Tuesday, 2011-01-18

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masumotokvish, soren, ttx: thanks for the commentts!00:06
masumotokvish, soren: I fixed based on your comment, and merged to rev 572.00:07
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masumotokvish, soren : I'll submit merge request again soon ( I changed discover_volume() based on your comment, so I'm checking now..)00:08
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vishymasumotok: i don't understand the change you made to aoedriver?00:21
termievishy: can't find my keys so if you could check that the office door is open pls00:23
vishytermie: check00:23
masumotokvishy: just hold on, I'm checking..00:23
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vishymasumotok: i see three issues so far00:29
masumotokvishy: Yeah, you mentioned to nova.volume.driver.00:30
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masumotokvishy: probably, I misunderstand and merged inappropreately.00:30
vishymasumotok: I wasn't suggesting you remove context, I was suggesting that you add it to the other drivers00:31
vishythe change you made i think will break iscsi00:31
vishyI mean it will break aoe00:31
masumotokvishy: right. now I realize...00:31
vishybecause discover volume needs to return the value00:31
vishymasumotok: two other issues: in nova/compute/manager.py you need to remove the from nova import context00:33
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vishyand there is a typo in volume/manager check_for_export on line 15600:33
vishyit should be self.db00:33
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colinnichOpenStack: RT @jcsmith76: We are hiring Python engineers for work on a cloud computing project here in San Francisco. OpenStack, IaaS, Django, etc ... [less than one minute ago]00:36
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colinnichgretchenpeters: January 2011 newsletter http://artistdata.com/a/377c [less than one minute ago]00:45
masumotokvishy: just comfirmation - _context means unused arg, context means used arg, right?00:50
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masumotokvishy: submit merge request again. could you check again?00:54
vishymasumotok: looks good00:56
vishymasumotok: correct, it is customary to prefix unused args with _ although it does mess things up if you are using kwargs.00:56
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masumotokvishy: understand. I should not use in case using kwargs..01:00
masumotokvishy: anyway, thanks for your help!01:00
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masumotoksoren: Could I ask you to check live migration branch again when you are available? (I need to get your approval for merging, right?)01:09
colinnichjmckenty: RT @c3iq: There is a zetabyte of data in the world now, 150GB per person. 10 years time: 50 zetabyte. #cloud #openstack [less than one minute ago]01:10
XenithSo what do people around here use for their python coding? Emacs? Vim? Notepad? :)01:12
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notmynameXenith: I use TextMate01:18
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nelsonshould swift-stats-populate be printing a report every few seconds?01:22
creihtnelson: stats pupulate is just used to set everything up01:28
creihtYou can run swift-stats-report to get the actual report01:28
creihtXenith: I use vim01:28
creihtwith another console open with ipython running01:29
creiht(or your favorite python command console)01:29
Xenithcreiht: Any suggestions for settings to make vim pep8 friendly?01:29
nelsonI'm just wondering how long I should wait for stats to populate. It's ... taking ... a ... while.01:29
creihtnelson: I think it can take a while01:29
creihtXenith: I think there is a pep8 plugin for vim01:30
nelsonokay ... but it doesn't seem to be doing anything on the storage servers.01:30
creihtnelson: I haven't done a whole lot with that, so not sure off the top of my head01:30
creihtgholt: -^01:30
* nelson hugs strace.01:31
creihtnelson: btw, I just commited a fix for swift-bench to correctly work with https.  It is the main cause to people getting bad results with multi-server installs01:31
creihtnelson: it also has to find hash collisions so that it can load the specific partitions it is trying to load01:34
xtoddxXenith: try pyflakes for vim01:34
creihtnelson: how big of a cluster, and what settings did you run the command with?01:34
nelsonDefault settings, 5 nodes, 18 bits in the rings.01:35
nelsonand it's continuing to poll. So clearly it's waiting for something to come back from a non-responsive server.01:36
nelsongiven that it's GET /v1.0 I'd guess auth.01:36
nelsondunno why the auth server would refuse to respond.01:37
creihtThe auth server can hang periodically01:37
creihtthough I thought it would only do that under high load01:37
creihtIf it is hanging on auth, then it likely hasn't even started?01:38
creihttry restarting auth, and then re-running the stats populate01:39
nelsonyes, the auth server is hanging. tested it by hand. ... crickets ....01:39
creihtnelson: running it on my saio, it shows a progress line, and takes about 30seconds01:44
creihtoh, more like about 4-5mins01:44
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natinova-api fails. " ImportError: cannot import name deploy "01:57
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natiI got a error that python-paste is not installed.01:57
creihtnati: you need to install python paste01:58
natiSo, I did "apt-get install python-paste"01:58
natiBut I got  " ImportError: cannot import name deploy " now.01:58
natiOr may be wrong version?01:58
creihtnati: try: apt-get install python-pastedeploy01:58
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natiThank you! Maybe, someone should add it for nova.sh?01:59
creihtnati: possibly, I haven't worked on nova, so I'm not sure what is in there :)01:59
natiOK I write a bug report.02:02
vishycreiht: any idea how to get a non-py file that is in a build to the debian package version?02:02
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creihtvishy: I have no idea... a lot of debian magic goes on there02:11
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uvirtbotNew bug: #704244 in nova "python-pastedeploy and  python-paste is not installed by nova.sh install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70424402:16
Xenithxtoddx: That looks useful. Thanks.02:22
XenithTrying to get a mac mini for coding at work. Stuck with the debian desktop until then. :)02:23
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natiI got "  from glance import client as glance_client ImportError: No module named glance "02:30
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natiMuu, apt-get install python-glance02:40
natisays not found02:40
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xtoddxnati: known problem02:53
xtoddxnati: i have a branch that fixes it lp:~xtoddx/nova/glance-venv, and jaypipes has a bug open for it02:54
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natixtoddx: I got it . Thank you .03:17
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xtoddxvishy: should refresh_security_group_(rules/members) be in nova/virt/fake.py?  It seems like everything that compute manager would call on a driver should be in there, right?03:56
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uvirtbotNew bug: #704277 in swift "devauth errors if s3 authentication fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70427706:11
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vishyxtoddx: yessir06:12
xtoddxvishy: i'll propose a branch, then06:14
vishyxtoddx: sounds good, perhaps a bug too06:14
xtoddxvishy: ok06:14
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uvirtbotNew bug: #704280 in nova "security group methods not in virt/fakes.py" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70428006:26
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xtoddxvishy: around?  i have more security group questions06:43
vishyi am06:43
xtoddxvishy: so, security_group_refresh_members is important because a rule in group "a" can authorize traffic with machines in group "b" correct?06:45
xtoddxvishy: i just finished reading some code.  i think i'm clear now.06:46
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colinnichScotRail: Good morning everyone [less than one minute ago]07:02
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vishyxtoddx: ok07:26
vishyxtoddx: I'm wondering if they should be in xen driver with a pass or not implemented as well07:28
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uvirtbotNew bug: #704300 in nova "reboot instance does not restore security group rules" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70430007:56
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colinnichBradPaisley: This time Thurs. I'll be thinking back on the mistakes my band made on our 1st night back. But I know the great folks in GB won't care a bit [one minute ago]08:04
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colinnichnetintelligence: BBC News - £98 PCs target UK digital divide http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-12205412 [less than one minute ago]08:30
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shamelessn00bHi, is it possible to run any pre-compiled software package on openStack cloud without any mods08:41
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fabiand_shamelessn00b: I suppose you want to run that software within a guest?08:44
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shamelessn00bI've been working on parallel computing (LAM/MPI and OpenMPI0 and I'm new to this cloud thing, so I don't know how the parallelization works in this case08:45
shamelessn00bDo we configure our cluster of systems and then create a virtual machine (or a guest) and use it as if it was a single machine08:46
fabiand_shamelessn00b: opemstack mova will host a set of instances of operating systems for you ..., to the outter world they appear as normal "physical" machines.08:46
fabiand_the whole thing does not act or behave like a super duper cluster :) you will need mpi etc. to use the cpu power accross different machines08:47
sorenxtoddx: Yeah, instead of granting access to a IP (or subnet), you can grant access to another security group.08:48
* soren takes daughter to the doctor's08:48
shamelessn00band if the application is multi-threaded, then the platform will take care of the parallelism, distributed memory, IPC and all that?08:48
shamelessn00bschedule threads on processors located on different machines e.t.c?08:48
fabiand_shamelessn00b: you have got one phy. server (host) which contains many instances (guests). Guests are not spanning multiple hosts, so: No. The features of a guest are (somewhat) limited by it's host.08:49
shamelessn00bNo, I mean if I have multiple physical machines08:50
fabiand_shamelessn00b: even then a guest will never be spanned accross hosts.08:51
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fabiand_Some logic could distributed guests to different host to keep an overall balance (so that all hosts are equally in use)08:51
fabiand_shamelessn00b: have a look and basic cloud concepts :)08:52
shamelessn00bI think I'll have to do just that08:52
shamelessn00bI'm badly confusing it with my previous experiences with parallel computing and involving message passing interface and all08:53
shamelessn00bBecause in MPI, portions of the same executable are running on different physical machines08:54
fabiand_shamelessn00b: you can use a cloud to manage "physical machines" .. and to create them on demand ... so a layer below mpi ... it wont solve the message passing for you though ..08:57
colinnichSarahMillican75: Morning! Chatting to the lovely @Shaun6Music very soon. [less than one minute ago]08:58
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shamelessn00bdo you know about mosix fabiand_ ?09:01
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fabiand_shamelessn00b: do you know about pvm?09:05
wedjatpvm = player vs monster ?09:06
shamelessn00bparallel virtual machine09:07
fabiand_wedjat: :) some nice things to find here https://gaming.mozillalabs.com/games/ ;)09:07
shamelessn00bIf thats possible, EC2 would most probably be doing it09:07
shamelessn00bspan virtual machines on multiple hosts09:08
colinnichgiffgaff: Morning all! Who are you gonna call today? [less than one minute ago]09:08
shamelessn00bany cloud computing framework available which supports that concept?09:08
fabiand_shamelessn00b: wasn't a beowulf cluster some sort of that? .. any, a bit offtopic :)09:09
shamelessn00bNo, but for beowulf you need to write specialized software09:10
shamelessn00bIf you have a virtual machine, all that complexity is hidden from the application running on the VM09:10
shamelessn00bit can be any multithreaded app09:11
shamelessn00bDoes OpenStack support this?09:14
shamelessn00bif not, are their other frameworks (eucalyptus etc) which would have this feature09:15
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colinnichSTVCoatbridge: http://bit.ly/fFQuKW Tuesday morning travel update [less than one minute ago]09:27
colinnichnlcwinter: No further gritting action this morning. [less than one minute ago]09:29
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colinnichgreghemphill69: After a crazy party at Eton, Prince Harry must cross country to the Palace in time for Prince Phillip's 90th birthday. "Get Him 2 The Greek" [less than one minute ago]09:51
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wedjatdoes someone know how to delete an account with Swift ? i can do many operations with curl but don't know which element (auth server, proxy server) to forward the DELETE request to...10:01
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colinnichgiffgaff: Ghostbusters? We thought ghost hunters but close enough. BTW make sure you enter #giffgaff25. Another draw at 5 http://bit.ly/giffgaff25 [less than one minute ago]10:11
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colinnichTweetDeck: Sams "Teach Yourself TweetDeck in 10 Minutes" ebook now available to buy http://j.mp/hVQ8rn [less than one minute ago]10:31
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uvirtbotNew bug: #704351 in nova "apply_instance_filter is not implemented in NWFilterFirewall" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70435110:46
colinnichwedjat: I don't think you can delete an account with the DevAuth server - it doesn't support it. The new swauth auth server supports deleting users/accounts.10:54
colinnichwilliamsonj: RT @AndyCronin: Twitter= I need to pee. Facebook= I peed! Foursquare= I'm peeing here. Quora= Why am I peeing? Youtube= Watch this pee! ... [less than one minute ago]10:54
wedjatcolinnich: thank you :)10:57
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colinnichAMPthree: COWON J3 has been selected as the Number 1 MP3 player of year 2010 by Anythingbutipod.com! Agree with that? http://fb.me/QDqiIPfB [less than one minute ago]11:17
colinnichwilliamsonj: Absolutely love this, timelapse of NYC set to some great music. http://d.pr/5oht [less than one minute ago]11:18
masumotokHi, in nova.sh, the value of NOVA_DIR is inserted as "NOVA_DIR=$DIR/$DIRNAME".  " NOVA_DIR=`echo $(cd $(dirname $0);pwd)`" might be better, no?11:22
masumotokI am wondering if someone checkout bzr "lp:nova" at /opt directory, he gets /opt/nova. And he may do "cp /opt/nova/contrib/nova.sh /opt", and "/opt/nova.sh run". but if he change directory name, then nova.sh fails, and he has to execute nova.sh at /opt.11:22
masumotokSo, if doing " NOVA_DIR=`echo $(cd $(dirname $0);pwd)`", he may "cp /opt/nova/contrib/nova.sh /opt/nova", then he can change directory name, and can execute from everywhere.11:22
colinnichquidco: We're giving away 2 return flights to anywhere on the BMI network, so you can choose between Aberdeen and Abu Dhabi! http://on.fb.me/dGbjjZ [less than one minute ago]11:26
ttxcolinnich: any chance you can stop your random messaging ?11:32
colinnichttx: ah, znc twitter plugin gone wrong. Sorry, will turn it off now11:50
colinnichsmd3000: Awesome #timelapse! RT @williamsonj: Absolutely love this, timelapse of NYC set to some great music. http://d.pr/5oht [from the future!]11:51
colinnichttx: gone now, not a very sensible default to post it to the channel you are on :-(11:53
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ttxcolinnich: indeed :)12:07
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sorenttx: Ok, so how are we doing on merges?12:34
sorenttx: All good?12:34
ttxjust a sec12:35
ttxsoren: live-migration is waiting for your final ack after the last fixes12:35
ttxsoren: also while you're at it, you should be able to flip the approved bit on https://code.launchpad.net/~vishvananda/nova/lp701748/+merge/4595212:35
* soren sighs12:38
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sorenI was *extremely* specific about how to fix that failing test case.12:38
ttxsoren: I think masumotok is still around, maybe you can have him fix it12:39
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masumotoksoren: checking. hold on..12:42
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ttxsandywalsh: o/12:48
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ttxwhen you have some time, please have a look at the current state of https://code.launchpad.net/~citrix-openstack/nova/xenapi-glance-2/+merge/45977 and approve it if it's OK for you12:49
ttxsandywalsh: ^12:49
* ttx would like to clear the remaining featurebranches today if possible12:49
sandywalshttx, yup, was working on it yesterday and finishing it up this morning.12:49
ttxsandywalsh: cool.12:49
sandywalshttx trying to get it running, as opposed to the code structure12:50
ttxsandywalsh: that sounds adventurous, but laudable :)12:50
sandywalshttx, that's a polite term for it. I just wanted to learn about glance really :)12:51
* ttx still needs to find some time to play with Glance12:54
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masumotoksoren: sorry for annoying you, in my environment, that test gots success. I re-checkout my branch, and trying to test it again.12:57
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thatsdon_soren: I guess now masumotok got the reason. Some more moment...13:05
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sorenmasumotok: I don't understand how that could possibly happen.13:11
sorenmasumotok: Are you not using bzr?13:11
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thatsdon_He is using bzr.. But, anyway it looks like he is not familiar with .mailmap format.13:14
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thatsdon_soren: Among your comments about 14 hours ago, you mentioned to add 2 lines which map his preferred address and garbled  strings.13:16
thatsdon_soren: Just adding the two lines to his .mailmap, and it should work?13:17
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sorenJust as I said.13:17
sorenthatsdon_: Being unfamiliar with things doesn't magically make tests pass. :)13:17
sandywalshI think something is broken in trunk (openstack api - create instance) http://paste.openstack.org/show/487/13:21
sandywalshthis worked yesterday, prior to the sync of xenapi-glance with trunk13:22
sandywalshforgot to do  euca-add-keypair nova_key > nova_key.priv13:23
* sandywalsh puts on his Chicken Little hat13:23
* jaypipes has sky fall on sandywalsh13:25
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sandywalshjaypipes, http://image36.webshots.com/37/5/53/22/277455322zDrGkH_ph.jpg13:26
jaypipessandywalsh: ha!13:27
ttxjaypipes: yo13:28
masumotoksoren: I tried test_misc.py at different environment, but test_misc.py got no error. but anyway, I added to .mailmap as you wrote to the comment. Could you please try it again? my envronment cannot say error..13:28
ttxjaypipes: feel free to push xenapi-glance2 over the fence if it pleases you13:29
ttxJordanRinke: where is your list with cool names ? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cities_in_California doesn't have "Diablo"13:31
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jaypipesttx: still need a lot of testing on that one... waiting for ewan to show up on IRC today to fix Glance packaging bug so we can test properly...13:32
ttxjaypipes: he plans to show up ? or you just used a secret formula to conjure him ?13:33
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sorenmasumotok: How do you run the tests?13:34
jaypipesttx: :) I emailed him13:34
ttxah, the secret ways of the email.13:35
masumotoksoren : python nova/tests/test_misc.py13:38
masumotoksoren: and got test_authors_up_to_date (__main__.ProjectTestCase) ... ok13:38
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masumotoksoren : Ran 1 test in 0.400s13:38
sorenYou should run the entire test suite. Always.13:38
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sorenDepending on whether you use virtualenv you may want to pass an option to run_tests.sh.13:39
soren-N to avoid virtualenv.13:39
sorenSomething else to force virtualenv.13:39
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sorenmasumotok: We use nose to run tests. Not all the files in tests may have been instrumented to run their tests if executed directly.13:45
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masumotoksoren: run.sh result currently:13:54
masumotoksoren:     test_lockout                                                ok13:55
masumotoksoren:     test_multiple_keys                                          ok13:55
masumotoksoren :     test_timeout                                                ok13:55
masumotoksoren:     test_window_timeout                                         ok13:55
masumotoksoren: ProjectTestCase13:55
masumotoksoren:     test_authors_up_to_date                                     ok13:55
uvirtbotNew bug: #704422 in nova "nova-direct-api: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'ComputeAPI'" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70442213:56
jaypipesuh-oh... IRC paste fail :)13:56
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jaypipessoren: -V -f to clean out virtualenv...13:57
sorenmasumotok: Is this before or after you fixed .mailmap?13:57
sorenmasumotok: And is this from a bzr checkout?13:57
masumotoksoren: before. I bzr diff and check. something strange...13:59
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uvirtbotNew bug: #704424 in nova "bin/stack: AttributeError: port" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70442414:01
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jaypipestermie: around? I'm stuck on this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/704424 and was hoping you might be able to help. I've tried importing nova.flags, but that fails with a DuplicateFlagError, and I can't seem to get any of the flags to be recognized. :(14:22
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 704424 in nova "bin/stack: AttributeError: port" [Low,In progress]14:22
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masumotoksoren: .mailmap should be rewritten as you mentioned. I added it and tested at all of my environment and uploded right now. Could you please check it?14:48
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rccguys, i'm running some sort of depencencies race condition problem. If I run nova within virtualenv, i can't execute euca2ools command:14:52
rcc(.nova-venv)root@dormammu-VirtualBox:/home/dormammu/src/openstack/nova# euca-add-keypair test > test.pem14:53
rccTraceback (most recent call last):14:53
rcc  File "/usr/bin/euca-add-keypair", line 36, in <module>14:53
rcc    from euca2ools import Euca2ool, Util, ConnectionFailed14:53
rccImportError: No module named euca2ools14:53
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rccand if I run nova outside the venv, I get twisted dependencies problems, as the branch uses a different version to what I have in my host machine14:53
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ttxrcc: you can run nova in venv and run euca2ools outside it14:54
rcchmph, ok14:55
rccbtw ttx, i'm going thru the bug you pointed me yesterday14:55
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 681417 in nova "All errors about quotas should include a unit" [Low,Triaged]14:55
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ttxoh, cool14:55
rcci assume those errors mean LOG.<loglevel> messages right?14:55
ttxrcc: i suppose. You can ask for additional info in the bug if you need some14:56
rccok, better do that yup14:56
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uvirtbotNew bug: #704447 in nova "bin/stack: urllib2.HTTPError when issuing reflection request" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70444715:01
jaypipesrcc: had that issue recently on Ubuntu 10.10.  Solution was to apt-get remove euca2ools, then apt-get install euca2ools again.  Seemed to be a packaging problems with euca2ools itself.15:06
rcchm, i'll give it a shot, going back and forth from venv to host with screen nested sessions is not very optimal , thx15:07
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creihtcolinnich: howdy15:14
creihtfyi: I commited a fix to swift-bench in trunk that fixes an issue with connecting to ssl endpoints15:14
creihtThat should fix some of the benchmarking problems15:15
uvirtbotNew bug: #704449 in nova "Ubuntu packaging missing dependency on radvd" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70444915:16
jaypipestermie: nm, found a workaround...15:23
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uvirtbotNew bug: #704458 in nova "Ubuntu packaging missing /sbin/ip6tables-{save,restore} in nova_sudoers" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70445815:26
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openstackhudsonProject swift build #160: SUCCESS in 28 sec: http://hudson.openstack.org/job/swift/160/15:31
openstackhudsonTarmac: modify default_swift_cluster option format15:31
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masumotoksoren: thank you! and I truely apologize that I annoyed you. before submitting merge request, I first "bzr checkout lp:~"some other branches", and "bzr merge lp:"my branch" then run_test.sh found error.15:48
ttxmasumotok: merge just failed on some pep8 error.15:48
ttxmasumotok: any chance you could fix those now ? It's getting late where you live :)15:49
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masumotokttx: Yes! I'll do it now.15:50
masumotokttx: Should I make the patches? or merge request again? please let me know.15:50
creihtttx: wow, so tarmac will not merge if it doesn't pass pep8 for nova?15:50
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ttxmasumotok: merge request again, so that Tarmac accepts it15:53
ttxcreiht: yes15:53
creihtthat seems a bit harsh :)15:53
creihtI'm a big pep8 advocate, but...15:53
ttxcreiht: not my choice, but I think that's acceptable15:54
creihtttx: understood15:54
ttxcreiht: I think our current Tarmac landing process is way too permissive, not too harsh15:54
ttxwe still discover errors when we hit "approve"... we might need a way for proposers to test tarmac acceptance before that.15:56
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ttxmtaylor: any opinion on that ^ ?15:56
ttxsome kind of dry run that would just let proposers know in advance it will fail to merge in its current form15:57
ttxwe would avoid some rinse/repeat cycles15:58
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creihtttx: It seems that if you have to have a button to have tarmac check if a branch is mergeable, then something is too heavyweight16:12
ttxcreiht: no, but maybe some tool to check locally that your BMP has 99% chances of passing tarmac ?16:13
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creihtTo me tarmac should be a set of sanity checks16:14
creihtThings that are absolutely neccesary for code to be merged into trunk16:16
creihtpep8 while nice, to me isn't absolutely neccesary16:16
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creihtbut that is just me, and I'm not a NOVA dev :)16:17
creihtSwift will *never* have that requirement in tarmac :)16:17
ttxcreiht: yay, go Swift !16:18
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creihtI guess my main point is, having a pep8 violation would never prevent code from working, but I digress16:19
masumotokttx: merge request again. Could you please check it?16:23
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ttxmasumotok: looks good, we need someone in nova-core to flip the approved switch now16:26
ttxsoren, dendrobates, jaypipes: could any of you set https://code.launchpad.net/~nttdata/nova/live-migration/+merge/44940 status to Approved ?16:28
ttxit was approved already but failed the pep8 test16:28
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dabocreiht: I made the same argument about pep8, but I lost. :(16:31
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gholtI'm late to this party, but really, pep8 required? Heck, that script has a history of bugs itself.16:34
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creihtgholt: that ship has sailed :)16:34
edayttx: done16:35
ttxeday: thanks !16:35
gholtLol, yeah I figured, but it's still a pretty amazing story. That's the second "Who does that? Honestly!" for me today.16:35
colinnichcreiht: I'll upgrade soon and try swift-bench again - I actually tried it today to some pityful results - 9 puts/s16:35
ttxgholt: it's part of our CodingStandards, so it sounds sane to check for it16:35
* gholt backs away slowly...16:36
creihtcolinnich: Yeah I found an issue where it wasn't initializing eventlet correctly when you use HTTPS, so it was effectively just using one greenthread, and making all the requests serially16:36
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edaygholt, creiht: So far it's been good at keeping nova more consistent and readble for Nova, IMO.. nothing to do with code working properly16:37
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creihteday: so I agree with having pep8 as a guideline, but it seems to me that failing a merge because pep8 failed is a bit much16:38
* ttx remembers reading Euca code with inconsistent spacing, and *that* was painful16:38
creihtWe miss pep8 issues periodically, but they are easy to clean up, and don't effect the immediate quality of the code16:39
creihtbut again, I back away16:39
creihtnot my project :)16:39
edaycreiht: if we don't enforce it, no one will follow it :) (or would make reviews more tedious for -core folks having to do it manually and report)16:39
creihtI guess we haven't seen the same issues in swift16:39
gholtHe's like a matador, steps in, backs away, steps in, backs away.16:39
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ttxand then, goes for the kill16:40
edaycreiht: with a small core team it's probably not needed, but with large patches coming in from all over, it helps to maintain *some* consistency16:40
edayI agree, nothings perfect, but IMO it's better than without, at least for nova :)16:40
* ttx holds his breath while tarmac picks up the live-migration branch16:41
creihtagain, I'm not against pep8, I'm against a merge failing because someone had a trailing space that I didn't notice when approving a merge16:41
edayI guess I don't see the harm in that.. just run pep8 as a commit hook so that never happens :)16:41
openstackhudsonProject nova build #413: SUCCESS in 1 min 34 sec: http://hudson.openstack.org/job/nova/413/16:42
openstackhudsonTarmac: Risk of Regression: This patch don?t modify existing functionlities, but I have added some.16:42
openstackhudson1. nova.db.service.sqlalchemy.model.Serivce (adding a column to database)16:42
openstackhudson2. nova.service ( nova-compute needes to insert information defined by 1 above)16:42
openstackhudsonSo, db migration is necessary for existing user, but just adding columns.16:42
ttxthat's live-migration with an obscure commit-message ^16:43
ttxso woohoo !16:43
ttxmasumotok: it's in.16:43
daboeday: yet it doesn't catch inconsistencies like quote marks and line continuation indentation.16:43
creihtwe should have tarmac grammar check commit messages before merging16:43
edaycreiht: I agree it is one of those cases where it is annoying and probably should pass, but again, the benefits of the other checks are worth it16:43
* gholt revokes creiht's channel permissions for a minimum of thirty minutes.16:43
edaydabo: yep, by no means perfect16:43
daboeday: and I love the comments that tell pep8 to ignore a particular violation16:44
edaywe just need to get pylint down to 0 and automate failures on that :)16:44
gholtOh god, no. :P16:44
ttxeday: sounds cool :)16:44
* creiht sighs16:44
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masumotokttx : thanks! I should be very cafeful next time...16:44
edaygholt, creiht: I thought you'd like that one :)16:45
ttxmasumotok: submitting earlier is the key :)16:45
edaydabo: there are pylint ignores, I dont think there are any pep8 ones16:45
daboeday: ah, you're probably right16:45
creihtbefore long the code is going to be littered with #pep8 ignore #pylint ignore and #coverage ignore comments16:45
masumotokttx: :)16:45
edaydabo: they're being removed as we see them16:45
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edaywe're not really doing anything with pylint besides the hudson job, so they don't matter anymore16:46
daboeday: but isn't that creiht's point? They don't stop the merge, but are cleaned up as noticed.16:46
edaypylint, yes16:46
jaypipessoren: heya, if vish1 answered your query here: https://code.launchpad.net/~vishvananda/nova/lp701748/+merge/45952, pls set to Approved...16:47
gholtWell, we pretty much ignore pylint in Swift. Heheh16:47
edaypep8 was simple enough to make that a requirement16:47
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edaywhy wait to fix? no reason to be lazy :)16:47
gholtI can see some projects wanting it. I've just had times that getting pep8 to like my code caused it to be ugly. Bugs in the pep8 checker, not the code itself.16:49
edaygholt: I've not seen any issues that made me think otherwise... yet16:50
daboeday: it's the loss of common sense: e.g.: an 80-character line is OK, but an 81-char line is a FAIL.16:51
daboso you end up making your code less readable to satisfy pep816:51
rccerm, there's no libvirt package to install with pip? I get no module found errors in the compute worker session. How do you deal with that problem guys, you link from system-wide libraries to the virtualenv ?16:53
edaydabo: make a proposal to the mailing list to remove the requirement then and we can discuss it there :)16:53
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letterjglange: https://swift.racklabs.com/paste/show/1572/16:53
edaypersonally I like the 80 char wide requirement, but also recognize this is all opinion16:53
daboeday: not worth the cycles. Just the usual bitching and moaning. :)16:54
gholtdabo: The max is 79 characters. And I like that one. :)16:54
creihteday: was there a proposal made to the mailing list to add pep8? :)16:54
edayany standard we choose is going to have disagreements16:54
edaycreiht: yup, a while ago to the nova@ list when it existed, and no one objected16:54
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* creiht stops teasing eday now16:55
* jk0 likes teasing eday 16:55
edayit's not perfect, but IMO better than nothing still16:56
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 618320 in nova "pip requires doesn't include libvirt or libxml2" [Low,Opinion]16:58
rccnevermind :D16:58
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ttxtermie: you can update db-migration now, we don't expect any other DB schema change in now17:02
* ttx breaks for dinner, bbl17:02
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termiettx: cool17:23
termiettx: will do shortly17:23
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patri0tvish1: about the issue related to compromised compute/volume host, why not implement this approach? http://www.mpi-sws.org/~gummadi/papers/trusted_cloud.pdf17:24
mtaylorttx, creiht: I am of the opinion myself that if there is a way to put an automated checking fence between developers and trunk (like we have) that it should be as strict as is consistently enforceable17:29
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mtaylorthe main keys are "devs should be able to learn and predict what the system will do" and "no one has to personally manage or make judgements to run the system"17:30
mtaylorpast that, it's really easy to give folks a way to run their tree through the system17:30
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thatsdon_ttx, soren: Thanks a lot for your support for merging live-migration blueprint! NTT DATA greatly appricate your help!17:56
thatsdon_ttx, soren: Now, we are improving our internal process making contributions, and I believe that we can do well from next time.17:56
mtaylorthatsdon_: the first time is always the hardest :)17:58
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jaypipesmtaylor, creiht: I am of the opinion that we should replace the Chuck Norris Hudson plugin with a Chuck Thier Hudson plugin that says "meh." on each commit. :)18:03
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edayjaypipes: haha18:06
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smoseranyone here a vmware user ? i'm hoping to figure out if vmware in its OVF support supports disks in the ovf that are of type "raw", or if is only "vmdk".18:19
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termiettx: what's the process for reverting a patch?18:42
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mtaylortermie: has it already hit trunk?18:47
termiemtaylor: yeah18:49
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mtaylortermie: cause if it has, you want to make a new branch, from trunk, do a reverse cherrypick merge of the rev you want to revert (bzr merge . -r13..12), commit that as a new revision and then propse it for merge18:49
termieah nice, didn't know reverse cherrypick would work18:50
termiethanks :)18:50
mtaylortotally. you just have to be sure to give it botha start and an end rev18:50
creihtjaypipes: lol18:51
vishypatri0t: I fail to see how that solves our problems.18:54
vishypatri0t: if a host is compromized it will still appear to be a trusted host18:55
jaypipesdevcamcar: don't you just hate it when you approve a merge request and then Hudson just yells at you? :)18:56
jaypipestermie: very nice work on the db migration stuff, btw.  hope my comments on that made sense?18:57
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ttxjaypipes: were you successful in summoning ewan to IRC ? I heard pentacles were usually necessary.18:58
jaypipesttx: hehe, no, he tried to login to freenode but said that "freenode was full"? anyway, mtaylor and I resolved the issues... well, really just mtaylor :)18:59
vishyjaypipes: is there a build of python-glance in a ppa somewhere?19:00
sorencreiht, gholt: I think a big part of reason we added the pep8 check to Tarmac was because eday did an absolutely awesome job fixing all the problems (http://hudson.openstack.org/job/nova-pep8/violations/graph), so making sure they didn't creep back in seemed like the right thing to do.19:00
mtaylorttx: yes. new tarball uploaded to both pypi and launchpad19:00
mtaylorttx: I'll have some debs rolled in a bit19:01
jaypipesvishy: easy_install or pip install it...19:01
mtaylorvishy: I'm working on the debs right now19:01
jaypipesvishy: mtaylor's working on debs19:01
vishyjaypipes: I'd prefer to have the deb, I'll wait19:01
jaypipesdang he's fast.19:01
jaypipesvishy: k.19:01
* mtaylor has forgotten - are we doing an openstack-wide ppa? or per-project?19:01
vishymtaylor, soren: having a little bit of trouble getting non *.py files to show up in the debian packages on build19:02
vishyspecifically there is a .cfg file needed for db migrations19:02
vishymodified setup.py to put it into the build19:03
mtaylorvishy: is it listed in any of the debian/*install files?19:03
termiemtaylor: it is part of /usr/liv/python*/dist-packeses/*19:03
vishyit "should" get picked up by ... ^^19:03
openstackhudsonProject nova build #414: SUCCESS in 1 min 30 sec: http://hudson.openstack.org/job/nova/414/19:03
openstackhudsonTarmac: This removes the need for the custom udev rule for iscsi devices.  It instead attaches the device based on /dev/disk/by-path/ which should make the setup of nova-volume a little easier.19:03
sorenvishy: On a call..19:03
mtayloroh, so - debian does fun things with python dist-packages19:04
termiemtaylor: it is in the dir after hte build, however it doesn't get added to the deb19:04
vishymtaylor: thought that might be the case19:04
vishymtaylor: is there magic to get a cfg in there in the same dir as the *.py files?19:04
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mtaylorvishy: well, for regular debs, that would be against policy19:05
termiemtaylor: http://pastie.org/147217819:05
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termiemtaylor: that is what a different package does, specifically the find command19:05
mtaylortermie, vishy: I think we should wait for soren on this one19:06
termiemtaylor: we were considering doing something similar, but it looked a little kludgy19:06
mtayloryeah - I'm not a fan of that - but soren may have a better idea19:06
sorenmtaylor, vishy: I'll ping you guys when I'm off the call.19:07
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henrichrubinduring a nova.sh run from the lastest branch, any idea why package 'deploy' can't be found:   http://pastie.org/147457419:12
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termievishy: https://code.launchpad.net/~termie/nova/revert_live_migration/+merge/4666019:16
vishysoren, ttx, jaypipes: we need to discuss the live-migration patch19:16
openstackhudsonProject swift build #161: SUCCESS in 30 sec: http://hudson.openstack.org/job/swift/161/19:16
openstackhudsonTarmac: Fixes devauth error if s3 auth fails19:16
vishyttx: can we add it to the release discussion agenda?19:17
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sorenoh, ffs.19:17
ttxvishy: you can edit the wikipage ?19:17
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vishyttx: sure19:18
vishyhenrichrubin: apt-get install python-pastedeploy19:19
vishynova.sh needs some updates :019:19
jaypipesvishy: I never had a chance to look at that branch...19:19
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henrichrubinvishy:  thx.  do you want me to submit a bug report & patch to update nova.sh?19:21
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henrichrubinalso, was there a blueprint for adding a hosts table and adding cpu_info to the service table, etc?  i was working on something similar, but see that it was just added to the trunk.19:23
vishyhenrichrubin: a bug would be good.  There are quite a few things that need to be added including python-glance, so perhaps we can do all the additions in one patch19:25
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henrichrubinvishy:  ok, is python-glance called something else.  there is no ubuntu package for it "E: Couldn't find package python-glance"19:31
vishyhenrichrubin: not yet, mtaylor is adding it to the ppa19:32
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sorenIt's in the glance-core/trunk ppa already.19:34
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vishysoren: cool copying it into nova-core19:36
mtaylorsoren: oh, didn't know you'd done that19:37
mtaylorsoren: I guess I'll stop working on it19:37
mtaylorsoren: did you get the latest 0.1.2 version ?19:37
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mtayloroh - you've got the hudson thing setup19:38
sorenmtaylor: It's building the..19:39
sorenmtaylor: Right, exactly.19:39
sorenmtaylor: I was procrastinating something else :)19:39
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vishymtaylor, soren: copied the current ones into nova-core/ppa and nova-core/trunk19:40
sorenvishy: Cool beans.19:40
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henrichrubinvishy: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/70460319:45
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 704603 in nova "nova.sh doesn't install python-paste and python-pastedeploy" [Undecided,New]19:45
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sorenvishy, mtaylor: Ok, what's up?19:46
sorenI've read no scrollback.19:46
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mtaylorsoren: vishy is trying to include a cfg file in a deb, and wants it in the same dir as the *py files19:47
sorenMakes sense.19:48
sorenWhat's the difficulty?19:48
termiesoren: somethign in debhelper doesn't seem to want to pick up the file19:48
mtaylornot to me - but I figured you'd see it differently, so I pinged you :)19:48
sorentermie: Where's the code?19:48
sorenmtaylor: :)19:48
termiesoren: in the lp:~anso/nova/trunk_safe19:49
termiesoren: basicall ythe db_migratiosn merge19:49
termiesoren: in nova/db/sqlalchemy/migrate_repo there is a migrate.cfg19:49
termiethat is getting missed in the build19:49
termiewe've added it to MANIFEST.in with no particular effect, it shows up in the actual build and when doing the install from python's side19:50
termiebut dh_install doesn't seem to be finding it19:50
termieas it doesn't end up in /usr/share/pyshared at the end19:50
termiean example of what another project has done to get around this is here: http://pastie.org/147217819:50
sorentermie: No no, where's the packaging code?19:50
termiespecifically the find line19:50
termiesoren: lp:~anso/nova/build_safe19:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #704603 in nova "nova.sh doesn't install python-paste and python-pastedeploy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70460319:51
termiepython-nova.install is what looks at /usr/lib/python*/dist-packages/*19:51
redbocw: you just proposed a blank merge?19:51
redbocw: IGNORE ME19:53
sorentermie: MANIFEST.in just decides what goes in the tarball.19:53
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termiesoren: aye, just trying everything19:54
termieit seems like part of the issue comes to dh_install using --no-compile19:55
zulttx: do you have python-glance in the ppa?19:55
termieand then only copying the .py files out of the build dir19:55
ttxzul: dunno, looking19:55
termieif you run python setup.py install ...etcetc... it puts the file in the right spot19:55
sorenzul: glance-core/trunk ppa.19:55
termiebut after doing a build then using --no-compile it doesn't copy over the migrate.cfg19:55
patri0tvishy: they assumed that each host uses Terra TVMM (http://www.stanford.edu/~talg/papers/SOSP03/terra.pdf) which can not be the case for Nova19:56
zulsoren: can i steal it and put it in the ubuntu archive?19:56
patri0tvishy: still interesting :)19:56
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sorenzul: Depends.19:56
ttxsoren: it also is in nova-core/trunk apparently19:56
sorenzul: Do you want it to be working?19:56
sorenttx: vishy copied it about an hour ago.19:56
zulsoren: well it would be nice :)19:56
sorenzul: Then no.19:57
zulsoren: whats not working?19:57
openstackhudsonProject nova build #415: SUCCESS in 1 min 29 sec: http://hudson.openstack.org/job/nova/415/19:57
openstackhudsonTarmac: Add refresh_security_group_* methods to nova/virt/fake.py, as FakeConnection is the reference for documentation and method signatures that should be implemented by virt connection drivers.19:57
sorenIt doesn't run any of the daemons.19:57
zulbah :)19:57
sorenThere's only a python-glance and doc package.19:57
sorenand *a* doc package, I mean.19:57
sorenzul: If it worked, I would have uploaded it :)19:58
vishypatri0t: the issue is that the host is making requests to various components.  A compromised host could make spurious requests, (for example allocating all of the ips in the system)19:58
mtaylorsoren: yeah - that packaging branch I uploaded was still a work in progress :)19:58
zulsoren: heh19:58
sorenmtaylor: I fixed it up some.19:58
sorenmtaylor: It's still WiP, though.19:59
mtaylorsoren: good19:59
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ttxTeam meeting in one hour on #openstack-meeting19:59
sorenmtaylor: I think it's at lp:~glance-core/glance/packaging-tmp or something like that.19:59
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sorentermie: "python setup.py install" doesn't install it.20:01
sorentermie: That's your problem.20:01
jaypipestermie: what, you don't like 500 pages of error log output in your merge proposals? ;)20:01
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anticw_gah, i  retarded a merge request20:06
anticw_how to i update it?20:06
anticw_just make a new one?20:06
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sorenanticw_: Depends on what you mean by "retarded".20:09
termiesoren: perhaps not in the version that is pushed, however what i was telling you before is true20:10
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termiesoren: if you read the scrollback20:11
ttxI make retarded merge requests sometimes, but I never retarded a merge request.20:11
anticw_soren: empty diff20:11
anticw_soren: i updated the tree again, can't see how to diff on the web ui before i try again20:11
termiesoren: python setup.py install _does_ add it, python setup.py install --no-compile after doing python setup.py build doesn't20:11
anticw_now i see a diff https://code.launchpad.net/~cwedgwood/swift/acct-audit-fixes20:12
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termiesoren: i added package_data={'': ['migrate.cfg']} to my local setup.py20:12
sorentermie: Sorry, my bad. Adding it to MANIFEST.in does cause it to be installed.20:13
sorentermie: I forgot I added include_package_data=True.20:14
sorentermie: ...and doing so make it turn up in python-nova_blah.deb for me.20:14
termiesoren: we have include_package_data=True in there already too20:14
sorentermie: In short... I can't reproduce your problem.20:14
sorentermie: If you can give me the exact steps you're performing, maybe I can help you out.20:14
termiesoren: hrm, what is the easy way to dump the contents of a deb?20:14
sorendpkg --contents20:15
soren..lists the contents.20:15
sorenNot sure if that's what you mean by "dump".20:15
termiehmm it is in my deb too20:15
sorenIf you want to extract the actual contents, "dpkg-deb -x" is your friend.20:15
termiebut doesn't show up in the install20:15
termieperhaps this is anothe r case of my installation not actually happening20:16
sorenWhere do you expect it to show up?20:16
termieoh, hmm20:16
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termienot there :20:16
nelsonShould I expect this to work? :20:16
nelsonprintf 'GET /v1.0 HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nAccept-Encoding: identity\r\nX-Auth-Key: testing\r\nX-Auth-User: test:tester\r\n\r\n' | nc -q 30 1100020:17
sorenOk, what exactly does "dpkg --contents python-nova_blah.deb | grep migrate.cfg" say?20:17
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sorentermie: ^20:17
termiesoren:-rw-r--r-- root/root       987 2011-01-12 02:25 ./usr/share/pyshared/nova/db/sqlalchemy/migrate_repo/migrate.cfg20:17
nelson(presuming, of course, that test:tester exists in auth.db with the key testing ... which for me it does.20:17
nelsonand if it "works" what should I see?20:18
termiesoren: it is possible that it just isn't actually installing somehow, i've had issues getting the system to actually update before htough i felt that i had solved those problems20:18
termieyeah, that's the issue20:19
termiele sigh20:19
sorentermie: Yeah, it totally works for me.20:19
termiethe python-nova package is only being installed as a dependency so adding and remving the other packages wasn't hitting it20:19
termiesoren: thanks for the help :)20:20
termiesoren: useful to have somebody else going through things too20:20
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vishytermie: ah that explains it...20:22
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sorentermie: Can you make sure the cfg file is added to MANIFEST.in in the branch?20:24
sorenjaypipes: ttx says something about xenapi-glance being blocked on glance somehow.20:25
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sorenjaypipes: Can you elaborate?20:25
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sorenjaypipes: Or, alternatively, give me some timestamps for the conversation about it in here.20:25
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jaypipessoren: should not be blocked by glance now.20:26
ttxjaypipes: so can we approve it now ?20:27
sandywalsh_jaypipes, is there a limit on the size of files I can upload into glance with add_image?20:27
jaypipesttx: if people think it's been adequately tested... sandywalsh_ ?20:28
sorenjaypipes: Ok.20:28
jaypipessandywalsh_: known bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/glance/+bug/70016220:28
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 700162 in glance "Can't upload image more than 2GB using glance.client" [Critical,Confirmed]20:28
sandywalsh_jaypipes, this one is only 700M20:28
ttxjaypipes: sandywalsh_ approved it20:28
ttxjaypipes: you are the only one that says "needs info" :)20:29
sandywalsh_jaypipes, ewan asked us to push it through. I'm still working on it20:29
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jaypipesttx: I think we see what happens when things are pushed through :) I'd prefer to wait until sandywalsh_ and others give a better thumbs up.20:30
jaypipessandywalsh_: do you get an error?20:30
ttxjaypipes: ah20:30
sandywalsh_jaypipes, yup, lemme get you a paste20:30
jaypipessandywalsh_: cheers20:31
jaypipesttx: I've been scrambling to fix various Glance bugs yesterday and tomorrow in response to stuff that's come up during that particular review...20:31
ttxjaypipes: ack20:32
jaypipesttx: s/tomorrow/today :)20:32
* jaypipes losing mind...20:32
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ttxsandywalsh_: let us know if your "approve" on https://code.launchpad.net/~citrix-openstack/nova/xenapi-glance-2/+merge/45977 is a "better thumbs up", jaypipes-style20:33
sandywalsh_jaypipes, http://paste.openstack.org/show/492/20:33
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ttxjaypipes: At this point if we don't trust it we should not consider it for merging, period. If that's how you feel about it, we should retract the standing FFe.20:34
jaypipesttx: that's going to piss off ewan, and it's unfortunate because these are bugs in Glance really...20:34
jaypipesttx: but that is the responsible thing to do I think.20:35
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jaypipessandywalsh_: hmm, odd...maybe I need to monkeypatch socket in client...20:35
sandywalsh_ttx, jaypipes ... agreed. ewan won't be happy. But the issues I'm having seem to be around loose ends. Tools, etc. ... now this glance bug20:35
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ttxjaypipes: ok, we'll discuss it at the meeting and see what nova-core think about it.20:36
jaypipessandywalsh_: have you tried that multiple times? if so, does it always bomb at the same chunk?'20:36
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ttxjaypipes: from a release management perspective, I want to stop merging new code asap... that means either rush it in or keep it out. I let the nova-core people decide which one it should be.20:36
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sandywalsh_jaypipes, how do I tell which chunk it died on?20:37
jaypipessandywalsh_: does it take about the same about of time to bomb out, and does the length of the socket._fileobject always say "1691"?20:38
sandywalsh_jaypipes, yes, always 1691 ... and about the same length of time20:39
jaypipessandywalsh_: does it bomb immediately, or after a long time?20:40
sandywalsh_jaypipes, 2-3 sec20:40
jaypipessandywalsh_: k. looking into it futher...20:40
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ttxTeam meeting in 15 minutes in #openstack-meeting. I can almost already smell the blood.20:45
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openstackhudsonProject swift build #162: SUCCESS in 28 sec: http://hudson.openstack.org/job/swift/162/20:46
openstackhudsonTarmac: More fixes.20:46
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vishysoren: fix the test here.  Want to bang reapprove if it looks good https://code.launchpad.net/~vishvananda/nova/lp702741/+merge/46245 ?20:53
sorenvishy: Way ahead of you.20:54
vishysoren: nice20:54
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ttxTeam meeting starting in 2 minutes in #openstack-meeting20:58
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jaypipessandywalsh_: looks like it may be an issue with httplib... I'm going to hack together a patch that uses pycurl instead and I'll ping you with a branch that you can then test with, ok?20:59
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openstackhudsonProject nova build #416: SUCCESS in 1 min 29 sec: http://hudson.openstack.org/job/nova/416/21:02
openstackhudsonTarmac: Works around the app-armor problem of requiring disks with backing files to be named appropriately by changing the name of our extra disks.21:02
openstackhudsondisk is fine, as is disk.local and disk.rescue.21:02
sandywalsh_jaypipes, perfect21:02
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creihtjaypipes: problem with httplib?21:04
creihtpycurl is kinda funky, and also interesting to get working with eventlet21:05
fabiand_soren, may I ask if you are you doing a talk at fosdem?21:05
sorenfabiand_: I am.21:06
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jaypipescreiht: yeah, having issues with sockets closing before full read/write of large files... suggestions?21:06
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fabiand_soren: ah nice. is there a cincrete timetable by now? i can't find one ..21:06
sorenfabiand_: If you find it, let me know :)21:06
creihtjaypipes: odd, we don't have those issues with swift21:06
creihtjaypipes: we can talk after the meeting21:06
fabiand_soren: hehe :) do you know if it's on sat ur sun?21:07
jaypipescreiht: sounds good, thx21:08
sorenfabiand_: No idea.21:08
fabiand_soren: okay, thanks .. hopefully on sat :)21:08
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sorenfabiand_: So really... If you find out, let me know :)21:08
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nelsonMy devauth server isn't returning any results: printf 'GET /v1.0 HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nAccept-Encoding: identity\r\nX-Auth-Key: crap\r\nX-Auth-User: crappy\r\n\r\n' | nc -q 30 1100021:12
nelsonIf it's working correctly, what should I expect to be the output?21:12
fabiand_soren: I suppose that they are still working on it .. mh ..21:12
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creihtnelson: you should get an http response with a bunch of headers and stuff21:14
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nelsonwhere is the actual code for the auth server?  /usr/bin/swift-auth-server is just a wrapper.21:15
creihtnelson: if you run the auth server from the command line, and run the above command, do you see anything in there?21:15
creihtnelson: it also might be better to look at the swauth auth stuff for swift that is in the current trunk21:16
nelsonError trying to load config auth-server.conf: Cannot resolve relative uri 'config:auth-server.conf'; no context keyword argument given21:17
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nelsonSomething is confused here ... either me or the software.21:17
nelsoncuz the usage message from swift-auth-server is swift-auth-server CONFIG_FILE21:18
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creihtnelson: the python config stuff doesn't like relative paths21:18
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nelsonsilly software.21:18
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nelsonit prints nothing when I try the 'nc' test.21:18
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creihtnelson: try curl with something like21:20
creihtcurl -v -H 'X-Auth-Token: <x-auth-token>' <x-storage-url>21:20
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nelsonweird. WEIRD!  When I strace it, it reads 11 bytes: GET /v1.0 H and then times out.21:21
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openstackhudsonProject nova build #417: SUCCESS in 1 min 34 sec: http://hudson.openstack.org/job/nova/417/21:22
openstackhudsonTarmac: Implement support for streaming images from Glance when using the XenAPI virtualization backend, as per the bexar-xenapi-support-for-glance blueprint.21:22
openstackhudsonImages may be streamed raw, or will be streamed into the right place to allow room for an MBR and partition table, if using non-raw images.  PV vs HVM detection now occurs on the image, immediately after it has been streamed.  External kernel / ramdisk are also supported in this mode.21:22
openstackhudsonUnit test changes include a partial Glance simulator, which is stubbed in place of glance.client.Client.  This allows us to pass through the VM spawn path with either glance or objectstore backends enabled; the unit tests now cover both.  A dependency upon glance has been added to pip-requires, in order to pull the Glance client code into the venv.21:22
openstackhudsonThis includes minor fixes to nova.image.glance.  This code is expected to be heavily reworked anyway with the image-service-use-glance-clients work.21:22
nelsonoh, you mean bypass the user/password process?21:22
creihtnelson: the above would connect to the auth server and request a token21:23
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fabiand_nelson: in the wiki you are mentioning a maximum filesize of 5gb per file, but this changed with large file support, or not? large files get segmented.21:28
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fabiand_fabiand_: and: there is a gvfs river"for gvfs, so you can mount swift using fuse/gvfs/gio (https://github.com/rbr/gvfs) :)21:31
Ryan_LaneI'm trying to use revoke_security_group_ingress, in the EC2 API, and I'm getting the following error: _revoke_rule_args_to_dict() got an unexpected keyword argument 'ip_permissions'21:31
Ryan_LaneI'm using the recommended way from the AWS SDK: http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AWSSDKforPHP/latest/#m=AmazonEC2/revoke_security_group_ingress21:32
Ryan_Lanedoes nova only support the deprecated method?21:32
sorenRyan_Lane: It supports whatever boto does. :-/21:32
sorenRyan_Lane: I made a note of that somewhere..21:32
Ryan_LaneI dunno what boto supports :)21:33
sorenRyan_Lane: I'd be happy to fix it if you can file a bug about it.21:33
* Ryan_Lane goes to look21:33
sorenRyan_Lane: Nor do I. :)21:33
sorenRyan_Lane: Anyways, if you're doing something that works against EC2, but not against Nova, it's a bug. File it :)21:33
Ryan_LaneI really need to switch APIs one of these days21:33
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nelsonst -A https://a.ra-tes.org:11000/v1.0 -U system:root -K testpass list       seems to request a token as well.21:34
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nelsonokay, this is weirder and weirder.  the 'st' request (going through the proxy I presume) works, but swift-stats-populate does not work.21:36
nelsonIt reads the same 11 bytes: "GET /v1.0 H".21:37
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nelsonOh, I think I see the difference. The one that works is connecting to port 44033, and is probably using ssl.21:38
Ryan_Laneyep. it seems to support the deprecated method, and not the recommended method :(21:39
* Ryan_Lane goes to file a bug21:40
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creihtnelson: check your /etc/swift/stats.conf21:41
creihtmake sure you have https in there21:41
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nelsonwas http, yes.21:43
nelsonnow I'm getting a different error, but at least I have something non-weird to work on, thanks!21:44
nelsonyeah, this doc has bad instructions: http://swift.openstack.org/development_saio.html21:45
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openstackhudsonProject swift build #163: SUCCESS in 28 sec: http://hudson.openstack.org/job/swift/163/21:46
openstackhudson* Tarmac: Stats system access log processor now allows for extra log fields to be at the end of the access log lines.21:46
openstackhudsonThis allows the proxy server to freely append logged fields to log messages without breaking the stats system.21:46
openstackhudson* Tarmac: client.py: Reset of streams during upload retries21:46
openstackhudson* Tarmac: shuffle nodes and cache files for better public serving performance21:46
nelsonthis one also has bad instructions: http://swift.openstack.org/admin_guide.html21:48
nelsonof course, they're both related to saio, and maybe they work on the version that comes with saio??21:48
uvirtbotNew bug: #704645 in nova "EC2 API supports deprecated authorize and revoke methods, and not recommended methods" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70464521:51
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creihtnelson: which part are you talking about?21:58
nelsonthe http: part where it should say https:21:59
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vishyjaypipes, soren, dendrobates, ttx, xtoddx, termie, devcamcar:  something I forgot to mention in the meeting.  IMO use_ipv6 should default to false22:00
ttxvishy: oooh +1 that22:00
jaypipesvishy: ++22:00
vishyok proposing a branch22:01
* ttx has been hitting issues with it all day22:01
ttxit can bake for a release as False22:01
ewanmellorjaypipes: Need any help with the Glance bugs?22:01
ttxvishy: consider the Ffe accepted for that if you need to merge now22:02
* ttx heads to bed22:02
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devcamcarvishy: yes ipv6 off by default definitely22:04
edaytermie, vishy: you guys going to be working in SF Monday, jan 31?22:04
termieeday: i only work in sf mostly22:06
termieeday: so... yes?22:06
edaytermie: hehe, ok. I'll be down there and want to meet up :)  (will be at strata conf tue-thu in santa clara, so could meet up other days too)22:07
edaytermie: jsut wanted to be sure you were not out of town or something before I add the extra day to trip22:08
termieeday: we're not sure yet22:08
termieeday: sounds actually like we may not be22:09
termieeday: vishy has doubts22:09
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jaypipesewanmellor: re-heating some leftover curry and rice. after that, perhaps :)22:09
ewanmellorjaypipes: No problem, eat your dinner!22:10
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dendrobatesvishy: I agree about ipv622:10
ewanmellorjaypipes: It's getting late here, but if you need help (dev or test) then send mail to the citrix-openstack Launchpad team, and someone in India or the UK will see it in the morning.22:11
termieneedsing the approval on the revert: https://code.launchpad.net/~termie/nova/revert_live_migration/+merge/4666022:12
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masumotok_termie: Can I submit test code to https://code.launchpad.net/~termie/nova/revert_live_migration/+merge/46660 ?22:15
masumotok_termie: and can I ask you anything that I have to be considered especially for db-migration?22:15
devcamcartermie: was this part of live_migration branch?22:15
devcamcar123-                instance_id = floating_ip_ref['fixed_ip']['instance']['id']22:15
devcamcar124+                instance_id = floating_ip_ref['fixed_ip']['instance']['ec2_id']22:15
termiemasumotok_: nope, i would just do your original branch again22:15
jaypipesewanmellor: no worries, thx mate :)22:15
termiedevcamcar: guess so, i just did a revert, perhaps that branch found the error22:16
termiemasumotok_: for the db stuff i would consider why you are using the value -1 instead of null22:16
termiemasumotok_: it is not how the rest of the db has been used22:16
masumotok_devcamar: it is not rerated live-migration, but inmy memory, without this change, euca-describe-address does not work.22:17
devcamcartermie: approved22:17
dendrobatesand set to approved22:18
masumotok_termie: the column using -1 is vcpu, memory_mb, local_gb.22:18
masumotok_termie: I mean, it value is required, so I just thought -1 might be better than null.22:18
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termiemasumotok_: why should it have a value when there isn't a value?22:20
termiemasumotok_: the field is only sometimes used22:20
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termiemasumotok_: my thinking is that it should just be null unless the -1 actually means something, which i don't think it does22:22
masumotok_termie: null is ok, nothing strong reason, I just thought when I dump the tables for some reason, some record null(not int), some record is int ...22:22
masumotok_termie: but you're right22:22
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masumotok_termiel I'll modify it22:23
termiemasumotok_: we also were worried about String(512), should probably be Text()22:23
termiemasumotok_: er even Blob()22:23
masumotok_termie: ok. Text() is better, isnt it? since it is just simple striings.22:24
masumotok_I mean the contents of the column named "cpuinfo"22:24
termiemasumotok_: text should be fine, i am used to using blob just because in some libraries i have used in the past it tries to do unicode/bytestring encodings with text22:24
termiemasumotok_: but does no encoding to blob22:24
termiemasumotok_: i think text is fine for this22:24
termiemasumotok_: i'm just paranoid from old stuff :p22:25
masumotok_termie: please let me know anything.22:25
termiemasumotok_: i just meant that i have in the past wnated to use blob instead of text, but i think for this we are okay22:26
edaytermie, masumotok_ what is being stored in the text/blob?22:26
termieeday: serialized json22:26
masumotok_eday: yes22:27
masumotok_eday : I mean, json.22:27
edaytext should be fine then, as it is *supposed* to be utf8 :)22:27
masumotok_eday: the strings should be a part of libvirt.getCapabilities()22:27
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vishydevcamcar: that is a fix we need regardless22:28
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kbringardhey guys, I have a questions22:29
kbringardI've been looking around, but I can't seem to find a ton of info about this22:29
kbringardI have nova running, and the euca2ools work fine, but when I try to make an API call using the AWS gem, it keeps telling me the signature doesn't match22:30
vishykbringard: there is a bug in the ruby implementation22:31
vishykbringard: it doesn't include the port when it is signing22:31
kbringardah, I do recall seeing something about that, but it was from awhile back, so I assumed it was old info22:31
masumotok_eday: I think only utf8 is iinserted...22:31
kbringardawesome, thanks vishy!22:31
vishykbringard: well it is unknown whether it is actually a bug because aws doesn't ever run on other ports22:31
vishybut boto/euca uses the port so we do too22:32
kbringardah, got it22:32
kbringardthat makes sense22:32
kbringardthanks for the quick reply :-)22:34
masumotok_From now on, I re-checked everybody's source code, and I re-write my exisitig test code.22:35
masumotok_(my test code has too much Mocks. surely, I need to rewrite them..)22:36
termiemasumotok_: mocks are okay, i just don't see any test code in the branch22:36
termiemasumotok_: maybe you didn't submit it with the branch?22:36
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masumotok_termie: yeah, because I was thinking my understanding is not enough regarding to everybody's testcode.22:37
termiemasumotok_: well, if you put it in this branch i can look at it to see where it fits in22:38
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masumotok_termie: please give me time. because my company doesnt allow me to directly internet-connection ( development environment and normal-office workplace is completely separated)22:39
masumotok_termie: and I'm not in office now.22:40
termiemasumotok_: sure thing, just wanted to make sure you knew i was offering to help :)22:40
masumotok_termie: thank you for your help. it is around 24:00 in EU, so I'll ask you 6 or 7 hours later( maybe it almost the time to go to bed for you, isnt it?) .22:43
masumotok_termie: thanks for your advice, anyway.22:44
termiemasumotok_: i am in west coast US now, but i see scrolback if you ask questions in irc when i am not around i will answer when i get back22:44
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masumotok_termie: thanks. I'm going to go finishing that I have to do...22:49
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openstackhudsonProject nova build #418: SUCCESS in 1 min 30 sec: http://hudson.openstack.org/job/nova/418/23:12
openstackhudsonTarmac: The live_migration branch ( https://code.launchpad.net/~nttdata/nova/live-migration/+merge/44940 ) was not ready to be merged.23:12
openstackhudsonOutstanding issues:23:12
openstackhudson?- many style violations, especially in docstrings (leading spaces, extra newlines)23:12
openstackhudson?- no test coverage23:12
openstackhudson?- unusual defaults in the database columns (-1?)23:12
openstackhudson?- unusual naming "phy_resource"23:12
openstackhudsonThe database changes in particular should preclude the original from being merged until they are correct, and for a patch of this scope some tests are really necessary for the new functionality.23:12
openstackhudsonThe patch needs further review and should not be rushed in for bexar as it commits us to a variety of data model decisions that require more input.23:12
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openstackhudsonProject nova build #419: SUCCESS in 1 min 26 sec: http://hudson.openstack.org/job/nova/419/23:17
openstackhudsonTarmac: This disables ipv6 by default.  Most use cases will not need it on and it makes dependencies more complex.23:17
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sorenvishy: Perhaps it should still be enabled in unit tests?23:29
sorenI just realised I've spent a good 20 minutes making sure one of my new unit tests passes with ipv6 and now it's disabled. :)23:29
vishysoren: doh23:31
vishysoren: good call, i didn't realize unittests were using that flag23:31
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sorenvishy: Yeah, nor did I until just now when I merged with trunk and some of my debug code stopped outputting stuff :)23:36
vishysoren: do you want to fix the tests or should i?23:36
sorenvishy: I can do it.23:36
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sorenvishy: https://code.launchpad.net/~soren/nova/test-ipv6-by-default/+merge/4671523:42
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vishysoren: the test fix should go in first...gl23:53
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