Tuesday, 2017-10-17

ianychoigmann, available from about 20 mins ago with Forum: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2017-October/123699.html00:07
gmannianychoi: yea, thanks00:09
ianychoiYou're welcome :)00:09
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kmARCildikov mrmartin diablo_rojo_phon csatari: any evening / dinner plans?10:23
csatariWhich day and which city?10:23
kmARCOh, today and Copenhagen10:25
csatariI have to skip until we are in the same city. :)10:25
kmARCHmm I thought on Twitter you also said you're coming10:26
kmARCAh you meant Sydney! Okay.10:27
csatariYes :)10:27
kmARCAnyhow, we still have time to plan the Sydney trip 😀10:27
csatariHave fun in Denmark. Hygge a lot.10:30
diablo_rojo_phonNone so far. Ildikov and I land about 6:30.10:39
mrmartinwe will land around 6.3510:43
ianychoiOh today Copehagen! Have fun!11:43
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ildikovI have slide prep duties for today :(12:45
ianychoiAfter prep duties and institute then everything should be fine and enjoy the night!12:57
kmARC:-) Guys, I just landed, but still here at - the VERY expensive - airport starbucks, bc. upon landing a ton of slack messages waited for me saying "THEREISABUGINPROD!!! FIXITMARK! WHIP!!!"13:03
ildikovianychoi: I'm doing the opening keynote on Thursday, so that night it will all be fun, but not before :)13:26
ildikovkmARC: :/13:26
ildikovkmARC: with Kendall we land at 6:30pm, I wouldn't sit that long at the airport if I were you :)13:26
kmARCI know, it all depends how fast I am with the bughunting :-)13:31
ildikovkmARC: BTW, is the image fixed?14:29
kmARCNo 😣 I couldn't find why the services do not restart upon reboot14:30
kmARCI'm kinda lost, but will try my best until SYD.14:30
spotzkmARC: Are you using devstack?14:31
ildikovkmARC: is the latest version up that you're working on?14:31
kmARCNote that it installs and works properly, it just doesn't survive the reboot, bc MySQL and rabbitmq cannot be started14:32
ildikovkmARC: asking from the perspective of what are we giving to the students tomorrow14:32
ildikovkmARC: and also to see whether someone from the team here could help?14:32
spotzkmARC: I thought it didn't handle reboots well? Personally in my labs I'm doing a ./stack.sh pulling everything down, unstack.sh. Then switching to offload and running another stack.sh when labs are needed14:32
kmARCWell, I though we ditch the image for now. I mean we give them links and resources and we send an update email to them when it's ready14:33
kmARCspotz: unstack.sh is very unreliable14:33
jungleboyjspotz:  Cinder never handles the reboots well but it is an easily recognizable problem and easy fix.14:38
jungleboyjkmARC: Hope you all have fun in Copenhagen14:41
spotzkmARC: devstack is very unreliable....:)14:41
diablo_rojo_phonI think we need the image..even if we go back to a previous version.14:42
spotzdiablo_rojo_phon: I agree, and we can get away with using an older image because most of the cert tests are on older versions:)14:47
jungleboyjspotz:  ++14:51
spotzAnd just to put it out there - WoO may be doing this as an outing or we can do it ourselves - https://www.tripadvisor.com/AttractionProductDetail-g255060-d11461026-Sydney_Ghost_Walking_Tour-Sydney_New_South_Wales.html14:52
jungleboyjWe all at least have some experience with pitfalls on the older image.  :-)  Not that I am there to worry about it.14:52
jungleboyjspotz:  Oooh, I had been looking at that ... or one of the Ghost tours.14:53
spotzjungleboyj: Yeah but chances are you'll be worrying about it in Sydney:)14:53
spotzjungleboyj: We have to ghost tour!!!!14:53
* jungleboyj doesn't worry.14:53
spotzjungleboyj: hehe15:01
spotzsticker resistence from github!!!!!18:05
spotzOk back to Ceilometer and if any one knows how to phonetically pronounce Aodh much appreciated I've been calling it 'A'18:06
jungleboyjspotz:  You need to mount the sticker resistance!20:54
spotzjungleboyj: I wrote them back and explained what OpenStack summit was and that they'd been providing the sheets and stickers since 10/1620:55
spotzleast I think that's when Tokyo was:)20:55
spotzoh maybe 10/1520:55
spotzI think I put that20:55
jungleboyjYeah, 10/15 ...20:55
jungleboyjGod, was Tokyo that long ago?20:55
spotzI count the passage of time by summits...20:56
jungleboyj:-)  Yeah, that is kind of where my life is headed as well.21:00
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