Sunday, 2010-08-08

redboWell, yeah.  We're trying to make a mod_python app not lock up entirely with a bunch of idle connections right now.  Each connection just uses too many resources.00:04
rdwoh wow, yeah, mod_python00:05
redbowe have plans to phase it out, but it's being a pain point right now, so we're thinking about putting nginx in front of it so idle connections can just sit there all they want.00:07
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justinsbeday: Sorry about delay.  I got File Exists errors with eventlet.  Where should I put the os.fork calls to get it to work?00:08
justinsbeday: Twisted improved marginally, but I'd argue that it wasn't worth the price.  e.g. deferreds everywhere, multiple processes, etc00:09
edayjustinsb: if you use the example on my blog, i put os.fork() right after the server = listen(...) line00:09
justinsbeday: If we're aiming for raw performance, we should use C++ (and ScaleStack!)  But we're making a trade-off between productivity and performance...00:10
edayjustinsb: yup, but as the other folks have been talking about, with threads you eat more memory and performance gets worse with more CPU bound loads because of the GIL00:10
justinsbeday: On the eventlet thing, I am working from your blog, and I put the os.fork right after the eventlet.listen line00:11
edayjustinsb: this simple echo test helps the mulit-threaded case a bit since nothing is really happening in the threads00:11
edayjustinsb: I should say, happening in the threads while in python interpreter00:12
justinsbeday: I just think we should find a benchmark where Twisted or Eventlet is worth the price before we adopt them.  I was looking to find where the cut off point lay, and whether Jython helped, but I've changed my mind...00:12
justinsbAlso, I agree that threading has a huge cost in terms of _virtual_ memory... but not necessarily real memory :-)00:13
edayjustinsb: it's still more real memory too, but yeah, not as much as vm. but that difference may be enough to adopt eventlet00:15
justinsbeday: I think we should let the twisted proponents demonstrate the value of twisted.00:15
edayjustinsb: work up some tests that does more processing of the buffered data in python. just xor all the bytes, one at a time, in the buffer or something00:16
justinsbeday: And in the absence of contrary evidence, we should adopt whatever avoids lock in.00:16
justinsbeday: So we can use Threads, Threads with GIL fix, Jython or Eventlet  - whatever is best in 2 years00:16
justinsbeday: I'm sure we can construct a benchmark that can favor any of the tests :-)  But the only benchmark that matters is our use case.00:17
justinsbeday: So we should write our use case so that we can pick the winner when one appears00:17
justinsbeday: So today's story is eventlet or threading based on your load00:17
edayjustinsb: yup, but any useful use case is going to have more processing than echo :)00:17
justinsbeday: Except that nova-api is likely more I/O than anything else00:18
justinsbeday: So your test is probably a very accurate depiction of what nova-api will do!00:18
edayjustinsb: hmm, not really. there is xml/json encoding/decoding, and then waiting on redis/message queues (which is more protocol packing before getting out to socket)00:19
edayjustinsb: also the URL mapping/parsing to route requests, and WSGI layers (at least the new stuff)00:19
redbowhat machine did you test threads vs eventlet with?  I see a HUGE difference just pulling down a 512k file with http concurrently.00:20
justinsbeday: So that's what we'll have to benchmark.  And the only realistic way to benchmark that is to use nova-api.  And the only way to do that is to make sure that the same code can run against the various strategies.00:21
justinsbeday: Which is fine for evenlet00:22
justinsbredbo: I haven't run your benchmark yet.. if you send me the source code I can try it.  I've just been running eric day's benchmark from here:
redboon what sort of hardware and over what sort of network?00:23
justinsbredbo: I ran the benchmark on a quad-core over loopback.  It's the same as eday ran, though I have 4 cores vs his 2.00:23
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_anmas an ISP, i'm thinking about what nova needs to do really well for me and my customers - who is working on network management of VMs in openstack? where/how to network configurations get administered from?  how about VLAN management?00:42
_anmso far, in my trying to get nova running from source, the network is a very mysterious black box00:43
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eday_anm: a patch just went in that pushes the network config off to workers. This enables you to write different workers to handle your network differently00:45
edayFor example, our needs (I work at rackspace) are different than nasa's, so we'll have a different networ setup00:45
eday_anm: start here for how it works today:
_anmeday:  very good. my first thought is that my end user and admin management wrapper will be a or django framework, and I'll store my network configs in a database, but that may be way off the mark00:47
_anmeday:  is there work to make network settings for vm's persistent, so one "assigned" from my management wrapper, they survive vm rebots, migrations, etc?00:49
eday_anm: yeah. right now they are DHCP based, we're working on making them persistent (a feature we need)00:50
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_anmas a hosting company, that will be one of the most critical pieces - i run a modest xen based cluster now for VMs, and network management is difficult to manage00:52
_anmi "lose" customrt VMs all the time00:52
_anmi literally don;t know where they are00:53
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mtaylorjustinsb: good email, btw01:58
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_anmwhere is documentation needed the most?04:06
_anmmy attempt at keeping a current "install from source" page is rough04:07
_anmsource is moving sooo fast, and I don't know how to keep up with changes04:07
_anmhow do I clean out the redis db while hacking nova?  It is full of instance data that needs to be blown away04:34
_anmjust delete /var/lib/redis/dump.rdb?04:34
_anmalso, WHY am I up at 23:35 on a saturday working on this?04:35
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nikmartinredis-cli FLUSHALL cleans up the redis-server database04:38
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nikmartinis torndo still required in nova/trunk?05:09
comstudthe api is tornado still05:11
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nikmartini notice rabbitmq consumes an awful lot of cpu and ram07:03
edaynikmartin: there are still some optimizations to be done around queuing07:04
nikmartinyeah, th eqiki says rabbitmq may be temporary07:04
nikmartindang i'm tired07:04
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nikmartinso, which api is the "native" nova api, from which  would prefer to use in my attempt at a modest based UI for nova?13:00
nikmartinso far, Ive found the makings of a rackspace api, aws ec2 api, and bits and pieces of some others13:06
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edaynikmartin: ec2 api curretly is the way, we're actively working on the rackspace version (which will evolve into the "OpenStack API")16:13
nikmartineday: so, is where i should go?16:30
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edaynikmartin: you probably want to use the boto package for talking to nova, but yeah, some things are wrapped in adminclient too16:39
nikmartinok, i see references to boto, which is a python api for ec2 - got it16:40
nikmartinso, my ui will use boto to talk to nova-api?16:41
nikmartinId hate to spend much time wrapping up boto only to have the ec2 api ripped out of nave, maybe I'll wait for the native api that i can use directly16:44
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edaynikmartin: it probably won't be ripped out anytime soon (if ever), but the focus is certainly shifting to an API we have control over :)16:52
nikmartinThat's waht I mean i guess, I don't think nova will be ready for production before the openstack api is well documented, giving guys like me time to develop a UI and assist in documentation on the openstack wiki16:54
nikmartinso i may just keep helping with testing, and just wiring up some other parts of the UI/control system; the billing interface, and the UI itself with a support database16:55
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kim0hi, what's the minimum number of machines I can get openstack running on for playing and hacking (ideally only my laptop) ?21:53
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chmouelkim0: for swift there is the swift-aio 'all in one' guide on the wiki  which as the name suggest allow you to playd with only one VM with swift22:24
kim0chmouel: I'm more interested in nova I think :)22:25
kim0 doesn't mention if all nodes can be the same box22:26
kim0since runs all tests successfully .. does this mean all components have been started on a single box ?22:28
justinsbkim0: It's definitely possible to run everything on one box22:28
justinsbkim0: (For nova)22:28
kim0great to hear22:28
justinsbkim0: Indeed, I think some things might not work on one box22:28
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justinsbkim0: Sorry, might not work on more than one box :-)22:28
kim0I was confused :)22:29
justinsbkim0: The one issue you might have... what OS do you want to run it on?22:29
kim0so nova was never deployed to more than one box ?22:29
kim0ubuntu 10.1022:29
justinsbkim0: Ubuntu 10.10 should work great - I think that's what most of the developers run22:29
kim0justinsb: so I sould follow the getting-started doc on one box .. thanks22:30
justinsbkim0: Well I know NASA has it deployed on multiple boxes22:30
justinsbkim0: But one box is definitely simplest :-)22:30
kim0absolutely cool22:30
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