Wednesday, 2022-09-07

ildikovspotz: Hey, Following up on the Inspur topic tonyb raised earlier. Do you know if there's any documentation or blog post anywhere to point the Inspur team to for some advice regarding good community practices?16:54
spotzildikov: openstack specific or?21:16
ildikovspotz: ideally something that is relevant to their behavior of fixing one minor thing in a lot of repos as opposed to fixing that one thing everywhere in one project. Doesn't necessarily have to be OpenStack specific.21:18
ildikovspotz: if you don't have anything handy that's fine too. We'll just point them to the Contributor Guide until tonyb is back to pick up the thread.21:24
spotzYeah nothing off hand, opensource way is a good resource though21:25
ildikovSounds good!23:35

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