Thursday, 2025-02-27

opendevreviewMauricio Harley proposed openstack/governance master: Add Mauricio Harley as PTL for Barbican
spotz[m]So this makes me wonder... are we better off with a longer nomination period, campaigning (optional unless voting needed), then go back to the older voting length?15:47
gouthamri initially proposed that the campaigning and voting periods overlap - so the extra time to vote would include the campaigning window as well.. if someone votes early, and then decides to change their mind through the campaigning period, they could edit their ballot15:50
clarkbwere there any elections this time? I'm not sure why a longer voting period would help anything if we have nothing to vote on typically15:51
gouthamrno, we increased the voting period to 3 weeks in anticipation of elections15:52
gouthamrand we didn't need it for this round15:52
clarkboh I see15:53
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Add TC/PTL results from 2025.2 election
spotz[m]We were hoping longer voting would get more participation when there is voting. But as this election showed even with more emails we had late nominations19:56
fungii think some baseline late nomination count is simply a constant19:58
fungidoesn't matter how long we give people or how many ways and times we remind them19:59
spotz[m]They're always JUST late:(20:27
opendevreviewGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/governance master: Appoint Mauricio Harley as PTL for Barbican
clarkbnothing like missing a deadline to hurry up and get something done20:44
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Add Extra-ACs to the tech committee repos
TheJuliafor some reason, the Mandalorian comes to mind suddenly.21:58
fungibecause... this is the way?22:01

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