Wednesday, 2017-07-05

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openstackgerritJinxing Fang proposed openstack/python-valenceclient master: Add node curd access api
openstackgerritJinxing Fang proposed openstack/python-valenceclient master: Add CLI node operation
openstackgerritJinxing Fang proposed openstack/python-valenceclient master: Add CLI node operation
openstackgerritJinxing Fang proposed openstack/python-valenceclient master: Add node curd access api
openstackgerritAnanth Narayan S proposed openstack/valence-specs master: Add task queueing to address scalability
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ramineni_Hi All14:28
mkraiHi ramineni_14:29
ramineni_hi mkrai14:29
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ananth_nhi everyone14:30
ramineni_ananth_n: you will chair the meeting today?14:31
ananth_nno. please go ahead14:31
lin_yangHi everyone14:31
ananth_nyou are the chair :)14:31
mrittikanate aren't you on leave?14:31
ramineni_Everyone are here I guess, Lets start then14:31
mrittikantpttr, i mean14:32
ramineni_mrittika: you have 2 topics to disucss today, please go ahead14:32
mrittikayes. one is on :.networking genericswitch in Openstack - for physical switch management - Redhat recommened use this for redfish network.14:33
mrittikahad a meeting with some if the redhat folks and they recommend we look at this "genericswitch"14:34
mrittikahas anyone seen the spec or code?14:34
shuquanI rememeber I aslo it last time14:34
shuquanironic multi tenancy function leverages networking genericswitch14:35
mrittikashuquan: how do we integrate that with Valence?14:35
shuquanwe have a simple plan about it.14:35
shuquannetworking genericswitch -> valence -> RSD Network API -> switch14:36
lin_yangshuquan: a driver in genericswitch for valence?14:37
shuquanwe plan to do some poc later on.14:37
shuquanyes, i think so14:37
mrittikaok. it is integrated with Ironic I believe14:38
mrittikaso then you can boot the switch and do any other sushy/redfish function too14:38
shuquana driver in genericswitch which can control the switch by valence lib14:38
ramineni_mrittika: do we already have bp registered for this feature in valence14:40
shuquanwe have implemented a driver in genericswitch before. it's not easy to put valence and genericswitch together. we'd better design it carefully.14:40
mrittikashuquan: agree14:40
mrittikaramineni_: do you want to take a look?14:41
ramineni_mrittika: yes,14:41
mrittikashuquan: maybe you want to start a thread14:41
mrittikaon your learnings14:41
shuquanmrittika: I'd like to :)14:44
ramineni_shuquan: great14:45
mrittikaok cool! we have 2 eager Valencians!14:45
ramineni_mrittika: :)14:45
shuquanI can start some discussion by offline mail first.14:45
ramineni_shuquan: sounds good14:46
ramineni_mrittika: anything more to discuss on this topic?14:46
mrittikano this is good14:47
ramineni_moving on then14:47
ramineni_#topic taskmanager for multi-podm14:47
mrittikayes. ananth_n what plans next?14:47
mrittikacan we do a POC integration with Hubian's multi-pod14:48
ananth_nfor that, we need the multi pod & pod scheduler support to be completed14:48
ananth_nor largely completed, let me say :)14:48
mrittikait is completed? !14:49
ananth_nhubian is refactoring the code for multi pod support.14:49
hubianin progress14:49
ananth_ni.e. to get the various functions do the multipod lookup and then issue requests14:49
lin_yangfor pod scheduler, the code is almost done, I will submit it today or tomorrow14:50
lin_yangwanna polish it before submit it :)14:50
mrittikalin_yang: Yay!14:50
lin_yangmrittika: do we have a target data for this poc?14:51
mrittikaso can plan a series of steps leading to the POC14:51
ananth_ni have submitted the spec, please take a look and leave your comments. even if we do a poc, i'd like it to have as much reusable code/design14:51
ananth_nand not be a throwaway prototype14:52
mrittikalin_yang: POC target was last week :) :)14:52
mrittikaif we want to show a demo at the next summit, we need to work backwards14:53
lin_yangananth_n: totally agree14:53
lin_yangokay, so this means we need to hurry up14:53
shuquanmaybe we can also show the genericswitch support in next summit. :)14:54
mrittikahubian: do you have an occasion to demo multi-pd?14:54
mrittikain q3?14:54
lin_yangmrittika: this poc for task manager, or multi-podm?14:54
mrittikashuquan: yes, more the merrier :)14:55
ananth_nshuquan: +1 :014:55
lin_yangshuquan: +114:55
shuquanlet's hurry up! guys14:55
mrittikalin_yang: multi-podm using task manager14:55
ananth_nlin_yang: multi-podm + task manager is what mrittika is referring to14:55
ramineni_hubian: is your code for multi-podm almost ready , or more work needed ?14:56
mrittikasummit is Nov 7-8. we have time14:56
hubianmutile podm demoed in the commitment to intel but not public14:57
lin_yangif only poc for multi-podm, I think the task queue is not necessary. I mean for poc. For availability improvement, absolutely we need this task queue14:57
mrittikayes lin_yang that is the goal14:59
mrittikademo 1 should be about a "scalable controller"15:00
mrittikademo 2 "network switch and network service management  in a diaggregated environment"15:01
lin_yanggot it. let's make a steps plan offline for demo 115:01
mrittikalin_yang: thanks for taking this ownership15:01
shuquanwe can also show the nvme features. :)15:02
mrittikashuquan: do you have HW for that?15:03
lin_yangtrue, storage is another important part in valence15:03
ramineni_nice , so may topics :D for CFP , by the way the deadline for presentations is July1415:03
shuquanmrittika: yes15:03
mrittikaramineni_: !!! thanks for reminding.. and this time it is in Sydney..15:04
shuquani'm drafting a abstract about nvme & networking features15:04
ramineni_mrittika: right15:04
mrittikaramineni_: are you planning any abstracts or brown bag15:05
ramineni_im planning for one15:06
ramineni_on pooled resources management and vendor architecture, but not sure yet15:06
mrittikathat's a good idea15:06
mrittikalet us know who wants to collaborate with whom or going solo..15:07
ramineni_mrittika: good idea to colloborate :)15:08
shuquancollaboration makes better. :)15:08
ramineni_do we want to maintain etherpad for all the topics?15:08
lin_yanghow about we collect all topic proposal on etherpad15:08
shuquangood ideas15:08
ramineni_lin_yang: +1 :)15:08
ramineni_lin_yang: can u create one etherpad for the same ?15:09
ramineni_or want to add in existing one itself?15:10
lin_yangmaybe we can use the valence one, just add one section at the top15:10
ramineni_lin_yang: ok, sounds good15:11
ramineni_anyone have anymore topics to discuss?15:11
ananth_nnone from me15:12
mrittikanone from my side15:12
ramineni_I think some valencelcient pacthes are up,15:13
ramineni_and valence patches open for review15:13
shuquannone from me15:13
ramineni_ok, then lets end the meeting early15:14
shuquansee you next week15:14
ramineni_Thanks All :)15:14
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lin_yangthanks all, bye15:14
ananth_nthanks, bye.15:14
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