Monday, 2014-10-20

flwangvkmc: in a meeting, will check it later and let you know00:45
vkmcflwang, sure, thanks00:53
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vkmcI set up a new env and its working now :) dunno what happened01:31
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openstackgerritPeng Fei Wang proposed a change to openstack/zaqar: Add x-openstack-request-id to zaqar responses
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cpallaresgood morning o/14:32
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exploreshaifaliI am trying to add messages to a queue14:59
exploreshaifalibut getting bad request, req body cannot be empty15:00
exploreshaifalihere is the command that I am using * curl -i -X POST -H "Client-ID: 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000" -H "X-PROJECT-ID: eebc5e86db4bb4d2980afcfab9dbb1d26" "{ttl: 30, "body": {"event": "BackupStarted",}}"*15:00
exploreshaifalicpallares, please can you help in ^15:01
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exploreshaifalihello kgriffs15:05
exploreshaifaliI am trying to understand zaqar databases15:05
kgriffshi exploreshaifali15:11
exploreshaifalikgriffs, hi15:12
exploreshaifaliI was exploring mongodb databases15:12
exploreshaifalithere are 3 for zaqar15:12
exploreshaifalizaqar_queues, zaqar_messages_P0 and zaqaq_messages_p115:13
exploreshaifalikgriffs, inside zaqar_queues there is queues database15:13
exploreshaifaliqueues collection there15:14
exploreshaifaliwhich shows details of all queues I have added15:14
exploreshaifaliinside queues collection there are *id, c, m, p_q* fields15:15
exploreshaifalic is for claims15:16
exploreshaifalip_q is for names15:16
kgriffsright, it is a combination of the project ID and the queue name15:16
exploreshaifaliand m isfor what?15:16
exploreshaifalior for queue body?15:17
kgriffsoh, sorry15:17
kgriffswrong db15:17
kgriffsactually, not db... collection15:17
* kgriffs is still waking up15:17
kgriffsright, the queues collection... so m is for metadata15:17
exploreshaifalihaha kgriffs good morning :P15:18
kgriffs(see also:
exploreshaifaliokay so it is for metadata15:19
kgriffsc is a "side counter" that is used to calculate the marker value to use when enqueuing messages15:19
exploreshaifalithis marker value is autogenerated right?15:20
kgriffswell, not exactly.15:20
kgriffsMongoDB does not have a notion of automatically incrementing fields15:20
kgriffsinstead, it uses a timestamp-based "object-ID'15:21
kgriffsdue to zaqar's constraints, we need a monotonic, unique value for the marker15:21
kgriffsso we use a side counter for that and use a little trick in the "post" method of the messages controller to calculate the marker at the application layer, rather than at the DB layer15:22
exploreshaifalic  = {t:0, v:1}15:23
exploreshaifalit and v are for what?15:23
exploreshaifalikgriffs, ^15:25
kgriffsoh, those are explained in that docstring linked above15:25
kgriffsvalue is an int15:25
exploreshaifalikgriffs, yes got it15:26
kgriffsbtw, the reason multiple dbs are used is to reduce contention for the global writer lock15:27
exploreshaifalikgriffs, so basically queues collection contain details of all queues but nothing like which mssage is linked with which queue15:27
exploreshaifaliand which message is claimed15:28
exploreshaifalithat part will come under messages collections15:30
exploreshaifalikgriffs, I am trying to add a message inside a queue using curl command but getting bad request15:33
exploreshaifalisince request body is empty and it should not15:33
exploreshaifalihow to create and add messages using curl15:33
kgriffsright, you need to give it a body with a JSON document15:34
kgriffs(BTW you can check "man curl" or curl -h to list curl options)15:35
kgriffsthe option you want is "-d"15:35
kgriffsthat being said, I have been enjoying httpie lately15:35
kgriffsa lot more user-friendly than curl15:35
exploreshaifalikgriffs, oh, ok Thanks!15:36
exploreshaifaliI will look into it :)15:37
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exploreshaifalihello riveter15:38
exploreshaifaliyou are also zaqar developer?15:38
riveterhey explore :)15:38
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riveternot yet, but I've got a pull request under review :)15:39
exploreshaifaliI am also not yet15:39
exploreshaifaliapplying for OPW this round with intention to work for zaqar15:39
riveteroh, me too!15:40
riveterI guess we're competitors :D15:40
riveterthough honestly I don't know if I'm going to get my patch accepted before the deadline15:40
exploreshaifalihmm let see15:40
exploreshaifalihave you completed your application?15:41
riveterif you're interested15:41
riveterI've written most of it but not the work plan section15:41
riveterI haven't had much interaction with flavio15:41
exploreshaifalihmm.. I also need to add few sections for project plan15:42
riveteryeah, it looks like you're doing a better job of talking to people than I have15:42
riveterI've generally been pretty shy of irc, but people in here seem really friendly15:43
exploreshaifalizaqar channel is super awesome :D15:43
riveterare you applying for any other projects?15:43
exploreshaifaliprimary focus is this only15:44
exploreshaifaliand you?15:44
riveterI've got an application in for Perl as well15:44
exploreshaifalioh! you have another choice too :P15:44
riveterwell, maybe, we'll see15:45
riveterI'm not a super experienced programmer so I don't know what my prospects are15:45
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exploreshaifaliokay, lets back to our zaqar project again15:45
rivetersure :)15:46
riveternice meeting you!15:46
exploreshaifalinice meeting you too :)15:46
exploreshaifaliso how much have you researched so far?15:46
riveterkgriffs:  I was actually cming on to see if you could review my patch15:46
riveterexploreshaifaili:  I've mostly only looked at the code that related to this patch15:47
kgriffsriveter: this one?
riveterI have trouble understanding code from just reading it, I have to be trying to do something15:48
riveteryeah, that's the one :)15:48
kgriffsriveter: ok, I will take a look today15:49
riveterthanks very much :)15:49
kgriffsmalini: can you also help review riveter's patch?15:49
riveter(it does have a negative review, but it's just for a word choice in a comment.  I'll change it if you agree with his suggestion)15:50
malinisure..checking now15:50
riveterawesome :D15:50
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kgriffsThis looks interesting:16:14
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vkmchey kgriffs! around? :)17:00
vkmcso... maybe you can help me find what I am missing17:01
vkmcI'm hitting an error with the 'messages' param added in v1.117:01
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vkmcbecause of this change precisely
vkmcI'm creating a dictionary with messages like this -> messages = {'messages': [{'body': {'id': idx}, 'ttl': 360} for idx in range(20)]}17:04
vkmcand it enters this if
vkmcbecause for some strange reason the dictionary is received inside a list17:05
vkmcany ideas kgriffs ^?17:05
kgriffslet me see17:09
vkmcits odd because you do something alike in the tests17:10
kgriffsvkmc: are you saying that your test is hitting L167?17:10
kgriffs(raising that error)17:10
kgriffsI would say, put use pdb and set a breakpoint after 16317:11
kgriffsand inspect document17:11
kgriffsmake sure that what you sending is actually what is being received, first off17:12
kgriffs(validate assumptions)17:12
vkmcnope, the test is just fine17:13
kgriffsjust wondering, because this:17:13
kgriffs{'messages': [{'body': {'id': idx}, 'ttl': 360} for idx in range(20)]}17:13
kgriffsreally should work17:13
vkmcyeah.. hmm17:13
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kgriffsIn [4]: document = {'messages': [{'body': {'id': idx}, 'ttl': 360} for idx in range(20)]}17:14
kgriffsIn [5]: 'messages' not in document17:14
kgriffsOut[5]: False17:14
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flaper87what's uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp?17:39
flaper87nothing, it seems....17:40
mpanettaI'm up17:40
* flaper87 hides again and takes his greeting back17:40
mpanettaHi flaper87 :)17:40
flaper87mpanetta: hey hey hey :D17:41
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flaper87did you guys read my email about the meeting?17:41
flaper87did you have the meeting without me?17:41
flaper87:( :( :( :(17:41
mpanettaI don't think anyone had a meeting, nobody has been here.17:41
flaper87oh, mmh.17:41
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vkmcflaper87, d000000000000000000d17:44
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vkmcno d00d17:52
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exploreshaifaliflaper87, around?18:39
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exploreshaifaliflaper87, you asked not to break storage/mongodb into messare_store and management_store18:40
exploreshaifalirather to add only one module mongodb/management and keeping messages as it is18:40
exploreshaifalibut if we don't create separate module for message than who will we able to break mongodb/drivers.py18:45
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exploreshaifaliflaper87, need to discuss about database spliting20:58
flaper87exploreshaifali: hey, sure. Can we do that tomorrow?20:59
flaper87I've enough energy for the meeting21:00
* flaper87 in dying mode21:00
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exploreshaifaliflaper87, okay, tomorrow morning because I need to submit application tomorrow21:03
exploreshaifaliand need to discuss few important stuff21:03
flaper87kgriffs: meeting21:04
flaper87exploreshaifali: meeting21:04
flaper87cpallares: meeeeeeeeeeeting21:04
flaper87malini|afk: MEEEEEEEEEETING21:05
kgriffsi thought this week it was the earlier time?21:05
kgriffs(and it was skipped/missed)21:05
flaper87kgriffs: ha, I knew you didn't read my email21:05
kgriffsnever do21:05
flaper87it was earlier time21:05
flaper87I proposed changing it since I was going to be travelling21:05
vkmc(o/ meeting \o)21:05
flaper87and we need to discuss the summit sessions21:06
flaper87if you're busy we can move it21:06
flaper87tomorrow? quick chat ehre ?21:06
flaper87I'm sorry for all that confusion21:06
kgriffswhatever is fine for me.21:07
vkmcfor me too21:07
flaper87vkmc: kgriffs since malini is not here, if you want, we can do a quick discussion tomorrow here in the channel?21:07
kgriffssounds good to me21:07
kgriffswhat time?21:08
flaper8715 UTC ?21:08
kgriffssame is now, just tomorrow?21:08
vkmcsounds good!21:08
flaper87or 21 UTC works too21:08
vkmc21UTC may be better so flwang can join us21:08
flaper87flwang: dude, read^21:09
flaper87I want you here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!21:09
flaper87ok, please, if you've sessions to complete and stuff, do it now :D21:09
flaper87so we can talk about them tomorrow21:09
flaper87same thing applies for specs and stuff21:09
flwangjust back from standup meeting21:09
flaper87flwang: ok, tomorrow, meeting, 21 UTC (this same time) about summit sessions21:10
flwangyes, sir21:10
flwangflaper87: thanks for making the time suitable for me21:11
flaper87flwang: my pleasure, you're on this ship already and you ain't going anywhere, my friend.21:12
flwangflaper87: I'm happy on board21:13
flaper87ok, I'm out. Take care guys and please, don't forget that this channel is fun and nice because there's people PROCRASTINATING in it21:13
flaper87so, stop working so much and keep our guests happy21:13
vkmcthat I can do flaper8721:14
vkmcgood to know you are back!21:14
flwangvkmc: can you send me the question you asked yesterday again?21:17
vkmcflwang, I could solve it! it was related to my environment21:18
flwangvkmc: cool21:19
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Zuul erroneously marked some changes as having merge conflicts. Those changes have been added to the check queue to be rechecked and will be automatically updated when complete.21:22
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