Monday, 2020-06-01

*** matt_kosut has joined #openstack-upstream-institute02:58
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spotz@diablo_rojo_phon FC SIg zoom or jitsu?21:20
diablo_rojo_phonI'll update to jitsi before the meeting.21:20
spotzOk thanks21:32
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diablo_rojogmann, spotz tonyb tonyb[m] mattoliverau reminder of the FC SIG PTG meeting in 4 min :)22:56
mattoliverauam I in the wrong room?23:03
mattoliverauits in Austin rihgt?23:05
spotzmattoliverau: ^23:05
diablo_rojomattoliverau, if you have issues the jitsi phone app is good.23:07
diablo_rojoIts worked for me when I have had browser issues.23:08

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