Tuesday, 2022-02-01

spotzdiablo_rojo_phone: Are we planning oon having OUI in Berlin?01:47
diablo_rojo_phoneI will be bringing that up this week but I suspect we will need a company to donate space. 01:50
spotzWe already grabbed Deutsche Telekom for the OPS Meetup:)02:12
spotzNo clue where the Board meeting will be02:12
*** diablo_rojo is now known as Guest135203:44
jungleboyjspotz: diablo_rojo_phone  Just an FYI that I will not be in Berlin.  Lenovo is not allowing travel yet and I already had a family vacation booked for that week.  Will be the first summit I miss since 2017 I think.20:38
jungleboyjWhoa, actually since May of 2014 .  The Atlanta Summit was my first.20:40
spotzjungleboyj: NO!!!!!!!!!!!20:41
jungleboyjEasy spotz ...20:42
jungleboyjI know.  But we already booked cabins for a lake vacation almost a year ago and it is that week.20:43
jungleboyjI don't think Lenovo is going to be allowing any Conference travel until after the summer at the earliest.  Right now they say until May, but I wouldn't be able to get approval that quick anyway.20:43
spotzYeah we're at March right noow20:45
jungleboyjI had a good run at it.20:46
spotzMy run was Tokyo to Shanghai which I didn't attend20:50
jungleboyjThat is a pretty good run too.  :-)21:03
diablo_rojo_phoneNo updates on OUI yet23:57
diablo_rojo_phoneDid anyone want to meet tonight? 23:57

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