Thursday, 2025-02-27

rlandyHi all, reminder IRC meeting here in 25 minutes. Please add any topics to:
opendevreviewMerged openstack/watcher master: Deprecate Monasca data source
opendevreviewMerged openstack/watcher master: Further database refactoring
rlandy#startmeeting Watcher IRC meeting February 27, 202512:01
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Feb 27 12:01:25 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is rlandy. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.12:01
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'watcher_irc_meeting_february_27__2025'12:01
rlandyhi all12:01
rlandywho is around?12:01
marioshello o/12:02
rlandyplease add any additional meeting topics to: #link
rlandyok ... let's begin with the topics on the etherpad ...12:03
rlandy#topic Code freeze and RC12:03
rlandyreminder that those dates are here or coming soon12:04
sean-k-mooneycode freeze is technically today for features12:04
sean-k-mooneybug can merge until rc112:04
sean-k-mooneyalthoguh we whoudl avoid large changes at this point12:05
sean-k-mooneythe same is true for ci changes12:05
sean-k-mooneythey can still merge until rc1 but we shoudl make sure they are stable12:05
jgilaber__o/ sorry I'm late12:06
sean-k-mooneymaster will reopen for feature devleopemt once the stable branches are cut at rc112:06
rlandythank you sean-k-mooney for the additional information on what can/should go in12:06
amoralejthe changes related to prometheus testing in tempest should be merged before rc 1?12:06
sean-k-mooneythey can be yes12:06
rlandyyes ... that brings us to the next topic ...12:06
sean-k-mooneyso we shoudl not add new jobs in stable, we can extend existing ones however12:07
rlandywhich is the outstanding reviews12:07
rlandyso let's go there so we have enough time to cover them 12:08
rlandy#topic Reviews that need attention:12:08
rlandydviroel: would you like to take the ones you have on the list?12:08
dviroel sure12:09
dviroel1st one12:09
dviroel#link  (check for instances in the compute model)12:09
dviroelthere is more info the bug report, which explains the issue that we are trying to solve there12:09
dviroelit should make the CI more stable since it waits for compute model updates before starting the strategy execution and also at the end of the test, after deleting the instances12:10
dviroelci should vote again, not that the issue with oslo.service regression is solved12:10
dviroelany comments on this one?12:11
rlandyif CI passes, this is mergeable?12:11
sean-k-mooneyit should be yes12:11
sean-k-mooneyfor ci only changes we can continue to merge as normal for the next week and and a half12:12
dviroelthere is another change that is testing it:12:12
sean-k-mooneyi would prefer to stop merging ci changes a day or two before we cut rc112:12
dviroel#link (Enable prometheus datasource in watcher-prometheus-integration job)12:12
dviroel^ depends on the 1st patch12:12
dviroelok, so the next one is12:13
dviroel#link (support for prometheus datasource in scenario tests)12:14
dviroelthis one was already mentioned last week, change was updated based on comments from reviewers 12:14
dviroelty for reviewing it :)12:14
dviroelis is also being tested on (Enable prometheus datasource in watcher-prometheus-integration job)12:14
dviroelwhere is changes the datasource of 'watcher-prometheus-integration' job to 'prometheus' and enable the strategy execution tests12:15
dviroels/where is/where it12:15
dviroelif we merge the prometheus datasource one, it would be good to merge the ci change as well, since it is goint to be testing it12:16
tkajinamso we got the new oslo.service pulled into upper-constraints which seems to fix the breakage.12:17
dviroeltkajinam: yes, thanks for proposing the fixes12:17
sean-k-mooneyit did12:17
dviroelany comments on the prometheus datasource change?12:18
sean-k-mooneydviroel: as we have been dicussiont these i have been reviwign them and have approved the first prom datasouce patch 12:18
sean-k-mooneyand the one for waiting on the model12:18
sean-k-mooneyboth look good to me12:18
dviroelsean-k-mooney: great, thanks for reviewing, i know that you have a huge list of reviews12:19
rlandy looks like the one that needs review attention12:19
sean-k-mooneyya so i wont get to the second prom tool patch today but i might loop back to once the others have merged12:19
dviroelrlandy: right, this is a follow up for prometheus datasource12:20
rlandywell there are more of us than just sean-k-mooney 12:20
sean-k-mooneyya so i wont get to that today12:20
sean-k-mooneybut if other can review ill try an get to it early next week12:20
rlandythank you 12:21
rlandyand thank you tkajinam for joining and for the fixes12:21
dviroelthere is also a link for test results in the etherped for the  (run promtool in a podified deployment) change12:22
dviroelrlandy: that's what I have12:22
rlandyanyone have any more questions for dviroel on the reviews discussed?12:22
rlandydviroel++ great work in a short amount of time12:23
amoralejyeah, it's a great work dviroel 12:23
amoralejI'll review today12:23
dviroelty all for the reviews12:24
rlandyok ... let's move on ...12:25
rlandy#topic Bug triage12:25
rlandywe have a few in the list today - the first of which I did not add ...12:25
rlandyZone Migration Strategy failing to build a list of instances for migration12:26
rlandynewly created12:26
dviroelah, I reported this one, i saw this failure while running tests with prometheus datasource12:26
dviroelzone migration is failing with a KeyError in some cases12:26
rlandyright - you reported that last week 12:26
rlandyrepeated test failures12:27
dviroelif you check the link [3] in the Bug12:27
dviroelyou will see that zone migration is looking directly in nova, to get a list of instances and filtering based on the compute model12:27
dviroelyes, tks12:27
dviroelit is not catching the keyError exception raised when the instance does not exist in the model12:27
dviroeland  fails12:28
dviroelbut I am not even sure if the strategy should be getting instances from nova, instead of looking to the model only12:28
dviroelit seems to be the only strategy doing that12:28
amoraleji'd say strategies should rely only in the collected model12:29
dviroelin the end, CI should not fail anymore since with  (check for instances in the compute model) fix12:29
amoralejmaybe some metadata is missing there?12:29
dviroelbut still, we should verify the behavior of this strategy, so I think that the Bug is still valid12:30
amoraleji think so12:30
amoralejout of ci, model may be out of sync12:30
rlandyso let's up the importance12:31
rlandyand moving to triaged12:31
rlandyI'll put that on high12:31
rlandyso we are sure to come back to it12:32
dviroelin the end, it fails, but running the audit again, it can propose a solution12:32
dviroelso it is not a high/critical imo12:33
amoralejI was thinking if we may be able to improve the way it manages the model, may be a topic for the ptg12:33
amoralejalso, it only affects one strategy, so i agree, non critical12:34
sean-k-mooneyusign the model can be out of sync so ya the stragies shoudl handle not found ectra12:34
dviroelamoralej: +112:34
sean-k-mooneybut i think we need to reflect on the error handelign in general12:34
sean-k-mooneyi suspect this is not the onlyh place where it assumes no extrenal change when running12:34
sean-k-mooneyone suggestion i have and we can go into it more in the ptg12:35
sean-k-mooneyis watcher can consume nova notifciaotns12:35
sean-k-mooneynova sends notification for isntance create and delete12:35
sean-k-mooneyand other hging12:35
sean-k-mooneyso we could hook those notificatoin ot update the model reactivly12:35
rlandyok - whoever is editing the PTG topics - thank you for adding to that list12:36
rlandyI'll move the bug to medium12:36
dviroelsean-k-mooney: i think that watcher already has some notification processing, according with some debug messages in logs12:37
dviroelbut yeah, lets discuss that in more details at ptg12:37
amoralejsean-k-mooney, I'm adding the topic for ptg, feel free to add your ideas there12:37
dviroelthis-> "DEBUG watcher.decision_engine.model.notification.nova Mapped instance eb46da3f-5b4d-41c4-95f7-648ebc0d8162 to cf119883-9445-4660-967b-e5c49ff08495 {{(pid=97523) update_instance_mapping /opt/stack/watcher/watcher/decision_engine/model/notification/}}..."12:38
rlandy#action continue discussion at PTG12:38
sean-k-mooneydviroel: it does i just dont know how conencted it is.12:38
sean-k-mooneyi.e. i have not looked to see what we are usign them for yet12:38
sean-k-mooneywe can likely move on12:38
dviroelsean-k-mooney: yeah, needs further investigation12:38
rlandythank you for raising this ... to be continued at PTG12:40
rlandyok - let's move on to the rest of the bugs listed12:40
rlandythese few are the last few without any recent update12:40
rlandymost I think are test related or already fixed so we should be able to action them12:41
rlandy#link 12:41
dviroel2018, python 2.712:42
rlandyyep - very old12:42
rlandypaste still exists though :)12:42
rlandyobjections to closing this as old version?12:42
amoralejor incomplete , no way to reproduce12:43
jgilaber__the test is passing now, so I think we can close this one12:44
jgilaber__for example in
rlandythanks jgilaber__ 12:44
dviroelthe paste also points to ceilometer as backend...12:45
sean-k-mooneylets clsoe as incomplete12:45
rlandymarked incomplete ... moving on12:46
rlandywatcher-tls-test intermittently fails cloning gnocchi from github12:46
rlandyI don't think we have hit clone issues lately?12:47
jgilaber__was this job removed? I can't find its history12:47
rlandypossible - long time ago12:48
sean-k-mooneyya so we are not ment to clone in the jobs12:48
sean-k-mooneyi suspsect this was fixxed by either removign the job or making it use gnocci cloned by zuul12:48
sean-k-mooneyactully i may have env fixed this indirectlly 12:49
rlandyok - so fix released?12:50
sean-k-mooneyi made the plugin that installed know acutlly use zuul to handel the cloning12:50
sean-k-mooneyyep or invalid12:50
tkajinamyou might have to add gnocchi to required-projects12:50
sean-k-mooneyit wasnt a bug in watcher12:50
rlandyok - moving on12:51
rlandytest_execute_workload_stabilization intermittently fails because server is deleted before live migration is complete12:52
rlandyagain 201912:52
jgilaber__ was proposed as a possible fix12:53
rlandypossible fix is listed12:53
rlandywe should be running a workload stabilization test12:53
rlandyso have a recent history?12:53
sean-k-mooneywe are and its passign as far as i am aware12:54
sean-k-mooneyso i think this could be marked fix released12:54
rlandyupdating bug12:55
rlandyand last one ...12:56
rlandyOSC watcher plugin doesn't use updated API versioning12:56
rlandyThis issue was fixed in the openstack/python-watcherclient 2.3.0 release.12:56
rlandyper bug12:56
dviroelright, we don't see that issue happening in our env12:57
rlandyupdating per that comment12:57
rlandyok - we're coming up to time so ..12:58
rlandy#topic Volunteers to chair March 6th meeting12:58
rlandythank you dviroel 12:58
rlandyany other topics to raise before we close out?12:58
amoralejI've been adding topics to the list of items for ptg, to track conversations we've had in last weeks/months, feel free to coment on them, we can filter the list when ptg is closer12:59
rlandythank you amoralej 12:59
rlandyok - thanks all ...13:00
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Feb 27 13:00:06 2025 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)13:00
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
dviroelty rlandy++13:00
amoralejthanks rlandy !13:00
sean-k-mooneya week or so before the ptg we will want to roughly group them and daft an outline for the adgenda13:00
sean-k-mooneybut mostly that just means puttign them in the correct etherpad and gong from top to bottom13:00
sean-k-mooneywe may want to do 2 cross project seesion too13:01
sean-k-mooneydepending on if we have topic we want to dicuss with nova or others13:01
sean-k-mooneybut ya not urgent yet13:01
amoralejgood point about cross project sessions 13:01
opendevreviewMerged openstack/watcher-tempest-plugin master: Add support for prometheus datasource in scenario tests
opendevreviewAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/watcher stable/2024.2: Replace deprecated LegacyEngineFacade
opendevreviewAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/watcher stable/2024.2: Further database refactoring
opendevreviewchandan kumar proposed openstack/watcher-tempest-plugin master: DNM - Testing changes with prometheus datasource
opendevreviewAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/watcher stable/2024.1: Replace deprecated LegacyEngineFacade
opendevreviewAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/watcher stable/2024.1: Further database refactoring
opendevreviewchandan kumar proposed openstack/watcher-tempest-plugin master: DNM - Testing changes with prometheus datasource

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