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flwang | Eva-i: you deserve it :) | 00:11 |
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boris-42 | flwang: vkmc ping | 00:23 |
vkmc | boris-42, pong | 00:23 |
flwang | boris-42: hey man | 00:23 |
boris-42 | vkmc: flwang how things are going?? | 00:23 |
vkmc | boris-42, good and you? :) | 00:25 |
boris-42 | vkmc: good good | 00:25 |
boris-42 | vkmc: flwang so I have something that may be interesting for you | 00:25 |
boris-42 | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/103825/ | 00:26 |
vkmc | boris-42, shoot | 00:26 |
flwang | boris-42: are you going to contribute zaqar? | 00:26 |
vkmc | w00t | 00:26 |
boris-42 | flwang: maybe osprofiler stuff | 00:26 |
flwang | boris-42: wow, a very old spec | 00:26 |
boris-42 | flwang: ya it is =) | 00:26 |
boris-42 | flwang: it was First Cross-project initiative ever | 00:26 |
boris-42 | flwang: =) | 00:27 |
flwang | cross-project in openstack is hard, unfortunately :( | 00:27 |
flwang | boris-42: so anything we can help? | 00:30 |
flwang1 | mdnadeem: ping | 00:37 |
mdnadeem | flwang1: pong | 00:38 |
flwang1 | didn't see you yesterday, so just say hi :) | 00:38 |
flwang1 | what are you working on? | 00:38 |
mdnadeem | flwang1: yesterday, i was on holiday :) | 00:39 |
flwang1 | that makes much sense | 00:39 |
mdnadeem | flwang1:not decided yet, may be on pool group deprecation spec, i will start working | 00:41 |
flwang1 | mdnadeem: i reviewed most of your client patches and left some comments | 00:42 |
mdnadeem | flwang1: any suggestion from your side | 00:42 |
mdnadeem | flwang1: yah, i have just seen it, i will upload a patch soon | 00:42 |
flwang1 | https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/mitaka-zaqar-assignment | 00:43 |
flwang1 | that's basically our focus for this release | 00:43 |
flwang1 | personally, i want to get a stable or i would say usable zaqar client | 00:43 |
flwang1 | i mean after install zaqar with devstack, i can play with message and queue | 00:44 |
mdnadeem | flwang1: yah surely, we will do it :) | 00:45 |
flwang1 | and if can scroll back, vkmc and i discussed a feature to support reserved attributes for zaqar | 00:46 |
mdnadeem | flwang1: *reading | 00:46 |
mdnadeem | flwang1: yah its a cool idea for queue reserve attribute | 00:50 |
boris-42 | flwang: so please review that spec | 00:54 |
boris-42 | flwang: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/103825/ | 00:54 |
boris-42 | flwang: and +1 it | 00:54 |
boris-42 | flwang: that will help a lot | 00:54 |
flwang1 | boris-42: ok, it's on my list now | 00:55 |
boris-42 | flwang1: thank you | 00:57 |
flwang | boris-42: no problem | 00:58 |
mdnadeem | flwang1: around? | 01:26 |
flwang | mdnadeem: yep | 01:26 |
mdnadeem | Need to discuss regarding your comment on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/247337/2/zaqarclient/queues/v1/cli.py | 01:27 |
mdnadeem | flwang: Agree to your point, however there is two way to do it | 01:28 |
mdnadeem | zaqar Server return HTTP/1.1 204 No Content for pool update command | 01:29 |
mdnadeem | 1. So on client side, we can call pool show command inside the pool update and show updated result to end user | 01:30 |
mdnadeem | 2. server side, we can change update command response to return updated pool info | 01:31 |
flwang | 1 | 01:31 |
flwang | i'm using #1 for flavor | 01:31 |
flwang | 2 is not reasonable for me | 01:31 |
openstackgerrit | Fei Long Wang proposed openstack/python-zaqarclient: Add support for flavor_update https://review.openstack.org/248970 | 01:32 |
mdnadeem | flwang: i guess in 1 execution time will increase as we execute 2 command update and show together | 01:33 |
flwang | mdnadeem: it's cli, so the execution time is ok | 01:37 |
mdnadeem | flwang: a user face same issue as u comment me when he execute directly using some web client or curl command | 01:38 |
flwang | what issue? | 01:39 |
flwang | i don't understand, sorry | 01:39 |
flwang | execution time/ | 01:40 |
flwang | ? | 01:40 |
mdnadeem | flwang: when user directly run update command (curl or some web client), zaqar server return HTTP/1.1 204 No Content | 01:40 |
flwang | mdnadeem: yep, i see | 01:40 |
mdnadeem | then user again execute show command to see result, as u mention in comment | 01:41 |
mdnadeem | flwang: can i ask why #2 is not reasonable | 01:41 |
mdnadeem | if we go with 2, it will be good for both server side and in client side also no need to run show command , client just return server response | 01:43 |
flwang | mdnadeem: i agree | 01:47 |
flwang | mdnadeem: but | 01:47 |
flwang | i'm not sure if it's the good time to change the api | 01:47 |
flwang | mdnadeem: in other words, i think it's a good improvement, but it's not our high priority for now | 01:48 |
flwang | unless we have a strong use case for that | 01:48 |
mdnadeem | flwang: oh | 01:49 |
flwang | mdnadeem: could you pls register a blueprint to track it? | 01:49 |
flwang | so that a new comer can pick it since i think it's a low-hanging-fruit | 01:49 |
mdnadeem | flwang: sure, to change server response ? | 01:50 |
flwang | for update action, return the updated result | 01:50 |
flwang | just like the other service did | 01:50 |
mdnadeem | ok, sure :) | 01:50 |
flwang | mdnadeem: thank you | 01:51 |
flwang | mdnadeem: i'm going to work on the queue create bug | 01:51 |
mdnadeem | flwang: just need to confirm, for now we just return the server response in client side ? | 01:51 |
flwang | after then, i will work on the subscription for zaqar client | 01:52 |
flwang | mdnadeem: for now, we need to call get() to get the info after updated | 01:52 |
mdnadeem | flwang: ohk, thanks | 01:53 |
mdnadeem | flwang: I will upload a patch soon for pool update :) | 01:53 |
flwang | mdnadeem: awesome | 01:53 |
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openstackgerrit | Fei Long Wang proposed openstack/python-zaqarclient: Make sure queue create works https://review.openstack.org/248982 | 03:03 |
openstackgerrit | Fei Long Wang proposed openstack/python-zaqarclient: Add support for flavor_update https://review.openstack.org/248970 | 03:10 |
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mdnadeem | flwang: around ? i face a problem | 03:26 |
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flwang | mdnadeem: yes? | 03:27 |
mdnadeem | flwang: i have fetch my pool update code from git, now while testing openstack client not detect pool update command | 03:29 |
mdnadeem | openstack pool --help show only pool create | 03:29 |
mdnadeem | i have tried by uninstalling openstack client and re installing , still it not detect pool update | 03:31 |
flwang | in your code base, run 'sudo pip install -e .' | 03:31 |
mdnadeem | ohk | 03:31 |
mdnadeem | flwang: Thanx, it work :) | 03:32 |
flwang | mdnadeem: cool | 03:32 |
flwang | because you need to install the code so that openstack client can detect it | 03:33 |
mdnadeem | flwang: ohhh got it. Thank you :) | 03:35 |
flwang | np | 03:36 |
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openstackgerrit | MD NADEEM proposed openstack/python-zaqarclient: Added pool show support to v1 https://review.openstack.org/247275 | 05:10 |
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openstackgerrit | MD NADEEM proposed openstack/python-zaqarclient: Added pool update support for v1 https://review.openstack.org/247337 | 06:27 |
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lei-zh1 | hello, Can anyone tell me if python zaqarclient supports pub/sub api | 07:32 |
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Qiming | flwang, still there? | 09:19 |
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openstackgerrit | Eva Balycheva proposed openstack/zaqar-specs: Support for binary data in the websocket transport https://review.openstack.org/249257 | 14:59 |
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openstackgerrit | Fei Long Wang proposed openstack/python-zaqarclient: Add support for subscription https://review.openstack.org/249395 | 19:52 |
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openstackgerrit | Fei Long Wang proposed openstack/python-zaqarclient: Code tidy up https://review.openstack.org/245415 | 20:06 |
flwang | vkmc: ryansb: flaper87: pls help review the zaqar client patches, thanks :) | 20:26 |
flwang | therve: ^ | 20:26 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/python-zaqarclient: Remove periods of docstring https://review.openstack.org/244421 | 20:33 |
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openstackgerrit | OpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/python-zaqarclient: Updated from global requirements https://review.openstack.org/247649 | 23:31 |
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