Wednesday, 2017-08-16

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ntpttr_laptophello all14:31
hubianhello nate14:31
ntpttr_laptopjust us hubian? :)14:32
lin_yanghello ntpttr_laptop hubian14:33
ntpttr_laptophey lin_yang14:33
ntpttr_laptopokay, I added one topic to the etherpad for today
hubianeh , one more now14:33
ntpttr_laptopokay well this will likely be quick - I saw that you were also pushing up some patches for rsd-lib for supporting chassis hubian14:34
hubianyeah ~14:35
ntpttr_laptopbasically while I've been going through and filling out RSD-Lib, I've been testing it by taking the valence redfish driver and replacing the functions there with RSDLib calls rather than all the custom and opinionated stuff that's there14:35
ntpttr_laptopthat file was a bit of a mess14:35
hubianabout node seems yanglin already done for it14:35
hubianyeah ~14:35
ntpttr_laptophere's one patch for systems
hubianwill change valence using rsd-lib to make those features14:36
ntpttr_laptophubian: do you mean for RSDLib? I already merged node stuff14:36
hubianyeah ~ i know it14:36
ntpttr_laptopI've been working on the valence part to replace the node functions with rsd-lib, has osmeone already done that?14:36
lin_yangI don't think so14:36
hubiannot done14:37
lin_yangntpttr_laptop: thanks for doing that14:37
ntpttr_laptopkk no problem guys14:37
ntpttr_laptopwould appreciate reviews :)14:37
ntpttr_laptoplmk if you have anything to review14:37
ntpttr_laptopthe node patch is going to be really big14:37
lin_yanghubian: ntpttr_laptop has finished the node composition part in rsd-lib14:37
ntpttr_laptophubian: is there anything else blocking multipodm at this point?14:37
ntpttr_laptopit would be cool to start merging code for that14:38
hubianwill go ahead on this part in valence for mutli-podm14:38
ntpttr_laptopsweet, I'll keep my eye out for it and give you some reviews14:38
hubianThanks ~14:38
ntpttr_laptopanything else you guys want to talk about before we call it? seems like work is good to keep going14:39
lin_yangdo you guys know the chassis part is in redfish standard, or non-redfish?14:39
lin_yangwondering do we need to push it to sushy, or stay in rsd-lib14:40
ntpttr_laptoplin_yang: I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think it is14:41
ntpttr_laptopwe should double check14:41
ntpttr_laptopI'll look into it14:41
lin_yangcool, thanks14:41
ntpttr_laptopokay looks like that's probably it14:42
ntpttr_laptopthanks for coming guys, keep up the good work14:43
hubianthanks ~14:43
hubianthanks nate14:43
hubianthanks yanglin14:43
lin_yangthanks bye :)14:43
hubiansee you ~14:44
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ntpttr_laptoplin_yang: hey, could I get some reviews from you today?
lin_yangntpttr_laptop: sure, will do it today. Sorry didn't notice them before.17:56
ntpttr_laptoplin_yang: np, thanks!17:58
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