Monday, 2014-10-27

vkmcwpf, around? :)00:35
wpfvkmc:   yes00:51
vkmcwpf, hey! if you have a moment later and you can take a look to, I'd really appreciate that00:52
wpfvkmc:  sure00:53
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wpfvkmc:   hey,  sorry for that I still have the questions that , currently, with you PS, the  user can post "{'ttl': 30, 'body': 'Post one!'}"  , right?00:56
vkmcwpf, yeah :)00:56
wpfbut with API, he can't I thought00:56
wpfso I think it's inconsistent00:56
vkmcit depends on the version00:56
vkmcfor v1, he can00:57
vkmcfor v1.1, he has to wrap it with a 'messages' key00:57
vkmcbut as we discussed with flaper87 on Friday, we abstract the client from that00:57
wpfI remember that for v1,  he had to provide the [{xxxx}]  which is a list00:57
wpfmaybe I should check it again00:57
vkmcoh no, you are right00:58
vkmcbefore my changes though, we took the convention that if a dictionary is received, then its wrapped in a list and then posted00:59
vkmcotherwise its directly posted00:59
wpfyes, but for the testcases, the provided body is still the [] list , so I am not sure whether you should change it or not which as I said it will cause the inconsistent between client and api01:01
wpfI will prefer that we only change the implementation but not the interface ,01:02
vkmchm yeah, I agree about that01:03
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wpfso before you or something convince me , I will insist that it should be same with the API call which only accept [] ,  -:)01:13
vkmc:) cool01:14
wpftypo :  something  -- > someone01:15
vkmcI have to try it with v1.1 in the API01:15
vkmcbut IIRC it doesn't expect a list01:15
vkmcwhich complicates things a little more :p01:15
wpfyes , for 1.1 it expects something like {messages: []}01:51
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wpf anyone had the QR code of the zaqar wechat group?    is it public ?  -:)03:58
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jeffrey4lI never heard that. What the id for the zaqar group?05:41
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wpfjeffrey4l:  the name is zaqar,  but I did not find a way to search the group in the app,  -:)06:24
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jeffrey4lwpf, i tried just now. u r right. The wechat don't support search the group.06:26
exploreshaifalijeffrey4l: hello, if you have time please can we discuss a bit regarding bug
jeffrey4lexploreshaifali, yep.06:38
jeffrey4lwhat's it?06:38
exploreshaifalijeffrey4l: Thanks! so that bug states to remove function call at
jeffrey4lMy comment has been killed by flaper8706:39
exploreshaifaliand without that call we want config object06:39
exploreshaifaliso how should I approach for it?06:40
exploreshaifaliI mean why it is needed to remove that call?06:41
jeffrey4lIMHO, here is the story. Before implement the flavor function, the config modified in the running time is required. So this is why the dynamic_conf method exists.06:41
jeffrey4lIMHO, here is the story. To implement the flavor function, the config modified in the running time is required. So this is why the dynamic_conf method exists.06:41
jeffrey4lexploreshaifali, i think it is ugly and confused. And we must create another config object(this is not a good idea) to pass into the drivers.06:43
exploreshaifalijeffrey4l: okay so we want a new config instance rather than modified, this is the reason of not using dynamic_conf06:46
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jeffrey4lexploreshaifali, I don't think so. I'd like to use the same config instance all the same.06:49
exploreshaifaliwe don't want that fuction call because "we want another config object to pass into drivers"?06:51
exploreshaifalijeffrey4l: ^06:51
jeffrey4lcheck this
jeffrey4lWhen using flavor function, we should create different driver object(mongodriver, redistdriver) in the running time.06:54
jeffrey4lBut the driver is using a static conf, conf.MONGO_GROUP06:55
jeffrey4lSo we should modify the conf val in the running time.06:55
jeffrey4lJust modify the value is not enough. Because it will affect other driver's config. So we need copy a new config instance and modify the driver config part.06:58
jeffrey4lexploreshaifali, This is the reason why the `dynamic_conf` exist. clearly?06:58
exploreshaifalijeffrey4l: yes06:59
jeffrey4lcheck the dynamic_conf
jeffrey4lu can find the code to 1) copy a new config instance, 2) modify the drivers part based on the flavor07:00
jeffrey4lBut I have no any good idea about how to fix this gracefully.07:01
jeffrey4lI think the right direction is use the same one config instance all the same. But I still have no idea how should it work.07:02
jeffrey4lMaybe we can refer to cinder multi backend .07:03
jeffrey4lIt use different group for different volume driver.07:04
jeffrey4lBut this is a little different with zaqar.07:04
jeffrey4lcinder's config is initialed in the config file before start. But zaqar's config is changed ( when using flavor) at the running time.07:05
jeffrey4lexploreshaifali, ^07:05
exploreshaifalijeffrey4l: yes, am looking at cinder multi backend07:06
exploreshaifalijeffrey4l: here what storage_type holds?07:12
exploreshaifalibasically uri states details of database, right?07:12
jeffrey4lthe uri is like "mongo://localhost/"07:13
jeffrey4lexploreshaifali, ^07:13
exploreshaifalijeffrey4l: ok and storage_type?07:13
jeffrey4lstorage_type will be "mongo" in the above case.07:13
exploreshaifalijeffrey4l: and how we are grabing/defining/initializing drivers for mongo from
jeffrey4lexploreshaifali, excuse me? what's mean by that ?07:18
exploreshaifalimaking utils.dict_to_conf({'storage': storage_type}) will give list of mongo configs, right?07:18
exploreshaifalibut at line 58 we only need drivers opts07:20
exploreshaifalijeffrey4l: I am asking that, at L58 we only want drivers details, right?07:20
exploreshaifaliso at line 60 we are asking to get drivers details07:21
exploreshaifaliby calling utils.dict_to_conf07:22
jeffrey4lL58-61 is initial drivers opt in storage group. See the
exploreshaifaliutils.dict_to_conf will return list of config options?07:23
jeffrey4lU can set some break point there, and check what's in it in detail.07:24
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exploreshaifalijeffrey4l: so in that bug we don't want dynamic_conf and want another new conf instance?07:28
jeffrey4lbase on the bug's description, it want to remove dynamic_conf stuff.07:29
jeffrey4ldon't create new conf instance is my point.07:30
exploreshaifalijust modify same instance?07:30
exploreshaifaliis needed07:31
jeffrey4lmaybe, we can create different groups for different flavor.07:31
jeffrey4ljust like the cinder multi backend07:31
exploreshaifaliright make sense07:32
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vkmcflaper87, hello there :)11:46
vkmcmorning all!11:47
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed a change to openstack/python-zaqarclient: Updated from global requirements
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed a change to openstack/zaqar: Updated from global requirements
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* vkmc lurks13:25
flaper87gooooooooooooooooooooooood morning13:27
flaper87vkmc: sorry, I was busy in a very important meeting:
flaper87vkmc: how are you doing?13:28
flaper87how was your weekend?13:28
flaper87btw, when are you heading to Paris?13:28
vkmcflaper87, I saw thaaaaaat, looks so fun13:28
vkmcmy weekend was good! could recover from scipycon, ready for the summit13:29
vkmcI'm arriving on Friday13:29
vkmcand you? how was your weekend?13:30
flaper87Weekend was great, I mean, I had to do winder cleanup but well...13:32
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vkmcflaper87, when you have a moment... two things13:59
vkmclemme know about the Symantec use case for persistent connection transport13:59
vkmcand take a look to
vkmcI want to get the benchmarks merged before the summit14:00
flaper87vkmc: mhhh, I've an email about that. I remember it was specific to implementing a lower-level API that would mach use cases similar to Kafka's14:01
flaper87please, lets try not to mention Kafka, I don't want to create confusion14:01
flaper87but basically, it was meant to remove the burden of HTTP (yet to be proved to be a burden) and have a connection always on14:02
vkmcwon't say the k word14:04
vkmckgriffs :p14:04
flaper87vkmc: couple of nits14:05
flaper87vkmc: lemme know what you think\14:06
flaper87vkmc: on the review14:06
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vkmcflaper87, another question related to that fix... yesterday we chatted with wpf that the API expects a list and its a bit inconsistent to receive a dict or a list in this case14:17
vkmcthat doesn't apply for v1.114:17
flaper87FWIW, it does not expect a list14:18
flaper87I mean, the *client*14:18
vkmcyeah the client14:18
flaper87you can call,, message, message)14:18
vkmcbut the API does14:18
vkmcAPI v114:18
flaper87right, the idea is to make the client API easier to consume than our API14:18
flaper87the service API needs to follow some standards to be consistent14:19
flaper87(hence the change from list to a {messages:...} object)14:19
vkmcwe chatted about this last week, but since wpf comment seemed fair I wanted to bring it up :)14:19
flaper87sure thing, please, always do :)14:20
vkmcthanks Fla :)14:20
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openstackgerritVictoria Martínez de la Cruz proposed a change to openstack/python-zaqarclient: Adds encapsulation control to the client
openstackgerritVictoria Martínez de la Cruz proposed a change to openstack/python-zaqarclient: Adds encapsulation control to the client
vkmcflaper87, ^ :)14:28
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flaper87holy crap, it's 16:00 already14:46
vkmcyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah I'm on it14:47
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vkmcflaper87, are we having the meeting today?15:03
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flaper87vkmc: yup15:18
flaper87it's in like 45min, right?15:18
vkmclast week was at 15UTC but we moved it to the other slot15:21
vkmctoday should be at 20UTC15:22
vkmcsorry, 21UTC15:22
flaper87vkmc: oh, ok. Sounds good!15:35
vkmcflaper87, I'll update that in the wiki15:38
flaper87vkmc: thanks :)15:39
flaper87vkmc: lets ask kurt if he has pressing topics to discuss15:39
flaper87I don't have anything prior to the summit15:39
flaper87we'll definitely have way more things to talk after the summit15:39
flaper87kgriffs: goooooooooooooooooooood morning15:39
kgriffsyeah, I don't have anything I was planning to bring up in particular15:40
kgriffsflaper87: whasuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup15:40
flaper87vkmc: btw, I ended up installing wechat15:40
flaper87cpallares: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^615:40
vkmcflaper87, me too15:41
vkmcwpf was asking about the wechat group15:41
vkmcbut idk how to create the group15:42
vkmcit exceeds my social capabilities :p15:42
cpallaresflaper87: Weechat?15:43
cpallaresflaper87: What?15:43
kgriffsvkmc: I invited you15:44
kgriffscpallares: friend me on wechat - my username is kgriffs15:44
vkmckgriffs, I haven't received it15:44
kgriffsvkmc: I just barely added you15:44
kgriffslet me send a message to the group, maybe that will do something15:44
kgriffsyou made it!15:45
flaper87cpallares: just 1 e (android app)15:47
cpallaresThere so many apps these days...15:48
vkmccpallares, I blame software developers15:50
vkmchate those guys15:50
cpallaresnobody likes those guys15:50
kgriffsfor the record, wechat is way better than whatsapp15:50
vkmcno no, they are the worst15:50
kgriffsmostly because wechat has dancing rabbits15:51
kgriffscpallares: invited you to the group15:51
vkmcno dancing rabbits no deal15:52
* flaper87 wants dancing penguins (a.k.a Happy Feed)15:52
* cpallares sends kgriffs another sassy bunny15:52
* cpallares downloads crazy BANANANA15:53
vkmcflaper87, your bunny is on drugs15:53
flaper87vkmc: someone has to do the hard work :P15:54
flaper87kgriffs: ^^^^^^^15:54
* vkmc run away before flaper87 pings her15:54
flaper87vkmc: >.>15:56
flaper87you stay right there15:57
kgriffsI'm pretty sure stickers would make IRC waaaaay more productive15:58
cpallaresI agree.16:00
cpallaresI like the super saiyan egg.16:01
cpallaresHow do you add an avatar? Mine doesn't have one :C16:04
cpallareskgriffs, vkmc: ^^^16:04
kgriffson the bottom there is a nav bar16:06
kgriffstouch "me"16:06
kgriffsthen touch on your name at the top16:07
cpallareskgriffs: Ah right, kept trying the image and it would just appear bigger.16:27
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exploreshaifalihi vkmc around?17:10
vkmchi exploreshaifali!17:14
exploreshaifalivkmc, please can you elaborate a bit what is need to be done for bug
exploreshaifalivkmc, there is just a single statement in the bug description "require doc string going foward"17:20
exploreshaifalinot mentioned for which file/what is needed17:20
vkmcexploreshaifali, that used to be a blueprint17:22
vkmcI remember that some docstrings needed to be improved17:23
vkmcits not a file in particular17:23
vkmcah well, there are some docstrings missing as well...17:23
exploreshaifalivkmc, all right so should I need to look at all doc strings/functions/methods and find if any missing element is there in doc string17:24
exploreshaifalior if whole doc string is missing and fix as per needed17:26
exploreshaifalivkmc, ^17:36
vkmcexploreshaifali, exactly yes17:39
exploreshaifalivkmc, okay :)17:40
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vkmckgriffs, technical question... can http persistent connections via http 1.1 keepalives be enabled in wsgi transport as is?19:26
kgriffskeep-alive is actually transparent to WSGI apps19:27
kgriffswhether it is enabled or not, WSGI behaves the same19:27
kgriffsnow, HTTP 2.0 is going to be a different matter... :p19:27
vkmcyeah :) major releases are painful19:27
vkmcso.. in that case19:28
vkmcis the persistent connection provided by websockets better, in any sense?19:28
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vkmchm it would be really cool to enable persistent connections just for certain cases19:45
vkmcmaybe a pool flavor with a good amount of traffic19:46
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kgriffsvkmc: re websockets the benefit would be twofold19:56
kgriffsfirst, you could use a protocol that is more efficient (less verbose) than HTTP19:56
kgriffssecond, you could push new messages as they arrive (vs. polling)19:56
kgriffspractically speaking, keepalive does cover most people's needs (regardless of what they actually *think* they need based on some cool demo they saw at a node.js meetup)19:57
kgriffsnot saying websocket won't be faster, it can be19:58
kgriffsjust that it isn't always as needful as some people think, but that's a tough thing to convince people of. people just love the idea of "push" and stuff19:58
kgriffsaaaanyway, we've covered this ground before...I digress19:59
kgriffsso it isn't so much that the connection is persistent19:59
kgriffsit is that you can push instead of poll19:59
kgriffsand then a less impactiful benefit is that you can use a lighter / binary protocol20:00
kgriffsvkmc: ^^^20:00
kgriffsnow, push is fun20:00
kgriffsbecause we would have to notify all webheads whenever a message arrives for something that a client may be listening for20:01
vkmckgriffs, yeah... so, websockets its a more adequate solution for push semantics20:04
vkmcthe fact that you can do something with a technology doesn't mean its good at it20:04
kgriffsI think that is the biggest win it provides20:04
kgriffswe might consider only supporting that initially20:05
kgriffsnot sure, something to discuss20:05
vkmcsorry if I make trivial questions, I'm making my first discoveries in persistent transport stuff :)20:05
kgriffsvkmc: not trivial at all20:06
kgriffsit is important to sort this out in advance20:06
vkmcif I'll be leading that session I better get more familiarized with all this20:07
vkmcheh, and it all started with 'hey Fla, I want to add another transport, how does that sound?' :p20:07
kgriffswatch out what you suggest20:07
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flaper87kgriffs: vkmc malini|afk so, I guess there's no need for a meeting today21:07
flaper87flwang1: flwang ^21:07
flaper87flwang1: flwang why are there 2 of you?21:07
flwang1flaper87: I'm good :) I think we can chat on wechat,  :D21:08
flwang1i'm kidding21:08
kgriffsflaper87: kk21:10
flaper87kgriffs: vkmc anything I can help with ?21:12
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cpallareswhich channel is the meeting? flaper8721:13
flwang1cpallares: openstack-meeting-321:13
cpallaresthanks flwang121:13
vkmcsorry I'm late21:14
vkmcno meeting?21:14
cpallaresMmm... Doesn't look like it21:14
vkmcflaper87, ^21:14
cpallareskgriffs: ^21:14
vkmccpallares, ^21:15
cpallaresvkmc: ^21:15
kgriffsflaper87: ^21:15
flaper87nah, no meeting21:15
flaper87oh my god, chilax21:15
flaper87vkmc: is there something you'd like to discuss?21:15
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flaper87I mean, if there's something to discuss, we'll totally have it21:16
vkmcflaper87, nothing that requires a formal meeting21:16
flaper87I'm kinda keeping things to discuss at the summit since we'll be there (at least most of us, sorry flwang1 :( )21:16
flaper87vkmc: shoot21:16
flaper87I'm here21:16
vkmcthe 'no' was for the chilax21:16
flaper87I'm not sure if anyone besides you and me know what that means21:16
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vkmccool, take a look to the etherpad
flwangflaper87: why you say sorry for me ? ;)21:17
flaper87flwang: I actually said it to flwang121:17
flaper87but for you too21:17
vkmcI added a few items to the agenda, basically that is how I imagined the session21:17
flaper87because we'll discuss things at the summit and you'll be missed21:17
flwangI will be there if you can treat me a drink :)21:17
* flaper87 clicks21:17
vkmc+1 flwang21:17
flaper87flwang: wait, what ?21:17
flaper87flwang: will you be there ?21:17
flaper87flwang: no kidding ?21:18
flwangyou mean Paris?21:18
flaper87flwang: yes21:18
flwangI THINK SO21:18
flaper87oh my freaking fucking god21:18
flaper87for realz ?21:18
flaper87Some hope is better than nothing21:18
flwangif my boss don't cancel my travel like IBM did :D21:18
flaper87and don't worry, kgriffs will pay for drinks21:19
kgriffswaaaaait a minute...21:19
flaper87ok ok ok21:19
flaper87and food too21:19
kgriffsthat's better.21:19
flaper87vkmc: I'd probably discuss the draft before the open discussion21:19
flaper87vkmc: also, I'd really love to come out of the session with a plan21:20
flaper87some action items21:20
flaper87vkmc: so, make sure you account for that as well21:20
flaper87flwang: btw, small advice, if you don't want your trip to be cancelled, just BOOOOOOOK IT21:21
flaper87no refund21:21
flaper87same for the hotel21:21
flwangflaper87: LOL21:21
flaper87just boooooook everything before someone changes his mind21:21
flwangit doesn't work, man21:22
flwangfor my last travel, I have to cancel the air ticket and hotel, though it's charged by IBM :(21:22
flwangbut that's not the case this time, I"m sure :)21:23
flwangBTW, see
vkmcboo ibm21:23
flwangseems somebody have already defined the relationship between heat and zaqar21:24
vkmcflaper87, the action items should be defined on the design session, right?21:24
flwangI would say it's a good sign21:24
vkmcflwang, \o/ it is!21:24
flwangand a motivation for us to accelerate the integration21:24
flaper87flwang: it was me21:26
flaper87vkmc: correct21:26
* flaper87 can't wait to see Fast & Furious 721:27
flaper87yeah yeah, I like that movie21:27
flaper87SO WHAT?21:27
flwangflaper87: ah, ok :)21:27
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cpallaresflaper87: There's a 7th one coming out? o_O21:30
flaper87cpallares: yup, trailer is coming out on November 1st21:30
vkmccpallares, 6 movies with the exact same script wasn't enough21:30
cpallaresI haven't seen 2-621:31
cpallaresHeck, I didn't even know there were 3-621:31
flaper87vkmc: Cars, girl, CARS!21:31
flaper87That's what changes and the only thing that matters21:31
vkmcflaper87, exactly yeah, that's the winning formula: cars, girls, cars!21:31
flaper87There's something else but I'll STFU21:31
flaper87for my own safe21:31
cpallaresvkmc: Sometimes it's cars, girls, robots21:32
vkmccpallares, oh thats sexy21:32
cpallares...and the horrible directing by Micheal Bay21:32
* flaper87 knows nothing about directors21:32
flaper87I mean, most of it is just an action movie with some Sci&Fi and that other thing that is pure reality21:33
cpallaresflaper87: This is all you need to know about Micheal Bay
vkmcThe Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies is coming up this December21:36
vkmceven the name is epic21:36
cpallaresvkmc: I'm excited for that one :D21:37
vkmcme too21:37
cpallaresvkmc: Do you know if they're making two movies? Or is it just ending with the one movie?21:39
* flaper87 is soooo excited for that one21:39
flaper87cpallares: AFAIK, it's 221:39
cpallaresvkmc, flaper87: Ahhh double the fun to take double our money21:39
cpallaresIt's been too long since the last one came out.21:40
flaper87cpallares: 1 year21:40
flaper87like november something21:40
* flaper87 saw the last one in iMax21:40
flaper87*THAT* was an experience21:41
cpallaresflaper87: Nice21:41
flaper87btw, everyone. Europe is getting colder and Paris is normally quite cold so be prepared21:42
flaper87 <- which one?21:44
flaper87ok ok, I'll STFU and focus on this blog post which I'm not sure of21:45
cpallaresflaper87: BUT before you do, how cold are we talking here?21:45
* cpallares has been living in Texas for too long21:46
vkmccpallares, that's useful21:47
vkmcI know a few more21:48
flaper87I think it'll be colder than that but mmh21:48
flaper87hopefully not21:48
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cpallaresdo you scam tourists by night, vkmc? :P21:49
vkmc14 degrees? darn, thats cold21:49
vkmccpallares, I do, muahahaha21:49
vkmcnah, every time I go to Buenos Aires I learn a new one21:50
vkmcfolks there are super creative21:50
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cpallaresvkmc: Ah, good to know if I ever go there :P21:51
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vkmcI could write a tourists guide21:52
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flwang1any guide for Paris?21:53
flwang1like what's the best gift for a Mom with 1 year kid :)21:54
flaper87flwang1: a trip there ?21:56
flaper87flwang1: mmh, jokes apart, no idea about what the best gift is21:57
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flaper87vkmc: those ain't get home21:57
cpallaresIt depends what she likes.21:58
flwang1cpallares: yep, Chocolate maybe a good idea21:58
flwang1cpallares: thanks21:59
vkmcflaper87, btw, you suggested me to do something with cpallares regarding the design session22:01
vkmcflaper87, when is the cross api spec session/pod happening?22:02
flaper87vkmc: yup, if there's enough time that'd be cool22:02
flaper87vkmc: erm, no ieda22:02
flaper87I think we'll have to organize those sessions at runtime22:02
flaper87through wechat22:02
flaper87there's no good way to have a schedule for those considering all the other sessions and meetings22:02
cpallaresflaper87: The pod sessions are the sessions we have in a small table that is specially for Zaqar, correct?22:04
flwang1flaper87: are we going to use wechat instead of whatsapp? :)22:04
cpallaresflwang1: Yes, we created a group. Get the app :)22:05
flwang1cpallares: yep, I know. I created it and just wanna confirm with the fan of whatsapp :)22:06
cpallaresflwang: You're openstacker?22:06
flwang1cpallares: yep22:06
flwang1did you get some fun from the app?22:07
* flaper87 is not a fan of whatsapp22:07
flwang1you can search others around you22:07
* flaper87 just happened to have it installed22:07
* flwang1 just don't want to install another IM :D22:07
flwang1anyhow, seems we have found the app we could use22:08
vkmcand it has stickers22:08
vkmc*really* important feature22:09
cpallaresvkmc: We should replace it for IRC22:09
vkmcI think so yeah22:10
vkmcwe should vote22:10
cpallaresRight now.22:10
flwangcome on, we should suggest all of IRC channels of openstack community move to wechat :)22:10
flwangand it also support voice, video, etc22:11
vkmcand you make sure the other person is always there :p22:12
flwangjust shared a new photo of a young developer :)22:13
flwangon wechat group22:13
flaper87Oh please, don't you even think about replacing IRC22:13
flaper87no no no no22:14
cpallares*insert sad panda sticker here*22:15
flaper87cpallares: ^22:16
cpallaresIt is just not the same, flaper87.22:17
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