Thursday, 2018-03-01

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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/training-guides master: Imported Translations from Zanata
openstackgerritMerged openstack/training-guides master: Imported Translations from Zanata
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vkmcildikov, I saw this today10:42
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ianychoiEnjoy all for PTG :)11:21
gmann_ildikov: we still meeting today or canceled ?12:46
ildikovgmann_: need to figure out where we can get together12:47
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ildikovgmann_: jungleboyj: vkmc: mtreinish: I'm sitting at the lobby infront of the elevators with diablo_rojo and csatari15:42
jungleboyjildikov:  Cinder meeting is still going since we had the time delay.  Not sure I will make it as we are trying to wrap up topics.15:44
ildikovjungleboyj: sure, bo worries15:44
ildikovspotz: kmARC: we have a few people at a table now to do stuff, but Hangouts is not an option anymore as the hotel wifi can't handle all of us who got trapped here...15:52
ildikovspotz: kmARC: but we're on IRC :)15:52
csatariIRC is always good.15:53
kmARCOh okay. My call will start now, maybe I can join the discussion after 5PM15:53
kmARCwill see15:53
csatarikmARC: I have now the VM image on my windows machine,15:53
csatariI need admin rights to install VirtualBox what I have to ask from IT.15:54
csatari(Yes, I do not have VirtualBox installed yet as this is a temp PC from IT (as I destroyed my laptop using carrot salad last week))15:55
kmARCHahaha, okay15:58
kmARCso it's not urgent now since i couldn't meet up with fungi yet, because I couldn't make it back to the venue...15:58
ildikovSo the decision is to get the Contributor Guide as complete as possible first16:27
ildikovSo to migrate content over16:27
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jungleboyjildikov:  Sounds good.  I am hoping to make time to work on some of the sections I recently updated.17:17
ildikovjungleboyj: cool, thanks17:17
jungleboyjildikov:  Did you guys wrap up?17:18
ildikovjungleboyj: still in the lobby17:18
ildikovbut people lost interest in working for the day mainly17:18
jungleboyjildikov:  Ok, we just wrapped up Cinder and was tackling a family issue.17:19
csatarikmARC: We tried to iport the VM and it complains about some USB 3 nonsense.17:40
kmARCusb 317:40
kmARCis it an error or just warning17:41
csatariImplementation of the USB 3.0 controller not found!17:41
csatariWe can try to discabel USB 3 in the VM or try to install the USB 3 implementation (what needs to be documented. )17:43
kmARCso it needs virtualbox extension pack17:45
kmARCi think that's the solution17:45
csatariWe try that.17:47
csatariThis should be added to the documentation.17:47
csatariIt seems that the VirtualBox client things.17:52
csatariThe resolution is 200 x 30017:54
csatariAnd we can not find stack.sh17:56
csatariAh, so the VM started with the extension pack.17:58
csatariDo we need to chek devstack out17:58
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openstackgerritGergely Csatari proposed openstack/upstream-institute-virtual-environment master: Mention VirtualBox extension pack
kmARCSo, tomorrow neither of the buses nor Dart would operate. I try to order limousin service and go back at least to the hotel.23:24
kmARCIt would be cool to sit together and hack at least something. Will you guys be in Croke Hotel for lunch?23:24
kmARC@ildikov, @csatari23:30

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