Monday, 2025-03-03

fricklertc-members: with the new cycle starting, I'd like to once again suggest you to reconsider doing meetings on zoom (where I still won't participate)10:05
mharley[m]Got it, gouthamr. Thanks!10:08
spotz[m]frickler: Is there a platform you would? I understand why we try to do one a month but it's actually more work if you take good notes in the channel for the log13:14
fricklerspotz[m]: mostly not, there's also timezone and language issues. I might join meetpad for specific topics, but if the result would be less effort being invested into taking notes, that would be another reason not to do so13:58
cardoefrickler: I'd like to understand why you don't participate? Is it the tool? Is it the medium? I don't necessarily think it's a bad idea for us to have an alternate medium than IRC on some regular cadence to get potential involvement of others. There's also something to be said about a sync call like that providing a different connection for folks.14:39
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fricklercardoe: it's difficult. objecting to zoom as non-free tool is the most important part, but I'd also have problems with listening and speaking otherwise, in addition to being uncomfortable with video sharing and the meeting time being outside my usual office hours16:05
fungiwhile not on the tc these days (we abolished weekly meetings in favor of asynchronous engagement when i was), i'll note that i often miss the "video" tc meeting week due to the general proliferation of conference calls resulting in unavoidable conflicts, though i still try to interject through irc when necessary and have that conveyed to the call participants16:09
fungii was personally disappointed to see later incarnations of the tc reinstate meetings, but at least we laid enough groundwork with rollcall voting in gerrit and policy improvements requiring things to be socialized on the mailing list that the current state of meetings is not nearly so bad as they were in earlier times16:11
gouthamrfrickler: hey, yes, we should actively reconsider this stuff with each new TC term17:04
gouthamrfrickler: on my own part, i don't mind the video meetings.. i see people like to watch the recordings we post on youtube.. but, i hate zoom myself, and proposed to use meetpad, but i was in the minority the last time this came up17:06
gouthamrour PTG session last few times was on meetpad, and we didn't have any issues.. 17:08
gouthamrand i see a lot of people not using video, that's totally fine.. just before i start recording, i ask folks to go off video if they're uncomfortable.. (that's been an unspoken norm with every community A/V meeting from way before COVID iirc) 17:11
gouthamrenglish is the native language to a small subset of the TC, so i can totally get the rest of us may find it more comfortable typing rather than speaking it... 17:13
gouthamrwhich is totally an option17:13
gouthamras a meeting host, i pay attention to the IRC channel here, and any chat that's going on on the video platform17:14
fungias noted earlier, your diligence in that regard is greatly appreciated!17:14
gouthamrso i can catch what fungi says ^17:14
gouthamrhaha, jinx17:14

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