Friday, 2024-08-16

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opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/election master: Adding Riccardo Pittau candidacy as PTL for Ironic for 2025.1
gmanngouthamr: can you please let me know anything else we need to do to merge this change, deadline is passed for DPL reset and this is still hanging
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Define testing runtime for 2025.1 release
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opendevreviewVladimir Kozhukalov proposed openstack/election master: Add Vladimir Kozhukalov candidacy for Openstack-Helm 2025.1 PTL
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gouthamrhey gmann: we’ve spoken a lot about these Oslo patches; I understand we have a policy to do this before elections, but, resetting with that -1 from damani would send the wrong signal imho - it creates a window of time where Oslo is expecting a PTL; when that’s not the case… an unnecessary churn when we know people are probably not responding because of the holidays. I think it’s okay to take the time here and hash out the DPL 22:15
gouthamrliaisons like we’re doing.. I don’t see a risk; if you still want me to workflow this, I can defer to your judgement and just do it :) no disrespect here, just probably thick to reduce process…22:15
gouthamrthe project’s leadership hasn’t changed for 2024.2; liaisons are changing evidently for 2025.1… we’ll get the consensus we need and wrap this up when we have attention from folks.22:16
gouthamrif im in over my head about this, I know you’ll let me know :D22:18
* gouthamr takes these comments to the gerrit review as well22:18
fungifrom a practical standpoint, i doubt merging the interim change will create any real temporary confusion in the community about how the oslo team is governed22:20
fungibut there's also probably no real urgency to do so22:20
fungii guess what i'm saying is that basically the only people paying any attention to governance docs for openstack probably have plenty of context with which to interpret this situation22:21
fungiand ~nobody else cares ;)22:21
gouthamrif we merge this; the correct thing to do would also to advertise a PTL election for Oslo 22:29
gouthamrand probably everyone ignores it and we go ahead with life 😄22:30
gouthamrim super glad that this process has created a critical checkpoint; allowed teams to remove inactive liaisons and nominate new ones by the TC’s insistence 22:37
fungiprobably any way the tc decides to deal with it will be fine in the end because it seems to just be a temporary situation for a week or so until people come back from some well-deserved vacations and can respond22:58

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