Tuesday, 2017-08-08

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ildikovkmARC: mrmartin: csatari: gmann: asettle: meeting on #openstack-meeting-3 if you are available :)09:02
gmannildikov, thanks09:03
ildikovgmann: np :)09:03
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spotzearly birds!15:58
* jungleboyj was sleeping soundly16:00
spotzI used to be on the pony during that meeting but I think even I was still asleep during it now16:03
ildikovthe today's meeting wasn't for US time zones for sure :)16:09
ildikovwe went through the same agenda as last week to have people up to date on the other side of the globe too16:10
ildikovwe're also progressing with moving the VM script files to a repo under the openstack namespace16:10
jungleboyjildikov: :-)  Sounds good.16:11
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