Monday, 2014-12-22

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exploreshaifaliflaper87, around ?10:49
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flwangvkmc: morning11:25
vkmcflwang, how are you Fei?11:25
* vkmc checking what is the status with keystone auth 11:26
flwanggood, even though all my zaqar patches failed :)11:26
vkmcI'm not sure why this one is failing
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exploreshaifalivkmc, hiiiiiiii11:58
vkmchey yaaaaaa :)11:59
vkmchow are you exploreshaifali?11:59
exploreshaifalivkmc, I am good :D11:59
exploreshaifalifacing two problems11:59
exploreshaifalifirst one is11:59
exploreshaifalitrying to install zaqar in new VM11:59
* vkmc puts her big glasses11:59
exploreshaifalicloning repo form master branch12:00
exploreshaifalilol... your big glasses should solve the proble,12:00
vkmcI hope :P12:00
vkmcok, good12:01
exploreshaifalistated that we need to copy a file zaqar/etc/zaqar.conf.sample  to~/.zaqar/zaqar.conf12:01
exploreshaifalibut at present zaqar master does not have that file12:01
vkmcmakes sense12:01
exploreshaifalino zaqar.conf.sample12:01
vkmcas you recently found out, we removed that file a couple of weeks ago12:02
vkmcand we replaced it for an automatic generator12:02
vkmcbecause it was error prone to keep it up to date12:02
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exploreshaifaliso what I do now ?12:02
vkmcso, what you have to do, is run the generator and generate the config file12:03
vkmcthis is an example on how to do so
vkmcof course, using zaqar's namespace12:03
vkmcoslo.config is in our requirements
vkmcso you should have that tool in your system12:04
exploreshaifalido I need to have openstack before installing zaqar?12:05
vkmcyou mean other projects? nope12:05
exploreshaifaliif I will try to install Zaqar without configuring devstack12:05
exploreshaifaliwill it work ?12:05
vkmcthe only project we depend on is Keystone, but you can identify as anonymous12:05
vkmcof course12:05
vkmcin fact, it will be easier12:06
exploreshaifaliokay :)12:06
exploreshaifaliNow second problem12:06
exploreshaifalirecent changes in Zaqar want emun lib12:06
exploreshaifalithough I  have installed it in VM using both12:07
exploreshaifalipip install enum34 and also using zip file12:07
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exploreshaifaliyet if I run *tox -e py27*12:07
exploreshaifaliI get import error for enum12:07
exploreshaifaliany thoughts why so?12:07
vkmcexploreshaifali, try adding it to the file12:08
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vkmcit shouldn't fail though... hmm12:08
vkmcsorry, test_requirements.txt12:08
exploreshaifaliI have tried to install it in Python shell and there it is working fine12:09
exploreshaifaliokay let me try to add in above file12:09
vkmcok ok, it might be some error in our tests :)12:09
exploreshaifaliNext question12:09
exploreshaifalithat maven work not working yet12:09
exploreshaifaliI didn't got pdf file12:09
vkmceven with removing the broken link?12:10
exploreshaifaliCompiling with maven using command *mvn  compile*12:10
exploreshaifaliand other used *mv compile:compile*12:10
exploreshaifalivkmc, yes even after removing broken link12:10
vkmcohoh, and with 'mvn clean generate-sources'?12:11
exploreshaifaliresult I am getting is *Build success No source to compile*12:11
exploreshaifalivkmc, above is result of compile command12:11
vkmctest that and let me know what happens12:11
exploreshaifali'mvn clean generate-sources' gives success12:12
vkmcoh, so that works :)12:12
vkmcit should be a new directory12:12
exploreshaifaliclean generate-source works12:12
vkmcgood, that is the command you have to use in this case12:12
exploreshaifaliok if it works that I could submmit my patch with changes12:13
exploreshaifalieven if pdf didn't generate12:13
vkmcthe pdf should be inside the new folder I mentioned12:13
vkmcI don't remember exactly the name of the output12:13
exploreshaifaliokay I will try to figure it out12:14
exploreshaifalibut how is it changing the docs ?12:14
exploreshaifaliwhich was the main purpose12:14
vkmcthe main purpose is keeping the manuals updated12:14
vkmcthen... when the users get the source code12:14
vkmcthey get the manuals up to date :)12:14
exploreshaifaliokay :)12:14
exploreshaifaliI will submit patch soon and let see :D12:15
exploreshaifalibut how canI update docs ?12:15
vkmcin open source with so many contributors its quite common to have misleading manuals and that makes the setup a lot more troublesome12:15
vkmcyou already did, changing that xml and committing it12:15
exploreshaifaliya docs is manual only :P12:16
exploreshaifalivkmc, one more problem if you have got it ever12:17
vkmcthe formal name is 'manual'12:17
vkmcbut... yeah, docs12:17
vkmcexploreshaifali, sure12:17
exploreshaifaliok :)12:17
exploreshaifaliin VM my internet is not working12:17
vkmcyou have the interface up?12:17
exploreshaifaligoogle gave I should give all permissions to dev/vmnet0 file12:18
exploreshaifalibut there is not such file in dev12:18
vkmcit depends on your distro12:18
exploreshaifaliI am using VMware12:18
vkmcare you setting up an Ubuntu VM?12:18
exploreshaifalithis is happening with only one file12:18
exploreshaifaliyes Ubuntu12:18
exploreshaifalilet me give exact error12:18
vkmc'ifconfig -a' should list all the network interfaces12:19
vkmcand if they are up12:19
exploreshaifalivkmc, Thanks :)12:20
exploreshaifalivkmc, you are amazing :D12:21
vkmclet me know how it goes12:21
vkmchaha nah, you are!12:22
exploreshaifalifor next OPW round you can try to be a mentor12:22
vkmckeep working this hard :)12:22
vkmcI will try next round, yes yes12:22
vkmcit has been a while since I wanted to be a mentor... but I was waiting to get a full-time job12:22
exploreshaifalicoool :)12:23
exploreshaifaliso now can definitely work as metnor12:23
flaper87gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood morning to the best channel, team, group, devs, people in the 1@$@#$%!@% WORLD!12:30
exploreshaifalioh flaper87 is back \012:30
* flaper87 was heads down earlier today and muted his brain12:30
exploreshaifalihaha why so flaper8712:31
flaper87trying to finish a work I'm doing in nova12:31
vkmcbuenos diaaaaaas flaper8712:31
flaper87I really want to get that done asap12:31
flaper87vkmc: holaaaaaaaaaaa caracola12:31
vkmccomo dice que le va?12:32
vkmcoh that nova thing12:32
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flaper87vkmc: yeah, but I'm almost done12:34
* flaper87 thinks12:34
vkmcthat's awesomeee12:34
vkmcflaper87, did you get some more news from keystone folks?12:36
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flaper87patch landed, a new version was supposed to be released on Sunday12:38
flaper87it looks like it didn't12:38
flaper87probably because we had to recheck the patch a couple of times12:38
flaper87I'll ping morgan as soon as he wakes up12:38
vkmckewl, thx12:39
vkmcflaper87, when you have a moment... how did you set up your znc bouncer?13:17
flaper87vkmc: I can give you access to mine13:17
vkmcflaper87, :o13:18
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cpallaresvkmc: o/18:56
cpallaresvkmc: \o18:57
cpallaresvkmc: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)18:57
mpanetta /o18:58
vkmcooooooooh look who is around :)18:59
vkmccpallares, o/18:59
vkmcmpanetta, o/18:59
mpanettaHiya :)18:59
cpallaresmpanetta: hi19:00
cpallaresvkmc: hi19:00
vkmcᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ19:00
cpallaresmpanetta, vkmc: how are ya'll doing?19:00
cpallaresvkmc: that's my fav!19:00
* mpanetta is ok19:00
cpallaresᐛ <-- fav face19:01
vkmchaha excited emoji ftw19:01
vkmcgood good and you?19:01
cpallaresmpanetta: still have some viral disease?19:01
mpanettaIt is probably gone, but still feeling warn out19:02
cpallaresvkmc: I'm doing good.19:02
* cpallares has the house to herself19:02
cpallaresah no wait19:02
cpallaresᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ19:02
cpallaresmpanetta: you should play plague inc19:03
mpanettaLooks interesting19:04
cpallaresmpanetta: you have to make a virus and infect the world19:04
cpallaresmpanetta: and then kill the world19:05
cpallaresmpanetta: all of it19:05
cpallaresmpanetta: no survivors19:05
mpanettaKinda scary :P19:05
cpallaresmpanetta: haha yeah it is. It makes it easy to see how different types of bacterias/virus/etc can transfer from country to country19:06
vkmcI remember creating the zaqar virus19:06
vkmcduring the summit19:06
vkmcon cpallares phone19:06
vkmcit was exciting19:06
mpanettavkmc: Was there a death queue? :P19:08
vkmcmpanetta, yes, with a deadly high throughput19:09
vkmcmpanetta, the population was reduced to zombies in less than 7 days19:10
mpanettaHaha, zombies posting to queues19:10
vkmctheir ttls were 019:10
vkmcit was horribly19:10
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exploreshaifalivkmc, import error for enum library is still there19:48
* vkmc run away 19:48
vkmcok, paste me the output19:48
exploreshaifaliemun34 was already there in requirements.txt19:50
exploreshaifaliand I have also added it in test_requirements.txt under unit test section19:51
exploreshaifalialso I run *pip install -r test_requirements.txt* after adding enum34 in test_requirements.txt19:53
vkmcok, let me reproduce19:53
exploreshaifaliI think I should drop this VM and start from scratch with new instance19:55
vkmcif I hit that, then its not you19:55
vkmcits the code base19:55
vkmcso give me a few minutes19:55
vkmcthe tox env is setting up :)19:55
exploreshaifalivkmc, cool :)19:55
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vkmcomg, I ran out of space to run the tests in my vm20:03
exploreshaifalithat happened with me also once20:04
vkmchow many gigs this storage black hole needs >.>20:05
exploreshaifalivkmc, what is zaqar's namespaace ?20:08
vkmcexploreshaifali, it means that you have to use the files in zaqar repo20:09
exploreshaifalivkmc, to generate zaqar.conf I shoot command *oslo-config-generator --namespace zaqar > zaqar.conf*20:10
exploreshaifalibut got an empty file with only  "DEFAULT" written in it20:11
exploreshaifalihere I think --namespace zaqar could have issues20:11
exploreshaifalithat namespace is might be wrong correct20:12
vkmcbut its the file20:13
vkmcin osloconfig20:13
exploreshaifalivkmc, you mean the namespace I used is correct?20:14
vkmcexploreshaifali, this is what you need
exploreshaifaliok. So I am suppose to run above command with all these namespaces one by one?20:19
vkmcnope, just that file20:19
exploreshaifaliok :)20:20
exploreshaifalithanks vkmc20:20
vkmcoslo-config-generator --config-file oslo-config-generator/zaqar.conf20:21
vkmclike that ^20:21
exploreshaifaliok :)20:21
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vkmcflwang1, so... the keystone patch landed, but we have problems with prettytable now21:32
flwang1vkmc: I would say WTF :)21:44
flwang1anyway, xmas is coming, yeah!21:45
vkmchaha yeaaaah21:49
vkmclet's eat candy! forget about gates!21:49
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vkmcbtw, it looks like we all forgot there was a meeting today21:49
vkmcflaper87, ^21:49
flwang1vkmc: ah, sorry for that21:56
vkmcnot at all, I forgot as well21:57
vkmcso... no reason to be sorry about21:57
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flaper87flwang1: vkmc sorry about the meeting22:27
flaper87FWIW, I didn't forget, something unexpected came up22:27
flaper87and I had to leave22:27
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vkmcno problem flaper8723:44
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