Thursday, 2017-12-14

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octo-fshello folks, I'm new to the community and want to contribute in OpenStack Upstream Institute, can anyone guide me how to start?02:18
octo-fsMy background is from SysAdmin02:19
gmannocto-fs: hi02:26
octo-fs@gmann hello02:27
gmannocto-fs: "OpenStack Upstream Institute"  is place to help new contributor want to contribute in any of the openstack projects02:27
gmannocto-fs: you mean to join that group or you are looking for some help to start contribution in interested projects in openstack02:28
octo-fsyeah i want to join OpenStack Upstream Institute02:29
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gmannok, if you see this msg, we can help more. FYI there is new SIG going on for that -
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kmARCildikov: are planning to have an upstream training session on the PTG in Dublin?08:40
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kmARCdiablo_rojo_phon: diablo_rojo: maybe you can answer this too :-)13:06
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jungleboyjkmARC:  No, I tried to push that idea but was told they are not planning to do that.15:59
jungleboyjkmARC: I had sent out a poll to see how many people would be interested in going to a OUI at the PTG and got minimal response and no interest.16:00
kmARCokay, thanks16:03
kmARCactually makes sense, sort of16:05
kmARCanyhow, I'm considering upstreaming some keystone contributions, so may go there16:06
spotzYeah target audience for PTG is higher level then OUI16:20
jungleboyjkmARC:  There requests from people in Denver to do it but I got significant push back from diablo_rojo so I haven't pushed further.16:52
ildikovkmARC: we were thinking more about a session for the mentors/contributors maybe connecting with the First Contact SIG to discuss where we are and maybe having a work session to move stuff forward16:53
ildikovocto-fs: welcome!!! :)16:53
jungleboyjocto-fs:  Indeed.  Welcome.16:53
jungleboyjildikov:  That would be great to utilize the PTG to further efforts around the OUI and SIG.16:53
ildikovjungleboyj: will look into the room availability, etc16:54
jungleboyjildikov:  Great.  Don't  know why I hadn't thought of that opportunity.16:54
ildikovjungleboyj: too many moving bits everywhere :)16:55
jungleboyjYeah, I know what you mean.16:55
jungleboyjBusy is good though.  Things to be done.16:55
spotzAnd we can wrestle down some more laisons, I should put myself down as OSA officially just never have:)17:19
jungleboyjspotz:  Yeah, that would be good.17:21
diablo_rojoBeing chair of the First Contact SIG and collecting info from SIG chairs about if they want have space at the PTG I can make sure we have time/space there :)19:03
diablo_rojospotz, feel free to add yourself :)19:05
diablo_rojoocto-fs, so at this point you are still interested in getting involved in the community? I had seen you talking to spotz the other day about OpenStack-Ansible and Kolla-Ansible. Did you get to look into them at all?19:08
octo-fsyeah i did look into it and i think i'll be unable to contribute to these technical projects at this stage as i'm learning it myself19:10
octo-fsso i'm looking into the things where i can put my efforts best19:10
octo-fsit may take some time but i'm pretty sure i'll be putting my effort in the right direction after a while19:11
diablo_rojoocto-fs, I wouldn't let that stop you :) I can find someone in one or the other as a mentor for you if you want. They might be able to help get you up to speed faster that learning on your own.19:12
octo-fsyeah i would love to have a mentor as it'll give me a context and i can put my efforts in the right direction19:13
diablo_rojoocto-fs, Which of those two projects is more interesting to you?19:14
diablo_rojoTo oversimplify it, vms or containers?19:15
octo-fswell as a fun project, i did deploy Canonical Cloud once19:15
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