Wednesday, 2020-02-26

diablo_rojo_phongmann: tonyb[m] mattoliverau ...are we skipping again?00:57
gmanno/ i am here.00:58
diablo_rojo_phonI am too, but the only thing I have is if we want to meet at the ptg..01:01
diablo_rojo_phonI kinda feel like no? Or a 1/4 of a day if anything?01:01
gmannwe can discuss the things in meeting always but if any new people in PTG then we should meet but i think there is very less chance to have new people there ?01:02
gmannso i am also kind of same feel, no.01:03
diablo_rojo_phonThere is definitely a smaller chance of new people because the event isn't targeted at new people.01:03
gmannberlin in nov may be good idea to meet and hold banner to contact us.01:05
diablo_rojo_phonYeah I agree with that.01:10
diablo_rojo_phonBut maybe we skip for Vancouver?01:10
gmannyeah, we can skip01:10
diablo_rojo_phonOkay then no need to meet :)01:13
diablo_rojo_phonIf people disagree with the decision to not meet, let me know before March 1st.01:13
* tonyb[m] is kinda listening01:24
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