Wednesday, 2018-08-15

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diablo_rojomattoliverau, gonna be around this week?06:52
mattoliverauyou? finish the big move?06:52
diablo_rojoYeah. Just been working on unpacking to fill the time.06:52
diablo_rojoGot the bar unpacked. Got the tv + game systems setup. Got the clothes all unpackced and put away.06:53
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diablo_rojoThat was fast.07:01
tonybdoes that make me a cool kid now?07:02
tonybHmm almost eh? Oh well I guess I'll keep trying07:03
* diablo_rojo had several answers poised for if you had asked 'What else do I have to do?'07:04
* tonyb is terrified to ask07:05
diablo_rojoYou probably should be.07:05
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tonybjust kidding ;P07:05
* diablo_rojo was concerned for a moment07:06
tonybdiablo_rojo: still surrounded by boxes?07:08
diablo_rojotonyb, significantly less than this morning07:09
diablo_rojoUnpacked like 25 boxes + suitcases07:10
diablo_rojoStill have a lot left to unpack in the kitchen and office.07:10
mattoliverau\o/ its a tonyb07:10
tonybmattoliverau: pfft I've been here for like 8mins what took you so long07:10
mattoliverausorry, was talking to work mates (now that europe have finally woke up)07:11
tonybmattoliverau: I'm playing with Ceph *sorry*07:11
mattoliverauso long as it's only block07:11
mattoliverauif its radosgw then I'll take it to heart07:12
mattoliveraudiablo_rojo: after moving, the first thing should be bed (place to sleep) and kitchen (well enough so you can eat). But +100 on getting the TV + game systesm up ;)07:13
mattoliverauand bar, but that counts as kitchen right :P07:13
tonybmattoliverau: I already said sorry right?07:14
tonybmattoliverau: I'm pretty sure it's the whole ceph-shebang07:15
mattoliverautonyb: it's ok, I know sometimes work makes you do things you don't want to do, I know, I play with ceph sometimes too.07:16
tonybmattoliverau: It's true.  Thanks man07:16
diablo_rojomattoliverau, its pretty close I think. The bar was just super easy as its a bunch of glasses and bottles. Freed up a lot of spacec too.07:16
tonyb+ you get to drink while unpacking/meeting07:17
diablo_rojoIf I start drinking now I likely won't make it till the meeting07:19
* diablo_rojo will pass out in ten min or less07:19
tonybWe could do an experiment for the sake of science07:20
diablo_rojoWhat's the hypothesis we are testing?07:21
tonybdiablo_rojo: that if you sart drinking now you'll pass out in <10mins07:25
diablo_rojotonyb, if I didn't have to wake up early to run tomorrow I might be willing to test it.07:26
mattoliverauyou'll need something connected to irc, that when you collapse we set a message or something07:26
diablo_rojoFitbit tracking- it calculates when I fall asleep.07:26
tonybSee we can do this!07:27
diablo_rojoI'll be asleep before you get the code written to connect fitbit to irc to tell you I'm asleep07:28
mattoliverauthough I might be eating dinner while the meeting starts, so my typing will be slowed, so it's better if diablo_rojo it awake so I can just interject and heckle rather then having to run the meeting :P07:29
diablo_rojomattoliverau, if you type slow I will just sign you up for all the jobs ;)07:30
mattoliveraulol, damn, that might just work07:30
diablo_rojomattoliverau, tonyb this is the longest hour of my life..07:35
tonyb*sigh* you're right pypi lacks the librarries needed07:35
tonybdiablo_rojo: we'll try to be more entertaining07:36
diablo_rojoYes please :)07:36
diablo_rojoDo either of you play pokemonGo?07:37
* tonyb does07:37
tonybbut not a lot07:38
diablo_rojoHow many kangaskhan do you have tonyb?07:38
tonybI only ever keep 2 of anything07:38
tonybso I can evolve them07:38
diablo_rojoI will trade you a Tauros for a Kangaskhan in Berlin07:39
tonybotherwise my backpack fills up :/07:39
tonybwait trading .... we can do that?07:39
diablo_rojoI would trade at the ptg but you won't be there :(07:39
diablo_rojoAlso, we should be pokemonGo friends.07:40
tonybwait what!  clearly I'm not paying attention07:41
diablo_rojoWe can trade but we have to be within like 10 meters of one another or something07:42
diablo_rojoBut we can send gifts back and forth in the mean time07:42
diablo_rojoIts how you can get 7km eggs07:42
diablo_rojoI get british eggs from andy and alex :)07:42
* tonyb never knew07:42
diablo_rojoIf you send me your friend code thing I can add you tomorrow.07:43
* tonyb feels like a grandpa and looks up how to determine my 'friend code thing'07:44
tonybit's a good job rebooting enterprise hardware takes ages ....07:45
diablo_rojotap on your profile in the bottom left and then swipe to the side to look at friends07:45
diablo_rojoThen click add friend to see your code07:45
diablo_rojoFind it tonyb?07:47
tonyb2076 3828 642007:47
* tonyb *really* hopes that isn't supposed to be secure :/07:48
diablo_rojoHa ha you might just get a bunch of friend requests from random people that find the log07:48
tonybM-12 mins07:48
* diablo_rojo is too lazy to get her phone right now07:49
* tonyb failed at finding silly dog vidoes on YT to prevent bordom07:53
diablo_rojoFelicia Day videos then? ;)07:54
* tonyb didn't create an account on twitch or anything ...07:56
diablo_rojoShe is awesome, no denying that.07:58
* tonyb nods08:00
csatariWhen will we have the OUI in Berlin? Sun - Sat or Sat - Mon or?08:31
tonybdiablo_rojo: rest well08:33
tonybcsatari: I don't know but I'm pretty sure it'll be Sun+Mon (the summit starts on Tue right?)08:34
csatariAccording to the Summit page yes.08:34
tonybcsatari: I'm pretty sure it'll be Sun+Mon08:35
csatariCool. I will need to start to do my travel arrangements.08:36
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diablo_rojotonyb, can you join #kata-election when you get online?20:12
spotztonyb the official election official:)20:15
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/training-guides master: Add '.pyc' in gitignore
openstackgerritMerged openstack/training-guides master: Add the missing markup for the hyperlink title
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