Monday, 2018-04-16

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jamesmcarthurVW: mrhillsman: the wiki has 1400 UTC listed as todays meet time14:40
jamesmcarthurFuture Proposed Meeting: "Monday, Apr 16, 2018 at 1400 UTC - Odd Week" in (freenode) #openstack-uc14:40
VWargh - sorry14:41
VWI was dealing with kids who forgot things at school and such14:41
VWI just got in the office actually :(14:41
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jamesmcarthurVW: np :)14:46
jamesmcarthurThe agenda is pretty slim14:46
apriceI did want to discuss any final user survey feedback as well as discuss some user feedback we got on an internal call if possible, but I can also do via email14:47
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VWyes - aprice.  I'll drop a note saying that we got ourselves confused again :( and you can bring up the user survey stuff from there14:54
VWI'll clean up the wiki14:54
VWand try to get my @#$% in order ;)14:55
apriceperfect - thanks!~14:57
spotzaprice: Survey looked good from my end14:58
apriceawesome - thanks spotz!15:02
VWjamesmcarthur: you think we can "finalize" the list of UC events in Vancover next week?15:15
jamesmcarthuryes sir, i believe so15:15
VWok - cool - roughed out
VWwe can add too for next week15:17
VWemail ETA - 5-10 minutes15:17
spotzjamesmcarthur: You snagged diversity WG a WG spot for Vancouver?15:20
jamesmcarthurspotz: we haven't put WG or BoFs on teh schedule yet15:21
jamesmcarthurDid you fill out the form that I posted?15:21
jamesmcarthursure - let me send it15:21
spotzThank you sir!15:21
spotzjamesmcarthur: DOne:)15:25
spotzvw - if this week is odd, then next week is even no?15:27
* VW sends reply15:27
spotzvw - I admit my calendar if off cause it's set for every other week15:28
jamesmcarthuryeah... it's really confusing15:29
jamesmcarthurother thing we needed to address was a time for Asian UC attendees15:29
* VW points to agenda item 5 for next week15:31
spotzjamesmcarthur - I think if we throw out a late in the day one that would work if I remember Tokyo right. The 14:00 meeting is when I'm running in from the barn15:32
spotzAnd I'm guessing that does;t work for them?15:33
jamesmcarthurVW: got it, sorry about that15:33
VWno, you are fine15:33
VWjust pointing out I remembered the same15:33
VWand wrote it down before limited braincells let go of the fact15:33
jamesmcarthurspotz: it would have to be very late at night, like 9pm or so15:33
jamesmcarthuranyway, we can discuss on the next meeting15:34
jamesmcarthuror whenever you're not running from a barn15:34
spotzjamesmcarthur: :) I thought about seeing if everyone want to go see Advengers then realized I'm horse showing opening weekend!15:34
jamesmcarthurI've already got tickets! Though I do not have a horse.15:35
spotzI think we'll end up going to see it the first Wednesday it's out15:35
spotzLuckily I hadn't gotten tickets yet15:36
mrhillsmanapologies, had quite a few things this morning, may end up missing meeting as i have to resolve gas leak with my water heater15:49
spotzmrhillsman: No worries, hope you turned off the gas in the meantime?15:54
mrhillsmanyep, gas company turned off gas and then i had to wait a day for someone to turn it back on which while they were doing that inspected things and found leak at water heater so left gas there off15:55
VWmeeting was the early one today mrhillsman15:55
VWwe all missed it :)15:55
mrhillsmani have a new respect for people who have to or choose to take cold showers15:55
spotzI was kinda here!15:55
VWfair enough15:55
spotzmrhillsman: Yeah we had to for a week after a hurricane15:56
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