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akanksha | Hello, I need help installing Zaqar on my ubuntu 14.04 VM | 17:41 |
akanksha | Is anyone around who can guide me? | 17:41 |
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kragniz | akanksha: what's up? | 18:17 |
kragniz | akanksha: I'm around for a little while | 18:17 |
akanksha | So I was trying to install zaqar and i ran the command 'sudo tox -e genconfig' | 18:18 |
akanksha | It gives me an error | 18:18 |
kragniz | what's the error? | 18:19 |
kragniz | someone else was asking about this, so maybe it's broken somewhere | 18:20 |
akanksha | Error on running sudo tox -e genconfig https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/WHAY4jFw | 18:20 |
kragniz | (https://github.com/openstack/zaqar/commit/40a40762dc0814390bb4a2fd6fa58b8ece8233ef#diff-88b99bb28683bd5b7e3a204826ead112R25) | 18:20 |
akanksha | I saw the link you sent. I know I cant progress until the conf files are generated | 18:21 |
akanksha | For me the tox command itself isnt running hence I cannot generate those two file | 18:22 |
kragniz | yeah, that's what that other person was seeing. They never said what the error they were seeing was, though | 18:26 |
kragniz | akanksha: are you behind a proxy? | 18:26 |
akanksha | Yeah I am behind my college proxy | 18:27 |
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kragniz | aha, have you set the https_proxy enviroment variable? | 18:28 |
akanksha | Oh okay lemme do that | 18:29 |
akanksha | I set system wide proxy only | 18:29 |
kragniz | cool | 18:29 |
kragniz | it looks like pip isn't detecting or connecting to the proxy | 18:30 |
akanksha | Okay I set the proxy env variable and ran the command again. Lemme get back to you with the results as soon as the command finishes running | 18:31 |
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akanksha | https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/LGyk4x0L/kragniz+%2C+I+still+get+this+error | 18:41 |
akanksha | I changed my proxy environment variables as well | 18:41 |
kragniz | hmm | 18:44 |
kragniz | what's the output of $ curl -I https://pypi.python.org/simple/ | 18:45 |
akanksha | Its a list of a lot of <a href="somethings"> | 18:53 |
akanksha | My vm hung because of some stupid thing.I'll try sending the file over in a minute | 18:53 |
akanksha | Okay the ircclient is not allowing me to send the file over. | 18:55 |
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akanksha | https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/H902FWYu/Partial+output+of+the+curl+command | 19:00 |
akanksha | https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/Hb1nU0K9/The+error+message+to+tox+command+changed+-+I+did+sudo+-E+tox+-e+genconfig+this+time+which+imports+environment+variables+in+all+commands | 19:03 |
akanksha | I think its a proxy problem onlu | 19:06 |
akanksha | *only | 19:06 |
akanksha | https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/1805 | 19:06 |
akanksha | I am gonna try and find a workaround. | 19:06 |
akanksha | In case you know of one please let me knw | 19:06 |
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