Wednesday, 2022-07-06

diablo_rojo_phoneOh yes. Its a starred email. I just havent gotten around to it since I am still recovering from covid00:02
diablo_rojo_phoneI will do it tomorrow00:03
spotzOk I'll let them know00:03
diablo_rojo_phoneThere wasn't a deadline I missed or anything right? 00:04
spotzWell registration for the event is open so they probably wanted it before then. I've got a meeting with someone from RH working on GHC tomorrow. Not sure what it's about as they just put it on my calendar for tomorrow. Could be related could be something different00:05
diablo_rojo_phoneOkay well if its about ghc can you add me? 00:10
spotzWhat timezone you in?:)00:10
spotzOk it's 8:3000:11
diablo_rojo_phoneUgh okay00:11
diablo_rojo_phoneCan do00:11
spotzI just messaged her just in case it's not related00:12
spotzpm me what address you want added00:13
spotzinvited your gmail00:15
diablo_rojo_phoneThat is perfect. 00:15
diablo_rojo_phonegmail works00:15
spotzOk I'll see you in the morning00:32
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