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openstackgerrit | wanghao proposed openstack/zaqar: Refactor zaqar/storage/utils.py to respect DRY https://review.openstack.org/320178 | 01:39 |
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openstackgerrit | Fei Long Wang proposed openstack/zaqar: Make the notifier max_workers configurable https://review.openstack.org/308443 | 02:37 |
flwang | wanghao: ping | 02:38 |
wanghao | flwang: pong | 02:40 |
flwang | wanghao: i have uploaded a new patchset to your mitaka patch | 02:40 |
wanghao | flwang: yeah, I see, to fix the decorator tests. | 02:43 |
flwang | yep | 02:43 |
flwang | after it merged, we may need to back port it to liberty, just maybe | 02:43 |
flwang | for stable liberty, we have another issue | 02:43 |
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wanghao | flwang: sure, I'll do that. | 02:44 |
flwang | wanghao: i'm trying to fix liberty by https://review.openstack.org/320190 | 02:52 |
flwang | will see if it works | 02:52 |
wanghao | okay | 02:54 |
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flwang | wanghao: or, i should do that in master first and the backport to old versions | 02:55 |
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wanghao | flwang: em, I think it's better, like this: install_command = pip install -c{env:UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE:https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/requirements/plain/upper-constraints.txt} {opts} {packages} | 03:01 |
flwang | wanghao: you mean this way is better than the patch we're doing? | 03:02 |
wanghao | flwang: no, I mean we should do it in master by using upper-constraints.txt too. | 03:03 |
flwang | wanghao: acutally, i'm thinking abandon https://review.openstack.org/#/c/320182/ and drat a new one with the pip constraints | 03:03 |
flwang | wanghao: how do you think? | 03:04 |
openstackgerrit | Fei Long Wang proposed openstack/zaqar: Always use pip constraints https://review.openstack.org/320192 | 03:04 |
wanghao | flwang: Emm, I feel they're different, with pip constraints, we can pass tests, but fix falcon confilct, it could be useful when user install mitaka or liberty zaqar. | 03:14 |
flwang | wanghao: based on my understand, when the distributor build the package | 03:15 |
flwang | they need to make sure the package works and refer the upper constraints | 03:16 |
openstackgerrit | OpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/zaqar: Updated from global requirements https://review.openstack.org/314383 | 03:17 |
openstackgerrit | wangxiyuan proposed openstack/zaqar: Support Tempest test as gate job https://review.openstack.org/302479 | 03:18 |
wanghao | flwang: if user install mitaka zaqar by using git clone and pip, they could install the newest version of falcon. So the upper constraints may don't work here. | 03:19 |
flwang | so personally, now, i prefer just use the constraints | 03:19 |
wanghao | flwang, for tests, I aggree, but it's not enough in my mind. | 03:20 |
flwang | wanghao: i don't think it's an official way, re pip install | 03:20 |
flwang | and now nova, glance are doing the same thing, using pip constraints for their stable release | 03:21 |
wanghao | flwang: it's right, so I also suggest to add pip constraints in tox.ini. | 03:22 |
wanghao | flwang: Consider your thinking, in stable release, we can only use pip constraints. No need use this: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/320182/. | 03:24 |
flwang | wanghao: i think so, but we may still need the cached fix | 03:25 |
flwang | but that's not a big deal | 03:25 |
flwang | wanghao: see nova https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/stable/liberty/tox.ini | 03:25 |
wanghao | flwang: cached fix is also since the oslo.cache's version, do we need it in stable/mitaka if we use constraints? | 03:27 |
wanghao | flwang: yeah, I see, cinder is same. | 03:27 |
flwang | wanghao: not sure, will see the jenkins result | 03:28 |
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wanghao | flwang: Okay, for master, maybe in O release, we can update flacon>=1.0.0 in global-requirements, so we could remove code that support old version. | 03:30 |
flwang | wanghao: yep, probably | 03:30 |
wanghao | flwang: Sure. Now let's see if constraints is working. | 03:32 |
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openstackgerrit | Fei Long Wang proposed openstack/zaqar: Always use pip constraints https://review.openstack.org/320192 | 03:40 |
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flwang1 | wanghao: wxy: ping | 07:38 |
wxy | flwang1: hello | 07:39 |
wanghao | flwang1: pong | 07:40 |
flwang1 | wxy: can you help take a look https://review.openstack.org/320193 ? | 07:40 |
flwang1 | i can't see what's wrong with it. almost all gates failed | 07:41 |
wanghao | flwang1: I found a format nit. | 07:43 |
wanghao | flwang1: one more blank before install_command | 07:43 |
flwang1 | wanghao: oh, shit | 07:43 |
flwang1 | wanghao: let me check | 07:43 |
flwang1 | wanghao: thanks | 07:44 |
flwang1 | i think i need some rest, very tired | 07:44 |
wanghao | flwang1: yeah, you can leave this work to us, take some rest. | 07:45 |
wanghao | flwang1: it's very late in your tz, right? | 07:45 |
flwang1 | wanghao: no, it's 19:46 | 07:46 |
flwang1 | wanghao: wxy: if you guys can help take a look at the redis failure in https://review.openstack.org/302479, it would be great | 07:48 |
wxy | flwang1: I'm looking it. | 07:48 |
flwang1 | wxy: i owe you guys a beer | 07:49 |
flwang1 | if we can meet at Barcelona, i will buy a beer for you guys | 07:49 |
wanghao | flwang1: haha, no problem | 07:50 |
flwang1 | as for the redis failure, i can't reproduce it locally | 07:53 |
flwang1 | maybe because locally i'm running a single process of zaqar-server | 07:53 |
flwang1 | and the gate has a uwsgi config, IIRC | 07:54 |
flwang1 | and which may cause some multi threads issue | 07:54 |
flwang1 | just FYI, if you guys are interested in this | 07:54 |
wxy | flwang1: Got it. I use uwsgi locally. I'll have a try later. | 07:57 |
flwang1 | wxy: really appreciate | 07:57 |
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wanghao | flwang1: We should backport py34 fix to mitaka too, right? | 08:11 |
flwang1 | wanghao: i'm hesitate to do that unless we figure out it can cause some very bad problem | 08:12 |
wanghao | flwang1: since copy.copy(conf) is also in M. | 08:12 |
flwang1 | wanghao: does it in liberty? | 08:12 |
wanghao | flwang1: checking it | 08:13 |
wanghao | flwang1: yes, it is. | 08:14 |
flwang1 | wanghao: oh, shit | 08:14 |
wanghao | flwang1: I found py34 issue too when I commit patch in M. | 08:14 |
flwang1 | wanghao: i just send a pm to you | 08:15 |
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wanghao | flwang1: pip constraints in Mitaka has passed, will +2 for it. | 08:25 |
wanghao | flwang1: seems just can +1, LGTM. | 08:26 |
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flwang1 | wanghao: cool, so i think we don't really need the falcon patch backport | 08:27 |
wanghao | flwang1: emm, right | 08:29 |
wanghao | flwang1: cache decorator patch is aslo unnecesscary too. | 08:29 |
flwang1 | wanghao: that's cool, right? | 08:31 |
flwang1 | ;) | 08:32 |
wanghao | flwang1: yes, have abandoned the patch, good fix! | 08:38 |
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Kevin_Zheng | for https://review.openstack.org/302479 it looks like the first one passed and the rest failed | 09:11 |
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openstackgerrit | wangxiyuan proposed openstack/zaqar: Support Tempest test as gate job https://review.openstack.org/302479 | 12:29 |
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flwang1 | flaper87: ping | 19:29 |
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flwang | Eva-i: ping | 22:30 |
Eva-i | flwang: pong | 22:31 |
flwang | Eva-i: any progress for the lazy queue of subscription | 22:31 |
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Eva-i | flwang: no progress, but I can try to make a patch tonight. Will it be okay? | 22:32 |
flwang | Eva-i: that would be great | 22:33 |
Eva-i | flwang: oki | 22:34 |
flwang | Eva-i: thanks :) | 22:34 |
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