opendevreview | Merged openstack/governance master: Fix links to chair responsibilities in TC Guide | 03:44 |
frickler | tc-members: what we missed to discuss yesterday is this fix for releasing freezer-api, which is blocking the rc1 process. essentially this change only adopts the governance data to the new structure that is already in place in the release repo | 09:25 |
frickler | maybe we can expedite this as kind of typo fix so we don't have to wait the whole week? | 09:26 |
frickler | actually seems to be good enough to merge it in the current state, but I'm fine with waiting for gouthamr to confirm later today | 09:28 |
gmann | yes, it is as part of project-updates and I think it is eligible to merge but yes let's wait for gouthamr to run the magic script and confirm | 15:24 |
gouthamr | ty for checking frickler, done | 15:59 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/governance master: Add separate freezer-api deliverable | 16:06 |
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