Tuesday, 2022-08-02

*** diablo_rojo is now known as Guest686104:32
spotz_diablo_rojo_phone: we meeting tonight?23:01
Guest6861We can23:01
Guest6861I am around. 23:01
Guest6861I don't know what we have to talk about at this point. 23:02
spotz_hehe Ok you're the guest:)23:04
spotz_I'm playing Shadowrun tonight so just wanted to see23:04
Guest6861Lol yes sorry23:05
Guest6861trying to fix that23:05
*** Guest6861 is now known as diablo_rojo23:05
spotz_There you go:) I was wondering at first if it was Helena or Sunny logging in as a guest account 23:06
diablo_rojoNope. 23:06
diablo_rojoIt was my matrix being weird and showing that I was diablo_rojo when it was a lie23:07

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