Wednesday, 2014-09-24

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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed a change to openstack/zaqar: Fix no links property in pool list response
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed a change to openstack/zaqar: Fix no links property in pool list response
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vkmchey guys :)03:33
vkmccan you review this, please? it's blocking the gate03:33
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed a change to openstack/zaqar: Fix no links property in flavor list response
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sphoortiHello folks!09:36
sphoortiflaper87: are you around ?09:36
flaper87sphoorti: hey hey09:36
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sphoortiflaper87: have you come up with any ideas for this rounds OPW ?09:37
flaper87sphoorti: so, there are 2 tasks that I think would be good09:41
flaper87sphoorti: 1 is writing a swift driver for zaqar, which I think zhiyan just signed up for09:41
flaper87sphoorti: the second one would be splitting the data plane from the control plane09:41
flaper87The first one is harder and takes way more effort09:42
flaper87whereas the second one is not simple but it'll teach you a lot about python, code distribution and well, zaqar09:42
flaper87I gotta write these 2 down on the wiki page09:42
flaper87sphoorti: I'd recommend you to do some reasearch on both of them :)09:43
sphoortiflaper87: could you explain me a bit more about the second project ?09:43
flaper87how does that sound?09:43
flaper87sphoorti: sure09:43
sphoortithey sound cool09:43
sphoortiso much to learn :)09:43
flaper87So, we currently have 2 types of "drivers" in zaqar. 1 is for controlling the data (messages) and the second one to keep a registry (pools, flavors, catalog... it's more administrative, if you will)09:43
flaper87Those 2 type of drivers currently share the same python module and configs as far as the database goes09:44
flaper87since those are different and you could use different storage for each of them09:44
flaper87we want to split them into different modules and definitely we want them to use different database options09:45
sphoortibut they will be generic right ?09:46
sphoortiindependent of the database ?09:47
jeffrey4lsphoorti, what's means by OPW?09:47
flaper87sphoorti: right09:47
flaper87jeffrey4l: Outreach Program for Women09:47
sphoortijeffrey4l: OPW is Outreach program for women09:48
sphoortiI am liking the idea flaper87 :)09:48
flaper87sphoorti: sweet09:48
jeffrey4lgot. thx09:49
flaper87so, my advice is, take a look at the code, make sure you understand everything09:49
flaper87and ask questions as needed :D09:49
jeffrey4lbtw, it seems that there are lots of women in zaqar?09:49
flaper87I'm totally looking forward to see that happening09:49
flaper87jeffrey4l: how do you think we get things done here?09:49
sphoortijeffrey4l: vkmc is a rockstar :D09:50
* flaper87 is proud to say Zaqar has participated 2 times in OPW and is running for his third time09:50
sphoortiflaper87: what I shall study the codebase and ask doubts when appropriate09:50
sphoortiflaper87: sphoorti applied twice but got rejected :(09:51
sphoortitrying my third time09:51
sphoortibut I am confident this time09:51
flaper87sphoorti: this is it, then!09:51
sphoortiI will give my best09:51
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flaper87notmyname: I said something about swift
flaper87notmyname: would you mind chiming in if I said something stupid ?11:27
sphoortiflaper87: here is the link to the review11:29
flaper87sphoorti: lemme take a look11:30
sphoortisure flaper8711:33
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openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to openstack/zaqar: Don't register options in __init__
openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to openstack/zaqar: Accept existing conf in dynamic_conf
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vkmchey all :)13:00
flaper87vkmc: heyyyy13:02
flaper87how's it going?13:03
vkmcflaper87, hiiiii13:03
vkmcgood good, feeling tired today >.>13:03
flaper87doing great. it's been a quite day so far13:04
flaper87working on fixing some bugs in zaqar13:04
flaper87and I thought this bug was going to be simple and straightforward13:04
vkmcwhich bug? the pools_type one?13:07
flaper87nope, I haven't gotten to that one yet13:08
vkmcthe testing one?13:08
vkmctell me is that one13:08
flaper87STOP, STOP STOP STOP... you're giving me more work13:08
vkmccool :)13:10
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flaper87I'm almost there, FWIW13:13
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flaper87after this, I'll get to the unittests one13:14
flaper87and then pool_type13:14
vkmcI'll take a look to the pool_type thing13:15
vkmcthe one bug I wanted to get done by this week was the testing one13:15
vkmcand I'm blocked13:15
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vkmcI could start with the rally scenarios13:20
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flaper87vkmc: that'd be interesting. If you can get a simple one done that would help setting up the gate, it'd be great13:23
flaper87then we can all help with that13:24
sphoortiflaper87 and vkmc are there some small tasks in your bugs that I could help with ?13:24
sphoortilike reproducing those issues?13:24
vkmcflaper87, sure thing :)13:25
vkmcsphoorti, hey! :) hmm, if I think about something I'll let you know13:26
vkmcsphoorti, thanks for that!13:26
sphoortisure vkmc let me know.13:26
flaper87sphoorti: I don't have anything handy but it'd be great if you could go through the bug list and see if you spot something13:26
vkmcplease guys +1 this one
vkmcso tempest folks +2 it and the panda is happy again13:27
sphoortiyes flaper87 I will look for bugs13:28
sphoortihaha happy panda sad panda :D13:28
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vkmchey malini :)13:32
malinihello vkmc!13:33
malinihow are you?13:34
vkmcmalini, good and you?13:34
malinigood :)13:34
flaper87vkmc: done13:40
flaper87vkmc: could you please chase them down ?13:40
vkmcflaper87, who should I ping?13:40
vkmcflaper87, thx13:40
vkmcmalini probably has good advice on this heh13:41
flaper87vkmc: ^13:41
vkmcmalini, can you review this
vkmcthanks fla13:41
malinisure..checking now13:41
flaper87vkmc: sdage, afazekas and dkranz should be around13:41
vkmcflaper87, cool13:42
vkmcthx malini, I forgot about the experimental checks13:44
maliniI usually forget that too13:45
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* flaper87 is not happy with this patch14:05
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vkmcalcabrera|afk, hey :) I want to hear your opinion about later14:14
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vkmcflaper87, any preference for the first rally scenario?14:26
flaper87vkmc: not really14:26
flaper87I'd probably say publishers ?14:26
flaper87not sure, TBH14:26
vkmcI was checking kgriffs|afk benchmarks, I dunno if I can emulate the same14:26
prashanthr_Good morning :)14:41
vkmcmorning prashanthr_!14:43
prashanthr_Thanks vkmc :)14:43
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alcabrerahi all. :)14:45
alcabreraheya vkmc. o/14:46
vkmcalcabrera, \o14:46
alcabreraI'd be happy to tell you about nixos14:46
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flaper87OMFG, it works14:51
flaper87let me commit this thing before I break it again14:51
flaper87vkmc: no no no14:52
flaper87stay here14:52
flaper87I'm afraid I'll break something again14:52
openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to openstack/zaqar: Add first reliability enforcement
flaper87FYI, I don't like this patch but It's the best I came up with to get the job done14:54
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openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to openstack/zaqar: Add first reliability enforcement
openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to openstack/zaqar: Don't skip pools' functional tests
flaper87vkmc: ^ ;)16:20
vkmcflaper87, thx :')16:31
vkmchow did you debug it?16:32
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flaper87vkmc: first removed the skip, then ran the test and noticed the 404 == 201 error. That means we weren't running in admin_mode16:45
flaper87then enabled_admin mode, and that was pretty much it16:45
flaper87there's an sqlalchemy bug that forced me to skip 1 test16:46
vkmcflaper87, that's odd because I added the admin_mode16:46
vkmcand I still was getting the 404 != 201 error16:46
vkmcdo you call the tests with tox -e py27,pep8 or do something else I don't know?16:47
flaper87vkmc: in the functional-* tests ?16:47
flaper87ah wait16:47
flaper87there was one more thing16:48
vkmcdaaaaaaaaaarn I didn't see that16:48
vkmcyou are good16:48
vkmcthanks :)16:48
flaper87nah, not good. I just, somehow, remembered/noticed it16:49
flaper87next one is the group thing16:49
vkmcdon't be humble16:49
vkmcI'll add the pool tests for v1.0 following the same strategy16:50
vkmcwhich was originaly the bug I had assigned16:50
flaper87vkmc: awesome, if you can, could you add flavor functional tests ?17:00
flaper87we didn't add them because flavors depend on pools17:00
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vkmcsure flaper8717:23
flaper87vkmc: or sphoorti17:23
sphoortihello flaper8717:23
sphoortiwassup ?17:24
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vkmcsphoorti, flaper87 was suggesting to add some funtional tests for flavors17:25
vkmcI'd rather have you adding the unit tests, but if you want you could give me a hand17:26
sphoortiflaper87: is this the functional tests bug ?17:30
sphoortior functional tests for flaper8717:37
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vkmcsphoorti, how is this one going?
sphoortivkmc: working on it17:52
vkmcsphoorti, cool17:52
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sphoortivkmc: you were saying about the functional test17:53
vkmcsphoorti, yes, I'm working on adding functional tests for v1.0 pools17:54
vkmcand flaper87 suggested to add functional tests for the flavors feature too17:54
sphoorti here ?17:55
vkmcI was planning to tackle those myself as well, or do you want to take a look?17:55
sphoortiso we need to create a file ? vkmc was flavors introduced in v1_1?17:57
vkmcexactly yes17:57
sphoortiI do not seem to be finding it here
vkmcthey were added to v1_117:57
sphoortiso wouldnt these tests be added to v1_1 ?17:58
vkmcyes sphoorti, I was talking about the pools one when you gave me the v1 link17:58
sphoortiokay cool got it now.17:58
sphoortiso needs functional tests right ?17:59
vkmcflavors depends on pools though18:00
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sphoortiOh okay. could you explain me this flow a bit ? since we are already talking about it18:01
vkmcthis fix has to be merged in order to add the flavors functional tests
vkmcyou can add it as a dependency18:02
sphoortitrying to find out what is to be done18:10
boris-42vkmc btw18:11
vkmcboris-42, hey Boris!18:12
vkmcw000t :)18:12
boris-42vkmc ya =)18:12
vkmcI was working on adding some basic scenarios18:13
vkmcI'll have them done soon18:13
boris-42vkmc great18:13
boris-42vkmc so I hope we will get this job as well18:13
boris-42vkmc so we will test in gates18:14
vkmcboris-42, hope so too!18:14
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flaper87vkmc: hey, did you have a chance to ping tempest folks?19:51
vkmcflaper87, I pinged them, sdague answered that it looks it was a +2, and then he didn't review it19:52
flaper87vkmc: mind doing it again when you get a chance?19:52
vkmcflaper87, sure19:52
vkmcflaper87, done19:54
flaper87vkmc: sweet, thanks19:56
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vkmcI should submit the patch to tempest before doing it to the client >.>19:56
vkmclesson learned19:56
flaper87vkmc: you'd have broken the gate anyway19:57
flaper87it's a chiken egg issue19:57
flaper87ah well19:57
kgriffshi folks. I have like 2 minutes19:57
flaper87but yeah, once that lands it'd be very quick for us to merge ours19:57
vkmcflaper87, yeah, but we can get it merged sooner the other way round19:57
flaper87kgriffs: hey man, hope you're having fun19:57
kgriffsit's a docs summit19:58
kgriffstalking about moving away from WADL, docbook... interesting discussion.19:58
kgriffsflaper87, vkmc: what's the status on our gate?19:58
kgriffslooks like a whole bunch of -1's still19:58
vkmckgriffs, still blocked, waiting for tempest cores to +219:58
kgriffsany idea when that will happen?19:59
vkmcI have pinged them twice today19:59
kgriffsok, so the ball is in their court now sounds like19:59
vkmcand bother everyone in this channel to +1 it19:59
vkmcbtw, would you mind +1 it? haha kidding20:00
kgriffsif it would help, drop the link and I'll do it20:01
vkmcuse your 2 minutes wisely20:01
kgriffsFWIW, I may update my redis patch since we are waiting anyway and move a little more logic into lua land... but I need to benchmark to see if it helps or hurts. I'll try to get something in the morning (my time, US/central)20:01
kgriffsgotta run20:02
vkmcok :)20:02
vkmcttfn kgriffs o/20:02
vkmcyou rock20:04
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openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to openstack/zaqar: Don't skip pools' functional tests
openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to openstack/zaqar: Add first reliability enforcement
flaper87vkmc: ^ :) pls :) DI QUE SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!20:19
flaper87vkmc: having fun with rally?20:20
vkmcflaper87, mmh tengo que pensarlo20:20
vkmc:) yeah20:20
vkmcdid you fix the assertion error in 123750?20:20
flaper87I think so, it's kinda weird, I can't replicate that one locally20:21
vkmcnot assertion, mismatch20:21
vkmcyeap I couldn't either20:21
flaper87I did fix the mocking in that test which was broken20:21
flaper87hopefully that'll do the trick20:21
* vkmc puts her big glasses on20:22
flaper87vkmc: check tempest ;)20:25
flaper87and check #openstack-dev20:26
* vkmc peeks 20:26
vkmcoh my20:26
vkmcthats a relief, thanks20:27
flaper87kgriffs|afk: tempest got +220:32
flaper87vkmc: you'll have to go and recheck all patches ;)20:33
vkmcflaper87, I'll love to do so20:33
flaper87you wont but well, what can you do?20:33
* flaper87 gives vkmc tons of gummy bears20:33
vkmcread the 'weee' as I were IE in this ad
flaper87to my web lover friend, kgriffs|afk
flaper87interesting talk20:41
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: The openstack-infra/config repo will be frozen for project-configuration changes starting at 00:01 UTC. If you have a pending configuration change that has not merged or is not in the queue, please see us in #openstack-infra.21:58
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vkmcflwang1, hey, around?22:43
flwang1vkmc: hey, yes22:43
vkmcflwang1, sorry to bother, if you have a moment later can you provide me more details about this bug?
vkmcflwang1, an OPW applicant is working on it and I noticed she added the changes in openstack... so that shouldn't be right22:44
vkmcopenstack dir I mean22:44
flwang1sorry, what did you mean added changes in openstack?22:46
vkmcin common libs I mean22:46
vkmchere is the fix
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vkmcAFAIK those files shouldn't be modified, right?22:47
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flwang1vkmc: yep, you're right22:52
flwang1those files are copied from oslo22:52
flwang1so I think what the patch should do is using the oslo.i18n22:53
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vkmcflwang1, shouldn't that be fixed in oslo directly_22:58
flwang1vkmc: anytime :)23:09
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openstackgerritPrashanth Raghu proposed a change to openstack/zaqar: Add support for redis-sentinel
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