clarkb | gmann: gtema cardoe fungi I've done a bit of thinking about PBR and how to incrementally step it along to modern python packaging sanity. I think the first step is likely to have everything add pyproject.toml files being very explicit about their build and install time dependencies that way. This includes PBR (so far PBR has not added a pyproject.toml out of fear that if we got | 16:12 |
clarkb | the implementation wrong it may break but things seem to mostly work so far). Then PBR can add an explicit runtime dependency on setuptools for python3>=3.12 (might do the same thing wiht six) | 16:12 |
cardoe | That makes sense to me. | 16:12 |
clarkb | At that point anything needing PBR to build and install pacakges should be using pyproject.toml and have that angle covered and anything needing PBR at runtime should lsit in requirements.txt which will transitively pull in setuptools | 16:12 |
clarkb | at that point I think we're in a pretty good compatibility position and can start refactoring/rewriting/removing bits of PBR that make less sense | 16:13 |
clarkb | but that s a bit more handwavy as I'm not sure what all we would do along those lines | 16:14 |
cardoe | Yeah I was wanting to bring up that we should require our packages to be PEP 517 compliant (I think that’s what setup tools calls the requirement to have a pyproject.toml calling out your build deps) | 16:14 |
fungi | technically pbr does have a pyproject.toml file but under a different name so that it won't get used automatically for now | 16:14 |
clarkb | fungi: yes its just a matter of renaming the file I think and making a release of that and ensuriong we didn't break anything | 16:15 |
fungi | it's shipped as "pyproject.toml.future" | 16:15 |
clarkb | if we do break things we pull the release from pypi and figure it out from there | 16:15 |
fungi | though also, i've been using pbr as a pyproject.toml build backend just fine for a year or two in some test projects, so it should "just work" | 16:16 |
clarkb | yup | 16:16 |
clarkb | I would do the runtime requirements addition as a separate release as I'm actually more concerned about that not quite working as expected for projects that haven't moved to a prproject.toml yet | 16:16 |
clarkb | specifically I'm not sure how the old sometimes easy_install path might handle pulling in those dependencies to install pbr as a build dep | 16:17 |
clarkb | in theory it would noop on those systems since setuptools and six are already going to be there I Think | 16:17 |
clarkb | but there is possibility we accidentally something | 16:17 |
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