
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dragunov11Hi, am trying to setup swift, with 1 proxy node, 1 keystone node, and 1 storage node. I have completed the setup, with configs. When I do "swift stack", after loading the credentials for keystone, the command doesn't respond anything. Any pointers?06:54
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dragunov11Sorry, the command I execute is "swift stat"06:55
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wickedpuppyhmms... does anyone know how I can mount a volume to an instance? I have created a volume and attached to an instance. How do I mount it within the instance shell?07:15
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dragunov11@wickedpuppy, doesn't it show up in ls /dev/ ?07:19
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wickedpuppydragondm, it does07:20
wickedpuppywhen i mount it , it says wrong fs type07:20
dragunov11did you format it first ?07:22
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yeukhonnight everybody07:22
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wickedpuppyhow do I format it?07:22
wickedpuppyi don't see the option...07:23
dragunov11use mkfs. for eg. mkfs.ext4 /dev/_volume_dev_name07:23
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dragunov11replace volume_dev_name with what you get when you attach the volume to instance.07:23
wickedpuppyyou can't do that from dashboard?07:24
wickedpuppyah so create , attach then format07:24
wickedpuppyi see07:24
wickedpuppylet me try it now07:24
dragunov11No I think. Since its a volume, I believe its a block device, raw.07:24
dragunov11try and let me know.07:24
wickedpuppythanks dragondm07:25
dragunov11good. np07:25
wickedpuppysomeone should point this out somewhere .. couldn't find it when I was googling07:25
dragunov11have you tried setting up the object store ?07:25
wickedpuppyor maybe I am just naive07:26
wickedpuppyobject store .. no07:26
wickedpuppyjust an instance and volume07:26
dragunov11Nah, its a known fact about block devices.07:26
wickedpuppyi see ... now I got to go read on object store ...07:28
wickedpuppyheh :P07:28
wickedpuppyand containers07:28
dragunov11Object store is good07:28
dragunov11but somehow I cant get it to work. You can use object store for the glance image service storage backend.07:29
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wickedpuppyi managed to create a container .. but unlike volume there isn't any options to attach to an instance or anything07:30
wickedpuppythen how do you access to it?07:30
dragunov11containers cant be attached. its like online folders, with files in it. You can access them through a browser or http , by the url07:31
dragunov11any instance can access a file inside a container, as long as it has the necessary container ID, i.e. the complete URL.07:31
wickedpuppyah that means the instance must have a ui?07:32
wickedpuppywhat is its just a server? links?07:32
wickedpuppylynx? lol07:32
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dragunov11not necessary. You can access the files in container, through an instance app, using http library. or curl, or wget, etc. depends on your application language07:33
wickedpuppyah wget ... yah07:33
dragunov11Have you used the rackspace cloudfiles ? its exactly that system. try using it, you will get a better idea.07:34
prometheanfiredragunov11: huh?07:34
prometheanfiredragunov11: I used to support rackspace cloud files specifically :D07:34
prometheanfireare you asking if it is swift?07:34
prometheanfire(it is)07:34
wickedpuppyhmms ...the url is something like http://10.65.10.x/dashboard/project/containers/TestContainer/PEM07:34
dragunov11prometheanfire: not asking. i know it is07:34
* prometheanfire just remembered that he has rackspace set to highlight him07:35
prometheanfirethought you were talking to me LD07:35
dragunov11wickedpuppy: the url, i think should be specific to your keystone server, or the swift proxy.07:35
dragunov11prometheanfire: lol, didnt knew that.07:36
dragunov11prometheanfire: btw, can you help me out with a swift proxy issue ? I cant find whats wrong.07:36
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prometheanfireah, what's the issue?07:37
dragunov11prometheanfire: see, my setup is, 1 keystone server, 1 swift proxy, 1 swift storage node. on the swift proxy, if I do, "swift stat", it doesnt respond. I have loaded the credentials for keystone.07:38
wickedpuppydragondm, thanks... I will go slow with openstack .. considering I am still a noob with it.07:38
dragunov11prometheanfire: and keystone does work, tested it with glance.07:38
prometheanfireso it's an auth issue between swift and keystone?07:39
dragunov11wickedpuppy: its fairly easy. just read manuals twice if in doubt.07:39
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dragunov11prometheanfire: i did "swift --debug stat". the keystone does give access token when swift requests it. but then, after that it just sits there.07:39
wickedpuppydragondm, any good guide in mind?07:39
dragunov11wickedpuppy: am using the openstack grizzly guide for ubuntu 12.04. Its on the openstack site.07:40
prometheanfiredunno how much help I can be, we use a custom auth system sadly07:40
wickedpuppydragondm, will do .. i am on CentOS though ... using RDO guide..07:41
prometheanfire would be most up to date07:41
prometheanfirewickedpuppy: that isn't fully baked yet imo07:41
wickedpuppyironically I am in ubuntu singapore user group ... LOL07:41
wickedpuppyprometheanfire, I did try on Ubuntu ... in my defence07:41
dragunov11prometheanfire: okk.let me see.07:41
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dragunov11wickedpuppy: 12.04 lts I believe is really better for openstack, imo.07:42
prometheanfireI would go with 12.04, though I do have to put in the good word for gentoo :D07:43
dragunov11lol. yeah, gentoo is good. but its server systems we're talking about.07:43
prometheanfireyep, gentoo :P07:44
prometheanfireyou have to mind who you are talking to :P07:44
wickedpuppyemerge openstack!07:44
dragunov11prometheanfire: mind taking a look at the swift debug output ? you might have some idea.07:44
prometheanfireno, but emerge swift works07:44
prometheanfirealso, nova keystone etc07:44
* prometheanfire packages openstack for gentoo :D07:45
dragunov11nice man07:45
prometheanfireI can take a look, but keep in mind that I haven't deployed it in any serious manner yet (almost there, next month I think)07:45
dragunov11prometheanfire: np. its just that am into this openstack since 2 weeks, so I might have gone bonkers and missed something.07:46
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prometheanfireI can take a look, you might want to look in #openstack-swift as well07:46
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dragunov11prometheanfire: .07:48
prometheanfirecan't say I know unfortunately :(07:50
prometheanfireI'd check the irc chan and mailing lists07:50
dragunov11prometheanfire: np, thanks for trying though.07:51
dragunov11prometheanfire: but its no error code that I can check against.07:51
prometheanfireI know, that's what makes it suck most07:51
prometheanfireare your system clocks sync'd07:52
dragunov11yes, did that first after deploying.07:52
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prometheanfireturn up verbosity on the swift logs and keystone logs?07:53
dragunov11i checked the keystone logs, clean. don;t know how to setup logs for swift though.07:54
dragunov11and here I though, swift setup would be the easiest.07:54
prometheanfire goes through some of it07:55
dragunov11I didnt use the ppa. just added the grizzly deb source in apt. is that fine ?07:56
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prometheanfiredunno if there is a grizzly ppa07:58
dragunov11its not a ppa. its a deb source line in apt sources. the openstack guide didnt mention any swift ppa though.07:58
prometheanfireah, if it's for all of grizzly then use that07:59
prometheanfirethis is saio, just for testing swift really07:59
dragunov11okk. maybe I can make the swift work using tempauth. better something to soothe my nerves :P08:00
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dragunov11prometheanfire: on a separate line of thought, is xfs really better as its recommended everywhere ?08:05
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* prometheanfire also uses zfsonlinux08:08
prometheanfirefor swift it is better though08:08
prometheanfireswift is designed for low safety file systems08:09
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dragunov11prometheanfire: okk. cause ext4 has better performance i guess. but I will stick with xfs for now.08:14
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prometheanfirexfs should have better perf08:18
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dragunov11prometheanfire: i havent tested it out myself. just saw it on phoronix08:32
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dragunov11prometheanfire: fixed it. had to add signing_dir in proxy-server.conf under authtoken :D . finallyyyy . it uses keystone, and able to upload files :D.08:52
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nosleep77hello. I want to play around with openstack and have been doing some reading. Should I use devstack or stackops to deploy?14:01
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nosleep77or i should use something else?14:02
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ekarlsocalston: aloha18:25
calstonafter a reboot, libvirt got borked, fixed that but now I have a ton of instances stuck in "hard reboot"18:25
calstonthe docs mention nova reset-state18:25
calstonthat command doesn't exist18:25
ekarlsoversion are you on ?18:26
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ekarlsooh, dunno about that :/18:28
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ekarlsowhy you on essex calston ?18:28
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calstonbecause this was configured a while ago18:30
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ekarlsosorry calston i dunnop about essex :(18:33
ekarlsocalston: is your libvirt running ?18:33
calstonyes, I've rebooted other instances18:34
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calstonbut ones I tried to reboot before libvirt had stopped cocking around with dnsmasq (that integration is a depressing embarassment to the software community) are now stick as "rebooting"18:35
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calstonI just ended up doing "update instances set task_state=NULL where task_state is not NULL;" :)18:44
calstonthat let me reboot them18:44
calstonI guess I need to upgrade to Grizzly18:45
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scott_Anyone working with the new Redhat packages on CentOS?  Have two issues, OpenVswitch datapath and netns not being found. Anyone have any ideas?18:53
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evanjfraserhey all, has anyone tried the netapp cinder drivers?21:34
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* yeukhon turntable + hacking Mercurial = fun22:00
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jonnyking<jonnyking> does anyone know where one might find a guide to installing cinder on a node of it's own and configuring it to talk to COMPUTE and NOVA nodes?22:06
jonnyking<jonnyking> every guide I have come across so far seems to install cinder on a controller node22:06
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Teduardodoes anyone know what the heck horizon is trying to connect to when you login?22:11
Teduardoi keep getting no route to host22:11
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AkkadiusA password collecting server22:22
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evanjfraserso... does livemigrate with KVM in openstack require secure keys setup between compute nodes?22:35
evanjfraserlooks like it failed because it tried to ssh to the other node and run mkdir -p22:35
evanjfraserdespite the shared storage being setup.22:36
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elithrarevanjfraser: It still needs to create the images and ephemeral storage23:13
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evanjfraserelithrar: really?  interesting.23:14
evanjfraserI thought it would simply detach + attach like libvirt + kvm normally do23:14
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evanjfraserwhen the disks are on NFS.23:14
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