Friday, 2016-12-16

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joehuanghello, jiawei and dongfeng, if you work on the same BP, table cleaning, please discuss with each other how to colloborate02:52
dongfengen, i prepare to write the spec ahout the table cleaning.02:54
dongfengand jiawei does the clean work.02:54
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joehuanghello is liuzyu online?03:26
joehuangplease check your comments and reply to consider your -1, thanks03:27
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dongfenghello, joe, I had a talk with jiawei, and he handles the table clean which is high relevant to his quota work. and next part I will deal with it.07:17
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zhiyuanhi is liuzyu online? i have replied to your comment in patch 394825, if you agree with me, please remove the -1 vote, or we can have further discussion07:46
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dongfenghello, about pod table, here are two questions: 1) is it necessary to change pod_name to region_name as joe suggested? 2) is there any field removed? for example, az_name, pod_az_name?13:31
dongfengI remember zhiyuan's suggestion that the az related operation should be removed, so pod table's attributes needs some changes?13:33
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