Tuesday, 2011-02-15

tr3buchetyeah there is a bug assocaited with that ERROR00:00
kpeppletr3buchet: did you install from ppa:nova-core/trunk00:00
kpeppletr3buchet: which bug ?00:00
tr3bucheti pulled the source for trunk00:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 717467 in nova "from migrate.versioning import exceptions fails with recent venv" [Medium,In progress]00:01
tr3buchetsorry, the former00:01
tr3buchetgood lord00:01
tr3buchetthis one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/71746700:01
sorenIf this is eventlet making fsync nonblocking, too, I'll go nuts.00:01
kpeppletr3buchet: got it. thx.00:01
tr3buchetgo go monkeypatch!00:02
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jarrodI have got to be able to get out of "networking"00:03
jarrodthis is killing me00:03
sorenjarrod: Does nova-network seem to be working?00:03
jarrodit is running on the controller00:03
jarrodbut not the compute00:03
jarrodit looks like its trying to bind the IP to the cloud controller00:04
jarrodis that the way it should be working?00:04
sorenjarrod: Does nova-network seem to be working?00:05
jarrodI wish I knew how it was "suppose" to work heh.00:05
jarrodWhy would it bind the instance IP to the controller and not the cmopute node00:05
sorenBeing stuck in networking often means that it's not getting an IP.00:05
jarrodit looks like it got an IP, but is trying to bind to Controller00:06
jarrodand is getting "dnsmasq: failed to bind listening socket for Address already in use"00:06
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sorenYou've got a leftover dnsmasq from a previous run, it seems.00:10
jarrodi need to start over00:13
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jarrodnova-network is definitely broke00:25
jarrodwhen it goes to spin up an instance, it assigns the IP on the controller (not compute), and attempts to run dnsmasq over and over00:26
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jarrodbind-interfaces was required for the dnsmasq service00:33
jarrodfor crying outloud00:33
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jarrodin vlanmanager mode, do the switch ports need to be trunk ports?00:41
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uvirtbotNew bug: #719093 in nova "KeyError: 'imageId' when creating instance with EC2/S3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71909300:41
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sandywalsh_phew, there's no way I'll keep up on this ozone mailing list.00:48
jarrodit works00:49
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edaysandywalsh_: you mean openstack? or ozone too? :)01:26
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sandywalsh_eday, mostly openstack ... but ozone doesn't help01:30
jarrodanyone running vlanmanager mode?01:35
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desaijarrod: i am01:38
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jarrodhow do you have your network designed01:39
jarrodswitch port setup as trunk to support the vlans01:39
desaithe vlans are all trunked to the compute nodes and the nova network server (we only currently have one)01:40
jarrodthat is the way i have it setup01:40
desaiwhat is the problem you're having?01:41
jarroddo you use 1 interface on your compute nodes. eth0 untagged and the vlan interfaces tagged?01:41
jarrodi can see the nodes from the router, but external hosts cant reach it01:41
jarrodits like the project vlans dont know the route back01:41
desaiare you running nova-network on multiple hosts? (like perhaps all of the compute nodes?)01:42
desaioh wait01:42
jarrodnova-network on only the controller01:42
desaiyou mean that the internal addresses for instances aren't reachable when you aren't on the controller?01:43
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desaithat is expected, in general01:43
desaiyou need to associate external addresses to your instances in order for that to work, avaik01:43
jarrodmy instances use public addresses01:43
desaiall public addresses?01:43
desaiwell, we setup ours to use internal addresses ( addresses01:44
jarrodand then you NAT to them from the router?01:45
desaiand then when external addresses are associated, then nat rules on the controller kick in01:45
jarrodso the controller nats01:45
jarroddid you add the controller nat manually01:45
desaiyeah, inbound nat for exernal addresses mapping to the instances, and generic outbound nat01:46
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desainope, but i did need to configure floating addresses with nova-manage (and set the appropriate option in nova.conf so that nova put the aliases on the correct (outer) interface)01:46
desaiand then also euca-allocate-address and euca-associate-address afterward01:46
desaii really need to find time to finish writing up our configuration as an example01:47
desaii had a lot of trouble finding the bouncing ball to follow when i was setting this up01:47
jarrodi guess im in a nat setup01:47
jarrodand i should not be01:47
desaii don't think that there is another mode to run in01:47
desaiin general, i think that the architecture uses mainly non-routable ips since people generally don't have enough of them, and you don't always need them (if you aren't going to connect into a node, for example)01:48
jarrodthat stinks01:48
desaiso the assumption that you should always use an external ip is not used01:48
jarrodwe have a ton of ipv601:48
jarrodand i was going to spin that up as well01:48
desaiyou can always allocate external addresses to your instances01:49
desaiit is just an extra command01:49
jarrodso you mean have a public AND a private?01:49
jarrodright now my instance shows its public IP01:49
desaiso here is the deal01:50
jarrodmaybe i should have done flat01:50
desaithat shouldn't make any difference01:50
desaiin euca-describe-instances01:50
desaithere are two ips01:50
jarrodmine are both public01:51
desaiwhen you allocate an instance, it only has an internal address by default01:51
desaiso that will be shown twice01:51
desaiif you associate an external ip with it, then you will have two different ips in the display01:51
desaidoes that make sense?01:52
jarrodah i need floating ips01:52
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desaiyeah, exactly01:54
jarrodis the range the mask01:54
jarrodor the end ip01:54
desaii think it is a cidr block01:55
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jarrodok, creating a new instance01:59
jarrodnow both addresses show up01:59
jarroddont know how it is reachable tho?02:00
jarrodim ssh'd into the server02:01
jarrodits default gateway is the CC running nova-network02:01
desaiyou need to open up network access to the nodes02:03
jarrodi can get to it from other nodes on the same public network02:03
jarrodive done that02:03
jarrodi can ssh to the server from other nodes on the same public network02:03
desaiis the external address alias showing up on the right interface?02:04
jarrodi dunno02:05
jarrodi dont see the instance IP anywhere in the nova-network server02:05
jarrodbut its reachable from another computer on that same network02:06
desainat rules maybe?02:06
jarrodnova-inst-5  all  --  anywhere             65.183.x.x02:07
desaii have my external addresses as extra ips on my external ethernet interface02:08
desaiperhaps something funny in the nova-network logs?02:08
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RobertLaptopIs there any version of Nova that runs under 32bit OS's?02:22
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vbnGuys is this channel active ?05:13
vbnI did not see any projects in launch pad either , so was wondering05:14
vbnwould really appreciate if anyone can volunteer to answer05:14
kpepplevbn: which project couldn't you find ?05:15
vbnI just joined openstack05:15
vbnand according to the instructoins I was asked to create a profie in Launch Pad05:16
vbnbut I could not find any projects under Nova, or swift05:16
vbnSo I was hoping I could get some pointers here05:16
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kpepplenova (compute cloud) is at https://launchpad.net/nova and swift (storage cloud) is at https://launchpad.net/swift05:17
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vbnThanks kpeople!05:24
kpepplevbn: no worries ... the room is much more active during business hours in the US05:24
creihtvbn: Out of curiosity what page were you looking at that lead you to the wrong place?  (so that we can remedy that)05:24
vbnthis link has the ~ sign in it05:26
creihtyeah that is the link for the swift group05:26
vbni am guessing it is because I just joined launchpad, and They are still awaiting authorization05:26
creihtor team05:27
vbnwell, thanks guys05:28
vbnand I am a noob here05:28
vbnand if you could lead me to a few getting started pages whichi would help me ramp up quickly, i would really appreciate it05:28
vbnthanks again05:28
creihtdocs for both are at:05:29
creihtand docs.openstack.org05:29
creihtThat should give you enough to chew on for a while :)05:29
vbnthanks creiht! :)05:29
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jarrodi am finally up and running on nova05:56
jarrodmultiserver install05:56
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openstackhudsonProject dashboard-tarmac build #3,769: FAILURE in 22 sec: http://hudson.openstack.org/job/dashboard-tarmac/3769/08:46
openstackhudsonProject nova-tarmac build #61,383: FAILURE in 21 sec: http://hudson.openstack.org/job/nova-tarmac/61383/08:46
openstackhudsonYippie, build fixed!08:50
openstackhudsonProject dashboard-tarmac build #3,770: FIXED in 1.8 sec: http://hudson.openstack.org/job/dashboard-tarmac/3770/08:50
openstackhudsonYippie, build fixed!08:51
openstackhudsonProject nova-tarmac build #61,384: FIXED in 3.4 sec: http://hudson.openstack.org/job/nova-tarmac/61384/08:51
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berendtsomebody here have experience with running the stack in combination with xen? i can boot the kernel but couldn't mount something.. maybe somebody could support..10:03
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daboberendt: xenserver or xen classic?10:14
berendtdabo: normal xen10:14
berendti always get the error that the partition table is unknown10:14
dabounfortunately, I only have experience with xenserver10:14
daboare you running the compute node in domU on the xen box?10:15
berendtdabo: yes10:15
berendtdabo: i mean no.. compute is running on the dom010:15
ttxjaypipes: Around now. I think we should trigger the import as part of the milestone release process10:16
daboberendt: well, I know that recent changes require compute to run in domU on the server, not dom010:16
daboAt least for xenserver10:16
dabobut I haven't tried it at all with the regular open source xen10:17
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sorenberendt: I added support for that a while back. I haven't tested it for along time, though. It may have rotted :(10:24
berendtsoren: http://paste.openstack.org/show/698/10:24
berendtmaybe something wrong with my nbd..?10:24
sorenUnknown partition table on its own is not a problem.10:25
sorenYou get that "error" because we don't bother stitching a partition table together.10:26
sorenWe just shove the filesystem directly onto sda, so there is no paritition table. That's expected.10:26
berendtsoren: i'm trying to start the machines via libvirt, could this be a problem?10:28
berendtseems to work with xenapi...10:28
sorenberendt: I did my work with libvirt, too.10:29
sorenberendt: What is the problem, exactly?10:30
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* soren screams... just a little10:52
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dabosoren: I heard you over here10:56
sorendabo: I'm not surprised.10:58
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sorenI owe myself a lot of beer for fixing that one.11:36
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Davieysoren, That looks like it was possibly a frustrating and possibly underwhelming solution.. :`(11:46
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dabosoren: maybe we need unit tests for our unit tests. :)12:03
rccguys, what status you use when you fix a bug? fix released or fix commited? i find them a bit confusing12:03
berendtrcc: if i understood it in the right way: fix commited: linked branch was commited into the nova development code base, fix released: der fix wurde commited und ist in einem release (austin, bexar..) vorhanden12:05
rccah, gotcha12:06
sorenberendt: Yup, that's accurate.12:15
berendtrcc: sorry, i switched to german while writing the sentence... :)12:15
rcchaha, nm, understood you12:15
sorenIt's ok to add a bit of a European atmosphere to this channel :)12:16
sorenDaviey: It's another one of those ~1 character per hour patches.12:17
sorenDaviey: Must have spent 3 hours on it last night and another 4 this morning.12:18
Davieysoren, I had a similar issue yesterday... Spent ages trying to work out why a gcc LDFLAG wasn't being recognised... turned out the *-dev build depend lib contained a dangling symlink to the real LIB.12:20
sorenI suppose my daughter doesn't get her stubbornness from strangers..12:20
DavieyI was over the moon.12:20
sorenSounds like fun.12:21
sorenDangling symlinks break some interesting assumptions.12:21
sorenLike, seeing that the file (really the symlink) exist, but opening it gives ENOENT. "wtf?"12:22
sorenttx: You're very quiet today.12:23
ttxsoren: that's my east coast tz day.12:24
sorenttx: Oh.12:24
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ttxbusy trying to empty my bugmail12:24
sorenttx: Good morning, then :)12:24
berendtin nova/virt/disk.py there is a binary "truncate" executed. can someone tell me in which ubuntu package this binary is include (don't have a ubuntu instance here at the moment)12:25
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berendtbtw. is it planned to rewrite the injection routines?12:25
ttx$ dpkg -S `which truncate`12:25
ttxcoreutils: /usr/bin/truncate12:25
berendtttx: thanks.. of course it's not included on sles11.. :)12:26
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sorenberendt: OT12:32
sorenberendt: It's in coreutils.12:32
sorenOh, ttx beat me to it. By a large margin.12:32
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sorenberendt: sles11 comes without coreutils?!?12:32
sorenholy crap12:32
berendtsoren: of course.. :)12:32
berendtsoren: but without /usr/bin/truncate.. i copied it now out of a centos package12:33
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uvirtbotNew bug: #719325 in nova "implement clean test to check if device is coming up after using qemu-nbd" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71932513:11
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openstackhudsonProject nova build #511: SUCCESS in 1 min 32 sec: http://hudson.openstack.org/job/nova/511/13:52
openstackhudsonTarmac: Fixes issues when running euca-run-instances and euca-describe-image-attribute against the latest nova/trunk EC2 API.13:52
openstackhudsonI noticed this late this afternoon and saw some IRC traffic with other users hitting the issue as well.13:52
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ttxsoren: ISTR you talked about a Hudson job to track branch vs. tarball contents diff13:56
sorenttx: Yes.13:58
sorenttx: Never got around to finishing it.13:58
sorenLet me see what the status is.13:58
berendti want to start an instance in a private cloud (instance is not able to connect to the internet).. in the ubuntu uec images there is the service cloud-init starting and because it cant access a http url... the systems now hangs for a very long time...14:01
berendtinjecting of networking seems to be ok, i manually mounted the image via losetup and check /etc/network/interfaces14:01
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annegentlehow do I branch a particular revno of Nova?14:16
ttxsoren: in fact we could catch the gap between added files and tarball contents as a trunk commit test14:16
ttxannegentle: "To retrieve the branch as of a particular revision, supply the --revision  parameter, as in "branch foo/bar -r 5"14:18
annegentlettx: perfect, thanks. I couldn't find it in the Bazaar in five minutes page :)14:19
ttxannegentle: so "bzr branch lp:nova -r 669 mybranch" should work14:19
ttxsoren: maybe with some .tarball-diff-ignore to specify exceptions14:21
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jaypipesttx: cool. so, once a release, then?14:25
jaypipesttx: or once per milestone?14:25
sandywalsh_Is the Service table stuff only used by EC2?14:33
sandywalsh_"availability zones"14:33
jaypipessandywalsh_: and directly by nova-manage.14:34
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sandywalsh_jaypipes, ah, that's the piece I was missing, thx14:35
jaypipessandywalsh_: not sure about the Service table's relationship with EC2 availability zones...I did not know there was a relationship.14:35
sandywalsh_jaypipes, maybe there isn't but there is mention of it in the scheduler14:35
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jaypipessandywalsh_: hmmm...interesting.14:36
sandywalsh_jaypipes, yeah, there's a zone scheduler in there already that uses it14:36
ttxjaypipes: I'd rather do it once per milestone. The idea being, not making stuff only on release could allow us to catch issues earlier14:37
ttxjaypipes: do we need to do anything for Cactus yet ?14:38
ttx(I'd like the fixes we push in Bexar updates to be fixed in the dev release first)14:38
jaypipessandywalsh_: interesting. looks like models.Service.availability_zone might need to be refactored to be a foreign key on the new Zone table, no?14:40
ttxjaypipes: also I guess I should change locale -> po in https://code.launchpad.net/~ttx/nova/lp714678/+merge/49811 as well ? We don't need to have locale/ in the tarball, iiuc14:40
jaypipesttx: yes, I'll propose a similar branch for the Cactus trunk.14:40
sorenttx: Ok, script is done.14:41
jaypipesttx: and, correct about locale -> po.14:41
sorenttx: It generates two lists:14:41
ttxok, I'll fix my branch then14:41
sorenttx: A list of stuff that's in bzr, but not in the tarball.14:41
sorenttx: A list of stuff that's in the tarball, but not in bzr.14:41
ttxsoren: note that there seem to be legitimate diffs, like the vcsversion.py stuff14:41
sorenttx: Any chance to any of those lists makes it return unsuccesfully.14:42
sorenttx: To acknowledge a change, you run the script with an "ack" option.14:42
sorenttx: Right, right.14:42
jaypipessandywalsh_: what is odd to me is that models.Instance *also* has an availability_zone field... wouldn't all services running on an instance be in the same availablility zone?14:42
sorenttx: That's why I only care about *changes* to these files.14:42
sandywalsh_services on a host or instance?14:42
jaypipessandywalsh_: well, we don't have a host table....14:43
sandywalsh_jaypipes, sec14:43
sorenttx: Before it can be put into effect, we need to go through the list of stuff that's already in each list.14:44
sorenttx: ...and figure out if it's supposed to be there.14:44
jaypipessandywalsh_: never mind. if we don't have a host table, I suppose it's necessary to have Instance.availability_zone...14:44
ttxsoren: so maybe we should fix the glaring omissions first.14:44
sorenttx: Right. It's just that the test won't be useful until we've established the correct baseline.14:45
sorenLet me post the current list..14:45
jaypipessandywalsh_: but I thought the plan was to have a Zone model that would understand what Services were running inside itself as well as what Instances were running on the hosts it contains.14:45
* jaypipes still unsure why we don't have a Host model...14:45
sorenttx: http://paste.ubuntu.com/567334/14:45
sandywalsh_jaypipes, right. The plan is the hosts will publish on the scheduler topic of their existance14:46
sorenjaypipes: iirc, the proposed live-migration branch adds one.14:46
sorenjaypipes: Well, only for compute nodes, I think.14:46
jaypipessoren: ah, ok. I know that eday was opposed to having one, but I can't remember what the objection was... think it had something to do with future plans for a distriubuted data store.14:46
sandywalsh_jaypipes, the scheduler will report these capabilities back up to whomever asks for them (parent zones)14:46
jaypipessandywalsh_: coo. sounds good to me. I'll review your phase 1 merge prop as soon as I get some yummy bacon and eggs in my belly ;)14:47
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sandywalsh_hmm, giv'er14:47
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dweimerAre there plans to maintain a release ppa for swift-core similar to the one for nova-core?15:03
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openstackhudsonProject nova build #512: SUCCESS in 1 min 35 sec: http://hudson.openstack.org/job/nova/512/15:12
openstackhudsonTarmac: Fix sporadically failing unittests.15:12
creihtdweimer: swift ppas are usually available at: https://launchpad.net/~swift-core/+archive/ppa15:13
creihtsorry that 1.2 hasn't been built yet15:13
creihtmtaylor: !!! -^15:13
dweimerI'm going to try and build a set of 1.2 packages. I'm more than willing to share the packages if they would be of any use.15:16
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creihtdweimer: as far as I know, building packages is as simple as running some script, but I still need to learn how that works in our lp/hudson ecosystem15:18
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ttxjaypipes: I see https://blueprints.launchpad.net/glance/+spec/admin-tool is in Good progress -- do you have a branch up for that ?15:29
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KegaroHello.  I am trying to set up swift.15:32
Kegarobut I am having a problem with authentication.15:33
KegaroI have been following this document:  http://swift.openstack.org/howto_installmultinode.html15:33
Kegaroand when I run this command:  swift-auth-add-user -K devauth -a system root testpass15:33
KegaroI get:  Update failed: 503 Service Unavailable15:33
KegaroWould someone be able to give me a hand?15:34
creihtKegaro: First place to look would be at the logs on the auth server and the storage nodes15:35
creihtto find out what caused the 50315:35
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Kegarohere is the error message in syslog:  Feb 15 05:28:50 HostedOSCC1 auth-server ERROR Unhandled exception in ReST request: Connection refused15:36
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creihtKegaro: when you create a user, it also has to create the initial account, which has to create the account information on the 3 account servers15:37
creihtSo either, there isn't network connectivity between the auth node and the storage node it was trying to talk to15:37
creihtor the ring might be misconfigured, and it is trying to connect to the wrong ip15:37
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Kegaro:-(  ugh.15:39
Kegarookay.  Thanks creiht.15:39
KegaroNow I know where to look!15:39
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hvaldiviaHi everybody15:42
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hvaldiviaDid someone worked with nova-volumes?15:43
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hvaldiviaI dont know how to set the nova-volumes...15:44
hvaldiviais it necessary to setup a LVM before to instal nova?15:45
vvuksanhvaldivia: no15:45
vvuksani have vague familiarity with nova-volume15:45
vvuksanwhat it does need IIRC is an XFS file system15:45
hvaldiviaHi vvuksan.15:45
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hvaldiviaIm using the nova-deployment-tool script. Im following the video on that page but I got And error15:47
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hvaldiviaError occured when staring the service(nova-volume).15:47
vvuksanwhat's the error15:47
vvuksanuse paste.openstack.org15:47
hvaldiviaok. sorry15:48
hvaldiviahere you go: http://paste.openstack.org/show/702/15:49
hvaldiviaI set the conf/flag.conf file with my host.15:50
berendtany idea why i can reach the object store from a second nova compute node? (http://paste.openstack.org/show/703/) s3 host is set to the correct host and i opened port 3333 via a iptables rule15:50
berendtwhy i can not reach the objectstore.. :)15:50
berendthvaldivia: have you created a volume group nova-volumes?15:51
jaypipesttx: admin-tool is in good progress, yes. not sure I have a branched pushed.. lemme check.15:52
hvaldiviathat is my problem. The page doesnt say how to do that15:52
ttxjaypipes: couldn't find it.15:52
berendthvaldivia: vgcreate nova-volumes15:52
vvuksanhvaldivia: run nova-volume by hand ie. nova-volume --nodaemon --flagfile /etc/nova/nova.conf15:52
jaypipesttx: if not, I can push one shortly.15:52
ttxcool, thanks15:52
hvaldiviavvuksan: this is the output http://paste.openstack.org/show/704/15:56
vvuksanhvaldivia: that's helpful :-)15:56
hvaldiviaYeah… How can I fix it?15:57
vvuksanyou need the flag volume_group15:58
vvuksancause I assume openstack2.ece.uprm.edu is not name of your volume group15:58
Kegarois there a way using swift-init to tell what services are started?15:58
vvuksani'm just grepping through the code ;-)15:58
creihtKegaro: not yet, but you can do something like ps -ef | grep swift :)15:59
vvuksanhvaldivia: https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/master/nova/volume/driver.py#L7915:59
vvuksancode does sudo vgs --noheadings -o name15:59
vvuksanand makes sure that the volume exists15:59
vvuksanhvaldivia: did you check this http://wiki.openstack.org/NovaAdminManual?highlight=%28nova-volume%2916:01
hvaldiviaok… before of executing nova-deployment-tools, I should create a nova-volume, then set the volumen-group on conf/flag.conf16:04
hvaldiviaAm I right?16:04
vvuksani have never used nova-deployment-tools16:04
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hvaldiviavvuksan: But If I need to install a multiple node environment, What would be your advice?16:07
berendta workaround for my described problem is to manually copy the images in /var/lib/nova/instances/_base to the other nova nodes16:07
vvuksanhvaldivia: depends what you are trying to do16:07
vvuksanhvaldivia: I don't use nova-volume yet16:07
berendtInstanceLimitExceeded: InstanceLimitExceeded: Instance quota exceeded. You can only run 0 more instances of this type.16:08
berendthow can i change the limit?16:08
hvaldiviavvuksan: I want to compare eucaliptus vs openstack on a 4node-network16:10
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hvaldiviavvuksan: Should I do an manual installation?16:11
hvaldiviaDoes this page it would be fine: http://docs.openstack.org/openstack-compute/admin/content/ch03s02.html?16:12
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vvuksanhvaldivia: i think that seems like a reasonable choice16:13
berendtquota.py:flags.DEFINE_integer('quota_instances', 10,16:15
berendtquota.py:flags.DEFINE_integer('quota_cores', 20,16:15
berendtquota.py:flags.DEFINE_integer('quota_volumes', 10,16:15
berendtquota.py:flags.DEFINE_integer('quota_gigabytes', 1000,16:15
berendtquota.py:flags.DEFINE_integer('quota_floating_ips', 10,16:15
berendthardcoded at the moment..?16:15
vvuksanthat looks like it16:15
berendti try to set a flag to adjust it with the nova.conf16:15
vvuksani think it would say FLAG16:15
berendtthere is a empty table quotas in the nova database16:15
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berendtflags.py:DEFINE_integer = _wrapper(gflags.DEFINE_integer)16:16
vvuksanberendt: actually no16:16
vvuksanso try doing htat --quota_instance=5016:16
vvuksansee what happens16:16
jaypipesttx: k, done: https://code.launchpad.net/~jaypipes/nova/translations/+merge/4983316:17
vvuksanberendt: if it works you must document it :-)16:17
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jaypipesttx: luckily, the diff is only 29K lines.16:17
mtaylorsoren: ping16:19
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dendrobatesmtaylor: soren is away.  Can I help?16:21
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mtaylordendrobates: do you know what he's done with the packaging branches?16:21
dendrobatesdo you mean where are they, or what changes he's made?16:22
mtaylordendrobates: the one that jenkins is using is set up for ppa ... I need to cut packages for swift for their 1.2 release16:22
mtaylordendrobates: mainly where they are (and sort of the thinking around how he's organized them)16:22
dendrobatesI have never touched the swift packaging, let me look16:23
dendrobatesmtaylor: https://code.launchpad.net/~openstack-ubuntu-packagers16:24
mtaylordendrobates: right - and that swift branch is quite explicitly set up for ppa usage... so I wanted to check with soren before I did things16:24
mtaylorfor instance, soren changed maintainer from Ubuntu MOTU to Soren Hansen in the control file in that branch16:25
jaypipessandywalsh_: hey, quick question. Is "api_url" attribute of Zone intended to mean "the address of the API node in a Zone"?16:25
dendrobatesmtaylor: that's someone else's fight  :)16:26
sandywalsh_jaypipes, yes16:26
mtaylordeshantm: yeah. :)16:26
mtaylordendrobates: yeah. :)16:26
jaypipessandywalsh_: k. have we considered there might be >1 API node per zone? :)16:26
mtaylordendrobates: any idea when he's back?16:26
creihtmtaylor: which fight are we talking about?16:26
sandywalsh_jaypipes, I assumed it would be a load balancer16:26
dendrobatesprobably an hour or 216:26
* creiht would just like some packages to be built :/16:26
dendrobatescreiht: not a fight that you care about16:27
jaypipessandywalsh_: ok, fair enough assumption I suppose. It's early in the implementation, after all...16:27
creihtheh... alright16:27
sandywalsh_jaypipes, good question though. That's why I didn't put any duplicate checks in yet.16:27
* jaypipes gets in a fight with creiht... just because it's fun.16:27
* creiht is done with fighting16:28
mtaylorcreiht: yeah - I was just working on that ... but I need to check in with soren about how he's re-orged things. I was working on it at least!16:28
jaypipessandywalsh_: I suppose another way we could do it is having a foreign key to the Service model? in other words, a record in services table has to exist for the API node in a zone, right?16:28
creihtmtaylor: no worries, just wanted to make sure it wasn't going to get caught up in yet another political battle16:28
mtaylorin soviet russia, creiht isn't done with fighting, fighting is done with creiht16:28
creihtand thanks again for your work with this :)16:28
jaypipessandywalsh_: or API nodes...16:28
mtaylorcreiht: oh no - not at all ... it's just wanting to grok what's there and what the intent might have been16:28
sandywalsh_jaypipes, hmm ... thinking16:29
jaypipessandywalsh_: totally just throwing around thoughts, nothing more.16:29
jaypipessandywalsh_: I like the initial phase 1 patch for zones.16:29
sandywalsh_jaypipes, I see your point ... lemme stew on that. Could be a good idea.16:29
sandywalsh_jaypipes, the rationale was an admin api that other services could hit16:30
sandywalsh_jaypipes, to take zones online/offline/etc16:30
jaypipessandywalsh_: yup, totally understand.16:30
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sandywalsh_jaypipes, whoops ... just found a bug in that branch16:37
sandywalsh_jaypipes, child_zones still in migration ... fixing16:38
tr3buchetanyone else having problems with unittests?16:38
jaypipessandywalsh_: so you saw my review? :)16:38
sandywalsh_jaypipes, nope ... looking now though16:38
jaypipesmtaylor: ping. what do you think of ttx's question on this review? https://code.launchpad.net/~jaypipes/nova/translations/+merge/4983316:39
sandywalsh_jaypipes, heh ... good eye. Fixing ... thx!16:40
jaypipessandywalsh_: np! nice work :)16:40
sandywalsh_jaypipes, thx!16:40
mtaylorjaysun: ah - well, I think you should edit that text in nova.pot16:41
sandywalsh_jaypipes, I think the use of "child zone" in the doc strings is ok. To differentiate from *this* zone.16:42
mtaylorjaypipes: ^^16:42
jaypipessandywalsh_: sure, ok.16:43
jaypipesmtaylor: I would, just wanted to make sure that Launchpad won't overwrite it...16:44
mtaylorjaypipes: it shouldn't16:44
jaypipesmtaylor: k, I'll update the template then. cheers.16:45
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mtaylorjaypipes: so, should we prepare similar branches for swift and glance?16:48
jaypipesmtaylor: sorry, not following you...16:49
jaypipesmtaylor: glance hasn't yet been i18n'd and I do need to do the same for Swift, but was making sure Nova was fixed first..16:49
mtaylorjaypipes: cool. that was the question :)16:49
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jaypipesmtaylor: sorry about that, thought you were referring to setting up the translation export branch on LP, which has been done for a while now.16:54
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mtaylorjaypipes: I filed a bug on distutils.extra and subscribed you to it16:56
jaypipesmtaylor: cheers16:58
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sirp_any core devs mind taking a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~salvatore-orlando/nova/bug694935/+merge/49211 , just need one more sign-off..17:05
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openstackhudsonProject nova build #513: SUCCESS in 1 min 34 sec: http://hudson.openstack.org/job/nova/513/17:22
openstackhudsonTarmac: Use eventlet.green.subprocess instead of standard subprocess17:22
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openstackhudsonProject nova build #514: SUCCESS in 1 min 40 sec: http://hudson.openstack.org/job/nova/514/17:28
openstackhudsonTarmac: Some trivial cleanups in context.py, mostly just a test of using the updated git-bzr-ng17:28
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openstackhudsonProject nova build #515: SUCCESS in 1 min 33 sec: http://hudson.openstack.org/job/nova/515/17:34
openstackhudsonTarmac: The proposed fix puts a VM which fails to spawn in a (new) 'FAILED' power state. It does not perform a clean-up.17:34
openstackhudsonThis because the user needs to know what has happened to the VM he/she was trying to run. Normally, API users do not have access to log files. In this case, the only way for the user to know what happened to the instance is to query its state (e.g.: doing euca-describe-instances). If we perform a complete clean-up, no information about the instance which failed to spawn will be left.17:34
openstackhudsonFor the NO_HOST_AVAILABLE error, which occurs when there is not enough RAM left on the host, the amount of available memory is now checked at the beginning of the spawn process. This way, if there is not enough RAM left on the host, the spawn process returns immediately.17:34
openstackhudsonA test case (spawn_not_enough_memory) has been added as well.17:34
openstackhudsonI understand adding a new value to the power_state enumeration might not be acceptable. In that case I will propose for merge a different branch in which we perform a complete clean-up.17:34
openstackhudsonHowever, I reckon we still to provide a way to inform the user the spawn process has failed.17:34
berendti get the error "RemoteError: NoMoreAddresses None"17:36
berendti remoted all entries in fixed_ips, instances17:37
berendti set the flag --fixed_ip_disassociate_timeout=1017:37
berendti restarted all services17:37
berendtany ideas?17:37
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berendtok.. deleting all entries in fixed_ips is not so a good idea.. i'll try to reinitialize the network with nova-manage17:42
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openstackhudsonProject nova build #516: SUCCESS in 1 min 32 sec: http://hudson.openstack.org/job/nova/516/18:22
openstackhudsonTarmac: When re-throwing an exception, use "raise", not "raise e".  This way we don't lose the stack trace.18:22
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openstackhudsonProject nova build #517: SUCCESS in 1 min 33 sec: http://hudson.openstack.org/job/nova/517/18:28
openstackhudsonTarmac: Fixes tarball contents by adding missing scripts and files to setup.py / MANIFEST.in18:28
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ttxsoren: we should be able to seed the tarball vs. branch contents test now19:31
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sandywalsh_periodic_tasks() calls in Service seem to happen in batches of four ... I suspect nova-combined19:39
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ttxjaypipes: looks like your placeholders fix got eaten in the process : http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~jaypipes/nova/translations/revision/67719:42
ttxI guess it's automatically overwritten19:42
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jtrandoes openstack have a rebuild feature?19:44
jtranto rebuild a VM19:44
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jaypipesttx: that's just the creation date.19:45
ttxjaypipes: I suspect you committed more than that on that rev19:46
ttx"Replace placeholders in nova.pot with some actual values."19:46
kpepplejtran: like rescue mode ?19:47
jaypipesttx: grr.19:48
ttxjaypipes: did you not ?19:48
jaypipesttx: so, doing a python setup.py build_i18n overwrites the placeholders? That is retarded.19:48
ttxjaypipes: sounds very retarded to me too19:48
jaypipesmtaylor: ? ^^19:48
jtrankpepple:  i'm not certain.  i was looking for a method to just rebuild a vm from image, but retaining all old settings such as name, ip etc19:49
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jtrandoes rescue mode do that?19:49
mtaylorjaypipes: I'm sorry - I don't know what you mean by placeholders?19:49
ttxmtaylor: "Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER"19:50
kpepplejtran: no, i think rescue mode helps you when you corrupt the images filesystem (http://wiki.openstack.org/RescueMode)19:50
mtaylorttx: oh. hrm. well, in C++/intltool-based things, there is a config template you can stick somewhere which is where you actually define those values... (which I think is retarded)19:50
jtranah.  ya i just want a refreshed vm from scratch, keeping old settings.  any idea if there's such a feature?19:50
mtaylorttx: you will quickly find that whoever wrote _ALL_ of the i18n systems has never worked on a large project which works from version control19:51
kpepplejtran: sorry, don't know19:51
jtrangrep -i rebuild api/openstack/*19:51
jtranapi/openstack/servers.py:        """ Multi-purpose method used to reboot, rebuild, and19:51
jtranapi/openstack/servers.py:        #TODO(sandy): rebuild/resize not supported.19:51
mtaylorttx, jaypipes: let me investigate and see what I can find19:51
jaypipesmtaylor: ty.19:51
jtran^ that's the only clue that i have.  altho i dunno if it's outdated.19:51
uvirtbotjtran: Error: "that's" is not a valid command.19:51
ttxmtaylor: I remember now, that's the reason why I stayed away from i18n and decided everyone should use english.19:51
jtranthe above is the only clue that i have.  altho i dunno if it's outdated.19:52
mtaylorttx: it's amazing how generally powerful the systems are, and how TERRIBLE their integration with things like build systems is - and that's even _after_ you consider all the work launchpad does for you in this regar19:52
jtrandprince: u around?19:52
ttxmtaylor/jaypipes: I personally don't really mind the boilerplate in these files -- however I suspect that for licensing reasons we should try to get it right19:53
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desaianyone know what the message:  "node0069 >> clnt_create: RPC: Unknown host" means for nova-compute (on startup?)19:55
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dprincejtran: yeah. What is up.19:58
jtranneeding help w/ the openstack-compute ruby binding19:59
jtranis it just me, or is the data returned for the objs lacking in comparison to ec2 api?19:59
dprincejtran: Okay. Which objects? Servers? Images?20:00
jtranfor example image info returns doesn't gimme a kosher imageid name.20:00
jtranwhereas the ec2 does20:00
jtranand same goes for compute (server) obj20:00
jtranlet me run a couple examples.  one sec20:00
dprinceHmmm. Are you using the latest trunk code?20:00
jtrani am probably not20:01
jtranthat is a good point tho20:01
jtrani just did gem install openstack-compute20:01
dprinceOh. I mean for nova-api.20:01
jtranyes for nova-api 'openstack-compute' gem20:01
dprincedpkg -l nova-api?20:02
dprinceAre you using Nova packages or nova.sh?20:02
jtrani'm using the ruby binding for a webapp20:02
jtranno local install of nova whatsoever20:02
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dprinceOkay. Sure.20:03
jtranso the openstack-compute gem installation is ok? or do u still suggest getting latest trunk code for that20:03
dprinceGem installing the latest openstack-compute should be fine.20:03
dprinceI was trying to figure out which version of Openstack/Nova that binding was being used with. That is all.20:04
jtranah, i'm using it against latest trunk of nova.  it's not run by me tho20:04
dprinceOkay. Do you know which image service was being used? S3 or Glance?20:05
dprinceHmmm. Yeah. I think some of the recent code changes regarding how the S3 image service maps to the Base image service may be causing you an issue.20:06
dprinceI'm looking into it now.20:07
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desaiwhat code is responsible for keeping the service list up to date (ie nova-manage service list)20:09
jtrandprince: for example.  This is the 'servers' objs:  > cs.servers20:09
jtran=> [{:name=>"Server 119", :id=>119}20:09
jtranlook at the extent of the server info.  it's pretty limited, right?  :name doesn't even gimme the server's id20:10
jtranthe server's id would be something in my case such as 'ily400-10'20:10
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jtranso based on that info the openstack/compute binding gives me back, i cannot use any of that info to get a serverid to use against any of the other methods20:10
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jtranand then for images:20:11
jtran> cs.images20:11
jtran=> [{:status=>"active", :name=>"production-bucket/ttylinux-uec-amd64-12.1_2.6.35-22_1.img.manifest.xml", :id=>7348264372287273994},20:11
dprincejtran: Try getting a single instance.20:11
jtrannone of those image key/values have the imageid20:11
dprincejtran: server = cs.server(1)20:11
dprincejtran: puts server.inspect20:11
jtranright, but what if i dont' know the servers fixnum id  and need to get that info based on a server's name?20:12
dprincejtran: Yeah. Just do a 'servers' call first. Go through the list and find the ID for the named server and then look it up.20:13
jtranlooking at the single server obj, the 'name' isn't the same as the standard server id info needed to use w/ other methods.20:13
jtranthis server 'name' is 'server 150'20:13
jtranyet when using ec2 api, the serverid is important and it shows up as:  i-0000009f20:14
jtranthe serverid in the openstack/compute binding is:   @id=12020:14
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uvirtbotNew bug: #719575 in nova "xen machines not coming up while wrong root device in nova/virt/libvirt.xml.template" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71957520:36
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uvirtbotNew bug: #719577 in nova "extend method _inject_net_into_fs() in nova/virt/disk.py to not only support Debian-based images" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71957720:41
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ttxMeeting starting in 2 minutes in #openstack-meeting, join us now20:58
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uvirtbotNew bug: #719588 in nova "machines not restarted on other computed node after crashing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71958821:01
uvirtbotNew bug: #719592 in nova "no rescheduling after attaching a new compute node" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71959221:01
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openf|yhey, so I have openstack deployed on a single system21:20
openf|yand when I do a euca-run-instance it's saying it can't access nova.networking in the log / trace in /var/log/nova-networking.. but i checked my mysql db with the exact sql command... and it worked.21:21
openf|yso i am thinking maybe there is some config somewhere that needs to tell the network controller to point at mysql21:21
openf|ycould that be the case?21:21
openf|yif so... where?21:21
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kpeppleopenf|y: /etc/nova/nova.conf21:41
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openf|ythat's not it21:49
openf|yfor whatever reason my instances are just staying stuck in scheduling21:49
openf|yand all i see in errors is nova-network saying nova.networking doesn't exist...21:49
openf|ywhen it does.21:49
openf|yand i have no idea why21:49
mrayopenf|y: check the permissions on your /var/lib/nova21:50
mraymine were 700, vms wouldn't get past scheduling21:50
openf|ynova owns it21:51
openf|yit's 75521:51
openf|ybasically a fresh install too21:51
openf|yhas me really confused21:51
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mrayyeah, my installs are always fresh21:51
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kpeppleopenf|y: should paste the log output to http://paste.openstack.org/21:54
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openf|yyeah i'm going to blow everything away start over from scratch and then do so21:57
openf|yjust to be sure21:57
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berendtdoes somebody know more about the status on the schedulers? at the moment they are very rudimentary and not very useful22:05
daboberendt: the schedulers are going to be worked on in cactus22:06
berendtI could not find blueprints in the release map for the cactus release...22:06
dabowe first have to get the zone concepts done, and then the distributed scheduler logic will come22:06
daboberendt: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/bexar-distributed-scheduler22:07
berendtwhat's about weighting of compute nodes and so on?22:07
daboberendt: what about it?22:07
berendtis it planned to implement such functionality at the moment?22:08
dabowe're still trying to determine the best way to make the logic pluggable, so that vendor A doesn't have to use the same weighting logic as vendor B22:09
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berendthow possible is it to have the code in the cactus release? :)22:10
tr3buche`can a get a couple of core dev reviews. smallest merge ever: https://code.launchpad.net/~tr3buchet/nova/percent_s/+merge/4988322:10
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jarrodare snapshots not live?22:28
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openstackhudsonProject nova build #518: SUCCESS in 1 min 32 sec: http://hudson.openstack.org/job/nova/518/22:42
openstackhudsonTarmac: this bug bit me hard today. pv can be None, which does not translate to %d and this error gets clobbered by causing errors in the business in charge of capturing output and reporting errors.22:42
daboberendt: It's very possible to get this done for cactus. It may not be 100%, but it will be functional.22:43
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jarrodi CANNOT do snapshots?22:45
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sorentermie: Just curious... Do you see this test failure locally, too?  https://code.launchpad.net/~termie/nova/test_start_service/+merge/4825623:00
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fcarstenswift: netstat show me about 8000 TIME_WAIT connections between swift nodes (port 6000 and 6001). Is this normal?23:51
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openflyokay so that's full info on the fouled up install i have23:55
openflyany assistance would be appreciated.23:55
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kpeppleopenfly: what is barad-dur ? is that your host name ?23:59
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