Tuesday, 2014-09-09

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prashanthr_vkmc: Hello :)04:57
prashanthr_how are you ?04:57
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flaper87prashanthr_1: hey hey06:24
flaper87prashanthr_1: there?06:24
prashanthr_1hello flaper87 :) Good evening :)06:24
flaper87prashanthr_1: 08:45am :P06:25
flaper87prashanthr_1: how are you doing?06:25
flaper87you've been away for a bit06:25
flaper87prashanthr_1: btw, I wanted to ask, have you had a chance to work on the sentinel thing?06:25
prashanthr_1ha ha okay :) timezone confusions as usual.06:25
prashanthr_1I am good now :)06:25
prashanthr_1Was bitten by the flu bug06:26
flaper87We kinda need it06:26
flaper87oh damn, sorry to hear that06:26
prashanthr_1Yeah i have started working on it06:26
prashanthr_1since yest06:26
flaper87cool, kgriffs|afk was asking for it yday06:26
flaper87All the redis patches are in06:27
flaper87but we'd like to get that job done *before* the final release06:27
prashanthr_1I am already on it06:28
prashanthr_1will get it done v soon06:28
flaper87prashanthr_1: awesome, awesome. Many thanks06:28
prashanthr_1No probs :) Sorry for the delay06:28
prashanthr_1I kinda ran away with no trace :P06:29
flaper87prashanthr_1: yeah, we were kinda worry for you06:33
flaper87who am I kidding, we were just worried about the patch you were suppose to work on06:33
prashanthr_1ha ha :) Yes06:34
prashanthr_1Hope to get the patch in soon06:34
prashanthr_1redis sentinels are more an administrative thing though06:35
prashanthr_1Redis clusters actually do all the hard work of maintaining the replica's06:36
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flaper87prashanthr_1: right, but you know, openstack is 70% administrative and 30% users06:40
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prashanthr_1flaper87: Agreed :) I am trying to figure out how we could use sentinel in our project ?06:41
prashanthr_1AFAIK sentinel can report node partition and nominate new masters06:41
prashanthr_1So i was thinking how Zaqar can use this feature ?06:42
flaper87prashanthr_1: wait, kgriffs|afk shared a link yday06:42
flaper87prashanthr_1: https://github.com/andymccurdy/redis-py#sentinel-support06:43
prashanthr_1flaper87: Ahh this makes a lot of sense, will look more deeper into this. thank you :)06:45
prashanthr_1flaper87: So we will be using sentinels as a discovery starting point to identify master's and slaves to connect and make our data operations ?06:52
flaper87prashanthr_1: I believe that's what kgriffs|afk had in mind, yes.06:53
flaper87I didn't get to talk much with him about this and I now realize I should've06:53
prashanthr_1flaper87: Sure. Will have a final discussion with kgriffs|afk and get it done ASAP.06:53
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/zaqar: Adds the API reference to the devs guide  https://review.openstack.org/11639009:53
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/zaqar: Update Zaqar backend requirements  https://review.openstack.org/11998209:54
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/zaqar: Add missing flavors_controller method to Redis driver  https://review.openstack.org/11982109:54
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/zaqar: Fix: Redis driver does not fall back to default port  https://review.openstack.org/11982010:09
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vkmcgood morning all!11:51
cpallaresgood morning vkmc :)11:53
vkmcmorning C! :)11:54
flaper87goooooooooooooooooooooooooood morning11:56
flaper87That's probably the reason why I don't sleep much11:56
flaper87I keep saying good morning all day at any hour11:56
flaper87my brain must be fucked up11:57
vkmchahahaha you must be about to have lunch11:57
vkmcgood afternoon Fla!11:58
* flaper87 already had lunch12:01
vkmcgreat, I'm having breakfast12:04
vkmcguy from the future12:04
flaper87So, are we going to throw a latin-american party in Paris?12:27
flaper87cpallares: vkmc ^ ?12:27
flaper87Ok ok ok, we can invite kgriffs|afk12:27
vkmcof course we are going to!12:28
vkmcwe could invite him yeah12:28
cpallaresyes :D12:31
flaper87vkmc: we could, question is: Should we?12:31
vkmcnot sure flaper87, this require a meeting12:32
vkmca thoroughly discussion12:32
cpallaresflaper87: The question is not should we, but when will we :P12:32
flaper87vkmc: anything I can help with w.r.t the client ?12:40
vkmcflaper87, not for now :) thanks12:41
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flaper87so, adding v1.1 to the client sounds like an easy enough task. I'm afraid we'll need to rethink this for a future v2, though.12:56
flaper87I mean, the overal client structure is not bad12:56
flaper87it's just that whenever we'll have to add v2, we'll have to duplicate some code12:56
flaper87(based on the current state)12:57
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vkmckgriffs, \o13:11
kgriffsdid the travel grants get sent out?13:11
vkmcyup :D13:11
kgriffsjudging by the conversation above, I'm hopeful of some good news?13:12
vkmcyeaaah, some good, some bad13:13
vkmccpallares and myself got it13:14
vkmcand we don't know about prashanthr yet :/13:14
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kgriffshere's hoping!13:14
vkmcI chatted with him yesterday night13:14
* kgriffs keeps spelling his name wrong... chastises self13:15
kgriffsflaper87: what do we want to do with this?13:15
vkmche caught a flu and had some fever13:15
kgriffsflaper87: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/119978/13:15
* flaper87 spoke to him today13:15
kgriffsvkmc: oh, sorry to hear that13:15
flaper87He started working on the sentinel thing13:15
vkmcyup, I asked about that as well13:16
flaper87kgriffs: lets move it forward, I just wanted to get feedback from you before +2;ing13:16
kgriffsre sentinel thing, I felt bad about asking someone else to step in to help (flwang) but I didn't know what to do given our time crunch. Perhaps I made a mistake there... I had emailed alcabrera last night to try and contact prashanthr and have him sync with flwang when he had a chance.13:18
kgriffssee also https://bugs.launchpad.net/zaqar/+bug/136702013:18
flaper87nah, nothing wrong there, really. none of us knew where he was. Lets just make sure there's just 1 guy working on it13:19
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kgriffsflaper87: did vkmc mention the client bug we found?13:21
flaper87kgriffs: mmh, nope13:21
vkmckgriffs, I didn't, but for some reason flaper87 knows13:21
flaper87Do I?13:21
vkmcoh I assumed so when you asked me about the client13:21
vkmcyou were talking about v1.1 support13:21
flaper87LOL, yeah!13:22
flaper87I mean, NO. I totally know about the bug13:22
kgriffsyeah, so claims is sort of broken13:22
* flaper87 puts his pocker face13:22
vkmcso... there is a bug13:22
kgriffsas soon as you try to iterate over the claim to get the messages, you get an error about a claim_id param not being accepted by __init__13:22
flaper87oh mmh, is anyone already working on it?13:23
kgriffsI hacked it to work for my benchmarks but yeah I didn't take the time to find the root cause13:23
* vkmc !13:23
flaper87Should I do the coder's walk of shame and fix it?13:23
flaper87vkmc: u working on it?13:23
* vkmc <---13:23
flaper87ah ok13:23
flaper87that's clearer than !13:23
flaper87really, girl, learn how to talk with signs13:23
flaper87I mean, symbols13:24
kgriffsI guess we should file a bug in launchpad? or did you already do that vkmc?13:24
* flaper87 should learn how to talk, period.13:24
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flaper87If there isn't one, we should.13:24
vkmckgriffs, I was fixing it without filing it, but yeah... makes sense13:24
vkmcto add one13:24
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kgriffsok, I will do that and mark it as triaged since you repro'd it and we just discussed with teh flaper13:25
vkmck :)13:25
vkmcda flaper yo13:25
* flaper87 flips his hat, looks up and crosses his arms like a real gangsta13:26
flaper87I bet you all pictured me doing so13:26
vkmcflaper87, so... when you said 'anything I can help with w.r.t the client?' what I was supposed to be working on?13:27
flaper87best question ever13:27
flaper87vkmc: CLI v1.1 ?13:27
vkmcCLI v1.013:28
vkmcor client v1.013:28
vkmcsorry, client v1.113:28
flaper87erm, both ?13:28
vkmcdon't mess with my brain13:28
flaper87I think v1.1 will happen just for free13:28
vkmcit's already ruined but there is some hope of recovery13:28
* flaper87 is doing some black magic with the client13:28
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flaper87vkmc: is there? I mean, have you seen Rust from True Detective?13:29
vkmcflaper87, I saw him yeah13:29
flaper87He said, what happens in your brain won't ever change13:29
flaper87And girl, that dude is messed up13:29
vkmcI'm an optimistic person though, I'm not *that* ruined13:29
vkmcthanks kgriffs!13:29
* flaper87 feels bad now, his brain is kinda really ruined13:30
vkmckgriffs, did you watch HBO's True Detective?13:30
kgriffsnope, I haven't been following TV much lately13:30
* kgriffs is becoming super boring13:30
vkmcoh noes13:30
flaper87kgriffs: it's not TV, it's a guy that is investigating HBO13:31
flaper87They may/may not be releasing sensible information13:31
kgriffsddg's true detective13:32
kgriffshmm. looks intense!13:33
openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to openstack/python-zaqarclient: Start adding support for v1.1  https://review.openstack.org/12008913:37
kgriffsmalini, cpallares, vkmc: /me would love some reviews on my two patches here listed at the top13:38
kgriffswe should all take a look at this one sometime this week too13:38
vkmcyeah poor Griffin13:38
kgriffsI'd like to have my patches merged before publishing redis benchmark results13:39
vkmcwill look at it as soon as I finish the patch for the client13:39
kgriffsvkmc: kewl, thanks!13:39
vkmckgriffs, is there a chance we got them before the meeting today?13:39
kgriffsyeah, I'll have something on the ML. I don't think it will be as comprehensive as I had planned, though. Something came up at the office yesterday that took a lot of my time.13:40
vkmcwohoo :)13:41
kgriffsthe fun never stops. :)13:45
vkmcnope :)13:46
flaper87not in this channel/project for sure13:47
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vkmcflaper87, maybe you can give me a hint here13:50
vkmcregarding the bug with the claims_id in the client13:50
vkmcI inspected the arguments passed to the function and there is no claims_id extra arg13:51
vkmcthis was the trace btw http://paste.openstack.org/show/108481/13:51
* flaper87 clicks13:51
flaper87were you testing this against v1.1 ?13:52
flaper87Returning claim_id is a new thing13:52
flaper87did we break backwards compatibility?13:52
vkmcyeah it's part of the v1.1 bp13:53
flaper87adding claim_id there should fix it13:53
flaper87that's part of the things I'm suppose to do to add support for v1.113:53
vkmcI'm aware of that, but not sure which position13:53
flaper87at the very end13:53
flaper87but help me understand13:54
flaper87were this bench running against an v1.1 instance?13:54
flaper87or is v1 returning claim_id too ?13:54
flaper87IIRC, the patch just implemented it in v1.1 (as it should be)13:54
vkmcdefault bench run against v1.1 IIRC13:54
AAzzahi, if someone has idea, what does  "Extraneous path elements from relative URIs were removed" mean. I see the difference in relative urls in wiki v1.1 compare to v1.0, but cannot figure out what is happening...13:54
AAzzait api-v1.1 response change task13:55
kgriffsvkmc: idk if that is true13:55
kgriffs /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/zaqarclient/queues/v1/message.py13:56
kgriffs(from the stack trace)13:56
kgriffs(in the one i posted with the bug)13:56
flaper87it can't run against v1.1 because the client doensn't have support for it13:56
flaper87mine was a stupid question13:56
flaper87ok, mmh, so, v1 is returning claim_id13:57
flaper87we gotta fix that13:57
kgriffsmy hack was to accept an optinal claim_id in the Message.__init__ and use it instead of the one from the href if set13:57
flaper87kgriffs: right, that's actually the right fix13:58
flaper87... for the client13:58
flaper87but I think v1 shouldn't return claim_id13:58
flaper87Am I wrong?13:58
vkmcwhat I was trying to determine if we are somehow using the v1 or v1.1 prefix in the bench tool13:59
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flaper87the fix is just to remove the claim_id thing from v114:01
vkmcflaper87, yeah but that is for v1.114:01
flaper87vkmc: yeah but that broke v114:02
flaper87because the stores always return claim_id now and v1 is not deleting it14:02
flaper87it just lets it fly like a bird14:02
AAzzaflaper87: oh, no, it shouldn't14:02
flaper87AAzza: :)14:02
flaper87AAzza: want to fix that? Otherwise, I'll do it14:03
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flaper87kgriffs: I found prashanthr_14:03
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prashanthr_ha ha :)14:03
prashanthr_Good morning all :)14:03
kgriffshi there!14:04
kgriffsprashanthr_: don't hate me14:04
AAzzaflaper87: i still cannot understand why it is not working.... it should use _format_message function and explicitly include fields...14:04
vkmcso the bench delegates everything to the client14:04
prashanthr_Why would I ? :)14:04
prashanthr_I must say that14:04
prashanthr_for disappearing without any notice14:04
flaper87AAzza: mmh, good point14:05
prashanthr_Was down with some serious flu :( Took time to get adjusted here. Really sorry about my delays towards the driver.14:05
flaper87AAzza: probably because _format_message is not being used for claims14:06
AAzzaflaper87: yeaah... claimss....14:06
flaper87And actually, this issue is raised when you get claimed messages14:06
AAzzaflaper87: then yes, i broke smth)14:06
flaper87AAzza: don't worry, kgriffs has done worse things14:07
kgriffsprashanthr_: sorry to hear about you being sick... vkmc let me know earlier14:07
* flaper87 hides14:07
kgriffsAAzza: yep. like forget to give flaper87 his daily gummy bear ration. DO NOT EVER FORGET14:07
flaper87DID YOU ALL READ THIS? ^^^14:07
kgriffsprashanthr_: I panicked a little yesterday since we hadn't heard from you in a while and I asked flwang to help with this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/zaqar/+bug/136702014:07
flaper87vkmc: so, no need to hack the client for now, lets fix the server first14:08
vkmcflaper87, yeah I thought so14:08
kgriffsI don't no if he has done any coding yet. Can you comment on the bug and try to sync with him? Either of you can do it, or you can work on different parts, but we need this done in the next few days.14:08
vkmcflaper87, adding the claim_id formal arg to Message felt wrong :o14:09
flaper87now I'm thinking, how can I keep hacking the client v1.1 like this https://review.openstack.org/#/c/120089/ and still make sure v1 is not broken14:09
* kgriffs needs more sleep14:09
prashanthr_kgriffs: Sure kgriffs, I am well and good now and can take it up. Will coordinate with flwang14:09
prashanthr_on how to proceed with it.14:09
flaper87kgriffs: we'll have to do it anyway, for v1.1 but I'm glad we spotted this backwards compatibility issue14:09
* flaper87 hates pep814:09
kgriffsprashanthr_: thanks man.14:10
prashanthr_No issues :)14:10
AAzzaflaper87: i'll fix it know. will just add the deletion of claim_id for v1.14:10
flaper87AAzza: +1, thanks a lot14:10
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vkmcthanks AAzza14:11
vkmcah well, I learned a few things about the bench tool today :D14:12
AAzzaflaper87:  and while you are here think about my quesion. You can answer when you have time.14:12
AAzzaflaper87:  what does  "Extraneous path elements from relative URIs were removed" mean. I see the difference in relative urls in wiki v1.1 compare to v1.0, but cannot figure out what is happening...14:12
* flaper87 reads back... nevermind14:12
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flaper87mmh, that sounds like something kgriffs wrote :P14:12
flaper87kgriffs: do you recall what that change was about ?14:13
flaper87IIRC, it was related to Location's returning relative paths14:13
kgriffsit was just to remove the beginnings of some URIs that were unnecessary based on the rules of resolving relative URI paths14:13
kgriffsbut, TBH, we can revert that if we want. it isn't a very important change.14:14
openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to openstack/python-zaqarclient: Start adding support for v1.1  https://review.openstack.org/12008914:14
prashanthr_flwang: Can we have a brief chat about https://bugs.launchpad.net/zaqar/+bug/1367020 ?14:14
prashanthr_when you are free.14:15
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flaper87AAzza: this is the bug for the claim_id fix: https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-zaqarclient/+bug/136729014:16
kgriffsprashanthr_: flwang may not respond for another 2 hours or so... Australia time14:18
* kgriffs thinks timezones are teh sux14:18
prashanthr_kgriffs: Ahh okay :) I will wait :)14:19
prashanthr_No probs14:19
* flaper87 agres with kgriffs14:19
flaper87is Australia TZ the same as NZ TZ ?14:19
AAzzaflaper87: okey, thanks.14:19
flaper87I guess they're very close14:19
kgriffsthat silly "planet" thing, and don't get me started about the sun!14:19
kgriffsoops, I meant NZ14:19
kgriffsoh oh, Kiwis are going to hunt me down now14:19
* kgriffs hides14:20
* flaper87 pictures kgriffs frightened watching a haka dance14:20
* AAzza wondering while tests didn't fail. we have this assertSchema things :-( it should fall...14:20
kgriffsvkmc: interesting, looks like keystone requires a cron job to expire tokens (scroll to the bottom): http://docs.openstack.org/icehouse/install-guide/install/apt/content/keystone-install.html14:35
vkmcgood to know14:36
vkmcwe can add something like that for the gc14:36
vkmcin the user guide14:36
AAzzaflaper87: vkmc: i don't know what is the problem. claim storage driver explicity specify what info about message should be returned. and it is not returning claim_id for sure. when i try to delete it, it cannot find the attribute.14:48
AAzzaflaper87: i can investigate it more. but not now, have to go14:48
vkmck, we'll keep digging into that, thanks AAzza!14:49
AAzzamaybe better to check by hands using curl, how v1 behaves? if you don't find today, i will look at it tomorrow morning)14:50
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vkmckgriffs, I have a small doubt about this patch https://review.openstack.org/#/c/119978/115:17
vkmckgriffs, you changed the watch from the list of active messages to the claims set15:17
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kgriffsyes, I had to use a different watch because I didn't have the messages yet15:18
kgriffsvkmc: do you think there may be a bug?15:18
vkmcnot sure, I'm trying to mentally reproduce it15:18
vkmcis there a quick way to truly reproduce this?15:19
vkmcfor what I saw in flaper87's response... there is not15:19
vkmcdamn race conditions15:19
kgriffsvkmc: to reproduce or test, the only way we have right now is using zaqar-bench15:23
kgriffswould be a good thing to discuss at the summit15:24
kgriffsflaper87: You taking notes? :) ^^^15:24
* flaper87 is actually taking notes15:24
vkmck, I'll try that15:24
flaper87trying to think how we can generate this tests and run them per-storage15:25
flaper87A bunch of gevent threads using the same storage.Driver instance and doing different ops15:25
flaper87that should spot some races15:25
kgriffsvkmc: I will say re that watch key, it is scoped per queue, so messages going into other queues won't trigger an exception15:33
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kgriffsrock on15:40
vkmckgriffs, k, I guess that in this case the claims_ids could fit the msgs_ids role15:41
vkmcthe idea is to guarantee an atomic operation15:41
vkmcso we should be ok15:41
vkmcflaper87, that's so greaaaaaaat, ask her to apply for OPW :D15:42
kgriffsa thought I had, wondering what everyone things15:42
flaper87vkmc: yeah, then I'll sit back and ask her to do my job15:42
flaper87she still owes me some favors15:43
kgriffsredis master-slave replication is async15:43
kgriffsso there is a chance that if the master dies, a message could be lost, correct?15:43
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/zaqar: In the Redis driver, only read the msg body when needed  https://review.openstack.org/11915315:43
flaper87API-perfectionist question: We implemented `pop` as a query parameter in Zaqar, but I'd like to implemented as an actual action in the client. Do you think that bit of inconsistency is terrible?15:44
flaper87I don't think it is15:44
flaper87I'd rather do queue.pop(10) than queue.messages(pop=10)15:44
flaper87or, well15:45
kgriffsno, I think that conceptually it is it's own operation15:45
* flaper87 likes the way kgriffs thinks15:45
kgriffsthat is just the most REST-ey way we could think of implementing it in the API15:45
* flaper87 has always liked it15:45
flaper87makes sense to me15:45
vkmcI like that15:47
vkmcIMO pop has to be practical to use15:47
kgriffsIt would be great to see Redis implement optional support for majority-based ACK ala MongoDB as a stronger guarantee.15:47
vkmcis a lazy command15:47
* vkmc <3 lazy commands15:48
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* flaper87 just found out the client has no implementation for queues.delete(messages=[])15:52
vkmckgriffs, here Griffin fixed the attributes in queues/transport https://bugs.launchpad.net/zaqar/+bug/123983415:52
vkmcshould we ask him to look into other Zaqar modules? or propose him to do it in a follow up?15:52
vkmcalso not sure if this kind of changes are recommended before a FF15:52
flaper87I'd ask to do it in the same patch15:54
flaper87the change is fine, it's not implementing new features15:54
vkmcwell, done with reviews16:04
flaper87vkmc: are you sure? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/120089/16:05
vkmc*in Zaqar16:05
* flaper87 has always a review under the sleeve16:05
vkmcok it was a pleasure to review that16:09
vkmcrace conditions fixes burned me out a little16:09
* kgriffs is rebasing16:10
kgriffsvkmc: thanks!16:10
vkmcyeah sorry for that kgriffs16:10
vkmcalthough I know you like the new tables :p16:10
openstackgerritKurt Griffiths proposed a change to openstack/zaqar: Fix messages getting reclaimed in the Redis driver  https://review.openstack.org/11997816:12
flaper87I'm thinking about adding a gate job for the client that *only* sets up zaqar and tests client's functionalt ests16:30
flaper87also, with dox this should be fairly simple but dox still doesn't run in the gate16:30
kgriffsthat could be a good smoke test, actually.16:31
kgriffsI suppose we might also have a gate job for a very quick zaqar-bench test too16:32
flaper87we could add a client job for zaqar too16:32
* flaper87 will make this happen16:32
vkmcsounds good16:32
flaper87oh pep8, BITE ME! >.>16:35
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vkmcflaper87, your complain is too long (80>79)16:36
flaper87vkmc: good one16:37
vkmcnext time add more chars so it's also true :P16:37
flaper87too bad we can't use testr in the client16:37
flaper87guys, remember the meeting today at 20:00 UTC16:39
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vkmcI'll be there ^16:44
vkmcflaper87, did you get some feedback from Trove folks? about the use cases16:44
flaper87vkmc: nope but I gathered them from the notes we wrote back at the Juno summit16:45
flaper87I also got some use-cases for barbican16:45
flaper87and Mistral16:45
flaper87and solum16:45
vkmcoh well, you got lots of uses cases16:46
vkmcoff to lunch, brb16:47
prashanthr_going off now, will try to join the meeting.16:55
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openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to openstack/python-zaqarclient: Send more than 1 message in messages_get_many  https://review.openstack.org/12015417:09
openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to openstack/python-zaqarclient: Add support for `pop` implemented in v1.1  https://review.openstack.org/12015517:09
flaper87fuck, I screwed something17:09
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openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to openstack/python-zaqarclient: Add support for `pop` implemented in v1.1  https://review.openstack.org/12015517:13
openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to openstack/python-zaqarclient: Send more than 1 message in messages_get_many  https://review.openstack.org/12015717:13
openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to openstack/python-zaqarclient: Add support for bulk message delete in v1  https://review.openstack.org/12015817:14
earnThiscan anyone take a look at this dependancy issue when running tox and help me out? http://paste.openstack.org/show/108987/17:14
* flaper87 clicks17:16
flaper87earnThis: mmh, weird. Is that from master?17:16
flaper87I had never seen that before17:16
earnThisyea im working with a new vm and just grabbed a fresh clone of zaqar and wanted to make sure everything was running fine17:17
flaper87 earnThis oh mmh, try updating tox, pip and everything17:18
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flaper87$ pip install -U pip17:18
flaper87$ pip install -U tox17:18
flaper87echevemaster: 'sup ?17:18
echevemasterhey, flaper87 o/17:20
echevemasterAlready is made the review request; I'm awaiting by hguemar :)17:20
flaper87echevemaster: good boy, gooooooooooooooood boy :D17:20
flaper87BZ# ?17:20
echevemasterFinishing some of paid work here, and I'll upload zaqar client.17:21
flaper87echevemaster: sweet, thanks man. Thanks a ton!17:22
flaper87echevemaster: pls, add me to the cc list for the zaqarclient BZ17:23
flaper87kgriffs: how do you run uwsgi + zaqar in background ?17:24
echevemasterwhat's your email associated to bugzilla?17:24
flaper87IS there some kind of `-d` flag ?17:24
flaper87echevemaster: fpercoco17:24
flaper87and you know the rest17:24
flaper87echevemaster: thanks again, really appreciate i17:25
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/python-zaqarclient: Work toward Python 3.4 support and testing  https://review.openstack.org/11881017:27
kgriffsflaper87: yeah, there is a config option17:27
kgriffslet me look that up17:27
kgriffsyou can give it a log file at the same time17:28
kgriffsdaemonize = /var/log/uwsgi.log17:28
echevemasterI was lookin for the same :) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10796241/how-to-make-uwsgi-emperor-run-as-daemon17:28
kgriffswhat's up with the gate?17:30
flaper87ok, I need something for the CLI17:33
echevemasterkgriffs: uwsgi? slow17:33
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flaper87echevemaster: no, the gate :P17:33
flaper87uwsgi is freaking fast17:34
flaper87kgriffs: do you happen to have the full uwsgi + zaqar command handy? Or are you using it through config files?17:35
kgriffsconf file17:35
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kgriffsthis isn't a super perfect setup, but it works well enough:17:35
earnThisflaper87: what else should i update besides tox and pip17:37
earnThisi also tried allocating more ram for my vm but same issue still17:38
earnThisthe pep8 tests throws a similar error as well17:41
kgriffsflaper87: I was just thinking, maybe we should brainstorm some more use cases for Zaqar for app developers17:48
kgriffswe have a fair list of integrated project use cases17:50
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earnThisif youre around18:10
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/python-zaqarclient: Dividing markups into multiple lines  https://review.openstack.org/11385118:23
vkmcearnThis, are you running tox directly?18:23
earnThisvkmc: tox -e py2718:24
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vkmcearnThis, rm -rf .tox/ and run again18:31
earnThisvkmc: ok .tox/ removed and running again now18:35
earnThisvkmc: same error18:36
flaper87earnThis: what version of tox are you using?18:38
flaper87earnThis: distro?18:38
flaper87kgriffs: sounds good18:38
kgriffsvkmc: and I have started adding thoughts here: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/zaqar-overcloud-use-cases18:38
vkmcmostly kgriffs ^18:39
kgriffsI was just thinking about Gordon asking for use cases, and I thought we were being pretty one-sided talking only about undercloud18:39
flaper87Is that something worth bringing up at the meeting today? I don't think they've doubts about how useful is Zaqar for the over-cloud18:40
flaper87at least, not the TC18:40
flaper87or well, I reaaaaaaaaaaaally hope they don't18:40
earnThisflaper87: tox<1.718:40
flaper87I'm running 1.6.118:41
flaper87earnThis: mind pasting /home/earnthis/zaqar/.tox/py27/log/py27-1.log ?18:42
earnThissure, you want the whole thing?18:44
flaper87earnThis: not here, please18:45
flaper87at least paste the errors in paste.openstack.org18:45
flaper87that file should have the reason everything is failing for you18:45
kgriffsflaper87: re doubts, your guess is as good as mine. I just didn't want us to position Zaqar too strongly as an "infra-only" thing18:48
flaper87makes sense18:48
flaper87I think I'll go ahead and share both links18:48
flaper87I think I already shared the first one in the email thread, though.18:48
kgriffsbtw, I'm starting to think Zaqar's "killer feature" is it's ability to bridge internal and external layers of a given SOA18:48
flaper87I mean, the under-cloud use cases18:48
kgriffsflaper87: I added a link at the top of the under-cloud pad18:49
kgriffsso people should be able to find it18:49
kgriffssure thing18:49
kgriffsvkmc: what is meant by "logs databases"18:50
kgriffscan it be true?18:52
kgriffsthe tempest job finally started on my patch!18:52
kgriffsit only took 2 hr 40 min18:52
vkmckgriffs, I meant system logs backends18:52
vkmc(for architectures that require that kind of control and are hard to manage)18:54
flaper87vkmc: pretty much like what kafka does ?18:54
vkmcflaper87, something alike yeah18:55
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kgriffsit occurs to me that we could probably start adding features to the API via middleware. wonder how that compares/contrasts with doing it directly in code. Think TempURL, CORS, etc.19:00
kgriffsvkmc: can you update on the pad to clarify?19:00
vkmckgriffs, yeah19:01
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vkmcbetter know?19:05
earnThisflaper87: sorry for the delay, i stepped away for a minute. http://paste.openstack.org/show/109046/19:06
vkmcI don't want to add 'like Kafka does'19:06
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earnThisLooks like the first paste was missing a few lines, full version here http://paste.openstack.org/show/109047/19:15
kgriffsgave up waiting on the patch to merge19:19
kgriffsI just sent the benchmark results to the ML19:20
kgriffsflaper87: ^^^19:20
vkmcthanks kgriffs19:20
vkmcearnThis, it looks like you are missing some dependencies19:20
vkmcdid you installed all the requirements? sudo pip install -r test-requirements.txt19:20
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earnThisvkmc, installing now19:34
echevemasterearnThis:  I'm seeing the paste and seems it missing libxml-devel19:34
earnThisi just installed libxml2-dev and libxslt-dev19:35
echevemasteroh ok :)19:35
earnThisdoes mongodb need to be installed by hand or is it coming pre-packaged somewhere?19:38
vkmcearnThis, if I'm not wrong, you already have it installed19:39
vkmcearnThis, check if the deamon is running19:39
earnThisvkmc, i started with a new vm, my other one got hung in saved state, so no mongodb here yet19:40
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vkmcthen yeah19:41
vkmcit has to be manually installed19:41
earnThisyea, this was my last run of tox, looks like mongodb http://paste.openstack.org/show/109062/19:42
* echevemaster thinking in make a docker image of zaqar for testing 19:43
flaper87echevemaster: already working on that as we speak19:43
flaper87echevemaster: have you seen dox ?19:43
flaper87echevemaster: https://github.com/stackforge/dox19:43
echevemasterno, I didn't knew. :(19:44
echevemasterbut still I can help packaging it :) seems that it is not official part of openstack yet? it is right?19:48
vkmcechevemaster, dox? it's not part of OpenStack yet19:58
vkmcguys, #openstack-meeting20:00
vkmckgriffs, flaper8720:00
flaper87I'm there20:01
echevemastervkmc: thanks for the response :)20:04
vkmcechevemaster, np20:05
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ekarlso-I feel with you guys vkmc and flaper8720:09
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vkmcheading off for a while o/20:42
earnThisvkmc: thanks for the help, as always20:45
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flaper87ekarlso-: :)20:58
kgriffswhat the heck is up with pypy and sqlite? I can't repro on my box21:03
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kgriffsflaper87: do you think this is a real edge case bug?21:04
* flaper87 clicks21:04
* kgriffs is all the sudden more interested in sqla in light of recent events21:06
* flaper87 holds his laugh...21:07
flaper87couldn't hold it21:07
kgriffshey I have an idea21:07
flaper87are we sure it's related to pypy ?21:08
flaper87it's weeeeeeeeeeeeird21:08
kgriffsidk. I am worried it isn't pypy specifically, but it just happened to occur during that test21:08
flaper87unless some not-logged exception/error happened21:09
kgriffsnever seen it before, but... you know21:09
kgriffsmaybe worth creating a bug for and seeing if it happens again?21:09
earnThisanyone know the best way to get the pep8 tests to ignore the build dir?21:09
flaper87earnThis: that should be in tox.ini already21:10
flaper87earnThis: exclude = .venv,.git,.tox,dist,doc,*.egg,*openstack/common*21:10
flaper87oh mmh, it's not21:10
kgriffswhile you are at it, add a rule to ignore doc/user-guide/dump.rdb21:11
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earnThisso - [flake8] exclude = .venv*,.git,.tox,dist,doc,*openstack/common*,*lib/python*,*.egg,.update-venv,build/**,doc/user-guid.rdb21:13
kgriffsoh, sorry21:15
flaper87earnThis: what about just .*21:15
kgriffsmy ignore should go in .gitignore21:15
flaper87kgriffs: lol21:15
* flaper87 ignores kgriffs's ignore21:15
* earnThis also ignores21:18
* flaper87 is testing his brand-new docker image that will help with testing the client library21:19
earnThispep8 success, thanks guys21:21
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kgriffsflaper87: btw, I've been trying to keep redis driver status updated on this pad: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/zaqar-scratch21:35
kgriffsyou know, in case I get run over by a bus21:35
flaper87please don't, we need you21:36
flaper87and well, your family too21:36
flaper87but we need you more :D21:36
notmynameflaper87: I missed the TC meeting today. what's the tl;dr with zaqar?21:36
flaper87notmyname: it sucks and we don't know what we're doing21:37
flaper87notmyname: you can tell I just got out of the meeting, right ?21:37
flaper87notmyname: the TC didn't vote, more discussion on the ML this week and then they'll vote next week21:37
notmynameremind me, is this for incubation or integrated status?21:37
flaper87The concern is that Zaqar shouldn't be a queue service but just a messaging service21:37
flaper87notmyname: integrated21:38
notmynameah good21:38
flaper87and well, TBH, we've been a messaging service for quite a while now21:38
notmynameflaper87: right. I understand. just like swift should rather be a storage provisioner so you can create scality or atmos or etc clusters ;-)21:38
flaper87but it looks like that message never got to the right ears21:38
flaper87notmyname: :D21:38
notmynamewhat's the difference between a queue service and a messaging service?21:39
flaper87notmyname: so far, according to the discussion we had, it looks like having a way to access messages by id makes the difference21:43
notmynameas in being able to get things in something other than FIFO?21:44
flaper87TBH, non of us is a big fan of get-message-by-id and we'd like to remove it21:44
flaper87but that doesn't mean I agree with that statement21:44
flaper87The reason we want to remove it is because we don't have a real use-case for it, it was needed for paging21:45
kgriffsto be clear21:45
kgriffsREST dictates you must be stateless21:45
kgriffsso to page through message feed you need a "marker" or something that the client keeps track of21:46
kgriffsonce you do that, adding get-message-by-id sort of just ended up being easy and we added it21:46
kgriffsbut it hadn't proved to have much practical use, as flaper87 said21:46
* notmyname wants durable and scalable (implied HA) pub/sub architecture between different actors. that's it. zaqar (nee marconi [and originally burro]) seemed to be headed in that direction. still hope it is :-)21:47
kgriffsyes, it is21:47
flaper87we ain't changing that21:47
notmynameturns out, provisioning rabbit doesn't do that ;-)21:47
kgriffsif removing get-message-by-id and banishing the word "queue" from our vocabulary helps more people get the right idea about Zaqar, I'm all for it.21:49
kgriffswe aren't changing what the project is21:49
flaper87yeah, that's what I tried to say in the meeting21:49
kgriffsjust trying to do some things to clear up misconceptions that keep popping up21:49
flaper87If that's what we're missing to get the emssage of what zaqar is clear, then lets do it.21:50
notmynamewait...tehy suggested replacing zaqar with imap?!21:53
openstackgerritKurt Griffiths proposed a change to openstack/zaqar: Remove extraneous created_iso property  https://review.openstack.org/12025621:55
flaper87notmyname: right, kind of, probably...21:55
notmynameso I should just email a message every time an object is added to swift. then I set up my listener to be an email client and do the right thing. while I suppose I can imagine that (in a "on the whiteboard sense"), it seems akin to making FUSE filesystems on top of metadata on zero-byte swift objects21:56
notmynameflaper87: perfect!!21:56
kgriffsanne attempted to make that point and TBH was treated very rudely21:56
flaper87"it seems akin to making FUSE filesystems on top of metadata on zero-byte swift objects" <- ssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh21:57
* kgriffs was floored21:57
notmynamebut since rackspace doesn't charge you for bytes in metadata, then you can have an infinite storage system for free!!!!!!21:57
kgriffsand if you like that, I've got an amazing patent-pending compression algorithm you might be interested in.21:58
notmynamekgriffs: s4! http://www.supersimplestorageservice.com21:59
* kgriffs drops another link https://github.com/kgriffs/rzip22:00
notmynamenice :-)22:00
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flaper87gtg guys, have a great rest of the day.22:02
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notmynamereading throught he TC meeting logs, it's hard to see what the actual questions or concerns are.22:10
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notmynamefyi sam (swift core and torgomatic in irc and sits across from me in the office) just responded to monty on the ML about zaqar23:27
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notmynameamitgandhinz: you're spamming the channel with connects and disconnects23:28
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