Thursday, 2018-06-21

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openstackgerritsunqingliang proposed openstack/vitrage master: fix typos
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openstackgerritsunqingliang proposed openstack/vitrage master: fix typos
e0newill vitrage have ptg this fall? I don't see it in the list :(09:01
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opetrenko_Hello, I'm trying to refactor vitrage config usage. Therefore I have a question, maybe we should restructure config opts, and config groups?09:20
eyalbsend a pull request and we will review it09:24
opetrenko_ok, just wanted to discuss, should I refactor it, or it will be just a waste of time09:25
eyalband please explain the config refactoring is needed09:25
opetrenko_In commit message?09:25
eyalbyou can explain here also if you want09:27
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openstackgerritAnna Reznikov proposed openstack/vitrage master: don't mark deleted if alarm or edge already marked
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/vitrage master: fix typos
sq4indhey, trying to setup vitrage (again) and now I am getting this errors: Any ideas ?12:20
sq4indnvm fixed :D12:24
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ifat_afeksq4ind: Great :-) let us know if you need any other help12:34
sq4indifat_afek: looks like everything is working. Now trying to setup dashboard12:35
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sq4inddashboard working :D12:48
sq4indcool thing added to the top bar in openstack web dashboard ! :)12:49
sq4indI like it12:49
eyalbyes windriver guys did it12:49
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sq4indok and here comes problems12:58
sq4indso almost everything works12:58
sq4indbut somehow I cannot see alarm from nagios in the vitrage12:58
sq4indinstead I am getting this errors in graph.log:
sq4indany ideas ?12:58
eyalbdid you add nagios as a datasource in vitrage.conf ?12:59
sq4indeyalb: of course in a section [nagios] and in datasources/types13:00
eyalbwhat version of vitrage are you using ?13:01
sq4indlatest available in centos 7.5 (queens) rpm version is: openstack-vitrage-graph-2.3.0-1.el7.noarch13:06
eyalbfrom the error it looks like the nagios is not registered ? can you paste the vitrage.conf13:08
eyalbmaybe the exception you sent is an old exception before nagios was registered ?13:09
sq4indeyalb: do you want whole vitrage.conf ?13:09
sq4indok let me prepare it13:10
eyalbclean the graph.log and do restart graph to check that the exception is from now13:11
sq4indok will do13:11
sq4indeyalb: - vitrage.conf13:14
sq4indafter clearing log and restarting service logs is clean13:17
eyalbthe conf file looks ok13:17
sq4indhowever I cannot see any alert in vitrage13:17
sq4indand I've forced alarm on one of the nova hosts13:17
sq4indthe critical one13:18
sq4indwith cpu utilization13:18
eyalbif you use the cli you also don't see an alarm ?13:18
eyalbdid you write a conf file mapper for nagios ? called nagios_conf.yaml ?13:21
openstackgerritMerged openstack/vitrage master: don't mark deleted if alarm or edge already marked
sq4indeyalb: yes13:24
sq4indI will clear alert and try again13:26
eyalbcan you check the collector logs to see if you have errors also13:26
sq4indno errors in collector.log13:27
sq4indlet me check one more thing13:28
sq4indlast time I had a problem with naming when nova1 were in critical state nova10 was marked as red in vitrage13:28
eyalbthere is a missing dependency between collector and graph13:29
eyalbcan you do a restart to collector and then to the graph13:29
sq4indyep I can13:30
sq4indlet me just check it13:30
sq4indlooks like it started working13:34
sq4indsome kind of working13:34
sq4indand I have the same issue that I had before... in my case: nova10 has alarm, nova1 host is ok... vitrage is displaying that nova1 has a problem and nova10 is ok13:39
sq4indand btw - when I am doing in cli: openstack rca resource list I cannot see any type resources13:41
sq4indis it ok ?13:41
eyalbsq4ind: I need to go can you send your problem to the mailing list me and ifat will look at it on sunday13:49
sq4indeyalb: yep I will, can you plese tell me the @ of mailing list ?13:50
eyalbopenstack mailing list you need to put ion the subject [Vitrage]13:51
sq4indok coll13:51
sq4indcool* will do it shortly13:51
eyalbmy pleasure13:52
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