Wednesday, 2010-10-13

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pjzanyone awake?03:33
pjzdoes swift still have a 5GB blob limit?03:38
notmynameyes, but we have code that will allow arbitrary object sizes03:39
notmynameit's been written, but is being tested now03:39
pjzI see03:39
pjzI knew you were working on it :)03:39
creihtI doubt it will make it for the austin release03:39
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pjzproxy/ has some big blocks of repeated code: ObjectController.POST/DELETE, ContainerController.PUT/DELETE, AccountController.PUT/POST ; should I bother to fix?04:26
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pjzI dunno how much you care about DRY04:27
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notmynamepjz: we welcome patches04:48
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OrmanDoes anyone know if OpenStack still needs documentation writers for documenting security or other stuff?06:20
OrmanAnyone know?06:23
sorenOrman: We can always use more people to write docs.06:26
OrmanI am sort of a developer,but I develop security features.06:27
OrmanCould I add documentation for security and include code along with it?06:27
OrmanI am not the best coder,but I like designing features.06:28
OrmanI have been blogging about Open Stack on my blog.06:29
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sorenOrman: Cool :)06:33
OrmanSo is everyone ready for the new release? I know I am counting down the days.06:34
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sorenIf we were ready, we'd release now :)06:36
soren...but we're working on getting ready.06:36
OrmanOk I am just excited that's all.06:38
OrmanJust glad to be making a different in the future of Cloud Computing. ;D06:39
OrmanHmm I see that from my view on the wiki that there is no security docs. Am I looking at the right page?06:41
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OrmanOk that makes me feel good. I think I can help with that.06:48
jsgotangcogo Orman!06:49
OrmanWell security is were I love to focus my designing of new features and documenting security especially. ;D06:51
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OrmanOk guys well I'm out for tonight.06:58
OrmanGod Bless you all and thanks for the warm welcome!06:58
Orman :D06:58
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zykes-hmmm, libvirtd allready supports vmware08:28
zykes-can't one make openstack nova talk to vmware via libvirt ?08:28
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sorenzykes-: Probably.08:45
sorenzykes-: I, for one, just don't care much about VMWare. I'm one of these free software nuts :)08:46
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* jonwood checks the time08:55
jonwoodHas the same conversation really been going on for 9 hours?08:55
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sneumannI thkn there was a break somewhere :-)08:57
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zykes-is there any place i should go to look on how to write a driver / backend for openstack towards vmware ?09:05
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jonwoodzykes-: Have a look at nova/virt/ in the source code. That seems to do a similar thing for XenServer.09:10
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jonwoodzykes-: Actually - it looks like libvirt supports vCenter09:11
jonwoodSo you might be able to add support to the libvirt driver.09:12
jonwoodHowever, this is largely conjecture based on a brief look at the source code. I'm not very familiar with nova yet.09:12
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zykes-soren: i too like opensource09:15
zykes-like setting up kvm == 10 mins09:15
zykes-but when my company has vmware allready it's not easy to do that :p09:15
soren10 mins includes booting up and getting coffee.09:16
zykes-yeh :p09:16
zykes-and if you have redhat09:16
zykes-or centos it's even easier09:16
zykes-kickstart :o09:16
sorenYeah, but then you have a different set of problems :)09:18
zykes-how come ? ;)09:22
sorenBecause you've installed RedHat.09:46
zykes-hehe, Centos I primarely use09:49
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jonwoodCentOS/RedHat is improving.09:51
jonwoodIt doesn't make me want to jump out of 3rd floor windows any more at least.09:51
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zykes-i haven't done python before but10:41
zykes-gonna give it a try with the libvirt / vmware thing10:41
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sorenjonwood: Only 2nd floor now? :)10:59
sorenOh, /me forgot to have lunch..10:59
jonwoodYeah, something like that ;)10:59
jonwoodIf you get a moment, can you have a look at the pages linked from
jonwoodI'm trying to document configuration for Nova, but not really knowing it I'm working on assumptions made from reading the source.11:02
sorenjonwood: That's what we all do :)11:03
jonwoodI'm impressed by how easy the code is to read actually. I was expecting it to be much more complex then it is.11:04
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zykes-how can I check out the src code ?11:52
soren"bzr branch lp:nova" being the secret trick.11:54
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coolhandlukehi guys, I know y'all are busy with prep for the austin release.. I had a very quick question; we are testing out various components of nova; and we've got the installation to work on a single physical m/c controller + node(s) .... however, we still cant figure out a way to associate a compute node with a controller running on a separate physical machine..12:09
coolhandlukebriefly, how do we associate/register a compute node with an API/controller or vice versa?12:10
jonwoodcoolhandluke: It looks like it might work to have a central database and RabbitMQ instance, and then specify --rabbit_host and --sql_connection when starting up the daemons.12:18
jonwoodI've not tried it though, I'm just working on the basis of available options.12:19
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sorencoolhandluke: jonwood is spot on.12:21
sorencoolhandluke: The default is to use sqlite, because it's simple to get up an running. If you want multi-node deployment you need to set up a database (mysql or postgresql being obvious choices).12:22
jonwoodsoren: Does Nova create it's own database tables if they don't exist already?12:24
coolhandlukeok. thanks a lot for the pointers. jonwood: is some sort of documentation already in the making as far as multi-node deployment is concerned. We'll help out as much as we can.12:26
jonwoodcoolhandluke: There's the skeleton of a wiki page at
jonwoodI'm planning to write some documentation on getting Nova running on multiple nodes, but I'm flooded with client work, so I've only got an hour or so a day at the moment.12:27
coolhandlukejonwood: ok. i'll try this out and get back with updates. appreciate your help and contribution.12:29
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sorendendrobates: I needed to clear my head and do something different, so I whipped this up:
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dendrobates soren: ooo13:07
dendrobatessoren: wow, care if I share it?13:07
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zykes-wonder if we could end up kicking vmware out the door13:23
jonwoodIs it really that bad?13:23
Ryan_Lanefeatures needed for that: storage vmotion, HA, fault tolerance, a web or fat client interface, a bunch of others :)13:24
Ryan_LaneI'd love to see it happen though13:25
Ryan_Lanejonwood: vmware requires windows server, and oracle or mssql. it's insanely expensive, and is very proprietary. even the management interface is windows only13:26
jonwoodRyan_Lane: I was talking about adding support for VMWare.13:26
jonwoodBut it doesn't require Windows server. ESXi and above run on their own.13:26
zykes-jonwood: my problem is that i don't know a bit of python13:27
Ryan_Lanejonwood: yeah. if you don't want any of the clustered features13:27
zykes-and my company is allready using vCenter etc13:27
Ryan_Lanewhat benefits does using vmware give over using kvm?13:27
jonwoodManagement have a warm fuzzy feeling because they paid thousands of dollars for their software.13:28
jonwoodThere may be technical advantages as well, but whenever I see companies using things like VMWare, that's generally the actual reason it got put in place.13:29
Ryan_Lanethere are a bunch of features in vmware that don't exist elsewhere, or don't work as well13:29
Ryan_Lanealso, it's insanely easy to use13:30
pikenRyan_Lane: VMware support infiniband and fabric networks.13:31
pikenMain reason a lot of large companies use it for cloud infrastructure as it has 40GBps through put13:31
zykes-piken: i guess linux / xenserver does that as well ? :o13:31
pikenzykes-: no, only vmware and intalio13:32
pikenissue I am running into here.13:32
Ryan_Laneis infiniband supported in 4? I know it wasn't in 3.513:32
pikenthere is a test patch for it in 4, but it is not in the offical tree13:32
Ryan_LaneI don't see why openstack couldn't support infiniband, at least using ip over infiniband13:32
pikenThat is the point, intalio and VMware don't use ipoib, they use sdp.13:33
pikenperformance is more then 4 times better :(13:33
pikenwith ipoib you need a dedicated router for traffic in the fabric13:33
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Ryan_Lanewell, unless everything is in the same subnet, right?13:34
pikenThere are no subnets as defined by ethernet.13:34
pikenfabric systems use system hardware id's and switch translation13:34
pikenThat is where the pain comes in as most software does not support that.13:35
zykes-Ryan_Lane: but then again i guess the tools to administer things aren't better then what we make them together?13:40
Ryan_Lanewell, there is only command line tools right now, if you're talking about openstack ;)13:42
Ryan_LaneI know people are working on web and other tools, and I'm looking forward to it13:42
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kakoniswift and authserver.. so theres atleast the devauth and ive seen traces of swauth. What is nova auth?14:47
jonwoodkakoni: I believe it's authentication for Nova API access.14:48
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kakonibut only for nova, not for swift?14:53
sorendendrobates: No, please do. That's why I put it there.14:54
kakonialso, could it be that devauth server (on swift) could become performance bottleneck? (when evaluating swift..)14:54
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notmynamekakoni: probably not. the auth tokens are cached im memcached14:55
jonwoodkakoni: Yes, only for Nova.14:55
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sorenHas anyone given any thought to consolidating user databases between Swift and Nova?14:56
notmynamekakoni: while we don't recommend using the devauth in a production swift cluster, it shouldn't cause any performance issues for evaluation purposes14:56
notmynamesoren: could be an interesting idea, but we don't really have a user database in swift14:57
notmynamesoren: the swauth server has the concept of users, but, if I recall correctly, any user info that needs to be stored is stored in the cluster and found via ring lookup14:59
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notmynamebut I'm a little fuzzy on those details. I've not looked at it in a while15:00
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notmynamesoren: actually, I think it would be a great idea to have some unified concept of users across all openstack projects15:01
kakoniso howabout swauth, is it being actively developed or whats the current status?15:01
notmynameswauth is being worked on, but a few other higher priority things have come up15:02
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notmynamegholt is the authority on swauth15:03
notmynamebut he was online a 4:15 this morning, so I don't really expect him to chime in here now :-)15:04
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kakoniSo anyway, heres my current situation; 8 node cluster, 3 nodes as proxies/auth servers, rest of them as object storages. loadbalancer in front of the proxy nodes.15:13
kakoniRan few simple tsung tests and managed to see performance like 75reqs/sec for 10kB file uploads15:14
kakonianyway, about 10% of the requests are failing due to a 503 error..15:14
kakoni(lots of connection timeout issues in proxy server logs)15:14
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kakoniERROR with Object server xxxx transaction                    tx157b626b-c46e-4eb7-9a96-c080c75ba9d7 re: Trying to get final status of PUT to                    /v1/AUTH_de235fbface04f13b15b45a7e9527d79/foobar/mjgyhxqpnigbmusxqich: Timeout (10s)15:16
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creihtsoren: I think xtoddx has added support for nova auth to be able to handle swift auth as well15:26
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creihtkakoni: how many disks per storage node, size, type?15:29
creihtkakoni: how many cores on each node?15:29
creihtkakoni: and what type of networking (1G, 10G)>15:29
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kakonicreicht: crappy 32bit servers;) with 4 cores. 1 HDD, storage node has its own swift partition. XFS partioning, about 120Gb worth of storage per node. 1Gig network.15:32
kakoniset the worker conf to 215:32
creihthow many workers in the config?15:32
kakonii dont know if you can comment or not, but i dont know wether that 75reqs/sec is seen as good,bad or average figure;)15:33
creihtI can get the same on a cloud server running the swift all in one :)15:33
creihtso we should be able to do better15:34
creihtkakoni: what does cpu usage look like on the storage nodes?15:34
creihtI would suggest setting workers for all servers to 415:35
creihtto start with15:35
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kakoniunder heavy tsung load about 50%15:35
kakoniok, and probably putting 10gig conns to proxy servers would help.15:36
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kakoniwe've been also playing with the idea of introducing varnish/nginx in front of the proxies. (or perhaps get rid of proxy server complely and implement the same functionality inside nginx/varnish...)15:36
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creihtkakoni: do you see a lot of those timeouts? or just intermittent?15:37
notmynamekakoni: I wouldn't recommend that....15:37
kakonicreiht: under very heavy load, yes lots of these timeouts15:37
kakoninotmyname: ok, now why is that?;)15:37
creihtnotmyname: you should just write up a faq :)15:38
notmynamekakoni: we looked at nginx to be our proxy servers. great server, but it spools data to the disk on uploads. that's very bad for storage systems that accept lots of uploads15:38
kakoninotmyname: ok. how about varnish?15:38
creihtnow the idea of some sort of hot cache in front of swift for reads wouldn't be a bad idea for some use cases15:39
notmynamecreiht: actually, if you get kakoni's stuff working much better, and the discussion is all here in the open, it would be a great start to such a FAQ15:39
creihtthis is why I want to get a "refrence cluster" set up asap15:39
creihtkakoni: at what concurrency are you sending those uploads?15:40
kakoniI guess it ended up about 1000 concurrent session15:40
kakoniended up with..15:40
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notmynamekakoni: what creiht just said. varnish would be ok in certain use cases. essentially, a varnish cache in from of swift is exactly the same as the CDN in front of cloud files, minus the geographic dispersion15:40
creihtkakoni: and btw, I may be in and out a bit today as there is a lot going on today15:40
creihtkakoni: ok, so my guess is you are overloading what the single disk on each machine can do15:41
kakoniseems so. need to get better hw;)15:41
creihtand actually since you only have one drive, I would put workers more than 215:41
creihtthat is15:41
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AimanAthey have the next miner almost up out of the bore15:42
AimanAoops, wrong chan15:42
creihtin our testing setup, we were able to get about 2k puts/second for small puts per proxy15:42
creihton a machine that had 2 quad core midlle of the road opterons15:43
creihtthe storage nodes had 24 spindles, and same procs15:43
creiht16 workers on the proxy, 8 on the storage nodes for each server15:43
creiht(to give you an idea of what type of performance should be possible)15:44
kakonioh. cool. thanks15:44
creihtkakoni: and also the latest swift code has a swift-bench utility15:44
kakoniyep, been using it aswell. But u know with tsung I can get better...loads;915:45
creihtso that when people are benchmarking, we can be using the same thing15:45
creihtkakoni: that wouldn't surprise me :)15:45
kakonididnt thought of that. makes sense. so from know one will be using swift-bench only.15:46
creihtI'm curious how far off it is though15:46
creihtstill probably isn't a bad idea to use both15:46
kakoni(atleast when communicating with the mothership;)15:46
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kakonitheres also the other distributed storage stack that we've been following, elliptics network. They've shown some impressive numbers lately.15:47
creihtinteresting... hadn't heard of that one yet15:48
creihtyeah looking now15:48
notmynameseems that he's claiming 20K requests per minute now with 10 proxies. that sounds low15:49
notmynameswift is...swifter15:50
creihtGETs are easy15:50
kakoni" 5000 rps of random io requests in 1 tb of data (100 millions of objects)"15:50
creihtonly 1tb?15:51
kakoni2 servers with SAS shelves.15:51
creihtyeah come back when you have some real scale :)15:51
kakonianyway, need to dropoff now, thanks guys for the feedback, I'll tweak my cluster and lets see what happens.15:51
creihtkakoni: cool... keep us informed how it goes15:51
kakonii will. alrighty.bye15:52
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creihtwell that gives me even more motivation now to get a reference cluster set up15:52
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Ormanannegentle: I just emailed you.16:02
annegentleOrman: ok, got it, thanks16:03
OrmanSure thing. Just thought I'd let you know.16:03
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notmynameOrman: call her to tell her that you sent a message in IRC that you sent her an email ;-)16:06
annegentleany BZRers around? I'm not sure how to commit a fix that doesn't have a bug assigned to it, it's just spelling changes in .rst files. I guess I can log a bug if that's the only way?16:09
creihtannegentle: you should still be able to push your branch like you would before, and request a merge proposal16:10
OrmanI agree with that. ;D16:11
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creihtannegentle: and you don't have to have a --fixes on your commit16:12
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vishyrlucio: I'm here16:13
annegentlecreiht: is it the --fixes that is telling it... ah can't type fast enough :)16:13
vishysoren: are you here?16:13
dendrobatesI think it's dinner time in DK16:14
OrmanHave a good dinner dendrobates. ;D16:15
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OrmanA lot to do before the release. We are moving towards our goal though.16:18
dendrobatesit's almost lunch time for me16:18
OrmanOh ok. lol :D16:19
dendrobatesOrman: I don;t recognize your nick.   are you new?16:19
OrmanYes, I am.16:19
vishyMy branches should merge ok now16:19
dendrobatesvishy: cool thanks16:20
vishyI'm working on the fix-deprecation-warning branch as well, there are few more fixes that need to be backported/updated for new code16:20
OrmanI'm a security dev,bug fixer, and I am just starting doc writing. ;D16:21
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dendrobatesOrman: great to have you aboard16:24
dendrobatesOrman: do you work for a cloud computing company?16:24
OrmanNo I am a College student in Florida. Trying to build my own Cloud Computing Security company.16:25
dendrobateswhere in florida?16:27
dendrobatesI used to live in Gainesville16:27
OrmanI used to live their to. Well High Springs really.16:28
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OrmanI live around SpringHill,FL now.16:29
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dendrobatessoren: test failure for lp:~soren/nova/xen16:33
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Ormandendrobates: I like around the New Port Richey area or close to it.16:36
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uvirtbotNew bug: #660042 in nova "Better error when no virtualization method is available on the server" [Undecided,New]
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OrmanReally? Hmm I'll have to look at it.16:42
chmouelwhat version of euca2ools is supposed to be supported by nova?16:44
chmoueli am getting this when trying to terminate instance
chmouelthis is on vanilla maverick with maverick packages16:47
dendrobateschmouel: vanilla maverick should work, file a bug16:48
chmoueldendrobates: cool.16:48
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OrmanYeah I agree with dendrobates. Vanilla should work.16:49
dendrobateschmouel: was this using the maverick packages or trunk?16:49
chmoueldendrobates:  maverick packages16:49
dendrobatesmake sure it is broken in trunk before adding the bug16:49
chmoueldendrobates: cool or i guess i'll fill the bug in ubuntu16:50
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dendrobatesuse vish's script to install from trunk.16:50
dendrobatesit works great16:50
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chmouelyeah i havent tried that do you have that github url handy?16:51
OrmanIt's an Ec2 error. Now that's interesting too.16:52
chmoueli get that on most of the tools16:52
chmoueland the method are indeed different16:52
OrmanOk wow hmm.16:53
jaypipeschmouel: ack-grep ftw ;)16:54
chmoueljaypipes:  yeah i usually use that but that's a brand new install :)16:54
jaypipeschmouel: :)16:54
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jonwoodchmouel, dendrobates: soren mentioned that's a known bug the other day.16:57
jonwoodIt's fixed in trunk apparently16:57
chmoueljonwood: sweet i am about to test trunk...16:57
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zykes-what distributions come along with xen easily anymore ?17:02
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vishychmouel: it looks like you passed in an image_id17:19
vishyinstance_ids start with i-17:19
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vishychmouel: the method defs are different, boto converts to xml, and we convert back from xml17:21
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greenisusdoes anyone mind helping me out with getting the OpenStack API in Nova to work?17:57
gundlachgreenisus: what specifically are you looking at?17:59
gundlachi wrote some of the openstack API.17:59
greenisusgundlach: great!17:59
greenisusgundlach: so, i'm trying to GET http://my-ip-address:8773/v1.0 and i get a 404 back18:00
greenisusgundlach: i installed nova on ubuntu maverick on a rackspace cloud server with vish's install script on github18:00
gundlachtry running nova-api again with --FAKE_subdomain=api and see what happens18:00
greenisusgundlach: i changed the code to set FAKE_subdomain to api and it does the same18:00
gundlachhmm, stop being a step ahead of me :)18:01
gundlachhow about / -- does that give a 404?18:01
greenisushehe, no, / gives me a list of versions18:01
greenisusconsistent with nova/api/__init__.py18:01
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rlucioare there any other new deps besides gawk and ebtables since the ec2-security stuff was merged?  I installed them but am still unable to launch instances, and still get the 'Could not get access to ACL tech driver 'ebiptables'' error18:02
gundlachgreenisus: does /v1.0/ with a slash appended do anything?18:02
greenisusgundlach: whoa, this is weird18:03
greenisusokay, i killed nova-api and restarted with the --FAKE_subdomain flag18:03
greenisusand now it seems to work18:03
greenisusneeds /v1.0/ instead of /v1.0, but before i would always get 40418:03
rluciogreenisus: yea that is a workaround for ec2 iirc18:04
gundlachgreenisus: ok, glad it started working for you :)18:04
greenisusrlucio: that's no big deal... just weird that setting FAKE_subdomain in code didn't work for me...18:04
greenisusgreat!  thanks so much guys!18:05
greenisusone last question and i'll leave you alone :)18:05
greenisuswill any username/api key work?18:05
greenisusor do i need to make a user or something18:05
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greenisuswell, looks like it needs something18:06
greenisusi can grep the code18:06
gundlachgreenisus: hmm18:06
greenisusdon't want to bug you guys18:06
gundlachgreenisus no problem -- until we have good docs, we deserve any "bugging" people want to give us :)18:06
greenisushaha, yeah i'm helping anne out to get the docs in better shape18:06
gundlachgreenisus: yes, you need to use i believe nova-manage to create a user (and maybe a project)?18:06
greenisusand i'll start documenting/blueprinting the new iOS app i'm working on18:06
gundlachthat will put entries into fakeldap that you can then use to hit the API18:07
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gundlachgreenisus: oh, cool!  talk to mike mayo if you haven't yet -- he has built an iPhone/iPad app that is probably related to what you're working on.18:07
_cerberus_He *is* Mike Mayo :-P18:07
greenisusgundlach: lol, i am mike mayo :)18:07
gundlachgreenisus: oh, even cooler!  make sure to talk with yourself then18:08
greenisusgundlach: i promise i will :)18:08
* gundlach is just about fed up with learning 3 names for every coworker ;)18:08
greenisusyeah seriously.  who are you?18:08
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gundlach*i* chose an irc handle that corresponds to my last name :)  i'm michael; I introduced myself to you at the SFO meetup (i wrote the groundcontrol extension)18:09
greenisusah!  sweet!18:09
greenisusgundlach: hate that i didn't get to hang with you guys more18:10
gundlachmaybe irc needs headshots :)18:10
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gundlachgreenisus: maybe we'll get to hang out more at the summit; are you coming?18:11
greenisusthat would be nice... okay, so i created a user with nova-manage and it gave me back EC2 creds.  do i use one of those as the API key?18:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #660095 in nova "OpenStack "create instance" API call broken after r138" [High,In progress]
greenisusgundlach: yes, i'll be there, but i'll miss the two hack days because i'm getting married nov 1318:11
gundlachgreenisus: hey, congratulations! :)18:11
greenisusgundlach:  thanks!!18:12
gundlach_cerberus_: do you remember how to get the API key for use in the OpenStack API?18:12
gundlachgreenisus: i forgot that nova-manage gives you an EC2 key18:12
vishyrlucio: you need the bleeding edge version of libvirt from the ppa18:13
vishyHEAD SHOT!18:15
gundlachgreenisus: out of curiosity, does the EC2 ACCESS_KEY and SECRET_KEY work when you pass them in with OpenStack API requests?18:15
rluciovishy: i actually installed that too, at least im pretty sure i did18:15
gundlachvishy: yeah, that kind of head shot would make irc more fun too18:15
vishyrlucio: I'm pretty sure that error is due to an old version of libvirt18:16
vishydpkg -l | grep libvirt18:16
greenisusgundlach: no it gave me a 500 error18:17
greenisusthen i restarted nova-api and it's not authenticating with either EC2 key18:17
gundlachgreenisus: well that isn't very helpful18:17
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rlucioyea i have the new version18:17
gundlachgreenisus: lemme go dig for a bit18:17
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greenisusgundlach: yeah, haha, i get a 500 error with the access key, and nothing with the secret key18:18
greenisusgundlach: makes me think the access key is the way to go and i have another problem :)18:18
greenisusgundlach: i get a stack trace that ends with "TypeError: 'User' object is unsubscriptable"18:18
jaypipesmtaylor: around?18:19
gundlachgreenisus: would you mind pasting that into pastebin?18:19
gundlach[that stacktrace]18:19
greenisusgundlach: sure, here you go:  thanks a lot for the help!18:20
gundlachsure, thanks for the debugging ;)18:20
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mtaylorjaypipes: always18:22
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gundlachgreenisus: did you happen to override --auth-driver?18:23
jaypipesmtaylor: :) hi.  I'd like to add something to our Tarmac job.  Can we add a run of nosetests within /nova/tests/api/ please?18:24
greenisusgundlach: no, i'm running unmodified code from trunk yesterday18:24
jaypipesmtaylor: we've had a number of breakages of the RS API stuff get into trunk b/c Hudson only runs the "regular" test runner.18:24
mtaylorjaypipes: hrm. I don't see why not - I also don't see why nosetests isn't finding the API tests18:25
jaypipesmtaylor: you can't run nosetests in /nova/tests/.  It works only in /nova/tests/api/18:26
rluciovishy: yea, i have gawk, ebtables, iptables, and the new libvirt stuff from the ppa and am still getting the same error18:26
mtaylorjaypipes: oh. right. nose still is broken in nova. gotcha18:27
mtaylorjaypipes: any chance that's ever gonna get fixed? :)18:27
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jaypipesmtaylor: bexar.18:27
vishyrlucio: you checked it with dpkg -l ?18:27
rlucio0.8.3-1ubuntu14~ppalucid2 for libvirt, libvirt0, libvirt-bin18:28
rlucioerr, python-libvirt18:28
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vishythat is right18:29
vishydid you restart libvirt18:29
vishyafter installing gawk and ebtables?18:29
vishyand restart nova18:30
rlucioi assumed libvirt restarted as part of the deb, but let me do that manually, and then try again18:31
rluciovishy: uh-oh, i bet that's the issue.  assuming things ftl18:32
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vishylibvirt should have a dependency on those two packages if it is using them imo18:32
vishybut it doesn't18:33
rluciovishy: arrgg you win, that did the trick, thanks :)18:33
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gundlachgreenisus: yep, looks like there's a bug in api/openstack/; i'm working on a branch.18:34
gundlachgreenisus: if it helps you continue until i get the bug fixed, you can disable auth entirely by removing AuthMiddleware from api/openstack/ line 54.18:35
sorendendrobates: oh, ffs.18:35
greenisusgundlach: thanks!18:36
vishysoren: I assume the insane amount of physdev warnings in messages is related to the bug you filed?18:37
sorenvishy: Sort of related.18:38
vishysoren: is there an easy way to squelch the errors?18:39
sorenvishy: Don't look.18:39
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sorenOther than that, no.18:39
vishythey are filling up the logs under heavy load :)18:39
sorenIt's /extremely/ annoying.18:39
vishyi suppose i can add a filter rule to syslog-ng18:39
sorenOh, you can filter them in syslog.18:39
sorenYou just can't stop the kernel from emitting them.18:39
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sorenIt only emits them, though, when new filters are added.18:40
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greenisusgundlach: so just comment out line 54?18:42
gundlachgreenisus: no.  replace line 54 with this:18:42
gundlach        app = RateLimitingMiddleware(APIRouter())18:43
gundlachline 53, sorry18:43
greenisusgundlach: okay thanks man!18:43
gundlachnp :)18:43
uvirtbotNew bug: #660115 in nova "OpenStack API auth manager not processing Users/Tokens correctly" [Critical,In progress]
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sorenjaypipes: Did you just retry my Xen branch when it failed?18:58
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jaypipessoren: yeah. was seeing if it was just a testing oops.19:01
sorenjaypipes: Ok, that explains. Thanks.19:01
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greenisusgundlach: it works!  auth gives a 404, but other stuff works, so thanks!19:09
gundlachgreenisus: glad to hear it.  i'm working thru the auth bugs now.19:09
OrmanAuth bugs.19:10
greenisusgundlach: another oddity; i have to pass X-Auth-User and X-Auth-Key with every request19:10
gundlachgreenisus: even after removing the AuthMiddleware?19:11
greenisusgundlach: typically, you only pass those to the auth API, and then pass X-Auth-Token to all subsequent requests19:11
greenisusgundlach: yeah, if i pass nothing or the token, i get a 500 error19:11
gundlachOK, I'll look into that too, thanks :)19:11
gundlachI believe the code was written intending to use X-Auth-Token after the 1st request, but something's obviously going wrong.19:11
greenisusgundlach: makes sense, also GET /servers blows up with KeyError: 'nova.context'19:12
rluciovishy: for flat networking, do i still have to delete all my old entries (or maybe drop the table) in order to get nova-network to update with a new private_range?19:12
gundlachgreenisus: that *does* make sense, because AuthMiddleware is supposed to create that :)19:12
greenisusgundlach: but that could very well be my fault in not having a complete setup19:12
greenisusgundlach: after all, i have no images19:13
gundlachgreenisus: no, if you had AuthMiddleware back in place, nova.context would be created and you shouldn't see that error.19:13
gundlachone of AuthMiddleware's jobs is to create the nova.context container.19:13
OrmanImage progress bug is still being fixed right?19:14
greenisusgundlach: okay, so i guess can you ping me when the auth bug is fixed?  is that cool?19:14
greenisusgundlach: if i'm not here, i'm on email19:14
gundlachgreenisus: absolutely.  and if you want to subscribe to the bug itself, you can get email when it's updated.19:14
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 660115 in nova "OpenStack API auth manager not processing Users/Tokens correctly" [Critical,In progress]19:14
greenisusgundlach: good call19:14
OrmanSo many bug fixes today. :D19:14
OrmanThis is an interesting bug19:19
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 651598 in swift "Write timeout bug in proxy server" [High,New]19:19
sorennotmyname: Sorry for just leaving earlier. So, about a unified concept of users across swift and nova (and whatever else comes along): I think we're going to need it, but perhaps you can enlighten me.19:19
notmynamesoren: not sure I have much to add, other than to agree that "we're going to need it"19:20
sorennotmyname: to support something like shared AMI's for EC2 (VM images), it seems like a sound approach to use Swift's ACL mechanism to enforce it.19:20
creihtOrman: :)19:21
notmynamesoren: gholt's swauth branch (not merged yet) is a good start to a swift-based identity management system19:21
sorennotmyname: Without a shared user registry of some sort, I'm not sure how to achieve that.19:21
Ryan_Laneisn't nova using ldap?19:21
Ormancreiht: It's like an interesting bug,but wondering how it came to be since it's in the proxy server.19:22
creihtIt was an edge case that we didn't see very often in testing19:23
creihtor I guess at all :)19:23
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OrmanOk so the fix is coming soon right? I see someone's already assigned to it.19:24
creihtfix will be in the release19:24
Orman cool19:24
OrmanJus thought I'd ask. :d19:25
creihtnot a problem :)19:25
creihtsoren: the auth is an interesting question19:25
creihtas it is my impression that *most* places are going to either already have an auth that they are going to integrate with, or already have a pretty good idea what they want to use for auth19:25
sorenRyan_Lane: It /can/ use LDAP, but doesn't have to.19:26
OrmanNot much auth docs on wiki I believe. I should see if I I can write some up when I get a chance.19:26
creihtHow much need is there going to be for a cannonical auth for openstack?19:26
sorencreiht: True, but I think there's more to it than that.19:26
creihtbeyond a dev auth19:26
sorencreiht: It's not just about auth, it's about user information, too.19:26
Ryan_Lanewell, if swift and nova both have a common auth framework, it would be possible to write a plugin for both that unifies them, correct?19:27
Ryan_LaneA SAML plugin for both would likely do the job nicely19:27
sorencreiht: Hm... Trying to think of a good example.19:27
Ryan_Laneor an OpenAM plugin19:27
sorencreiht: Ah, yes.19:27
jonwoodThere needs to be some form dummy auth at least, so people can try things out without having to integrate with their existing auth.19:27
creihtjonwood: yeah that is already there19:28
sorencreiht: So, EC2 mandates a specific authentication scheme.19:28
sorencreiht: Using its own style of keys and whatnot.19:28
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OrmanYes encryption would be in the auth plugin as well right?19:28
OrmanOpenAM plugin seems like a very good idea.19:29
sorencreiht: So, even though an organisation may have an auth system already (RADIUS, LDAP, Kerberos, whatever), there's a need for provisioning users for access to Nova's EC2 API.19:29
Ryan_Lanegeneric SAML would be even nicer :)19:29
Ryan_Lanewrite an openam plugin so that it handles it? :)19:30
creihtsoren: hrm19:30
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creihtsoren: It would be nice to have someone who has that problem write the code and donate it :)19:32
creihtI'm worried about trying to solve a problem we really don't know enough about19:32
sorenI agree.19:32
sorenI mean, I share your concern.19:33
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creihtor at least assist somone who has that problem19:33
creihtso that we make sure it gets done right19:33
OrmanHmm I guess we will just have to find the right person. ;D19:33
sorenI think a good start would just be to come up with a solution based on what we have now, and punt on the subject of external authentication for a little bit.19:34
creihtThere is no better way to write bad software than to write software to solve a problem that you don't have19:34
Ryan_Lanereally just making auth plugin frameworks for both is likely enough19:34
creihtRyan_Lane: we pretty much have that already19:34
sorencreiht: Well said.19:35
alekibangoOrman: you want to help writing about security?19:35
OrmanYeah I could give it a shot. Why?19:36
alekibangoanne wrote me some questions but is still not here, i will pvtmsg you the text ok?19:36
notmynamealekibango: keep in mind we also have etherpad.openstack.org19:37
notmynamekeep as much in the open as you can ;-)19:37
alekibangonotmyname: its just generic ideas about starting security related docs19:38
alekibangodont worry, i am not elitist working in dark room19:38
notmynamehehe, no worries19:38
alekibangoits just i dont want to clutter this channel too much19:38
alekibangopeople have other things to do here :)19:38
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mtaylorjaypipes: running "nosetests -w nova/tests/api" on current nova trunk on the hudson box winds up with a failure19:51
mtaylorjaypipes: AttributeError: 'Controller' object has no attribute 'network_manager'19:51
mtaylorERROR: test_create_instance (nova.tests.api.openstack.test_servers.ServersTest)19:51
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jaypipesmtaylor: already fixed. see bug660095.19:54
sorenmtaylor: I don't know if I told you, but tarmac still doesn't change bugs to "fix committed" when their branches are merged.19:54
sorenmtaylor: It gives a different error now, though. :)19:54
mtaylorjaypipes: I'm just wondering if you want me to go ahead and enable the nosetests for hudson even though it's failing for me?19:55
mtaylorsoren: lovely19:55
mtaylorsoren: I'll see what I can discover...19:55
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jaypipesmtaylor: you will have to enable nosetests *after* this is merged:
mtaylorjaypipes: ok. I'll wait then19:58
jaypipesmtaylor: cheers.19:59
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vishyrlucio: sorry i haven't really used flat networking much20:15
vishyi'd have to look it up to remember20:15
vishyflat-dhcp got merged20:16
rluciovishy: that's fine... i think that the 'changing the ip range fails' thing is the same issue i had a while back when we were still using redis20:17
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rluciovishy: i just saw that a bit ago! thanks for that btw :)20:17
vishyi think you need to manually create networks20:17
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rluciowell, its more a matter of 1) i initially installed a recent build with mostly defaults, and the fixed_ips table in sql was filled with 10.0.0.X addresses20:19
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rlucioand then 2) i change the network config to include '--private_range=' (or something) and then restart nova-network, and fixed_ips table still shows 10.0.0.x20:20
rlucioand instances still launched with the 10.0.0.x ips20:20
rluciowhat i had to do before to fix this was to delete the ip list in redis, and then restart nova-network20:22
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uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 638449 in nova "Cannot update the flat network IP address list" [Medium,Triaged]20:23
rlucio(that is the old, redis related bug)20:24
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spectorclanI have a few quick nova questions, anyone out there who can help?20:32
alekibangoshoot it20:33
creihtspectorclan: ask, and you will find out :)20:33
spectorclanGreat i am working on a high level doc explaining the basic components of Nova and need to understand why we have the Redis service (server) and what data is being stored there20:34
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alekibangoredis is used as distributed key/value db.20:35
spectorclan@alekibango, a bit more detail on what that means. Thanks.20:36
larissaspectorclan: Error: "alekibango," is not a valid command.20:36
creihtspectorclan: this isn't twitter :)20:36
spectorclani typed too fast, sorry20:36
spectorclantoo many communication systems for 1 day20:37
alekibangothat means it can run on more servers in cluster (reliable) and it stores some values accessible by a key.20:37
spectorclanok,what are those values we are storing?20:37
alekibangogood one.20:37
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alekibangoits for fast, shared state data20:39
alekibangoReDIS == Remote Dictionary Store20:39
spectorclanok, so I can assume that by state we mean all the critical data of what servers are running on what machines, etc?20:40
alekibangofor example, fake ldap data20:40
alekibango(users, etc)20:40
alekibangospectorclan: i dont know yet, looking for it in sources20:40
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alekibangobut you are right, there are some critial data which we need to have safely stored20:40
spectorclanGreat. I appreciate the help, trying to create a simple easy to follow intro tech document listing all the components and what they do20:41
alekibangospectorclan: thats very much needed. i will help any way i can20:41
spectorclanThe Swift document was much easier to write as there are less pieces and it is easier to understand; this is much tricker20:41
spectorclantricker? Now I can't spell20:41
creihtspectorclan: got a link?20:41
alekibangospectorclan: yes, its pretty complicated20:42
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spectorclanI have the first draft on my machine and not posted anywhere. Send me an email to and I can email you the .odt version for feedback and update20:42
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creihtspectorclan: how about copy/paste to ?20:43
alekibangospectorclan: it could be much better to use etherpad20:44
alekibangoheh creiht: )20:44
alekibangospectorclan: i hate mailing20:44
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gundlachgreenisus: you around?20:44
spectorclandoing etherpad thing now; hold on20:44
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alekibangoi have more than 2^14 mails waiting for processing right now20:46
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spectorclanFYI, the very poor pictures I created did not copy over but the text is there20:46
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alekibangodo you need help with making images?20:46
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spectorclanalekibango: Todd Morey is going to do that are part of laying out the full design of the document but thanks. If he gets too backed up I will let you know20:47
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alekibangospectorclan: put the nova doc  on the etherpad, so we can help you by live editing20:48
alekibangoand that can become some new wiki page20:48
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alekibangowe already did that with nova deployment/admin/enduser manual20:48
alekibangoand it worked well20:48
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alekibangosee how it evolved using time slider:
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spectorclanalexibango: yep, I see and that makes sense. I will leave the document up where it is on etherpad and get community feedback and changes before formal pdf and placement on the website,20:52
gundlachanyone want to review ?20:52
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gundlachfixes .20:52
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 660115 in nova "OpenStack API auth manager not processing Users/Tokens correctly" [Critical,Fix committed]20:52
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alekibangospectorclan: you can create named etherpad page by typing it in url:   :)20:54
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spectorclanalekibango - thanks EtherPad is new to me.20:54
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alekibangoalso to me, but its nice to play with20:54
alekibangoi would like to have similar wysiwyg editor in wiki...20:55
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alekibangoone should be part of the wiki software, but is not used (enabled)...20:55
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spectorclanalexkibango - we are looking at a new wiki for openstack, submit your favorites to myself or Anne20:55
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spectorclanThanks for your help everyone; I am off to propose a new web structure; once I get some OKs here I will put on EtherPad for community review as well20:56
alekibangoi cant really suggest good one.  But i used docuwiki (php) with success on my small needs20:56
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alekibangoand i wrote few wiki implementations  in different frameworks (lately in turbogears) -- just by following 20 minute tutorials :)20:59
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alekibango  <-- comparison :)21:00
annegentlealekibango: thanks, we'll add it to the list21:03
alekibangochoice wizard might help there21:03
alekibangoplease include WYSIWYG, history and maybe even RCS21:04
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gundlachjaypipes: approved your merge21:06
alekibangoif you will choose dokuwiki, i have some experience with it, so i can help a bit21:06
alekibangobut its really easy one to use21:07
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dendrobatesfyi: for everyone that is testing openstack in the rackspace cloud, like me.  you may notice that vlans do not work.  This is not a bug, it is because the 8021q kernel module is not available21:15
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dendrobatesI have asked the ops team to include it in the next kernel build, so we can have a fully functioning cloud within the cloud.21:16
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alekibangoannegentle:  the current wiki should be able to use wysiwyg editor -- like this one:
dendrobatesalekibango: tell me where to get it and I'll install it on the wiki21:20
dendrobatesIf annegentle  approves21:20
alekibangodendrobates: not sure, they claim thats included in core21:20
alekibangofrom certain version21:20
alekibangodendrobates: but i never installed that one21:21
dendrobatesI'll look into it.21:21
dendrobatesafter the release!21:21
alekibango:) ok21:21
alekibangoi will stop whining for 2 weeks21:22
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zaitcevIs anyone working on S3 front-end for Swift? I have a few ideas, roughly centered around taking the Hail implementation and using Swift instead of Hail's chunkserver.21:27
zaitcevSeems quite workable at first blush.21:27
zaitcevIt's not going to be awfully well performing at first but it's better than nothing, right?21:28
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alekibangozaitcev:   s3 api is not there for swift21:33
alekibangobut some people were talking about making some s3 api around swift, maybe that will happen later21:34
zaitcevalekibango: OK, the race is on, then.21:34
alekibangozaitcev: please if you want it to happen. write blueprint soon21:34
alekibangothere will be call for blueprints with the release21:34
alekibangoi am sure some people would help you21:35
zaitcevI'll poke at the mailing list when I have something.21:36
alekibangorather write the blueprint21:37
alekibangoits a plan -- people will read it there21:38
alekibangoand do it soon (around release)21:38
zaitcevThanks, I'll examine the blueprint mechanism.21:38
alekibangoi never wrote one, but its not hard21:38
alekibango(i am also new on LP)21:38
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dendrobatesalekibango: I lied the gui editor is now functional on the wiki21:39
alekibango:) wow21:39
alekibangomoving fast :)21:39
alekibangolooks nice, will be much easier to edit21:40
alekibango(esp. headers are awkwards for me, i used to have =h6= and ==h5== )21:40
alekibangoeasy link creation also helps21:41
dendrobatesthe only way  I know to access it is to  change &editor=text to &editor=gui21:41
dendrobatesis their an easier way.21:42
alekibangothere is a button21:42
alekibangoand edit [gui] link on side21:42
alekibangoso it will work21:42
creihtzaitcev: I don't think the api's differ a whole lot, so one approach that we talked about was having a bit of middleware that you could put in front of swift that would convert the s3 api calls to swift calls21:42
alekibangodendrobates: dont worry, it works well21:42
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alekibangocreiht: seems nice idea for me, but i dont know swift nor s3 much21:43
zaitcevcreiht: That's what I have in mind, by borrowing Hail/tabled code. But, it's a separate process (daemon).21:43
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creihtwith wsgi middleware it would be in the same process21:43
creihtit acts like a pass through21:43
alekibangoyes i like the idea of using messaging21:44
zaitcevSadly Hail is written in C, so I cannot just copy-paste it into Swift21:44
gundlachg'night all!21:45
alekibangozaitcev: now is prerelease fever, so most developers cant really talk much ....21:45
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creihtzaitcev: you could probably make that work21:45
alekibangoi think so21:46
creihtI don't know enough about hail though21:46
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creihtzaitcev: does it support both the REST and SOAP S3 interface?21:46
alekibangozaitcev: this one is really demanded feature, so you would be hero for many people  :)21:47
zaitcevcreiht: REST only.21:47
* alekibango hates soap with passion21:47
zaitcevAmazon people said next to nobody uses SOAP with S3.21:47
creihtzaitcev: that is good to know21:48
alekibangosoap is everything but 'simple'21:48
zaitcevLike 1% of incoming connections21:48
zaitcevMaybe even less.21:48
alekibangoeverything but 'protocol'21:48
zaitcevStill, some people do use SOAP.21:48
alekibangozaitcev: they could contribute code to make it work!21:49
creihtI wont accept any SOAP code :)21:49
zaitcevHail lags a bit. It has no ACL policies parsing, just the old ACLs and canned ACLs, for example. Partial GET is just coming online. etc. SOAP is way down the list here.21:49
creihtzaitcev: While that is one route, I still think the middleware would be a better route21:50
zaitcevSince Hail never had a wide following like OpenStack, I'm considering dumping Hail and switching to Swift altogether. Our new code has CF back-end option. So it's a way to salvage useable code from Hail and ditch the rest.21:51
creihtzaitcev: It would be better than nothing :)21:52
annegentledendrobates: thumbs up on Edit (GUI) and Edit (Text) - thanks for doing that!21:56
dendrobatesannegentle: I also installed the openid dependencies.  We should be able to get launchpad logins working21:57
annegentledendrobates: that would be great too. Could help match people, doc, and code.21:58
dendrobatesyes and eventually help automate the CLA check.21:59
annegentlewoo, that's a big help21:59
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mtaylordendrobates: that CLA thing is still on my todo list if I can ever find the time...22:06
* mtaylor smacks self in face22:06
dendrobatesmtaylor: we are going to do a manual work around, if we can get around to it.22:07
mtaylordendrobates: excellent22:07
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dendrobatesmtaylor: we are going to make the LP teams moderated and only allow people that have signed the CLA and added the name and signing code to the wiki to join.22:09
mtaylordendrobates: cool. that'll make that easier22:09
dendrobateswe are also planning on adding a code of conduct to the CLA and calling the new doc a Contributers agreement.22:10
dendrobatesso everyone will sign it not just devs22:10
mtaylordendrobates: and quicker to get going than the "sign a CoC through launchpad and then require a person to have a signed CoC before they can submit a merge request" patch to lp done22:10
mtaylorI think that's an excellent choice22:10
dendrobatesbut still we need time to get it done.22:11
dendrobatesthe painful part will be the clean up of all the people that already joined the teams22:11
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mtaylorugh. that's going to suck22:12
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dendrobateswe should probably close the teams asap.22:13
dendrobatesbut we need some text explaining what we are doing.22:13
dendrobatesmaybe annegentle can help with that22:13
mtaylorannegentle can help with EVERYTHING22:15
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* dendrobates takes a family break. See you in a little while22:18
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dendrobatesquiet tonight23:26
dendrobatesI'm am being forced into chores.  I'll catch you all later.23:27
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