Tuesday, 2017-12-05

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* diablo_rojo catches up on the rest of the meeting logs from yesterday16:58
diablo_rojoildikov, there was already a super user article about the contributor portal16:59
diablo_rojoThe article I had thought of would talk about the migration of the info from our slides to the contributor portal17:00
ildikovdiablo_rojo: I don't think mentioning it again when we get more progress would hurt :)17:00
diablo_rojoOh yeah I just mean it shouldn't be the focus cause it already was :)17:00
ildikovdiablo_rojo: that's what I meant as well, but more from "user perspective"17:00
diablo_rojoIts obviously going to be integral to our training going forward so its going to need mention and discussion17:01
diablo_rojoildikov, got it17:01
ildikovI didn't want it to be a focus, but probably didn't phrase it the best17:01
diablo_rojoDid we actually have someone volunteer? I can draft something if no one did.17:01
diablo_rojoI haven't finished reading the logs yet.17:01
ildikovwe could do that after the holidays17:02
ildikovwhen people get their minds to the first half of the year17:02
diablo_rojoI have time to work on it now. I will start putting something together.17:03
ildikovI meant more those who we want to inspire with the article :)17:03
diablo_rojoAh got it.17:04
ildikovand also when we get a bit mre progress with restructuring the training a bit17:04
* diablo_rojo is just excited and wants to get/keep things moving17:06
ildikovbut if you don't agree we can get something out now, I'm just afraid that the end of year tasks already occupy people from the involvement perspective and they might not start to plan for a little while from training attendance perspective17:06
ildikovso I wouldn't necessarily use a bullet now if the timing is not the best17:06
ildikovyeah, I get that :)17:06
ildikovand I don't want to kill it17:07
diablo_rojoI don't think its worth it to get posted now, but getting something off the ground might be good.17:07
diablo_rojoSince I have the time.17:07
ildikovsure, we can open an etherpad and update it as we get progress and publish when we think it's time17:08
ianychoidiablo_rojo, by the way, where can we ask for +2s for contributor portal patches: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/contributor-guide ?17:12
ianychoiThere are still open reviews on the repository.17:12
ianychoiBTW I have just briefly read yesterday meeting minute and using storyboard for contributor portal looks so good :)17:13
ildikovianychoi: will look into those soon17:14
ildikovianychoi: +1 for Storyboard :)17:14
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diablo_rojoianychoi, unfortunately there isn't a channel for it really, but its basically ildikov, me, pkovar, kloeker, annabelleB, and  thingee17:31
diablo_rojoianychoi, I think direct pings in like.. the dev channel maybe?17:32
ildikovor on -doc17:35
ildikovI would say depending on the topic, if it's content I agree with dev17:36
ildikovif it's migration from training content to portal it can be this channel too17:36
diablo_rojoildikov, want to review my open change there? :)17:37
diablo_rojoIt already had a +217:37
ildikovdiablo_rojo: on it, just don't have stable data and Gerrit makes my nerves jumping out of my head by now... :)17:40
diablo_rojoBAsically it just says that after people get set up in IRC they should join dev as per the discussion at the First Contact SIG meeting at the summit17:45
ildikovdiablo_rojo: added a comment17:53
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jungleboyjildikov: diablo_rojo_phon  I think it would be good to do a superuser article on what we are doing with the migration after the first of the year and then a follow up on what the new content looks like as we get closer to the summit.  I would be happy to help.  For sure on the second one.18:26
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spotzjungleboyj: sounds like a good idea on both19:24
diablo_rojospotz, I am in Austin btw19:29
spotzdiablo_rojo: Sweet when you leaving?19:30
diablo_rojoGot plans tonight and Friday night I think.19:30
spotzdiablo_rojo: Doing wassailfest on Thursday but otherwise open19:30
diablo_rojospotz, coming to kubecon?19:31
spotzdiablo_rojo: Nope, not sent and I'm going to see a friend who lost her husband recently with my last 2 days19:32
spotzso no extra vaca to spend19:32
diablo_rojoOh no :/ Thats terrible.19:33
spotzdiablo_rojo: Yeah:( So going to visit her19:34
spotzBut I couold be talked into coming up for dinner on Wednesday:)19:35
diablo_rojospotz, condolences to your friend.19:35
spotzdiablo_rojo: Thanks19:35
diablo_rojoThat could be fun :)19:35
spotzdiablo_rojo: BBQ or something different?19:36
diablo_rojoGood question..not sure yet. Will depend what we eat tonight at JB's I think.19:36
spotzdiablo_rojo: Ok let me know. If Dennis doesn't join or switch vehicles I have either 1 available seat or the truck:)19:37
spotzOr we stick to Austin and I park (Element) I'm still working oon truck parking in small areas:)19:38
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jungleboyjspotz:  Glad you like the idea.  Will keep it in mind as we go forward.20:33
jungleboyjspotz: Sorry to hear about your friend.20:33
spotzjungleboyj: thanks20:33
jungleboyjGood that you can go be a support.20:33
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