Friday, 2025-03-14

opendevreviewDmitriy Chubinidze proposed openstack/openstack-manuals master: Revert "docs: increasing file descriptor limit"
*** elodilles_pto is now known as elodilles08:19
*** ralonsoh_ is now known as ralonsoh09:49
clarkbthere was a big push at one point to build pdf versions of project docs. Unfortunately, installing the tooling to do that can be slow: as can the actual pdf build (which timed out):20:48
clarkbI don't recall the original motiviation for pdf docs, but maybe we should reconsider buildingthem on every change if they are less reliable and instead do a daily doc update or something along those lines?20:49
clarkbor otherwise look into improving the throughput of those builds. I know the toolchain is fairly large which is part of hte problem. but then maybe there are ways to get pdf generation to go quicker20:51
fungispotz[m]: maybe you recall, was that something that came out of ops discussions at some point?20:59
gouthamrsounds reasonable to make the pdf builds periodic instead of per-commit21:11
gouthamrwe could add a disclaimer that the pdf doc may be stale by <24 hours if we do it this way.. 21:12
clarkblooks like in the example I put there it instaleld all of the pdf build deps then timed out when building the regular docs21:19
clarkbit never even got to pdf doc builds21:19
clarkbso there are several slow bits and they add up. Looks like we are doing sphinx-build -j auto at least21:21
clarkbin cinder21:21
clarkbhowever cinder's pdf-docs target doesn't use -j auto21:21
clarkbI suspect that projects with large amounts of documentation are going to be more prone to timing out. Every project building pdf docs has to incur the pdf toolchain install cost, but its when the docs are slow to build due to their size that we trip over the job timeouts21:23

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