Wednesday, 2011-02-23

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vishyretr0h: no filter support00:08
retr0hvishy: thanks - I didn't see it in the code, but wanted to double check :)00:12
retr0hvishy: would anyone be interested in Filter support on DescribeInstances?00:12
vishyretr0h: what do filters do? I've never used them00:13
retr0hvishy: you can request only subset of all instances such as (give me all m1.smalls) vs all00:14
jaypipesdubsquared: sorry, dinner.00:17
jaypipesdubsquared: I actually have not spent much time with Swift. creiht would be a good resource on those questions...00:17
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jaypipessirp-: around?00:25
justinsbvishy: Instead of implementing a 'get-ebs-volume' command (which was missing initially, you had to get them all), they instead supported filters00:25
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justinsbvishy: It's a more consistent model, and works towards the 'everything is metadata' approach00:25
vishythe naieve version of filters would be pretty easy00:26
vishy* naive00:26
justinsbI agree, and probably if we just pushed it down to SQL Alchemy it could do a good job of making it efficient00:26
justinsbI think it would actually make our code cleaner00:26
vishyi.e. filter in python after retreviing them00:26
vishy* retrieving00:26
justinsbIt's probably more work _not_ to push them down to SQL Alchemy :-)00:27
retr0h_vishy: yeah, I was already looking into adding a few things into the openstack api maybe I should add filters to ec2 - would be useful imo00:28
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justinsbvishy: Are we thinking of removing the EC2 API any time soon?00:29
vishyjustinsb: doubt that (you'll have to add them to compute.api etc.00:29
sirp-jaypipes: hey, back for a moment00:29
vishyinstead of doing it all at the ec2_api layer00:29
vishybut sqlalchemy would be better definitely00:30
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vishyjustinsb: we aren't planning on removing it at any point00:30
vishybut i think most of the dev will move away from it soon00:30
justinsbvishy: OK!  Good to know!00:30
retr0h_vishy: id use openstack api if it understood projects00:30
retr0h_vishy: thats something I was hoping to add in.  when i list all instances I find it useful to know what projects they are in00:31
retr0h_ec2 does this already00:31
j05hand conversely knowing what project an instance belongs to.00:32
jaypipessirp-: hey, wondering if you could branch lp:~jaypipes/glance/api-image-format and You'll note a sqlalchemy-migrate exception being thrown, and I was wondering if you might be able to shed some light on correcting the first stab at a migration file I did...00:33
sirp-jaypipes: sure thing00:33
jaypipessirp-: thx man.00:33
jaypipessirp-: also, a review on the bug704854 branch would be appreciated :)00:34
sirp-jaypipes: yup already started looking :D00:34
jaypipessirp-: thx mate. sorry about the delay on that bug... took a while to figure out a paths issue. turns out I had some glance-api/registry installed in /usr/local/bin that were masking the exception because those programs were from a branch where I'd actually fixed the bug.. anyway, long story :)00:36
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RobertLaptopQuestion were do you control access control.  When attempting to access from outside the box. I get EC2ResponseError: 403 Forbidden from inside the box it works fine.  using the Same novarc settings.00:38
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sirp-jaypipes: it looks like the downgrade() method of the migration needs to be added00:45
sirp-jaypipes: what's happening is: upgrade is dropping the `type` column, and downgrade isn't adding it back; since the test does an upgrade() downgrade() upgrade() that last upgrade() will fail00:45
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sirp-jaypipes: assuming you're getting OperationalError: (OperationalError) no such column: images.type00:47
retr0h_RobertLaptop: the EC2_URL is the same?00:47
jaypipessirp-: nope, I'm getting this: :(00:48
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RobertLaptopretr0h, Yes00:50
retr0hRobertLaptop: odd, was thinking a possible problem with signing the request if EC2_URL IP or port didn't match that of api endpoint00:52
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RobertLaptopYea.  I have also checked for a Firewall as well00:57
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jarroddoes rackspace use the free opensourced xenserver?01:04
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uvirtbotNew bug: #723488 in nova "Using FlatManager, Cannot ping or ssh to the instance" [Undecided,New]
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Ge0RgeR^im new ,need some help. I have a fresh server with ubuntu 10.04 as advised by someone here01:47
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uvirtbotNew bug: #723496 in swift "Ratelimiting does not handle memcache exceptions" [Undecided,New]
edaymtaylor: you around?02:09
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uvirtbotNew bug: #723498 in nova "specifying a name in describe_security_groups causes an exception" [Low,In progress]
mtayloreday: yup02:13
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edaymtaylor: how would one go about configuring tarmac to merge new things? I can add the jenkins job, but I'm assuming theres more :)02:27
Glaceeis nova working only with amazon like security groups?02:27
Glaceeis there an advances networking mode with dhcp/dns , ha proxy vms?02:27
Glaceevlan isolation?02:27
RobertLaptopGlacee, vlan isolation yes.02:28
RobertLaptopEvery project is it own group and IP space.  It is part of NASA requirements.02:30
Glaceeoh coool02:31
Glaceesorry about this.. didnt install it yet :002:31
RobertLaptopI did my 1st test install 2 days ago :)02:31
RobertLaptopI just watched several of the video's02:32
Glaceehehe didnt even know there was video.. gonna watch them02:32
RobertLaptopYour network must support VLans for the fully isolated version.02:33
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ewanmellorDoes anyone know what the current plan is for CLI tools for the OpenStack API?02:35
ewanmellorI see novatools on github, and I'm confused.02:35
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uvirtbotNew bug: #723505 in nova "Error if no fixed_ip element present when fetching servers through OpenStack API" [Undecided,New]
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mtayloreday: there is - there's a ~/.config/tarmac/tarmac.conf file in ~jenkins02:54
edaymtaylor: ahh, ok. could you add an entry for me? lp:burrow  :)02:57
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edaymtaylor: is created and disabled02:59
Ge0RgeR^is anyone available to help a beginner?03:01
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vishyGe0rgeR^: probably not the best time to ask for help, most people are home for the evening03:19
vishy(or sleeping for those in europe)03:19
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jarrodvishy: you use xen?03:28
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dubsquaredcreiht:  around?04:04
dubsquaredjaypipes:  thanks for the tip04:04
vishyjarrod: nope04:04
dubsquaredyo vishy:  you work with swift much?04:05
vishydubsquared: no, i've only done the aio04:05
dubsquaredcool…you know who would be good ppl to chat up for swift questions>04:06
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creihtdubsquared: what's up?04:41
dubsquaredhola, creiht:  im trying to hook up my swift cluster as a new backend to my nova cluster…and I was reading about swift3 middleware...04:43
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dubsquaredi'm not terrible familiar with swift…but i can get around…looking to see if you had any insight on making this happen04:43
dubsquaredjaypipes referred you :P04:44
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creihtdubsquared: ask away, and I will do the best that I can :)04:45
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dubsquaredcool :D04:49
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creihtask soon though, as I may be going to sleep soon :)04:51
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creihtbeen a long day04:51
dubsquareddo you work at the rack?04:51
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creihtdubsquared: I do, currently on the Cloudfiles team04:51
dubsquaredNice, I chatted with Jon Brown a bit today while I was getting the cluster set up04:52
dubsquaredalright, so the middleware piece..there is some documentation around it in the code04:53
dubsquaredTo add this middleware to your configuration, add the swift3 middleware04:53
dubsquaredin front of the auth middleware, and before any other middleware that04:53
dubsquaredlook at swift requests (like rate limiting).04:53
dubsquareddoes swift3 have a config that im passing all my swift creds into?04:54
creihtmiddleware in general, or a specific middleware?04:54
dubsquaredthe swift3 middleware04:54
creihtswift3 is just a translation middleware04:55
creihtit translate an s3 style request into a swift request, and the same with the response04:55
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creihtso you send your acct:username string as your s3 user, and your password as your secret key04:56
creihtas you would with s304:56
creihtand swift3 will convert that into a swift request04:56
dubsquaredok, so it's 'there', and does that as requests come in04:56
dubsquaredif formatted in that particular way?04:56
creihtit is standard python wsgi middleware04:57
dubsquaredhm ok, so on the nova side..04:57
creihtit changes the internal representation of the request into a representation that swift understands04:57
creiht(like setting the right path, and the right headers)04:57
dubsquaredis it as simple as changing the s3_host in nova.conf?04:58
dubsquaredright now im using nova-objecetstore04:58
creihtdubsquared: that part I will have to direct back to jaypipes, as I'm not entirely sure how the nova/glance stuff works04:59
creihtthough in theory you set some endpoint that points to swift and you are good to go04:59
creihtand if you use glance, you don't need the swift3 middleware, as it knows how to talk to swift05:00
dubsquaredyeah, im using euca2ools05:00
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dubsquaredi have a environment that i have to have a GUI for marketing folks to ooooo and ahhhh at05:00
creihtdubsquared: what os?05:01
dubsquaredand no dashboard supports OS API yet, obv05:01
dubsquaredubuntu + kvm05:01
creihtwhat client os that you would like to run the GUI from?05:01
dubsquaredoh, openstack dashboard05:02
dubsquaredthat's all i meant05:02
dubsquaredit uses all ec2 on the backend05:02
creihtyeah that is an area that I don't know as much about05:03
dubsquaredit'd be nice to have things more feature complete, but when ppl want to see stuff….well they get to see stuff05:03
creihtthere are some GUI tools that work directly with swift (like cyberduck)05:03
dubsquaredyeah, i got that worked this afternoon05:03
dubsquaredi just need nova to use swift now :)05:04
dubsquaredand i have a pretty well wrapped up product to display05:04
* creiht redirects then to jaypipes :)05:04
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dubsquaredso that the legwork that is going down to make the translation happen?05:06
creihtdubsquared: if swift3 is setup correctly, that is an example of how you would connect to swift using the boto library05:06
creihtboto being an amazon specific client library05:07
dubsquaredah yeah, thats right..05:07
dubsquaredso does that have to be somewhere on my nova side, as a client?05:08
creihtI'm not sure what nova uses as a client05:08
creihtor how any of that part works :)05:08
creihtsorry I can't be more help there05:08
dubsquaredhrm alright…so is there anything I need to do to setup swift3 on the cluster?05:09
dubsquaredback to this:05:10
dubsquaredTo add this middleware to your configuration, add the swift3 middleware05:10
dubsquaredin front of the auth middleware, and before any other middleware that05:10
dubsquaredlook at swift requests (like rate limiting).05:10
creihtdubsquared: right, so the pipline setup in your proxy config would look something like:05:11
creihtcatch_errors healthcheck cache swift3 ratelimit swauth proxy-server05:12
dubsquaredah nice05:13
dubsquaredi don't have catch_errors05:13
dubsquaredwhat is that05:13
creihtthat will insert the swift3 middleware into the pipeline05:13
dubsquaredi have a decent guess..05:14
dubsquaredbut what's it doing rather05:14
dubsquaredok so this will be a silly question05:14
dubsquaredbut there is like 12 services05:14
creihtIt will catch any uncaught exceptions, log the exception, and return a 500 to the client, rather than the client seeing the stacktrace05:14
dubsquaredjust bounce...05:14
dubsquaredoh nice05:14
dubsquaredStart the storage services:05:16
dubsquaredis there a catch all that boucnes all those?05:16
creihtswift-init all start05:17
dubsquaredor if i add a new storage node05:17
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dubsquaredok updated pipeline, restarted proxy05:18
Mani2while running this cmd #bzr lp-login mahendrancse i got (couldn't connect to host05:18
creihtMani2: are you behind a proxy or something like that?05:19
creihtdubsquared: btw, most of the swift commands should give you help if you send a --help to it05:19
dubsquaredlol…what is that05:20
creihtswift-init --help05:20
dubsquaredive gotten so used to not having those from nova05:20
Mani2weather to clear the proxy05:20
dubsquaredhaha i know, i was trolling :)05:20
dubsquaredsad that i didn't even really think of it05:20
dubsquaredbut nova-manage has come a long ways :)05:21
creihtMani2: if you are behind a proxy, I think there is something that you have to do to enable bzr to use the proxy?05:21
mtayloreday: pong05:21
mtayloreday: ping, I mean05:21
mtayloreday: do I need to do anything as a verification step other than python test for burrow?05:22
mtayloreday: also, I need you to change lp:burrow to be lp:~hudson-openstack/burrow/trunk05:24
creihtdubsquared: and if you happen to be running trunk, swift-init was improved quite a bit05:24
creihtso you can do things like05:24
creihtswift-init proxy status05:24
mtayloreday: and I need you to add the ~hudson-openstack user to the reviewers team for burrow05:24
creihtand it will show you the status of any proxy processes05:24
dubsquaredadd-apt-repository ppa:swift-core/ppa05:25
creihtok then you don't have that yet :)05:25
dubsquaredif swift/trunk is anything like nova/trunk, i didn't want anything to do with it atm05:26
creihtIt is usually much more stable05:26
creihtthough the project is much more mature, and isn't changing as quickly05:26
dubsquaredone would figure, but after getting all these trunk battle wounds05:26
creihtI understand :)05:26
dubsquaredcoo, might give it a try then :)05:26
dubsquaredafter i get this other stuff worked out05:27
dubsquaredpoking aroiund in novarc...05:29
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dubsquaredi got my accesskey:username and secret key05:29
dubsquaredand a S3_URL05:29
dubsquaredwonder if i need to point that to swift05:30
Mani2how to  enable bzr to use the proxy05:30
creihtVery bottom of the page05:30
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Mani2i have given like this #export http_proxy=
Mani2it is correct or not05:34
creihtMani2: the http_proxy variable should point to your http proxy05:36
creiht(if that is the issue)05:36
* dubsquared shakes fist05:36
creihtMani2: without logging in, are you able to do something like05:36
creihtbzr branch lp:nova05:36
Mani2it also shows error errno 11105:37
creihtMani2: what version of bzr are you using?05:39
creihtbzr --version05:39
kpeppleis nova/trunk (#715) testing broken ( ?05:39
Mani2ver is Bazaar (bzr) 2.1.205:40
creihtok then that should be a recent enough version05:40
creihtMani2: does the machine you are running bzr on have access to the internet?05:41
Mani2but it throw error when i run the cmd : #bzr lp-login mahendrancse05:41
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Mani2how to check bzr has internet access05:41
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creihtMani2: wget
creihtdoes that get an index.html or does it time out?05:43
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Mani2it got index.html saved(10010)05:44
creihtMani2: I'm not sure then, sorry05:44
creihtfor some reason bzr can't reach launchpad05:44
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creihtI think you might still have to set some proxy variable in a bzr config05:45
creihtbut I haven't had to mess with that before05:45
edaymtaylor: adding hudson user now...05:48
edaymtaylor: and no on the python test file, it's in erlang :)05:49
edaymtaylor: ./rebar compile eunit  is how to run the tests05:50
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dubsquaredwhere does swift log to?05:54
dubsquaredit appears that when i updated pipeline, proxy did not restart correctly05:55
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mtayloreday: great06:00
mtayloreday: done06:01
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edaymtaylor: awesome, should I give it a whirl?06:02
Mani2after adding the http_proxy, https_proxy in bashrc the error is solved06:03
edayahh, devcamcar beat me to it06:04
Mani2when i run the cmd "#bzr branch lp:nova" error is pasted in
edaymtaylor: ahh, apt-get install erlang-nox  on the jenkins box :) (erlang without x)06:10
Mani2while running #bzr branch lp:nova i got the following error bzr: ERROR: exceptions.NotImplementedError: should resend request to, but this isn't implemented06:22
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Mani2while running #bzr branch lp:nova i got the following error bzr: ERROR: exceptions.NotImplementedError: should resend request to, but this isn't implemented06:30
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kpeppleMani2: i've never seen that error before but it looks like a bug in bzr ... possibly this one
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 558343 in bzr "NotImplementedError: "should resend request to, but this isn't implemented" during lp name lookup" [High,Fix released]06:38
kpeppleMani2: fix was released in 2.2b3 ... looks like you need to upgrade bzr06:39
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Mani2i have upgrade bze 2.2b3 now it show error
kpeppleMani2: how did you upgrade ? it is saying the bzr program version number doesn't match your bzrlib version number07:09
Mani2i download bzr 2.2b3 and installed it07:11
Mani2how to check bzrlib version07:11
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kpeppleMani2:  see here ...
Mani2the version of bzrlib is '2.3b3'07:19
kpeppleMani2: hmmm ... that's odd. my bzrlib and bzr version numbers match. try installing bzrlib 2.2b3 with something like "pip install bzrlib=2.2b3"07:21
kpeppleerr ... pip install bzrlib==2.2b307:21
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Mani2no i am getting this error07:25
Mani2ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused07:25
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kpeppleMani2: does bzr lp-login work ?07:32
Mani2yes it works07:33
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kpeppleMani2: what happens when you "ssh" ? you should see something like "No shells on this server"07:35
kpeppleMani2: replace YOURLPLOGIN with your lp-login name07:35
Mani2ssh mahendrancse@bazaar.launchpad.net07:37
Mani2ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused07:37
Mani2root@cdac[openstack]#bzr lp-login mahendrancse07:37
Mani2root@cdac[openstack]#bzr branch lp:nova07:37
Mani2ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused07:37
Mani2bzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist.07:37
kpeppleMani2: you are having a network issue here ... something is blocking port 22 somewhere along the way07:37
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mtayloreday: how's that working out for ya?07:48
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edaymtaylor: did you see my note about installing erlang?07:51
mtayloreday: yup. done07:51
edaymtaylor: awesome, thanks! let me try again07:51
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edaymtaylor: do you see a 'erlang-eunit' pkg installed?08:00
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edaymtaylor: actually, scratch that. it's erlang-dev we need (missing header file in dev pkg)08:02
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mtayloreday: ok. installed08:06
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uvirtbotNew bug: #723562 in nova "terminating a running instance within the instance will not be detected by the nova services" [Undecided,New]
edaymtaylor: \o/08:16
edaymtaylor: should we use lp:~hudson-openstack/burrow/trunk as trunk? looks like it pushed to burrow-core/cactus08:16
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Mani2while i  run the cmd "#bzr branch lp:nova"08:46
Mani2ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused08:46
Mani2bzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist.08:46
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ttxMani2: looks like your bzr is broken.08:50
Mani2broken means08:50
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ttxMani2: what OS are you using ? what version of bzr ?08:51
Mani2Bazaar (bzr) 2.3.008:51
ttxMani2: if your goal is to download recent sources, maybe you can download from
ttxMani2: i suspect you would get the same bzr error with any project (try "bzr branch lp:inkscape"), in which case you should ask your bzr question in #bzr08:54
ttxor is it #bazaar...08:54
ttxno, #bzr.08:55
Mani2its bzr08:59
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uvirtbotNew bug: #723591 in nova "calling "nova-manage network create" creates a lot of 10.0.X.0/24 networks" [Undecided,New]
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vishyit is the new hotness!09:55
* vishy goes to bed09:58
alekibangogn8 vishy09:58
birdHi, I have nova installed in multi server setup. I could launch instances comfortably. But when I try launch multiple instances at a go, I see that compute node is spawning only one after another. If I check the instance statuses using euca-describe-instances, I can see except one instance (showing as spawning) all are showing 'scheduling'. Is it not possible to parallelly launch multiple instances ?10:06
birdBTW, I am using Bexar release nova.10:08
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ttxbird: not sure, but it's very possible that the nova-compute node sequentially pulls from the queue. In a real setup you would probably get multiple compute nodes and scheduling would shuffle them around10:11
vishybird: that was fixed post bexar10:12
ttxvishy: ah ?10:12
vishyttx: soren had various patches10:12
berendtvishy: i don't think so10:12
vishyit isn't totally stable yet though10:12
vishyuntil iptables-concurrency goes in10:13
ttxvishy: ok, so nova-compute (should) use eventlet to spawn in parallel10:13
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 718994 in nova "rpc layer should use a threadpool or some other magic to add concurrency" [Undecided,Fix committed]10:13
berendtttx: spawn in parallel on one compute node?10:14
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ttxberendt: yes, apparently :)10:14
berendtI thought that's not possible because of i/o problems or something like that... I'll test it10:14
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vishybut it needs this patch:
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 722477 in nova "iptables-restore failed" [High,Triaged]10:15
vishywe used to run concurrently with twisted + process pool set to 410:16
vishyand it worked pretty well10:16
vishyabove that you start getting too much io contention10:16
vishyalthough with cow images i'm sure you could go way higher10:16
berendtvishy: yes i applied this patch on my testing systems10:17
uvirtbotNew bug: #723621 in nova "test_spawn_raw_glance in XenAPIVMTestCase complains about missing pygrub" [Undecided,New]
vishyberendt: it may be that some part of the launch process it blocking, if so we should file a bug so that we can improve the concurrency.  :)10:20
vishyok /me really goes to bed this time10:20
birdvishy: shall I try with fix for
uvirtbotbird: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out10:25
ttxbird: definitely. that fix will be included in soon-to-be-released Nova 2011.1.110:26
birdttx: ok10:26
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ttxbird: I hope to have test packages later today.10:26
birdttx: ok10:27
birdvishy: Do I need to set process pool?10:27
ttxbird: no. We use eventlet now, not twisted10:27
birdttx: yeah..10:28
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berendtvishy: launching of a lot of instances is working fine with the iptables patch10:50
birdberendt: how many compute nodes do you have in your setup?10:53
berendtbird: only 2 at the moment.. i launched 8 instances without problems.. i'll try it with more now10:54
birdberendt: which build are you using?10:55
berendtbird: bzrrev 713 with applied patch for the bug 72247710:55
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 722477 in nova "iptables-restore failed" [High,In progress]
birdberendt: Thanks. I will also try with the same .10:56
uvirtbotNew bug: #723638 in nova "missing functionality in bin/nova-manage: quotas" [Undecided,New]
berendttried it with 20 instances.. is working11:02
berendtbut how can i limit the launching instances at the same time now? is there a flag?11:03
berendthmm. there is a problem spawning more than 15 instances on one node per time.. because there are only 15 nbd devices are available11:06
alekibangojaypipes: hi, any news about machines for automated testing?11:10
birdberendt: ok11:28
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Ge0RgeR^i need some help- how to register an image of centos and run the instance?12:08
Ge0RgeR^i have created network12:08
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Ge0RgeR^Question guys : i need an instance to have a public ip13:20
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uvirtbotNew bug: #723703 in nova "OpenStack Nova doesn't support HTTP proxy" [Undecided,New]
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Ge0RgeR^anyone available13:50
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ttxjaypipes: ping14:00
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CloudChrisI'm looking for a list of all ports used by the nova components and a db-shema of the mysql tables - I saw both somewhere in openstack wiki, but can't find it now - and I am surge blocked :)14:27
CloudChrisanyone can point me to the right location?14:27
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berendtCloudChris: the db scheme is defined in nova/db/sqlalchemy/migrate_repo/versions/14:34
CloudChrisI meant the Graphical Image in the wiki ...14:39
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berendtCloudChris: to find the default ports you could do something like "grep -R -i flags.DEFINE_integer * | grep -i port"14:42
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rykercan anyone point me in the direction of a feature list for openstack?  I've searched the openstack site, and parsed the irc logs for a feature list, but I haven't had any success.14:55
vvuksanryker: what features are you looking for?14:55
rykerWe are in the process of evaluating private cloud software, so I'm trying to find a feature list to compare to other products, such as, or eucalyptus.14:55
rykervvuksan: I have a huge list of features we would like based on priority.  too many to list here :)14:56
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rykervvuksan: here is our current list of requirements.
rykerIs there no compiled feature list somewhere?14:59
rykerOr even feature list by components, and I can compile a combined list?14:59
berendtryker: ... don't know if the comparison is up to date...14:59
rykerberendt: nice.  thank you.  I don't know how I missed that.15:00
vvuksanberendt: wouldn't AMI's backed by EBS be nova-volume ?15:00
berendtvvuksan: i don't know.. i only found this list a long time ago.. last modification was 2011-01-12 11:55:25.. i think the list is a little bit deprecated15:02
berendtvvuksan: i didn't create the list...15:02
rykerat least this list is a starting point.  I just created a wiki account and I'll try to update it with the features I can find released in Bexar.15:04
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berendtryker: you could also add other solutions, like, to the list... :)15:06
rykerberendt: sure thing.15:09
Glaceehehe >eucalyptus15:12
Glaceeif you want help for the comparaison chart with I can help15:12
Glaceei have been using the latest ga version for a while15:13
vvuksanGlacee: what's are your thoughts on ?15:14
vvuksannow that you have tried to use openstack ?15:14
Glaceeonly swift unfoprtunately15:14
vvuksani see15:14
Glaceenot nova..15:14
Glaceewell only have a compute part15:15
Glaceebut.. well it is way more advance than openstack in my opinion15:15
vvuksani suspect it is15:15
GlaceeI like the way you can scale it all the features they have15:15
rykerGlacee: awesome.  any chance you can add to the feature comparison page?15:16
rykerwe should rename that page to just FeatureComparison15:16
vvuksanglacee: are you using community version or commercial version?15:16
Glaceeok ryker.. you want me to compare with opensource version or commercial?15:16
Glaceevvuksan.. commercial.. my cloud is going to be in beta in a month15:16
Glaceeusing their stack15:17
rykerGlacee: I actually thought's enterprise version is same as the OSS version, but with support, no?15:17
Glaceeyou dont have HA and UI console15:18
Glaceein community version15:18
rykerah, definitely want the enterprise version15:19
GlaceeI mean you have a Ui in community edition but not console access to vms15:20
Glaceeand also.. no billing usage  database in community15:20
rykerGlacee: i just spent all of 2 minutes on the site and didn't find cost for the enterprise version.  Can you tell me what the cost is?15:20
Glaceehmmm im under NDA sorry15:21
Glaceethey have a new pricing model that i dont know.. im on the old one15:21
rykerah, ok.  I didn't realize their prices were private.  That sucks.  I hate when companies do that.15:22
rykerI usually just move on when I see that.15:22
vvuksanprice discrimination :-)15:22
Glaceewell i guess they will put on their new pricing model online .. i dont know15:22
Glaceethey are under a lot of changes.. they hired a few new vps15:22
Glaceebut im glad you said enterprise version.. because its the one im using.. will be easier to do15:23
rykerGlacee: so, i'm curious why you are in the openstack forum?  did you test openstack for comparison and decide it wasn't feature complete enough for you use?15:23
vvuksanryker: I suspect based on your wish list that Openstack is not gonna cut it15:23
Glaceewell i just like to try everything15:24
alekibangovvuksan: he can pay someone to fill missing features15:24
rykervvuksan: :(  That sucks.  Thanks for taking the time to read that huge list of requirements.  Which features do you think are missing now?15:25
Glaceebut yeah for now.. its not complete enought.. but i think the paste is fast.. lot of improvement with bexar15:25
vvuksanalekibango: I know you can :-)15:25
alekibangoyou can get anything out of it when its open...  if you have some know-how and time15:25
vvuksanryker: manage Netapp/EMC storage, live migration between data centers15:25
vvuksanryker: also I believe HA is missing15:26
Glaceeyes aleki.. I know some guys that are working on some modification of openstack to put in on prod15:26
rykervvuksan: isn't live migration a feature of kvm?15:26
vvuksanryker: it may be but you have to write glue that is capable of migrating instances15:27
vvuksanryker: also there are network considerations when migrating instances across data centers15:27
vvuksannon trivial15:27
rykerah, so there is nothing in the openstack api to support live migration yet?15:27
Glaceeis vmware support in the plan?15:27
rykervvuksan: actually, that should say within data centers.  thx for pointing that out.15:28
vvuksanGlacee: I think that's the plan for Cactus release15:28
Glaceethanks vvuskan15:28
vvuksanSupport for VMware ESX & ESXi hypervisors.15:30
vvuksanbottom of the page15:30
Glaceeeven ESX? whos using esx anymore :015:30
vvuksani guess live migration is planned too :-)15:30
vvuksandunno who uses ESXi :-)15:30
Glaceeme lo15:30
Glaceelol :)15:31
vvuksani meant ESX :-)15:31
vvuksanGlacee: you are rolling out a public cloud then ?15:31
vvuksanwhich country ?15:31
Glaceefirst one in Can15:32
Glaceelot of people requesting one in can due to privacy thingy15:32
rykerthat's cool that live migration is coming in the next release.  unfortunately, who knows when it will actually be released and if that feature will actually end up making it in that release.  Lots of cool stuff going on in openstack though.15:33
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Glaceeyeah live migration is a nice feature indeed15:34
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rykera Q2 release for Cactus means some time between April 1st and July 31st, right?15:36
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ttxryker: April 14.15:38
rykerwow, that is right at the beginning of Q2.  That would be awesome.  Hope it doesn't get pushed.15:40
ryker*pushed = delayed.15:40
Glaceewhere is the comparaison chart? looking for it15:41
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ttxjaypipes: if you're around today, please fix up
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ttxjaypipes: blocking progress on 2011.1.115:51
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uvirtbotNew bug: #723791 in nova "error injecting ip into instance" [Undecided,New]
jaypipesttx: gimme 15. thx.16:16
jaypipesalekibango: no, sorry, nothing more than I've said on the mailing lists...16:18
jaypipesJordanRinke: around?16:18
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Ge0RgeR^Hello i need some help setuping up a public ip for an instance16:21
Ge0RgeR^*setting up16:21
jaypipesGe0RgeR^: soren can probably help you.16:27
ttxif only he wasn't in vacation.16:27
jaypipesttx: ping16:27
ttxjaypipes: pong16:28
jaypipesttx: ah, sorry, didn't know about soren's vacation... Ge0RgeR^, perhaps vishy could help you.16:28
jaypipesttx: OK, so do I have permission to port the fix from Cactus for the migrate.versioning ImportError into Bexar?16:28
ttxjaypipes: do you have the bug number at hand ?16:29
jaypipesttx: one sec.16:29
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 717467 in nova "from migrate.versioning import exceptions fails with recent venv" [Medium,Fix committed]16:30
ttxjaypipes: I think it's safe, my only problem with it is that it will delay the release.16:32
ttxjaypipes: so if it's merged by my tomorrow morning, i'll take it.16:32
jaypipesttx: why? I was going to just make the fix and commit to the bexar-translations branch16:32
jaypipesttx: it's so -V passes and I can verify the fix for the PEP8 errors...16:33
jaypipesttx: not a big deal though16:33
ttxthe bexar-translations branch doesn't really need more reviews, while that new fix will16:33
jaypipesttx: ah, ok... one sec then..16:33
ttxjaypipes: I *really* want to generate candidates tomorrow morning, so I don't want to delay due to another bug late-added to the list16:34
ttxbut I won't work on that tonight, that leaves you a few hours to get it in16:34
jaypipesttx: ok, pushing pep8 fix now.16:34
ttxjaypipes: so I'd say the top priority is to get bexar-translations in, and then if you can get the fix for 717467 in lp:nova/bexar before eod, perfect16:36
jaypipesttx: it's committed and approved.16:36
ttxjaypipes: so I'll generate candidate tarballs and packages for testing tomorrow, with whatever will be in lp:nova/bexar by then :)16:37
berendtdoes anyone know this error:
ttxjaypipes: sounds good ?16:37
berendt2011-02-23 17:28:00,561 ERROR nova.rpc [-] Returning exception Socket closed to caller16:37
annegentlettx: great start on the flag groupings wiki page16:38
ttxannegentle: was about to ping you about it16:38
ttxannegentle: once they are ordered sanely rather than alphabetically, it kinda makes sense16:38
jaypipesttx: should be, yep.16:39
jaypipesttx: oh, and glance's admin tool should be hitting Launchpad today. sorry for delay on that. been waiting to merge in other branches into it. long queue.16:39
berendtand i have a lot of errors in the rabbitmq logfile:  =WARNING REPORT==== 23-Feb-2011::17:28:01 ===16:39
berendtexception on TCP connection <0.1277.1> from
ttxannegentle: also using bold to distinguish between those-you-should-probably-modify and those-you-probably-shouldn't-touch helps16:39
ttxberendt: that's because your torturing the little rabbit :)16:40
berendtttx: i'm only running harmless stress tests16:40
ttxI can almost hear it crying from here.16:40
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jarrodHow do you install openstack on XenServer since the components are not available?16:41
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jarroddo I need ubuntu in a domU controlling the XenServer?16:43
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jaypipesvishy: your foo is strong, sir. very neat.16:45
sirp-jarrod: the short answer is yes that's the recommended setup (the long answer, is technically not, but you'd have to use the xs-unified-branch)16:46
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openstackhudsonProject nova-bexar build #8: SUCCESS in 1 min 37 sec:
openstackhudsonTarmac: This adds support for building the message catalogs on install of Nova.16:47
jarrodsirp-: no way to install aptitude/tools on the standard XenServer 5.6, eh? ;)16:49
sirp-jarrod: we're using ubuntu maverick in a domU with a work around for the sda/xvda debacle16:49
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jarrodoh I did not even think about that16:50
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jaypipessirp-: ah, good morning sir.16:51
jarrodbecause it will attempt to utilize the volumes in the domU for instances16:51
sirp-jaypipes: howdy16:51
jaypipessirp-: any idea about the cannot drop INDEX error being produced by sqlalchemy migrate script?16:52
sirp-jaypipes: that's really a weird one, it's failing in a different way on my machine16:52
jaypipessirp-: poop.16:53
sirp-jaypipes: i was planning to look into that a bit more today... also i'm noticing that logging is broken on nova trunk (for my mac at least), was gonna look into that as well16:54
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jaypipesjustinsb: you've been a very busy boy. holy code review backlog, batman.16:57
jaypipessirp-: nova trunk or glance trunk?16:57
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sirp-jaypipes: nova trunk16:58
sirp-jaypipes: i see termie has a syslog handler patch, but that doesn't seem to solve all of the issues (that i'm seeing at least)16:58
jaypipessirp-: k. well, if you have a chance to review the bug704854 branch, that would be nice too :)16:58
sirp-jaypipes: oh shoot, i started reviewing that and never finished... ill hop on that right now16:59
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jaypipessirp-: thx man :)17:01
jaypipessirp-: not sure if you noticed, but I moved all non-completed bugs and blueprints from our last sprint milestone to the next. We missed one blueprint and 4 bugs.17:01
jaypipessirp-: I've pcked up the blueprint and 2 of the bugs. I think one of the bugs is still assigned to you:
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jaypipessirp-: and I'm now done with the admin client. just finishing some final work on the corresponding doc file. admin-tool depends on api-image-format, though, which is why I need to figure out what the heck is going on with that migrate thing.17:03
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justinsbjaypipes: Thanks (I guess!)  I tried marking some of the dependent branches as such and marking the ones that were controversial as 'in progress' to try to reduce the number of 'active' reviews.17:07
justinsbjaypipes: Most of them are small though; just fixes because I'm trying to use the OpenStack API in unit tests17:08
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jaypipesjustinsb: coo. :)17:09
jaypipesjustinsb: and very much appreciated, btw :)17:09
justinsbjaypipes: Pleasure :-)17:11
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jaypipesxtoddx: around? wondering why you marked this Needs Fixing? I don't see any indication of what you wanted fixed? :)
jaypipesannegentle: may want to work with justinsb once goes through to document the new functionality.17:14
justinsbjaypipes: I think it's the diff xtoddx posted that he wants changed.  I'm trying to understand it now :-)17:15
xtoddxjaypipes justinsb: right, i just wanted to remove the empty metadata from the ec2 api17:15
xtoddxsince metadata means something different to that api, and the osapi style metadata isn't supported there17:16
jaypipesxtoddx: ah, sorry :)17:16
jaypipesxtoddx: by saying at the top "I like this:" I was a bit confused :)17:16
xtoddxsince it was just there to support a test case, i changed the test case to call directly to compute.api.API instead of ec2.api.cloud17:16
justinsbxtoddx: I understand now :-)17:16
xtoddxjaypipes: no worries17:16
jaypipesxtoddx: how's the beard, btw? doing well, I assume?17:16
xtoddxjaypipes: oh yea!17:17
jaypipesxtoddx: beard++17:17
xtoddxjaypipes: i'm getting it on video tomorrow, you'll be able to see it soon17:17
xtoddxjaypipes: btw, i got, just because17:17
jk0well, if anyone deserves that, it'd be you :)17:17
jaypipesxtoddx: ha! nice :)17:18
jaypipesjk0: indeed.17:18
* jaypipes reserves
* jk0 should get fatty@openstack.org17:19
jaypipesjk0: you're not fat, though.17:19
jaypipesjk0: no more than me.17:19
jk00.0, oh yes I am17:19
justinsbxtoddx: I do like the change; it's also saying that quotas should be enforced at the module level, not the API front-end17:19
jaypipesjk0: of course, I've been expanding horizontally for years now...17:19
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xtoddxoh man, this went to a weird place17:20
jaypipesxtoddx: lol17:20
xtoddxjustinsb: right17:20
jaypipesyes, that prolly didn't come across well...17:20
xtoddxjustinsb: i was thinking we'd change more of the quota checks to use the compute api at some point17:20
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justinsbxtoddx: I agree, but I think I'll try to focus this patch just on the changes needed to support metadata.17:23
justinsbxtoddx: I might add some TODOs though to mark where we need to change it17:23
xtoddxjustinsb: right, i was thinking of doing it after your patch lands17:23
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justinsbxtoddx: Sounds good.  Do you want me to put in TODOs?17:24
xtoddxjustinsb: nah, it isn't really related to what you're patching17:25
justinsbxtoddx: OK!17:25
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alekibangojaypipes: i really cant find that email you are talking to... can you please give me more info?17:26
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henrichrubinanyone know why qemu cannot open disk image?  this is the latest trunk.... .  does nova require apparmor on ubuntu?17:28
jaypipesalekibango: one sec.17:29
jaypipesalekibango: this was the original in that thread:
alekibangoty, reading17:32
vvuksanhenrichrubin: i'd turn off apparmor17:34
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henrichrubinvvuksan:  thanks.  i figured it out.  have to turn off apparmor via....  security_driver = "none" in qemu.conf17:37
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openstackhudsonProject nova build #554: SUCCESS in 1 min 37 sec:
openstackhudsonTarmac: Fixes lots of errors in the unit tests.17:37
openstackhudson* Ajax Proxy test was not running properly (and was broken)17:37
openstackhudson* Lots of tests were leaking non-deleted instances into the database17:37
openstackhudson* Some tests weren't calling TearDown17:37
openstackhudson* Removes extra test that wasn't doing anything useful17:37
Ge0RgeR^i have rebooted  ,instances dont start and on describe i get  EC2_ACCESS_KEY environment variable must be set.17:38
Ge0RgeR^Connection failed17:38
annegentlejaypipes: thanks for the heads up about per-instance metadata17:38
Ge0RgeR^what is wrong with EC2_ACCESS_KEY?17:39
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vvuksanGe0RgeR^: did you source your novarc environment ?17:41
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justinsbannegentle: I think it's already documented in the API ... It's supported by CloudServers17:42
Ge0RgeR^what do you mean?it was working until reboot17:42
vvuksanGe0RgeR^: what did you reboot ?17:42
vvuksanand if you type echo $EC2_ACCESS_KEY17:42
vvuksandoes it show up17:42
Ge0RgeR^the physical machine that has the clood17:42
Ge0RgeR^it echoes nothing17:43
vvuksanthan you need to source your novarc environment17:43
Ge0RgeR^also i found that services were down ,i installed chkconfig and enabled them17:43
Ge0RgeR^how to source novarc?17:43
vvuksansource novarc17:43
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vvuksanhow did you kick off an instance before ?17:43
Ge0RgeR^i entered source novarc ,describe works but no instances now17:44
vvuksanrun an instance17:44
jaypipesttx: what does Triaged status mean again?17:45
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Ge0RgeR^the old installations on instances got lost?17:45
annegentlejustinsb: ah, that makes sense. 'course the API dev guide isn't cleaned up for OpenStack quite yet but we're getting there, taking steps today even17:45
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vvuksanGe0RgeR^: don't know17:46
vvuksanGe0RgeR^: describe-instances shows running instances not running installations17:47
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justinsbI have a suggestion about "stabilizing trunk" that I wanted to run past everyone... How about we accept that trunk is for developers, but instead use tests to flush from trunk to 'more stable' branches17:48
justinsbSo we could check in to trunk when it passes unit tests17:48
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justinsbThen a basic smoke test (say a 1 hour test) of the various platforms could run automatically.  Iff that test passes, it auto-merges trunk into 'trunk-unstable'17:49
Ge0RgeR^i started an instance before rebooting17:49
justinsbThen overnight we run some torture tests, and iff they pass it merges into 'trunk-semistable'17:49
Ge0RgeR^istalled some applications on that guest ubuntu17:49
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Ge0RgeR^how to restore instance?17:50
vvuksanyou could go on the compute node17:50
vvuksanthen do virsh create17:50
justinsbObviously we'd need some better names for the various branches :-)17:50
alekibangowell, i can install whole nova from scratch under 6 minutes.. not 30 :)17:54
justinsbjaypipes: You're big on testing :-) Do you think my suggestion with having trunks of differing stability makes sense?  Shall I propose it to the mailing list?17:55
jaypipesannegentle: thx17:56
annegentlejustinsb: just my limited perspective - people are kind of doing what you suggest but in a downstream way.17:57
annegentlejustinsb: what I mean is, people find the revision number that works, and test the heck outta that17:57
alekibangojaypipes: should i write my proposal to the list?  i mean the setup  which will install nova on different platforms (debian/ubuntu for start)  to do automated functional tests...17:57
jaypipesjustinsb: In Drizzle-land we used a staging branch and a trunk branch. We kept trunk very stable, with staging used to catch the kind of things that are currently destabilizing Nova's trunk...17:58
jaypipesjustinsb: so, in short, I prefer to keep trunk much more stable and wouldn't necessarily support having a less-restrictive trunk.17:58
jaypipesalekibango: pls do!17:59
justinsbjaypipes: I like staging & trunk.  The idea is that we'll always make mistakes which break some obscure combination, and unit tests can't catch that.17:59
alekibangojustinsb: so hear my proposal17:59
justinsbjaypipes: But as to whether we commit to a branch called "staging" or to one called "trunk", I think it's just nomenclature?17:59
alekibangolets do automated functional tests of every merge request17:59
alekibangowhich includes real install in real environment17:59
jaypipesjustinsb: correct. which is what a staging branch should be for... generally in drizzle, getting from staging into trunk takes at least 3 hours of automated regression testing...17:59
alekibango+ some smoking tests17:59
alekibangothis way we can make trunk stable :)18:00
justinsbalekibango: I like it.  If you can make it fast enough to not slow down the process too much, great18:00
alekibangoi can install whole cluster in 6 minutes18:00
alekibangothen we can test like hell...18:00
alekibangoand then another platform...18:00
Ge0RgeR^virsh? i have created with euca-run-instanses18:00
justinsbalekibango: If you can't, or if we want torture tests, then I think we need to automatically promote branches based on test passes18:01
alekibangoso we can have more target platforms for tests18:01
jaypipesjustinsb: well yes, we would have people still *propose for merging into trunk*, but Launchpad/Tarmac would actually merge their code into a staging branch first, and run regression/integration tests on the commit, then, if all went swimmingly, auto-merge from staging into trunk. that's how we do it in Drizzle-land, and it works well.18:01
justinsbalekibango: I think it's all complementary.  I would love it if you could get it so that we can get rapid test results, but we'll always want torture test as well18:01
justinsbjaypipes: That sounds great.  Is that the plan for OpenStack?  Do people on the list know that's the plan if so? :-)18:02
alekibangoi think such automated functional tests can also serve as reference configs... which will help many people who install nova18:02
jaypipesjustinsb: ok, metadata heading to Tarmac.18:03
justinsbjaypipes: Nice, thanks!18:03
vishyjaypipes, justinsb: we were thinking of autobuilding to run unittests and integration tests against every branch proposed for merge, and then have the autobuilder put the results as a comment into the merge prop.  That way people reviewing the code know if it breaks tests18:03
jaypipesjustinsb: I have not proposed that setup for Nova, no.18:03
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justinsbI like the proposal, particularly if alekibango believes they can be fast enough18:04
vishyobviously this might be kind of slow, so it would just round robin through the proposed branches and get to them as it can18:04
jaypipesjustinsb: I think just adding smoketests into the set of tests that Tarmac runs would be a big step forward, which is why I've been eager to see vishy's smoketest work :)18:04
vishyjaypipes: i noticed you commented on the merge prop.  Did you get them to run?18:04
jaypipesvishy: the smoketests?18:05
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vishyjaypipes: yeah18:05
jaypipesvishy: no, I did not try them. wanted to install them into Hudson and have hudson run em...18:05
justinsbI would think that we're always going to be making mistakes, and it sounds like drizzle has a way to accept this in the "developer branch", but still have more stable branches so we don't penalize people that want to run "trunk"18:06
jaypipesvishy: my review was more of a comment on "good refactoring work" rather than "Oh, these now work for me" ;)18:06
vishyjaaypipes: yes definitely18:06
vishy^^ jaypipes18:06
uvirtbotvishy: Error: "^" is not a valid command.18:06
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jaypipesvishy: if you'd like, I can pull the branch and try running the smoketests in a short while. Currently trying to get a bunch of Glance fixes done...18:08
vishyjaypipes: no rush, the smoketests are pretty easy to get running.  Does hudson have another box it will install to? Or are you going to try doing it with vagrant?18:09
jaypipesvishy: was going to use one of JordanRinke's machines in his 10-host test cluster...18:09
jaypipesvishy: we badly need to add Hudson build boxes for (IMHO): a) running smoketests, b) packaging in RedHat/Fedora/CentOS/openSUSE, and c) XenServer-specific code paths (which we also need smoketests for)18:10
jaypipesvishy: I've been half-tempted to throw my own Cloud Servers slices to OpenStack's Hudson box just to get some forward progress on this... been frustrated with the speed (or lack thereof)...18:11
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jaypipesvishy: fix-describe-groups off to the Tarmac pit.18:13
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jaypipesjustinsb: metadata now in trunk.18:15
jaypipesjustinsb: pls do work with annegentle on some basic docs for that.18:15
justinsbjaypipes, annegentle: Sure!  I think it's the same as CloudServers...18:15
justinsbannegentle: Can you send me a link to where the documentation is at the moment?  And let me know what you'd like from me...18:16
Ge0RgeR^so i have to make guests with virsh and not euca-run-instance18:16
jaypipesjustinsb: just make sure all examples include Ice Road Truckers. ;)18:17
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openstackhudsonProject nova build #555: SUCCESS in 1 min 44 sec:
openstackhudsonTarmac: Initial support for per-instance metadata, though the OpenStack API.  Key/value pairs can be specified at instance creation time and are returned in the details view.  Support limits based on quota system.18:17
justinsbjaypipes: Just googled that.  What on earth is that TV show and why are we trying to steal their Google traffic? :-)18:19
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termiesirp-: what other issues are you seeing?18:25
termiesirp-: with that patch i am able to run things as before18:25
termiesirp-: (re syslog patch)18:25
sirp-termie: i'm getting  ; might be related to `multiprocessing` module though not sure; haven't had a chance yet to bisect it and figure out which commit broke for me18:28
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vishyjaypipes: merged trunk18:30
jaypipesjustinsb: it's annegentle's favourite show :)18:30
jaypipesvishy: k, I'll set it to approved in a minute after LP catches the commit into the merge prop.18:31
Ge0RgeR^anyone can help?18:31
vvuksanGe0RgeR^: no use euca-run-instance18:32
Ge0RgeR^not use? or to use?18:32
vvuksanif you need to create an instance in the cloud use euca-run-instance18:33
Ge0RgeR^this shouldnt happen if the server is reboot to lose instances18:33
vvuksanthe server will not lose the instance18:33
Ge0RgeR^why did it lose before? ,i lost i-0000000718:33
vvuksanGe0RgeR^: I don't know why it lost it18:34
termiesirp-: huh, weird18:34
Ge0RgeR^source novarc will be permanent?18:34
termiesirp-: i'll try rebasing on master and trying again18:34
vishyyou need to source every time you start a shell18:34
vvuksanGe0RgeR^: no unless you put it in .bashrc or similar18:34
vvuksanvishy: you got experience with ebtables ?18:34
vishyvvuksan: limited18:35
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vishyvvuksan: lots of experience with iptables though :)18:35
sirp-termie: yeah very strange, looks related to ; but not sure why i'd be the only one to see this18:36
Ge0RgeR^i tried rebooting again18:36
termiesirp-: the error looks related to which params are passed to an individual logging statement18:36
Ge0RgeR^the instances lost again18:36
termiesirp-: different versions of os x / python have different behavior with that18:36
termiesirp-: stock python vs fink python vs darwinports python18:36
vvuksanvishy: if you remember I'm on a network where I don't control the underlying network infrastructure18:36
termiesirp-: and different os x versions, are you on snow leopard?18:37
vvuksanvishy: I can just get IPs assigned to use18:37
termiesirp-: (10.6)18:37
sirp-yeah snowleopard, In [2]: multiprocessing.__version__18:37
sirp-Out[2]: '0.70a1'18:37
vvuksanvishy: what I'm trying to do is run DHCP server on each of my VM hosts18:37
vvuksanvishy: that hands out appropriate IPs18:37
vishyvvuksan: seems reasonable18:37
vvuksanvishy: I just need to block any incoming/outgoing DHCP traffic going out on eth018:38
vvuksanvishy: however have the instances boot using DHCP18:38
vvuksanvishy: someone suggested using ebtables18:38
vvuksanvishy: I'm trying to reconcile that18:38
vishyvvuksan: the libvirt rules should block incomming for you18:38
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vishyI'm not sure that outgoing is blocked but you could add one18:39
vishyif it isn't18:39
vvuksanvishy: say I bridge br100 to eth018:39
vvuksanvishy: If i then run dnsmasq on br100 will the VMs be able to talk to DHCP /.18:39
vishybut you'll need to give each of your compute hosts an ip on the bridge18:40
vishyand you'll need to make sure they aren't dhcping for each other18:40
vvuksanso that's the idea behind dropping any traffic going out on eth018:41
vishyvvuksan: are you using libvirt?18:41
vvuksanvishy: yes18:41
vvuksanbut libvirt doesn't block DHCP18:42
termiesirp-: huh, looks pretty ancient :/18:42
termiesirp-: (from teh bug you linked to)18:42
sirp-termie: yep18:42
vishyvvuksan: it blocks incomming traffic18:42
vvuksanvishy: actually it doesn't18:42
Ge0RgeR^vvvuksan : after reboot i lost instances,even if i add on bash rc it will fix on the path18:42
openstackhudsonProject nova build #556: SUCCESS in 1 min 40 sec:
vvuksani know cause on my laptop I run libvirt and I can normally DHCP18:42
openstackhudsonTarmac: The kernel_id and the ramdisk_id are optional, yet the OpenStack API was requiring them.  In addition, with the ObjectStore these properties are not under 'properties' (as they are with Glance)18:42
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termiesirp-: i have multiprocessing 0.70a1 also18:43
vvuksanGe0RgeR^: that doesn't make sense. I don't know why you would lose instances18:43
termiesirp-: and this is a new exception for you? when did it show up?18:43
Ge0RgeR^anybody knows why after reboot i lose instanses?18:44
sirp-termie: well, this is the first time i've run the test suite on a mac in a while (prob a couple of hundred patches have been appied since last mac run)... so know idea when this started happening... my next step was going to be check a *much* earlier version, see if this issue still arose, and then perform the equiv of a git-bisect until i reached the problem18:45
sirp-s/know idea/no idea/18:45
vishybutvvuksan: wha?18:46
vvuksanvishy: libvirt doesn't block incoming or outgoing DHCP on eth018:46
vishyvvuksan: no we have filter rules to block all incoming traffic18:46
vishyto vms18:46
vishyexcept from the specific dhcp ip specified18:46
vishy(blocked via iptables)18:47
termiesirp-: yeah :/ not much help here, i definitely remember running into this error when i was doing app engine development a year or so ago18:47
vvuksanvishy: I see18:47
vvuksanvishy: I guess this ACCEPT     udp  --          anywhere            udp spt:bootps dpt:bootpc18:47
termiesirp-: but i don't remember what the fix was, i think it was switching which version of python i was defaulting to or something like that18:47
termiesirp-: but not sure from which to which18:47
termiebtw, could somebody else review and approve
vvuksanvishy: next question then :-)18:48
termiei have to keep pulling it in to my branches to test then rebasing it back out before pushing18:49
termiedirect link:
kpeppletermie: i was working on the same thing ... one question: i am pushing that logging to stderror if we don't get /dev/log. shouldn't we do something to catch these messages ?18:50
vvuksanvishy: say i have two compute nodes compute1 and compute2. For those I got IPs and
vvuksanvishy: i want to use first group of IPs on compute1 and other group of IPs on compute218:51
termiekpepple: catch what messages?18:51
vvuksanvishy: I realize I would have to run nova-network on both nodes, call bridges by a different name ie. br01 and br0218:51
termiekpepple: it logs normally already, the error is that syslog gets set up when it doesn't have to18:51
vvuksanvishy: networks would overlap since both would be
kpeppletermie: when running tests, there are a bunch of message that come through ...18:52
vvuksanvishy: how would i tell fixed_ips to assign first group to compute1 and second group to compute2 ?18:52
vishykpepple: that is fixed in my branch here:18:52
openstackhudsonProject nova build #557: SUCCESS in 1 min 41 sec:
openstackhudsonTarmac: Adds some features to
openstackhudson- if it crashes right away with a short erorr log, print that directly18:52
openstackhudson- allow specifying tests without the nova.tests part18:53
kpeppletermie: also doesn't this still bork if we try to --usesyslog on a machine that doesn't have /dev/log ?18:53
justinsbjaypipes: Good catch on - thanks.  What do you think of the idea of having a helper function like this: (warning - untested code!)18:53
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vishykpepple: (great name i know) ^^18:53
kpeppletermie: i'd rather wrap 'self.syslog = SysLogHandler(address='/dev/log')" to catch errors on opening it18:53
termiekpepple: we already print errors on opening it, i get one right now :)18:54
kpeppletermie: hold let me pull it in and test :)18:54
hvaldiviaHi kpepple. I have different version of my packages18:55
termiekpepple: the main point of the patch is not to attempt to access it unless sylog has actually been asked for18:55
hvaldiviakpepple how can I remove my ppa:xxx and  start again.?18:56
termiekpepple: oh, sorry i didn't see your line in the middle there18:56
kpeppletermie: i did this ... ... perhaps both ?18:57
termiekpepple: i don't think that is necessary18:57
termiekpepple: if they want to use syslog then they want to use syslog18:57
termiekpepple: if they can't use it, then they can't, but don't fallback on something else18:57
openstackhudsonProject nova build #558: SUCCESS in 1 min 41 sec:
openstackhudsonTarmac: The proposed branch prevents FlatManager from executing network initialisation tasks contained in linux_net.init_host(), which are unnecessary when flat networking is used.18:58
openstackhudsonThis is achieved as discussed in question #144979 (
openstackhudson1) init_host in FlatManager has been overriden, thus preventing it from calling init_host in NetworkManager.18:58
openstackhudson2) Also, methods related to floating IPs have been overriden in FlatManager in order to raised NotImplementedError.18:58
kpeppletermie: problem with that is that it b0rks your terminal ... and is almost impossible to troubleshoot. for three lines, we prevent a lot of grief18:58
termiekpepple: what borks your terminal? it throws an error right away and exits18:59
creihtjaypipes: fyi:
kpeppletermie: not mine ... hangs the terminal window and i have to kill window :(19:00
Ge0RgeR^To Anyone knows: Why do i lose instances after reboot?19:00
Ge0RgeR^How can they remain permanent?19:00
termiekpepple: ??19:00
kpepplehvaldivia: remove repo here
termiekpepple: can we find out if anybody else has that happen? seems rather random to me, it is a straightforward exception19:01
termiekpepple: are you on mac?19:01
hvaldiviakpepple: Thanks man.19:01
kpeppletermie: yes, mac.19:01
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kpeppletermie: testing you fix ... hold on19:02
kpeppletermie: do you get a bunch of KeyErrors when you run tests ?19:04
termiekpepple: ... no19:04
termiekpepple: testing again, but... so far no19:04
termiekpepple: are you testing my branch or applying my patch manually?19:05
termiekeyerrors would happen if you forgot self.syslog = None in init19:05
kpeppletermie: testing your branch ...19:07
termiekpepple: i think you may have something additional up with your system? maybe weird versions of libraries? maybe i do, i'll try blowing some stuff away19:07
kpeppletermie: okay. let me work this and i'll report back in 10mins.19:09
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kpepplehvaldivia: np19:10
termiethere are two sandy walshes on launchpad19:14
termiewhich one is ours?19:14
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termiethere si no pic or photo for either19:15
termiethe first one seems to work, mentions novatools19:15
kpeppletermie: ok. with a new pull of your branch, i get tons of stderr message during tests. see . this isn't a deal breaker, just a concern that we are creating unintended consequences elsewhere19:16
termiekpepple: "tons of stderr" you mean the traceback about processName? that is what sirp- was talking about above, the multiprocessing bug19:17
jaypipescreiht: thx for the heads up.19:18
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kpeppletermie: yes. sorry, came in halfway during that discusssion. will review.19:18
creihtjaypipes: I think that is the dubsquared dude19:18
termiekpepple: that isn't actually stderr btw19:18
termiekpepple: just an error19:18
termiekpepple: dumps stderr to run_tests.err.log19:19
jaypipesjustinsb: could be possible, yep. maybe propose that for a later patch?19:19
jaypipescreiht: ya19:19
termiekpepple: with a fresh checkout and a fresh venv i don't get any of the errors you ahve described, but i do think there is an issue around multiprocessing for some that we need to track down19:19
alekibangokpepple: new idea... maybe machine types should be configurable by endusers...  what do you think?19:20
justinsbjaypipes: OK!19:20
jaypipessirp-: thx for review.. cleaning up those things now.19:20
kpeppletermie: okay. i'm fine with those errrors (i'll just pipe to /dev/null). i approve your patch in lp  -- i'm sure this will make you sleep better tonight :)19:21
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termiekpepple: what errors? if you are getting that error something is wrong19:21
DumfriesI ran "nova-manage db sync" without issue, however nova-objectstore errors out with this . Thoughts?19:22
termiekpepple: is there some other error you are getting?19:22
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alekibangoGe0RgeR^: which version of nova? how are they lost?19:22
termiekpepple: if you could just clarify your language a bit, we ahve been discussing many different things19:22
kpeppletermie: sorry ... i meant the tracebacks19:22
alekibangoGe0RgeR^: is that the single machine install using a script?19:23
termiekpepple: i don't think you should be fine with the traceback, it doesn't appear from your paste that your tests are running19:23
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Ge0RgeR^alekibango : from the package repository19:23
Ge0RgeR^ppa core trunk19:23
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Ge0RgeR^after restarting the instances dissapeared therefore i lost everything i did...19:24
alekibangoalso disks?19:24
alekibangowhat kind of volume driver you are using?19:24
dprincejustinsb: there?19:24
Ge0RgeR^how to find out?19:24
termiekpepple: and if you pipe the output of -N to /dev/null you won't get anything at all19:25
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kpeppletermie: sorry. this is a fuller paste of what i am seeing ... ... but this is a different bug -- i see these in run_tests.err all the time19:25
Ge0RgeR^first i tried to install from ./nova.sh19:25
Ge0RgeR^after i used :
kpeppletermie: i'm piping just stderr to /dev/null19:25
alekibangoGe0RgeR^: it should work when installed properly...  running will reinit the db19:26
termiekpepple: -N already pipes stderr to a fille19:26
kpeppletermie: apparently not in the trace that I posted :)19:27
termiekpepple: oh, actually that seems to have changed, it is in one of my recent branches though19:27
jarrod>>> x.list_instances()19:27
termiekpepple: just merged19:28
kpeppletermie: let me apply and test19:29
termiekpepple: i wonder who changed that and why19:29
vishyGe0rgeR^: euca-reboot-instances will bring an instance back after reboot19:29
termiekpepple: it is still an issuet aht you are getting those tracebacks though, it means your logging isn't working correctly19:29
jarrodcan i tell euca-run-instances to use a certain server?19:29
vishytermie, kpepple: in my branch i use logfile instead of piping stderr to a file19:29
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kpeppletermie: that merge fixed my traceback problem19:30
alekibangoah, right.. Ge0RgeR^ you must restart them...19:30
vvuksanjarrod: no19:30
alekibangodo you see them in euca-describe-instances?19:30
jaypipessirp-: fixed nits. ready for re-review...19:30
sirp-jaypipes: cool, looking now19:31
termievishy: aha, you're the one who changed it, i just started looking back19:31
termievishy: why are you doing that?19:31
termievishy: and where are you?19:31
termiekpepple: i assume that m,erge just puts yoru traceback into run_tests.err.log19:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #723897 in nova "'No user for access key admin' when using the Openstack API" [Undecided,New]
vishytermie: home, and it is so i can run tests with without redirecting output19:31
kpeppletermie: yes19:32
termievishy: running tests with is not the standard way tests are run19:32
vishytermie: it is for me :)19:32
jaypipessirp-: thx!19:33
termievishy: then pass your own logfile in rather than affecting how the standard way does it19:33
vishytermie: i don't like doing magic like cleaning the db and redirecting output.  I think it should limit itself to doing venv stuff19:33
termievishy: redirecting output isn't magic, it means the script is behaving normally19:34
termievishy: and outputting its output19:34
jaypipeshmm, didn't we have the db removed in and not termie, I thought you'd put a patch in for that? maybe I'm mistaken...19:34
termiejaypipes: vish has a patch related to that19:34
jaypipesah, sorry19:34
termiejaypipes: or at least he talked about one19:34
vishytermie: you seem to think that logging should go to a logfile by default, so i don't understand why you would ever want it to go to stderr?19:35
termievishy: i think the script should behavior normally, the redirecting of output is part of the wrapper that uses19:36
termievishy: as for deleting the db i think that could go anywhere19:36
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vishytermie: why is "normally" throw a bunch of stuff into stderr?19:36
termievishy: because that's where scripts output things, it allows you to do things like redirect the output or make it go to /dev/null19:37
vishytermie: I'm happy to move it I'm just trying to understand19:37
termievishy: it makes it behave nicely and interact with shell scripts19:37
Dumfriesanyone care to take pity on objectstore issue I am encountering?
termievishy: whatever script you want to hack up to go around can do what it normally does19:38
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termievishy: it is just being a good linux citizen19:38
kpeppleDumfries: you aren't pointed to the correct DB or you haven't 'nova-manage db sync' to migrate the db to the correct version19:38
vishytermie: ok I'll change it back.  Do you think that we should redirect in using 2> or --logfile19:38
termievishy: 2>, my patch already does that19:39
termievishy: (and it's already merged)19:39
vishyok i will revert19:39
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kpeppleDumfries: look in your log and locate the --sql_connection line19:40
termievishy: i understand the usefulness of logfile for the daemons regarding working around log rotation19:40
Dumfrieskpepple: that is what I had thought to begin with, however I have confirmed that is using the correct DB and the migration was done.19:40
termievishy: though it would still be nice if they could act normally instead19:40
vishytermie: btw i dislike the logfile name -> run_tests.err19:40
termievishy: i thought you made that up19:40
vishytermie: no it was someone else and it annoys me19:40
vishycan i call it tests.log?19:41
termievishy: run_test.log?19:41
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Dumfrieskpepple: the output I get is what was in the pastie19:41
kpeppleDumfries: what version of nova are you using ?19:41
termievishy: erm yeah19:41
kpeppleDumfries: there was a bug about this earlier this month19:41
termievishy: i thought you was coming to the office, btw19:42
Dumfrieskpepple:  the most recent in the ppa,19:43
termievishy: if you want to move the db deletion to (or even the fixture in nova/tests/__init__) that would probably be good too19:43
kpeppleDumfries: ppa/trunk or ppa/release ?19:43 == running the tests, == being helpful and at current the db needs to be deleted to run the tests19:43
Dumfrieskpepple: trunk19:44
Ge0RgeR^vishy,alekibango : is there an update?through packages19:44
vishytermie: darn it that messes up my test colors :(19:44
termievishy: hmm, why?19:45
jarroddoes Xen require using FlatManager?19:45
vishybecause i need a terminal19:45
vishystdout is already overridden19:45
vishyif stderr is a pipe i need to get the terminal another way19:45
termievishy: you need a terminal to check for tty?19:45
termievishy: not to actually write the colors, right?19:46
termievishy: i would ceheck os.environ for termcap?19:46
kpeppleDumfries: i assume you are executing this with 'nova-objectstore --flagfile=/etc/nova/nova.conf' and that you have the a sql_connection and verbose flags set there. correct ?19:46
vishythe curses setup needs a terminal19:46
termievishy: probably less good19:46
termievishy:  i can look into it a bit if you want since i am the one asking you to break it19:47
Dumfrieskpepple: all with exception to the verbose flag19:47
kpeppleDumfries: put verbose in there ... it dumps all your config flags ... then paste the log after relaunching19:48
Dumfrieskpepple: alright, one secon19:48
vishytermie: let me fiddle a bit19:48
termievishy: you can get the original stdout19:48
vishytermie: that is what i'm thinking just grab it before i import nose etc19:48
termievishy: nah, just use sys.__stdout__19:48
vishyoh cool19:49
hvaldiviaCould someone tell me which are the differences between19:50
hvaldivia ppa:nova-core/release19:50
hvaldivia ppa:nova-core/trunk19:50
kpepplealekibango: sorry, was busy on bugfix. on your question, i think you should write a blueprint for that :)19:50
kpepplehvaldivia: release is latest release (i.e. that is bexar until the bexar.1 release is out). trunk is latest trunk. not sure what ppa is -- soren could probably tell you.19:51
vishytermie: that worked19:52
openstackhudsonProject nova build #559: SUCCESS in 1 min 43 sec:
openstackhudsonTarmac: Fixes and optimizes filtering for describe_security_groups.  Also adds a unit test.19:53
kpepplehvaldivia: trunk should be #720, release is probably something like #64519:53
Dumfrieskpepple:  getting the same output as before19:54
ttxjaypipes: Triaged = solution described in the bug, just needs to be proposed in a branch19:55
ttx"ready-to-fix bugs"19:55
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ttxjaypipes: reference:
kpeppleDumfries: ok. what is sql_connection in nova.conf ?19:56
jaypipesttx: yep, got it. ty!19:56
termiebzr question: if i have a file that has been deleted or renamed, and i want to find out when that happened, how do i do it?19:57
Dumfrieskpepple: (edited for obvious reasons to no include proper password), mysql://root:letmein@localhost/nova19:57
termiebzr log path_to_file tells me it doesn't exist at the end of the specifed revision range19:57
jaypipestermie: was it bzr remove'd or bzr mv'd? or was the file just rm'd or mv'd? that is the main issue...19:57
termiejaypipes: i don't know, but i'd like to find out19:57
termiejaypipes: i have the name of a file that existed at one point19:58
termiejaypipes: and want to find out when it went away19:58
kpeppleDumfries: log into your db with 'mysql -u root -p nova' and execute 'select * from users;'19:58
hvaldiviakpepple: Is there any problem if I use two different distribution, lucid and maverick?19:58
Dumfrieskpepple: works without issue19:58
jaypipestermie: what does bzr annotate <FILENAME> look like?19:58
termiejaypipes: says not versioned19:59
sirp-heh, close but no cigar:
termiejaypipes: i found some of the info in git, i just haven't been able to figure out what bzr thinks was done to it19:59
kpepplehvaldivia: (assuming that you mean having cc on lucid and compute on maverick) they use different ppa .. and have slightly different setup instructions ... but i don't think it is a problem19:59
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jaypipestermie: what's the filename? I'll see if I can come up with something.20:00
termiejaypipes: the file is nova/api/openstack/_id_translator.py20:00
jaypipestermie: k, gimme a few.20:00
termiejaypipes: it was changed in a commit called "Mass renaming" on Oct 820:00
hvaldiviakpeple: I will try it20:00
jaypipestermie: by "changed", you mean what? removed? renamed?20:01
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jaypipestermie: and is that what git is telling you, or something you culled from a bzr command?20:01
termiejaypipes: well i assume renamed, based on that commitm essage20:01
termiejaypipes: that is what i could find out with git, that its history has a commit named "Mass renaming"20:02
termiebut i want to find out what happened after20:02
jaypipestermie: gotcha. ok, hang on while I see what I can find out.20:02
termieand i can't figure out how to point at it with bzr20:02
jaypipestermie: what git command got you that info, btw? so I can research a comparison command in bzr..20:03
termiegit log -- nova/api/openstack/_id_translator.py20:03
termienova)termie@preciousroy:~/p/nova % git log -- nova/api/openstack/                   [master] 11:58:3320:03
termiecommit 90f38090ecd586a39257b3efd2c86c2c60b7fdb920:03
termieAuthor: mdietz <mdietz@openstack>20:03
termieDate:   Fri Oct 8 20:39:00 2010 +000020:03
termieMass renaming20:04
jaypipestermie: k, thx20:04
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termiejaypipes: hmm found the commit in bzr that corresponds, revno: 332.2.320:05
xtoddxcreiht: is there any way to tell if swift-stats-populate -d has already been run?  i'm trying to tune some chef scripts20:06
jaypipestermie: good to know... I'd still love to learn how to find that info in bzr, though..20:06
sirp-termie: kpepple: it's definitely revno 711 that introduces the logging issues, 710 works perfectly on my mac20:07
edaymtaylor: thanks for getting the burrow merge stuff setup last night. one more q, should we be using or some other hudson-openstack branch for trunk, or is the burrow-core fine?20:07
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termiejaypipes: how do i get to some sort of display of what happened in that commit20:09
jaypipestermie: bzr diff -r332.2.3..332.2.220:11
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jaypipestermie: I *think* :)20:11
Dumfrieskpepple: would there be anything else I am missing?20:12
jaypipestermie: short-hand would be bzr diff -c322.2.320:12
termiejaypipes: aye, close enough... so in there it says it was _added_ at that revision20:12
creihtxtoddx: you can check the account that the stats-populate was run against to see if the stats containers are in there20:12
jaypipestermie: ya, looking through there myself...20:12
termiejaypipes: basically the issue i am having is the file still exists in my git repo20:12
termiejaypipes: but not in a plain bzr repo20:12
jaypipestermie: definittely seems to be the cmmit where lots of stuff was moved around..20:12
openstackhudsonProject nova build #560: SUCCESS in 1 min 40 sec:
creihtxtoddx: or try running swift-stats-report20:12
openstackhudsonTarmac: Fixes existing smoketests and splits out sysadmin tests from netadmin tests.20:12
openstackhudson* sets use_ipv6 = False by default20:12
openstackhudson* switches to ami-tty for tests20:12
openstackhudson* generally improves error handling20:12
Dumfrieskpepple: I can see an account I created no problemo20:13
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jaypipestermie: aye. I'm not sure I have the knowledge to help with that, though :(20:13
termievishy: i am going to head over to fedex soonish (around 1pm) i can pick you up at home if you want a ride over here20:13
jaypipestermie: FYI, I've asked on the #bzr channel your original question about how to find which rev a file was renamed or removed in...20:13
termiejaypipes: well, if you have the knowledge to help me find out what bzr thinks happened to the file that'll be enough :)20:13
termiejaypipes: ah, thanks :)20:14
vishytermie: that would rock20:14
jaypipestermie: jpipes@serialcoder:~/repos/nova/trunk$ bzr diff -c332.2.3 | grep id_trans20:14
jaypipes-    return (service, _id_translator.RackspaceAPIIdTranslator(20:14
jaypipes-        img_service, image_id_trans = _image_service()20:14
jaypipes-        opaque_image_id = image_id_trans.to_rs_id(image_id)20:14
jaypipes=== removed file 'nova/api/rackspace/'20:14
jaypipes--- nova/api/rackspace/_id_translator.py2010-09-28 17:56:01 +000020:14
jaypipes+++ nova/api/rackspace/_id_translator.py1970-01-01 00:00:00 +000020:14
termieadded and removed in the same commit!20:14
xtoddxtermie: jaypipes: ?20:14
jaypipestermie: yeah, I think it's because the rackspace directory was renamed to the openstack directory in that commit... something's up. :)20:15
termiejaypipes: oh, i think maybe the first incantation you gave me was reversed20:15
termiejaypipes: when i use -c332.2.3 it gives it to me straight ;)20:16
mtayloreday: we need to get it in a branch owned by hudson-openstack - but I need to push a new one, because that one is going to be erroneously stacked on the current lp:burrow20:16
jaypipestermie: yeah, could have be... the -c shortcut shows that exact rev...20:16
kpeppleDumfries: that error (OperationalError) is really only saying that there is no table 'users' in the database that nova-objectstore is trying to access. this is _usually_ due to nova-* trying to access the wrong db (it defaults to sqlite but most people use mysql). are you on ubuntu 10.10 ? when i get home from the coffee shop (30min), i'll try and replicate.20:16
termiejaypipes: it was just that it should have been 332.2.2..332.2.3 instead of reversed20:16
jaypipestermie: k, so we know what the rev did, but don't yet know how to query bzr to find that rev in the first place. I'll let you know if/when I get an answer from #bzr on that...20:16
jaypipestermie: yeah..sorry bout thta20:17
Dumfrieskpepple: yeah man, 10.1020:17
termiextoddx: yup, that's the one, i guess the ball is in my court now to figure out why it didn't actually get removed20:17
termiextoddx: it doesn't appear that it was actually there before20:17
termiejaypipes: i don't think the file ever existed20:17
termiejaypipes: the 1970 date in there20:18
jaypipestermie: the file? I do remember it existing at one point...20:18
jaypipestermie: that is just diff -u's output for a file removed...20:18
jaypipestermie: that confused me earlier as well.20:18
termieoh i bet i know what happened20:19
termieit was renamed, and then removed20:19
jaypipestermie: when diff -u outputs === removed file, it is then follow by a --- line with the original file and timestamp, followed by a +++ line with a 1970 date :)20:19
termiein the same commit20:19
jaypipesha! lovely :)20:19
termiewhich is why there is no history anywhere for that file20:19
jaypipesheh, intersting20:19
termieit used to be nova/api/rackspace/_id_translator.py20:19
jaypipesit always was that.20:20
edaymtaylor: ok, just let me know what I should do, if anything :)20:20
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termiejaypipes: no record of it being renamed though20:20
jaypipestermie: what are you saying it was renamed to, sorry, not following you there..20:20
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termiejaypipes: nova/api/rackspace/_id... was renamed to nova/api/openstack/_id... when the bzr renamed for rackspace -> openstack happened20:21
termiebut in the same commit the new one was removed20:21
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jaypipessirp-: I swear to God I'm ready to rip my hair out with this friggin bug 704854...20:22
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 704854 in glance "Add an image to Glance with wrong type and underlying exception gets eaten" [Medium,In progress]
jaypipestermie: ah, I see.20:22
termieso somewhere along the line the history of the rename for the file was suitably muddled 20:22
termieif i click show revisions at
termietoo many different OSs to copy-paste20:24
termieif i click show revision on that page, it dies20:24
jaypipestermie: doesn't die for me..20:25
jaypipestermie: but it doesn't show the rename or removal.20:25
termiei guess i meant the dying being the error message on top20:26
jarrodDoes running Xen has my hypervisor require me to use FlatManager?20:26
termiebut yeah, it doesn't show the 332.2.3 change either20:26
jaypipestermie: sorry, I don't see any erro message.20:27
rykerare there any screenshots or a feature list of the web interface for openstack?  I'm looking at the django-nova site, but I don't see anything except the code.
jaypipestermie: ah, now I do, was looking at a different page, sorry.20:28
termiejaypipes: i wonder whether i can get bzr to let me delete it again in a merge20:29
termieit has pep8 violations so i get warning about it a lot20:29
jaypipestermie: no idea :(20:29
termiei'll try20:29
termievishy: i'll head straight over from hq to your place at 1pm, i don't have a phone though so let's say 1:10-1:15?20:34
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rykercan anyone tell me if elasticfox works with openstack?20:35
vishyok sounds good20:37
sirp-jaypipes: i hit that issue when i didn't have a particular python installed; ended up pip installing argparse, cheetah and paste to fix it20:37
sirp-jaypipes: the 78054 str(e) issue20:38
sirp-*python package i should say20:38
xtoddxryker: someone filed a bug to fix an issue it had (using old authentication version).  I assume it works, but i don't know firsthand20:39
dprinceWhat is the long term plan for 'local image service'?20:40
dprinceGlance and S3 are really what most people use right. Should we delete the local image service?20:40
jaypipessirp-: ah. I added some debug code and am pushing it to hudson now...20:41
jaypipesdprince: eventually, yes.20:41
jarrodTrying to create an instance with euca for XenServer is yielding: Exception: Found no network for bridge br10020:41
jarrodAny suggestions?20:41
xtoddxryker: as far as the web interface, i think someone made a blog post and video about it.  maybe check ?20:41
rykerxtoddx: thx.  i'll take a look20:42
sirp-dprince: does anybody use the local-image-service? it doesn't look particularly functional? (it creates a tmpdir on instantiation???)20:42
sirp-*oops meant that too all*20:42
kpeppleryker xtoddx : the video is at ... it's back a few revs20:43
rykerthank you20:43
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jaypipessoren, mtaylor: hi, can one of you please install python-argparse on the hudson box. thx in advance!20:53
Dumfrieskpepple: I can connect the db using the python interpreter with the module mysqldb and see the proper results.20:53
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dprincesirp-: Agreed.20:55
dprincesirp-: Filing a ticket to delete it?20:55
dprincesirp-: Or fix it?20:56
uvirtbotNew bug: #723938 in nova "describe_availability_zones fails for non-admin users" [Medium,In progress]
sirp-dprince: i'd vote we delete it if we're sure no one is using it right now (and from the looks of it they probably aren't)20:56
kpeppleDumfries: try specifying the sql_connection string on the nova-objectstore command line like "/usr/bin/python /usr/bin/nova-objectstore --sql_connection=mysql://root:nova@localhost/nova --verbose --daemonize=0" and then paste the results20:56
jarrodNotFound: No network for bridge xenbr0 <-- what the heck20:57
sirp-dprince: we wouldn't really be losing functionality since Glance supports a `local` image file store; so we don't need S3 or Swift for testing20:57
jarrod>>>'field "bridge" = "xenbr0"') <-- returns an OpaqueRef20:58
dprincesirp-: Sure. Sounds good.20:58
Dumfrieskpepple: that works well, I don't have any issues when I query the the object store ...21:00
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kpeppleDumfries: okay. so either (a) you aren't passing the correct flagfile to nova-objectstore or (b) the nova.conf file is not correct. if you are starting it with "/usr/bin/python /usr/bin/nova-objectstore --flagfile=/etc/nova/nova.conf", it's probably your nova.conf file. make sure that the sql_connection matches the one from the command line above and that there is only one of them.21:03
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Dumfrieskpepple: yeah, I will check again. Appreciate the help.21:04
kpeppleDumfries: np21:04
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Dumfrieskpepple: Able to start the object store with --flagfile=/etc/nova/nova.conf21:09
kpeppleDumfries: cool21:13
Dumfrieskpepple: Looks like it is working, thanks man. have a amazon wishlist ;)21:14
uvirtbotNew bug: #723947 in nova "Remove the local image service" [Undecided,New]
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mtaylorjaypipes: done21:20
jaypipesmtaylor: thx21:21
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justinsbjaypipes: How about minixpath_select -> path_select ?21:24
jaypipesjustinsb: ++21:25
jaypipesjustinsb: though I prefer get_from_path(). select is specific to XPath.21:25
justinsbjaypipes: I'll suggest still keeping "XPath-like" in the docstring so that people (that have seen XPath) understand the syntax21:25
jaypipesjustinsb: :) cool.21:25
justinsbjaypipes: I'm fine with get_from_path... I'll go with that!21:26
jaypipesjustinsb: mine is a minor nit, nothing more...21:26
justinsbjaypipes: Although does 'get' imply that it's only going to return one item?21:26
justinsbjaypipes: jQuery has selectors also :-)21:26
* jaypipes notes HOW FRIGGIN CRAP-BAGGERY the sqlalchemy-migrate documentation is. friggin WORTHLESS.21:26
jaypipesjustinsb: yes, and neither of which is Python.21:26
justinsbjaypipes: OK... just promoting 'select'.  If 'get' doesn't imply 'one' in Python, I'll go with get_from_path..?21:27
jaypipesjustinsb: get() in Python means "get this attribute from this mapping".21:28
jaypipesjustinsb: so your function is kind of a "recursive get"21:29
jaypipesjustinsb: so, you might even call it get_r() ;)21:29
jaypipesand then totally confuse the C folks out there ;)21:29
openstackhudsonProject nova build #561: SUCCESS in 1 min 43 sec:
openstackhudsonTarmac: Fixes the describe_availability_zones to use an elevated context when getting services and the db calls to pass parameters correctly so is_admin check works.21:29
justinsbjaypipes: I quite like get_recursive21:29
justinsbjaypipes: Oh, it doesn't really matter... I'll go with get_from_path and get on to critical bugs :-)21:30
jaypipesjustinsb: :)21:31
DumfriesPreviously I was using sqlite but recently moved over to mysql. the sqlite file as removed and  I would love to know if there is a way to move the existing instance/setup information over to mysql?21:34
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jaypipesjarrod: sorry, I don't understand your question.22:38
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jarrodjaypipes: is glance like objectstore where i run it on just one server and it handles multiple compute servers22:38
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jaypipesjarrod: it can be, yes. though you can run multiple glance API servers.22:38
jarrodok ill look for the nova.conf glance api server specification22:38
jarrodgot it22:38
jarrodu de man22:38
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jarrodbah it needs to install as a service22:38
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jarrodand xen should not require glance22:38
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jarrod"NameError: global name 'exc' is not defined" <-- glance error on api call to unknown image22:38
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openstackhudsonProject nova build #562: SUCCESS in 1 min 42 sec:
openstackhudsonTarmac: Helper function that supports XPath style selectors to traverse an object tree e.g.22:52
openstackhudsoninst = {'fixed_ip': {'floating_ips': [{'address': ''}], 'address': ''}, 'hostname': ''}22:52
openstackhudsonprivate_ips = get_from_path(inst, 'fixed_ip/address')22:52
openstackhudsonpublic_ips = get_from_path(inst, 'fixed_ip/floating_ips/address')22:52
openstackhudsonAvoids messy [.get() / if / for]* nested code22:53
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uvirtbotNew bug: #723996 in glance "No size restrictions in place for Images and Kernels" [Undecided,New]
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jarrodWhy are not CLOUD_SERVERS_[API_KEY|USERNAME] the same as NOVA_USERNAME and NOVA_API_KEY23:05
jarrodi dont understand what credentials novatools is looking for23:06
justinsbjarrod: We're having a massive debate about this right now, but I broke this in a patch recently23:06
justinsbjarrod: If you're running trunk, the credentials are basically the same as your EC2 credentials at the moment (though you have to remove the project from your EC2 username)23:07
justinsbjarrod: But we're thinking about reverting my patch...23:07
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 723897 in nova "'No user for access key admin' when using the Openstack API" [Undecided,In progress]23:07
justinsbGood timing, uvirtbot !23:08
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jarrodim running release (bexar)23:09
jarrodbut ok23:09
justinsbjarrod: Oh.  Never mind then!23:09
jarrodwhat should it be, then? ;)23:09
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justinsbjarrod: The correct values should in your novarc file23:10
jarrodnovarc doesnt set NOVA_USERNAME or NOVA_API_KEY23:10
termiejaypipes: nobody has tried it, no23:10
justinsbjarrod: Oh.  I don't know how functional the OpenStack API is at the bexar release23:11
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jarrodno way i can launch a freaking instance on xen then23:11
justinsbjarrod: You can use the EC2 API and euca_tools23:11
termieis there a way on launchpad to sort my merge proposals by recent activity23:11
jarrodxen requires glance23:11
jarrodand euca_tools objectstore ami id's do not compute23:12
antonymjarrod: novatools was modified to make it more generic and remove CLOUD_SERVERS, you simply just have to modify the novarc23:12
antonymgoing forward it should be NOVA_USERNAME, etc23:12
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jarrodi wish those credentials worked23:12
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antonymjarrod: i've been using trunk without issues in regards to that23:13
Dumfriesugh, any idea on how to move running instances that were running with sqlite as the data backend to mysql?23:13
Ge0RgeR^Question: Is it error or normal behavor when reboot all distances to disappear and not being able to restore them23:13
jarrodi dont use trunk23:13
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dragondmjarrod:  the NOVA_USERNAME is the same as CLOUD_SERVERS_USERNAME23:16
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jarrodnow euca-describe-instances show glance as IMAGE 1, IMAGE 2, IMAGE 323:23
jarrodwhat do i specify on run instances with that?  everything else is None or private23:23
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devcamcarcreiht: are you around?23:26
creihtdevcamcar: howdy23:26
jarrod IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/dev/xvdb'23:26
devcamcarcreiht: hey hey! was wondering if you could point me to any docs on swauth23:27
devcamcari've only used devauth before and i'm not sure how to create an account for instance23:27
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creihtdevcamcar: oh and the saio docs are updated for swauth, so they have some examples how to create users,etc23:29
devcamcarcreiht: perfect, thanks23:29
jarrodits trying to create /dev/xvdb23:32
jarrodmaybe its not executing sudo23:34
jarrodthat must be it23:37
openstackhudsonProject nova build #563: SUCCESS in 1 min 42 sec:
openstackhudsonTarmac: Prevent logging.setup() from generating a syslog handler if we didn't request one (breaks on mac)23:37
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